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You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by creator January 21st 2014, 8:37 pm

"Why must I do this?" Eeli called to himself as he walked down the streets.

The evening was bright and the sun was slowly beginning to irritate his skin. He swung his black hair behind him as he walked, letting it sit just under his shoulder blades which were covered by a short sleeved black shirt with a pair of rock wash jeans that were hanging over some black and white hightops. His eyes looked very vibrant as he scanned a nearby store. He was suppose to be looking for a person to help him with something. The life of the people here were nothing like when he lived in New Miracle city and he still had trouble getting used to things.

"And now I must find this person." He said in a very irritating tone.

He was tasked by his mother to find some guy that was supposed to appear at some store he couldn't remember in a few minutes. Apparently he wouldn't answer his phone so my mom said that he needed to be found, and somehow gave Eeli the next two days off from school to look for him. He was also suppose to start tutoring some of the kids or something like that. Eeli didn't really care and for the most part the whole reason he was looking for this guy could've been completely wrong, but it got him out of school and that's all that mattered to him. He stared at a bookstore then judged it not worth looking in and began to walk farther down the street.

"This ain't fun." He stated to himself as he turned a nearby corner.

As he did so he fell and planted himself onto the ground. He sat there for a minute, letting the pain slip in along with his feeling of embarrassment. He sat up and gave a big huff as he looked around at the seemingly ignorant crowd of people that continued to walk past.

"Well that's just rude."
He said glaring at the crowd.
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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by Neal Winters January 21st 2014, 10:12 pm

Neal was standing inside of a bookstore that sold college level texts, as well as old or rare books. Very few people were inside at the moment, and Neal almost preferred it that way, less people to irritate him. His dress for the day was his grey suit with a blue shirt and the tie. He did have the top button of his shirt undone and the tie knot loosened though, wanting to be a bit more relaxed than he usually was. However, many would not consider his current look relaxed, but Neal felt far more comfortable with the clothing a little loosened.

He was supposed to be waiting here for some boy, who's mother wrote Neal and asked for him to meet the boy. Neal had no idea who this boy was, or why his mother wanted Neal to meet him; that was irrelevant though, Neal would wait for the boy at this bookstore and see what he could do. 'Well, it seems that this person is tardy. They should arrive shortly at any rate, it is already a little later than the time she said he'd be here. It is also getting late, arriving much later than this would just be rude manners.'

Neal looked outside and saw somebody that fell to the ground, he was supposed to wait inside for some kid, but he had decided that he would instead go outside and see if he could help this person. He walked at a brisk pace toward this person, just about all he could really do for speed in fact. Still though, he wanted to see if he could help this person at all.

Neal Winters:
Kira Ito:
Neal Winters
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Humor : Childish, with a hint of vulgarity
Registration date : 2014-01-08

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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by creator January 22nd 2014, 7:40 pm

As Eeli got up people began to notice him as if he just appeared out of thin air. He pushed away from all of them as he began to walk into a book store that he noticed as he got up. A man walked up to him and almost hit him until he stopped. Eeli looked at the guy for a few minutes.

"Do you need something?" He asked as he rubbed his now aching arm.




Karah (Renegade)
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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by Neal Winters January 22nd 2014, 8:38 pm

Neal paused near the man, looking at him and wondering who this person might be. They had black hair, and looked to be quite annoyed with their current situation. Neal could tell this, but not why he was irritated or what he was doing at the moment. As Neal was about to speak to this boy, he spoke as if defensively. It sounded as if he were used to being asked for things when people approached him, Neal figured he might as well speak his truth though.

In a calm voice, Neal would begin to speak as if he had been spoken to in a very kind manner. "Yes, I noticed that you had fallen and wondered if you needed any help. I guess you are up now though, so I should probably head back to the bookstore. I was told to wait for somebody, but they are a bit late it seems." Neal showed a sign of his youth only once, reaching his arm up behind his head to scratch a little as he said the last bit while speaking.

