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Revenge is best served indirectly

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Morire January 21st 2014, 12:49 pm

Doctor Mor, having spent the evening repairing his body with alchemy and science... Thirteen stitches in his side takes care of most of the damage done by those fools...

Calling on an old friend, Jimmy the Snitch, the doctor tries to explain the situation.."Jimmy, my cover has been blown in the LAH. I need to get to ground, and find other similarly minded individuals. Can you help me?"

there is a long pause before jimmy answers, "Weeeellll I guess suggest a place or two... and I could put out the word on the grapevine."

"I will, of course pay the usual fee."

"Oh! Now we's talkin the language I speak, get a pen... I'll getcha an address..."

the doctor sighs lightly in relief.

Go to the Millineum Biltmoore, Just off 110, You will be registered under Professor Jackson.  

"Thank you Jimmy." he says as he hangs up the phone. Packing his items and heading quickly across town, taking a bus because of the damnable hero destroying his car...

as he is arriving he receives a text message with a phone number and Scary Lady, might help you

After the new 'Professor Jackson' gets to his room he calls the number with a burnable cell phone
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Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Re: Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Humanity January 21st 2014, 1:49 pm

.      The very soul of caution and wit, Helena had embarked into this world, setting it ablaze in the short time of her existence. She not only managed to raise speculation that SHE was the heir to the illustrious multi-billion Gene-Tech. She had just gotten off the phone with the doctor as well, claiming that Zell Atterrius' DNA WAS in fact inside of her cells, proving that she was indeed his child or sibling. A beautiful smile drew along her sculpted, flawless face. Gene-Tech was the worlds leader in genetic research and gene-engineering, going as far as to even create weaponized monsters... monster's Helena would soon own.

    "Miss Atterrius, your design form the charity event went better than we expected! They want you to design another for next month!" The excitable intern said as she almost leapt for joy. Helena's eyebrows went up and her eyes blinked slowly.

     "Better than YOU expected maybe, but I have total faith in my craft. Thank you kindly dear." She said as she took the portfolio our of the young intern's hand. Helena rolled her eyes with a smile. Humans were so petty and so easily amused...and they were always somehow so surprised when the obvious happened. TO be such a simplistic creature must surely have it's benefits. To exist...working for the one woman who was the harbinger, the forerunner of the absolute end...

   Her phone rang, it was not something of importance likely, but it was in fact her private cellular device, and so it means someone had gone through rather great lengths to get her attention. No human on earth was worthy of her time...though perhaps she could entertain herself with pointless prattle. Besides...her "empathic acting" could use some work....

     "Hello?" She almost sang into the phone, trying to sound warm, friendly and inviting.


Revenge is best served indirectly Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Re: Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Morire January 21st 2014, 2:00 pm

The doctor hesitates slightly, having been expecting an answering machine.

A similarly friendly voice replies, "Hello, This is Professor Jackson. I am looking to speak with your boss, Miss."

The doctor walks around the spacious room anxiously, awaiting the response and praying that Jimmy hadn't set him up.

the doctor takes a small silver cylinder out of his satchel... rolling it around and around between his fingers of his right hand...
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Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Re: Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Humanity January 21st 2014, 2:13 pm

"Last time I checked I was the owner of the company, but then again I might be the one who's wrong. Let me check." She said, flipping the pages of her nearby portfolio and then closing them loud enough to be heard over the telephone. "Nope, nothing's change. You wanted the boss and you got her. What can I help you with?" She asked, still keeping a civil guise.

     "Is it about a return, did you wish to commission for a design, hold that thought sir." She explained. Meanwhile she continued to search over her desk for her little Bluetooth device. After finding it she put it in her ear and pressed the button, standing up and closing the phone, putting it in her purse before slinging it over her shoulder. "I'm sorry about that, my staff seems to need me for something or another constantly. You'd think their parents warned them about interrupting a woman on the phone. Anyways sir, what business do you have?" she asked again, pretending to be curious but all the more secretly dismissive of the presumed human on the other side of the line.


