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King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal)

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King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal) - Page 2 Empty Re: King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal)

Post by Zell February 9th 2014, 3:50 pm

"I witness this oath." Godsbane said plainly. Ouroboros held out his hand and reality warped around it, twisting and suddenly a pale aqua fire flickered away, the blade Imperium appearing, letting out a hum that was soothing and tranquility-inducing to those whom could hear it. The blade appeared but as one looked down the blade they could notice that the blade manifested already piercing Neal's chest. He would not die, nor would he bleed, but instead he would likely begin to feel hollow, empty and without purpose or emotion. Ouroboros knew that feeling too well...he had felt that not long before he had ascended into Ultima energy. Though that was a matter of bloodline, and not choice. Regardless the empty feeling would soon vanish as the Etherium reached out, Yggdrasil itself linking and burying a branching root into his very essence. The root would pull form the man, taking it's soul into the proverbial life-tree and leaving an invisible tethering behind, forever linking Neal to the Etherium.

The sensation one could expect would be akin to that of being blind and finally seeing. His mind would be enlightened, he could not only hear, but see and smell things. He could effectively feel the pull of Ethereal energy, and at this point there was no longer any hiding the fact that Ouroboros was seething with a perfect harmony of both dark and pure energies as a new form of power, as Ultima. He smiled as Neal's eyes changed to dimly glow in the darkness. He found himself almost jealous of Neal, to experience an ascension from mortal to something that mortals worship. To feel the warmth of a thousand suns inside you but never get burned, and yet have the power to heal or burn others. Within an instant Imperium vanished and the gap in the middle of Neal's chest would seal over as if his skin were clay, returning to normal once healed.

"Are you okay brother?" Ouroboros asked, a hand on Neal's shoulders trying to gauge the man's reaction.

The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Number of posts : 1417
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal) - Page 2 Empty Re: King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal)

Post by Neal Winters February 9th 2014, 5:11 pm

Neal heard the book speak of it's witness to the oath, and then a sword started forming in Zell's hand. It was a strange sword, letting out a hum that seemed tranquil and soothing. As Neal looked at the blade itself, he could see that his chest was pierced. He was getting nervous, but then flooded with a lack of emotion. He felt entirely hollow, as if there was no point in living at that moment and that nothing mattered. Very shortly then, he began to feel something akin to a root of everlasting energy within him. His sensory abilities spiked, and he felt as if he was truly seeing the world as it was. He no longer viewed the world as fleeting and with a need to rush, but as a place inhabited by people that rushed around on short lives and worried about what the next day might bring. It seemed pitiful now, that people were so rushed in their lives. He could feel an unending source of life and power inside of himself, and could feel the immortality that separated him from a person needing to rush to the next task. He saw things as they were, time felt meaningless to him. Since there was no limit to his time, he realized that there was no need to hurry about life as if it was escaping.

Neal could see the grain in the paper of the sugar packets on the table, and feel the fibers of the silk making up his shirt. He could feel even the slightest vibrations, but ignored them. He could hear the noise of insects, barely inside of this bubble of darkness. Zell asked him if he was alright, something that he could now respond to with true honest. Until now, he didn't know what "okay" really was. Before, he would have said that "okay" was only needing to worry about the day. Now, when he was thinking about the term "okay", it meant a release from pain and death, not needing to worry about what he would do the rest of the day or the next. The term "okay" was now freedom from fear, something he had never truly experienced until now. "I am feeling perfect, I have never felt better before. I can't say that "okay" can relate to us though, this feeling... it is a feeling of utter greatness. I relish the feeling that I now have, I pity those that look at the world as if "okay" means not needing to worry about the days troubles. The word okay is a word used by humanity, people who need to worry. You know that I am now above that, I will never feel he sense of "okay" again."

Neal looked around him once again, taking in the texture that he could see on this man's face. He realized that his body and perceptive abilities were far beyond what they ever were before. 'A nearly perfect body, this is something I could truly admire. I cannot believe that I actually found myself getting by before, anything below this is just sub-par living now. I would never do anything to risk this relationship, following the complete rules of my kin are a must.'