Neal did this not because he was nervous, but because it seemed strange to him to talk about personal matters with others. It was something that he started doing when he had met Uzma weeks before. She was a woman that had invited him to stay in her guest bedroom while he was not teaching. It was something that he considered, and figured that he would just continue talking to her and thinking about the decision.

Neal would await a response from this person, his mind racing around different kinds of weapons he could build. 'It would probably be a good idea to make a more powerful weapon, mine is a bit weaker than I'd like. Having one that is capable of harming more powerful people and objects would likely be able to give me an advantage over most of the standard villains. I am just not sure what to have it do, perhaps some kind of weapon that can fire concentrated magical energy...'

Neal Winters:
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Neal Winters
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Humor : Childish, with a hint of vulgarity
Registration date : 2014-01-08

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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by creator January 22nd 2014, 8:54 pm

Eeli looked at the guy as he spoke then started to laugh a little. He thought to himself for a few minutes before responding.

"Hey so I think i'm supposed to meet you here cause my ma said to meet someone at a store." Eeli said with a slight humor.

He brushed back his hair and smiled lightly. The guy seemed to be thinking of something else at the moment so Eeli decided to wait for his reply.

"The names Eeli." He said as he pushed out his hand.




Karah (Renegade)
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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by Neal Winters January 22nd 2014, 9:14 pm

Neal nodded as the boy spoke to him about being the one he was supposed to meet, it somewhat fit too though. Some mother had contacted him about a meeting with her son, the purpose not yet disclosed, and it seemed that this boy was the one. Neal ignored the humor he had put into his speech, as he found no reason to laugh at what he said.

When the boy extended his hand, Neal extended his own and would be courteous about the meeting. "Neal, good to meet you. What is it your mother wanted you out here for, I hope she told you. I have gotten no information from her, so it will be entirely social if you do not know either." He stood there, walking just ahead of the boy toward the bookstore.

His mind was capable of completing millions of calculations in a minute, and yet he could not figure out exactly what people were capable of. That was the thing, humans make mistakes; it makes them unpredictable. Himself included, he hated that no matter how smart a person gets, they can never know exactly what an outcome will be regarding human behavior.

Neal Winters:
Kira Ito:
Neal Winters
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 117
Location : Lost somewhere between Insanity and Schizophrenia
Age : 33
Job : Student
Humor : Childish, with a hint of vulgarity
Registration date : 2014-01-08

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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by creator January 23rd 2014, 6:52 pm

As Neal spoke Eeli morphed into an irritated look. His mother always did crap like this but knowing her she just wanted to bug Eeli. He looked at his phone and rolled his eyes as a message appeared from his mother. He smiled at Neal and waved him to come in.

"Hey neal lets sit down i don't feel like standing anymore." He said as he read the message from his mother.

Hey baby i figured you could use a friend right now.

Eeli walked into a book case and began to search for some books he could read while he was doing nothing. He pulled off a few horror novels and after that a couple of fiction novels. He sat down and opened the first horror novel and began to read the book speeding from word to word. His reading level was faster then he could run and he could run fast. After a few minutes he was done with the book and moved onto the next one.

"You should get a book too." He said as he continued to read.




Karah (Renegade)
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Age : 28
Registration date : 2013-09-18

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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by Neal Winters January 23rd 2014, 7:45 pm

Neal noticed Eeli take up an irritated look, one that seemed as if something common had just happened and he was frustrated about it. He didn't know for certain, but judging from the time he took the look, it seemed it was because of his mother's behavior. Neal saw Eeli look at his phone and then waved for Neal to come into the bookstore.

After this, he looked at Neal and then said that he wanted to sit down. Neal had no qualms, it mattered not to him whether they sat or stood. It seemed though, that Eeli was quite bothered about his mother's message to him.