Revenge is best served indirectly Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Re: Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Morire January 21st 2014, 2:26 pm

"I am sorry Ma'am, usually the boss doesn't answer her phone directly." he says, fawning shamelessly

"No, I..." but stops because she ordered him to. the doctor grips the metal tube in anger. This woman... dismissing a man with the power he wielded... But I was told she was dangerous... I must endure these insults in order to achieve my revenge... he thinks

he waits very impatiently, but when she returns he says in the same friendly voice, "A meeting. I request for a meeting between the two of us; I had a run in with beings of unnatural talent, and I need help identifying them.
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Re: Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Humanity January 21st 2014, 3:29 pm

Helena froze for a moment. Not worried...but indeed surprised. This person had heard of her, which means he was well acquainted with a certain someone of mutual interest. With the underhanded bargains and the black-market trades she's made she was of no doubt renowned enough in certain circles...unfortunately for them, it was all circles beneath her that she did not care about.

"Fine, you want a meeting. Tell me where to be." She said, a bit more gravitas to her voice, a rather confident tone. The kind of tone that was used by one who had no fear but also had no caution, something that was truly deceptive about her. She left the office, getting into her little sports car before donning her driving sunglasses and driving off to meet this "Doctor Jackson" character. She turned the music on, relaxing a little as she made her way tot he destination of the Doctor's choosing.

Little man had better have a good reason for this...


Revenge is best served indirectly Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Re: Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Morire January 21st 2014, 3:45 pm

hearing the pause the doctor smiles...

"Ten AM, Cafe Pinot. Tomorrow morning. Please have a good evening Ma'am." the doctor says and hangs up quickly.

letting out a low sigh... the doctor smiles as he starts toward the bathroom, stripping off his dirty labcoat, slacks, and untying his shoes with ease of long practiced motions, standing under the steaming water...

getting to the Cafe at eight AM would not be fun without a car.

[The Next Day]

Professor Jackson is sitting at one of the back booths, with a cup of steaming tea next to one hand. he had arrived quite early to prepare for this meeting. his satchel is inside of a professional looking briefcase by his feet.

A thick sheaf of papers sit in front of him, he occasionally scribes something onto the page. His black hair is short and professional, his jacket is tweed and his pants are tan slacks.
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Re: Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Humanity January 21st 2014, 5:27 pm

The man did not seriously just do that...did he? Well this was an...interesting turn of events. She smirked. If the man was not smart enough to know better than to hang up on her, then he obviously wasn't smart enough to know someone of her class would NEVER be seen in such a place with a stranger. The media talks after all. She smiled at her phone as she closed it and tilted her head with a smile at the traffic before her.

"No...I think we're going to alter that plan." She said a mischievous fae like giggle escaping her throat as she continued on her way to her apartment. She arrived, the lights turning on as the door opened. Her heels clicked as she continued through the posh and fancy apartment, leaving her handbag on the entrance door and descending the three wooden steps to the living room with the large wall mounted television, the shining hardwood floors, and the large scraggly ghost wolf laying on it.

"HA! Mama's home!" The dog yipped with a large toothy smile, it's cold black ghostly fog sliding the beast over to Hel, who pouted her lips and bent at the knees, squatting to the wolf's glowing red eyes.

"Yes Shucky, mommy's home." She said, doting over her little "creation". The wolf seemed pleased by it's "mother's" affection, and soon two more beings joined the room. One being a rather fine looking gentleman, the other was a cloaked like creature, it's cloak truly being nothing more than it's mothy wings. These three legendary creatures...resurrected by Hel, the mother of monsters, and now in her service.

"M-m-mom-mommy's H-home!" The gentleman looking creature exclaimed. The more enthusiastic he got, the more his inhuman vampiric features had shown. Hel put a hand on the creature's cheek and pulled it down as she turned to the "cloaked" being. This creature simply gurgled happily as she approached and she wrapped her arms around her creation.

"Moth...mommy needs a favor..." She said almost as if she were pleading for help, despite the sinister smile forming on her lips.

* * * * * * Break * * * * * * *

The doctor was waiting, exactly as Hel expected. The man insults her and then has the nerve to come unprepared for trouble? Such a disappointment. Unfortunately for the Doctor, Hel had no intentions of meeting him. Well, she did, just not in such a low-class state of things. Mommy's little boys were already in action. A black mist seeped in through from beneath the kitchen door, making it's way to the booth. Before the doctor knew it, he was enraptured in the smoke and where he once was, he was now gone without a trace. Old Shuck transported the Doctor out of the window and took off down the street to a rather upper-class establishment, a fine dining area. Shuck appeared in the men's restroom the dog growling with Spring-heeled Jack holding a suit of his own, offering it up to the doctor, meanwhile Mothman just clung to the bathroom ceiling making strange noises. The doctor was probably shocked but the wolf just gave out it's large goofy laugh, showing it's fangs and shaking it's shaggy head.