Neal Winters:
Kira Ito:
Neal Winters
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 117
Location : Lost somewhere between Insanity and Schizophrenia
Age : 33
Job : Student
Humor : Childish, with a hint of vulgarity
Registration date : 2014-01-08

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King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal) - Page 2 Empty Re: King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal)

Post by Zell February 11th 2014, 4:27 pm

"Happy Birthday." Ouroboros jested as Godsbane receded with a little growl, reminding Ouroboros about his displeasure with the transformation. It closed and the Grimoire's pages shut upon it's own accord, the book returning to Ouroboros' side. Ouroboros took a drink of his water before letting out a refreshed sigh, his eyes fading back to normal, and the remainder of the public being able to see them now. He noticed the waitress come back and ask about dessert. Ouroboros would wait to see if Neal ordered anything, and if so then he would order one as well. If not, then he would not...though he would urge Neal slightly. "Go ahead. Eat up. It's not like you need to worry about weight gain or anything like that. Might as well enjoy the taste. Just don't cost me a fortune if you'd please." He chuckled. After the waitress left to retrieve either desert or the bill, Ouroboros and Neal could speak again.

"I envy you. My transformation was not so blissful. Though that is an entirely different story. I'm glad you truly appreciate what all we are. It's rare anymore. I've not two years ago resurrected our race and some of it's youth take it for granted... feel as though being born an Ethereal means that they are entitled and superior. While it's true to be humble is a behooving trait. Oh before I forget...which I never do, interesting tid-bit." Ouroboros said as he cleared his throat, pulling out a small sphere, an orb of sorts that dimly began to glow. "My son. Silus, is the Ethereal Enchanter, and he will be able to assist you with this... I hate to do this so soon, but it will be instrumental to us at a later date...You moreso than me. Silus is on the brink of uncovering a weapon left behind by the Ethereals before us... you see, I was the last Ethereal, the last thing with the connection to the Etherium, and it was I who ripped the veil between the realms open and brought back our race from extinction... but as you know for us to have been extinct...we have to have existed. Our history is a rich one, and Silus will be able to tell you more, when you take this to him and as you help him uncover this weapon. Your reward is that you may keep the weapon after you've found it and helped Silus restore it. OF COURSE you can refuse this, it's not detrimental to our families protection...but I will get it either way...why not give it to my brother?" Ouroboros said. He was honest...though what he wasn't telling Neal was that he was in fact going to need Neal to use it in defense of his family later on...when he took the crown back from the brat-prince who usurped it while Ouroboros broke through Death. But that wouldn't be an issue...he didn't suspect anyways. Neal seemed to understand and value the oath he took, and so Ouroboros would not abuse it.

King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal) - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal) - Page 2 Empty Re: King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal)

Post by Neal Winters February 11th 2014, 10:16 pm

Neal looked around as the darkness faded, allowing him to see the rest of the room. He was shocked at how quickly his eyes adjusted to the change in light, and realized that his senses and body had vastly improved over what it had been. Neal would order the panna cotta, with berry sauce. As Zell spoke some more, speaking of envy due to his blissful transformation, Neal was enjoyed by the fact. He listened as Zell spoke about how natural born Ethereal beings feel that they are superior to those who are made, and how the humility was a necessary trait to have. He said something about an interesting tidbit, and then pulled out a small spherical glowing object. Neal was curious as to what this could be, before Zell spoke as to what he wanted Neal to do with it. Apparently, this man's son was the Ethereal Enchanter, and would be able to assist him with whatever this was. Speaking about how the Ethereal race had been extinct, Neal wondered what kind of history they could have. He would need to study it sometime, but for now he would obey the person whom he could now call brother. Neal would carry this out, and hope to do what he could to help this man.

"You have never given me a name with which to call you, I think that would be pertinent given the current scheme of things." Neal had thought about it earlier, but they had never gotten around to proper greetings. Neal's own prominence in regards to the educational world had gotten him into magazines, but this man likely did not want to be called by his human name. Especially considering that Zell was considered missing. 'Once I have his name, then I think I can begin to get on with the task at hand. Meeting Silus, my nephew, and figuring out what secrets this orb holds.' For now, Neal had reached for the orb in Zell's hand, and would then follow his command in regards to going to Silus, the Ethereal Enchanter and a nephew to him now it seemed. To have an item of the Ethereal seemed an interesting concept to Neal, it would allow him to truly label himself an Ethereal even without having the full extent of their Ethereal powers as a natural ability.