As they made it to a desk in the bookstore, Eeli grabbed a few books and began reading. Neal was impressed with how quickly he could read, a rate which was faster than most others he had seen. Neal would have read something himself, but had already read many of the books in the establishment. He knew most of them as if they were memories of his own life, something that was a feat for all but the largest of databanks. His mind was just like that, large enough to store nearly all the information he had ever seen, heard, felt. Many would consider it a gift, he considered it a curse in some ways. Still though, it was nice to know what he wouldn't mind reading again.

As he looked around, he grabbed three very large books. They looked ancient, and they were substantially older than most there. He started reading them and read with a pace that was frightening to behold, seeming as if he could just glance at a page and glean all the words off of it. Of course, it was more so because his mind could process all the words on the page the second he saw them.

"Anything you want to talk about, reading can get a little boring for me. I already most of these books as if they were a part of my own life. I hardly need to read unless it is a book I have never really looked at before."

Neal Winters:
Kira Ito:
Neal Winters
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Location : Lost somewhere between Insanity and Schizophrenia
Age : 33
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Humor : Childish, with a hint of vulgarity
Registration date : 2014-01-08

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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by creator January 23rd 2014, 7:59 pm

Eeli could see Neal reading out the corner of his eye but his reading didn't last long as he began to ask Him something. Eeli froze for a second as he thought about the question. He was about to answer when a guy in the store caught his eye. His eyes glared at Eeli for a few seconds, but it wasn't the fact that his eyes were glaring but because they were a blood red. Eeli stopped looking at the man and began to talk again to Neal.

"Actually I do have some things I want to talk about." He began as he looked at the guy constantly, but he was gone.

Eeli twitched for a bit but he didn't let the man fully get to him, but now his guard was up. He stared at Neal but all of his other senses were everywhere else.

"For starters what do you think you could do that would have my mom so interested in you?" He began with a pure face of curiosity.

"You can name anything and i mean ANYTHING." He stated afterwards as he pointed all his fingers at Neal.




Karah (Renegade)
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Registration date : 2013-09-18

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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by Neal Winters January 23rd 2014, 9:23 pm

Neal glanced at Eeli as he began to speak, it seemed that he was more than just a reader. Although, it seemed that he was having trouble saying what he wanted to, spending more than usual time to respond to what would normally be basic information. The question he finally asked Neal made him look at this Eeli boy with curiosity, he really did not know who he was. 'I guess I will give this kid a lesson on who I am, that should let him know why his mother was interested with me in the first place.'

Speaking with a tone that had just a hint of incredulity, Neal spoke with slight irritation lacing it. "Have you really not heard of me before? I got a PH.D in most forms of mathematics and sciences by the age of thirteen. I am considered one of the smartest beings on the planet, and have more knowledge on most subjects, than all the world has put together. If it has been done, I could likely do it. I am a skilled physician, I lecture at colleges and universities around the world, and remember anything I have ever seen, heard, and felt."

Neal glanced away after his short rant. Likely garnering attention from people nearby with that, especially considering he just pointed himself out as a slightly famous person, especially in the academic world. Still though, this lesson would likely be enough for the moment.

Neal Winters:
Kira Ito:
Neal Winters
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Location : Lost somewhere between Insanity and Schizophrenia
Age : 33
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Humor : Childish, with a hint of vulgarity
Registration date : 2014-01-08

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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by creator January 24th 2014, 5:16 pm

"Not to make you sound like you wasted your breathe or that i'm not amazed, because believe me I am, but you said you're one of the smartest people not the smartest meaning there are people that could be potentially smarter than you." Eeli began as he waved his hand into and infinity symbol.

He brushed his hair back and stood up with a serious look on his face as he went to put the book back. His mind took this time to quickly scan the room to make sure no one "Suspicious" was still here. Nothing strange seemed to be about to go on but he didn't let that put his mind at ease. When you think you're safe that's when things catch fire. When he sat back down he began to speak again.