"Table seven sir!" He said, with a chuckle before bursting into hyena like laughter. Shuck and the creatures vanished in Shuck's black smoke and left the doctor alone to confront Hel. Meanwhile her little pets would be positioning themselves in case then needed to come to their mother's aid. The moment the doctor would emerge form the bathroom Hel would wave him down with a kind smile.

(Hel's using Nether in EP form. Grid shift to Mother of Monsters.)


Revenge is best served indirectly Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Re: Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Morire January 21st 2014, 5:41 pm

"Damn... should have expected... long slow sigh... " Would you mind turning away sir?" he says, staying away from the thing on the ceiling...

He dresses in the suit efficiently, no stranger to suits. brushing his hair down and taking his cell phone an wallet out of his other clothes.

"Sadly you didn't bring my size shoes... I'll have to commit social Faux pas, by wearing brown shoes with a black suit." he quips as he walks out... brushing the slight sheen of sweat off of his forehead.

He walks to the table Hel is sitting at and bows at the waist, "You have made quite the impact miss...?

The history of Dr. Mor.:

Revenge is best served indirectly Mor_gr12
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Re: Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Humanity January 22nd 2014, 7:35 pm

. The man jested about his shoes. Old Shuck was still laughing like a damn hyena from his little 'hiding spot' in the shadows. Apparently the Doctor had made a good impression upon him. Mothman was on the ceiling, resting in a manner that made him seem as if he were part of the "decorum" of the fine establishment. The gentleman looking creature then took to a booth not far away. The Doctor presented himself, walking form the bathroom as he made his way to the table.

   "Hel, if you please." She said, a light and friendly request in tone, though in her mind it was more of a warning. She smiled and offered her own gloved hand as she stood up. "It's a pleasure to put a name with a face Professor. I'm very sorry, but you didn't give me the opportunity to tell you about the change of hung up on me rather quickly. I just assumed from how I heard of you on the phone that a place such as this was a much more suitable location for people of our stature." She explained, seemingly to be truly sorry in her presentation as she sat down. The waiter waltzed by and asked for drinks to begin. Hel simply smiled, the waiter already knew it was the usual for her.

    "Now, Professor. Why don't you tell me about these little..."problems" you've been having?" She requested, keeping proper posture and looking to the Doctor with a rather intrigued look on her face, though as always she was vigilant.


Revenge is best served indirectly Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Re: Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Morire January 22nd 2014, 7:56 pm

"Miss Hel, I was in a rush to prepare for today, I did not mean to appear rude. I am afraid this sort of place is.... outside of my price range." he speaks the half-truth while taking a seat gingerly... watching the area around himself carefully; believing whole-heartedly half of the people in the place are gunmen employed by the woman across from him.

"Ah... Yes...I would like some Darjeeling tea, with clover honey please, sir." he says to the waiter, ordering the hot beverage without looking away from the dangerous, and attractive woman across from himself.

Once waiter leaves the doctor speaks in a low voice "I was accosted by two men last night, one was using an advanced large-caliber weapon from a nearby rooftop, while the other can create weaponry out of nothing, and outrun a speeding car. I do not know who they are, nor what they want. I wish to find out and make them pay dearly for what they attempted. his body posture and voice stay conversational, but a muscle in his jaw stands out, as if he is fighting against himself to not grit his teeth.

" I am sure you understand why I could not go to the police in this matter." he hisses, and quiets as the waiter begins his journey from the kitchen to the table

The history of Dr. Mor.:

Revenge is best served indirectly Mor_gr12
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Re: Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Humanity January 22nd 2014, 9:39 pm

.      "Well then It's a good thing you're keeping good company, isn't it Professor?" Hel said simply in response to the "price range" issue. It was clear to her now that things were not as they seemed. Not that it was highly unexpected...she offered him the suit after all. The man ordered a rather nice drink, and he looked around. Observation... a GOOD trait to have especially dealing with one such as Hel. A fine taste, a precise desire, shifty eyes... He already told her more than he probably realized. She just smiled as she listened to him speak of assailants. She listened with a small smirk and a little chuckle here and there. She found it rather adorable that this human found it difficult adjusting to the meta-human threats of this little dull world they lived in. He ended on the note as to why he couldn't go to the police with this matter, and it made her chuckle.