Neal Winters:
Kira Ito:
Neal Winters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 117
Location : Lost somewhere between Insanity and Schizophrenia
Age : 33
Job : Student
Humor : Childish, with a hint of vulgarity
Registration date : 2014-01-08

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King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal) - Page 2 Empty Re: King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal)

Post by Zell February 16th 2014, 11:05 pm

"Ouroboros." he said with a sigh. He was quite certain that he was going to need a refill on his water before long. He was hoping this man would help him recover the Ethereal Artifact, because regardless of his power choices, he needed the Excelsior to snuff out the fool who thought to orchestrate the entire overthrow. Godsbane tucked so tightly to him he could feel the energy coursing through the book as he breathed. "Our Isle is in a state of civil division. We have my son, Michael who...while I was dead, took control of my kingdom. I won't lie to you...I AM the Ethereal King. It was I who resurrected them, I am their god made flesh and I am not pleased with Michael's reluctance to give me back what is rightfully mine. It is with great disappointment that I need to punish Michael. Of course I could never kill him...but what happenes to him after I am victorious shall be harsh." Ouroboros sighed, obviously unhappy about the current situation.

     The Ethereal Isle recognizes Ouroboros as it's grand awakener. It's people love and adore him...but there are those whom believe Ouroboros' selfless sacrifice to save the lives of two innocents was an act of disowning his crown. They are confused and must be shown the error of their Logic. This is not your task however. Go meet with Silus. He will tell you more of the situation. Ouroboros may have welcomed you into his family...but allow me to be the first to welcome you... to war. The voice of Godsbane spoke directly to Neal's soul, telling him of his objective. Though this was something he was already told more or less. Ouroboros sighed and killed off his water greedily with a refreshed sigh and a smile.

    "Whenever you're ready you can let me know and I can transport you to the edge of the Isle to meet Silus." Ouroboros said casually with a little tap of the Grimoire which was tucked away. He then shook his head slightly and chuckled, completely forgetting to ask.... "Unless you have any questions for me specifically. All Ethereal based questions are better answered by Silus... he makes things easier to understand. I tend to overcomplicate it."

King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal) - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal) - Page 2 Empty Re: King of my Kin...Blood of my Blood. (Neal)

Post by Neal Winters February 16th 2014, 11:24 pm

Neal was glad to have an ethereal name with which to call this man by, and Ouroboros was one that sounded very kingly. It felt as if the name itself exuded a power, which was possible given that he was the man capable of resurrecting a race and coming back beyond death. "I will gladly take the orb to Silus, I think it would be good to meet more of my family. Besides, since I cannot speak to others about us, I think it would be best to meet others whom I can speak openly with." Hearing about Michael, the man who seemed to be another nephew, made Neal frightful. It seemed that if he ever ran into that man, he would need to be careful to not disclose himself as an ethereal created by the hand of Ouroboros.

'I understand this godsbane, and I appreciate your welcoming me. Even if it is just to war, I understand that you are perhaps the oldest of us and deserve reverence. I was foolish before my uplifting, and I will do whatever I can to help with this war when it is my turn.' Neal hoped that the book would be able to hear his thoughts, as it was able to project words into his core. For it to be able to hear his thoughts did not seem impossible or even improbable to him.

Neal would then respond once more to Ouroboros, knowing that it would be time to meet his nephew and gain access to this artifact and relic from the ancient ethereals. "I am ready Ouroboros. You may take me there immediately, and I will be ready to meet and help Silus get this relic working. I appreciate your time, and understand that as the king of your race, it is likely time-consuming and difficult to take time out of the schedule. Having an usurper on the throne is likely another headache you wish could just be ended, and I will do whatever I can to help."

Neal Winters:
Kira Ito:
Neal Winters
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 117
Location : Lost somewhere between Insanity and Schizophrenia
Age : 33
Job : Student
Humor : Childish, with a hint of vulgarity
Registration date : 2014-01-08

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