     "Well I'd only send the police if I wanted them dead. The police I mean." She said as the waiter poured her the strange blush colored liquid. She took the class, touching as little of it as possible and sipping. "Thank you Jonathan." she said with a disarming smile and she turned her attentions back to the Professor. The Waiter, Jonathan asked if he could provide food, to which Hel allowed the doctor to place his order. Hel nodded to the waiter, who chuckled and stated "the usual" as he always did, turning and walking away.

    "So tell me Professor. What exactly do you WANT from me dear? You want me to gather the information, or you want little old me to try and fight them?" She asked. It was almost laughable to hear the prim and proper lady asking such a concept so innocently, The woman certainly looked more of the part for having high tea with the queen, rather than fighting on the front lines... or in the back of alley's in this circumstance.


Revenge is best served indirectly Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Re: Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Morire January 22nd 2014, 9:54 pm

"I will not impose upon Miss Hel's generosity." the doctor states when asked about food.

he sniffs the drink slowly, savoring the exquisite smell, closing his eyes...

behind their closed lids his eyes change, pupils morphing to vertical slits; irises turning purple, using an old witch trick to detect poisons...sensing none, his features revert to normal, and his eyes slip open "This is exquisite, ma'am, thank you for your generosity." he says after taking a modest sip of the steaming beverage.

"Do not be vacuous, miss, I only wish to know their names. I would never exceed the boundaries of new acquaintances by asking you to soil your hands in my name. The doctor laughs slightly... and winces from a lance of pain in his side, his throat clamping shut, stifling a groan.

The history of Dr. Mor.:

Revenge is best served indirectly Mor_gr12
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Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Re: Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Humanity January 22nd 2014, 10:25 pm

"Please Professor, you're making this seem like it is a large ordeal. I assure you this is no issue at all." She assured him kindly, still struggling to keep a human composure in the face of adversity. She took another sip from the little glass, a swig of the blush liquid disappearing and causing her to dab her mouth with the napkin provided. The man had told her not to be so vacuous. She giggled playfully at this. She hummed as she leaned over the table.

    "Vacuous is an interesting choice of word. You either mean that I am without content, or that I offered a rather unintelligent idea. To which I must tell you Professor... either are incorrect." Hel said, not in a confrontational manner, but an informative one. If the man wished to have a battle of wits, then she would oblige him. She smiled as she cleared her throat. "Well... Honestly professor we need to get down to brass tax here. Right here, and now, we drop all facades. From this moment forward in the eyes of the public this conversation is as real as the tooth fairy. Honesty amongst us means that this little 'conflict' of yours can be resolved... I will also assume you have a reason to... "incline" me to participate in your vengeance. I shall start us off in this honesty... My name is Hel, and I am the child of very powerful creatures. I'll also tell you quite clearly that the powers you've described... large caliber weapons and random weapon manifestation.... this is sounds like a warm up to me." she whispered softly.

   The tone of her voice somehow dark and alluring but also very quiet, hushed and matter of fact. She was confident, and it radiated form her, her hushed tone adding a certain gravitas to it all. This woman was a dark angle of afterlife to the man, the only question left was what incentive he could offer her in return. She leaned back, not in a threatening manner but in a relaxed honest manner. She cleared her throat by taking another sip of the blush drunk in her glass and smiled sweetly.
   "Hello... My name is Hel." She said, extending her hand urging the concept of starting again. There would be no facades... or there would be no mercy.


Revenge is best served indirectly Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Revenge is best served indirectly Empty Re: Revenge is best served indirectly

Post by Morire January 22nd 2014, 11:02 pm

The doctor seems only slightly surprised when she defines Vacuous... he takes a slight  sip of his tea again... rubbing his side over his stitches, he closes his eyes in pain.

"Miss Hel, It is nice to make your acquaintance. I am Professor Jackson. I did not mean to insult you. his tone is quite apologetic, and he bows his head

he sets the simple cup back on its dish, setting both hands slowly on the table, trying not to  make any movements that could be considered aggressive.

"The first man, was wearing something like a uniform, Light blue with a white stripe, white hair, a noble looking face, quite young, sharp nails capable of tearing through metal. He was not human." he says voice barely audible. "When we find these people. I am going to exact my revenge. I will kill them both. The method does not matter, and if you wish to actively participate with the vengeance I will exact, I will graciously accept.

The doctor doesn't want her knowing his identity...Yet... He doesn't trust the woman.

"Are we at the stage of discussing price? or did I miss that part already. he says attempting levity...

The history of Dr. Mor.:

Revenge is best served indirectly Mor_gr12
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Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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