"So if I were you I wouldn't try to boast about something that seems to be common in many people." He said in a neutral tone as if he was giving advice to a kid who just beat level one on a game.

"Especially Meta-humans."
He stated lastly then started at neal as he waited for a reply.




Karah (Renegade)
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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by Neal Winters January 24th 2014, 5:36 pm

Neal gave a small smile at Eeli as he spoke to Neal, knowing that the words he used had not been absolutes. It was something he avoided like the plague, as using them showed only arrogance and deceit. This person acted as if not using absolutes implied a far lower intelligence than he suggested, something that he found mildly humorous. He watched as Eeli waved his hand in an infinity symbol when he said that there could be people smarter than him.

Before he would speak, Neal would hear him out the rest of the way. Eeli stood up and looked around before sitting back down, continuing to talk down to him as if he were not a human of intelligence far beyond the human level.

"Eeli, even if I were the smartest, absolutes are never good words to use. They are improper in educated speech, and show only deceit. Even if I had god-like knowledge, to say that I was the smartest as an absolute would be wrong of me." When Neal spoke, he said his last sentence as if he really did. He said it softly enough that very few would be capable of hearing him, but clearly enough that Eeli would know what he said without doubt.

Neal leaned back after this, looked at Eeli once more. "Now, if you are suggesting that I compare myself to meta-humans... you should know I already have."

'Perhaps he will insinuate less now, if he understands that I am far smarter than he realizes me to be.'

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Age : 33
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Humor : Childish, with a hint of vulgarity
Registration date : 2014-01-08

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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by creator January 24th 2014, 5:46 pm

"Yeah but If you were at a god like intelligence then you might change your mind about using absolute words, you know because with god-like intelligence you would think that there is no reason to feel which would conflict with your feelings on using absolute words, But i'm only speaking from things I've read in different forms of books." He said pointing at Neal.

"And also why would you compare yourself to meta-humans?" He asked interestingly.

His mind smilled suddenly scattered as his senses rushed outside and probably a couple blocks down the street. People were screaming at something...but at what he couldn't hear for it was farther away. Eeli decided to wait for a second before reacting, he wanted to get a slight knowledge of whatever was coming this way before he attacked.

"I would only assume that you're comparing yourself to a Meta because you are one yourself." He stated as he leaned back in his seat.




Karah (Renegade)
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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by Neal Winters January 24th 2014, 6:43 pm

A grin crept over Neal's face as Eeli spoke, it seemed that he didn't understand the most sophisticated of minds very well. Of course, Eeli referenced only a book when he spoke of people with such intelligence. Actually having an intelligence like Neal's was far beyond anything most people could dream of, a genius by all standards and above even most metas. Neal however, did not say anything more about being a meta-human to this boy by the name of Eeli. When he asked why Neal would compare himself to one, he simply gave a small smile.

As he was about to say something, he heard the sound of people screaming. He wondered what on earth people would be screaming about, especially in a city where very little seemed to bother them. Neal was about to go outside and help, but the other person was grilling him right now, and Neal didn't want to make a scene. He came to the conclusion that Neal was a meta, not a very startling one he thought. For a person to have such a vast intellect, there had to be something peculiar about them, at least that is what Neal thought.

Leaning up to Eeli, he spoke in a barely audible whisper. " Of course I am a meta, and quite high on the scales of intelligence compared to most. I have just gathered the common sense not to use absolutes unless I am absolutely certain of my fact. I have a feeling you are too though, especially considering you talk about them as if they are so common."

Neal Winters:
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Age : 33
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Humor : Childish, with a hint of vulgarity
Registration date : 2014-01-08

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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

Post by creator January 24th 2014, 8:42 pm

Eeli looked around quickly as neal leaned in. His comment brought a sly smile onto Eeli's face. When he was sure nobody was watching he whipped his hand as if he was grabbing a dagger, and just like that a dagger appeared in his hand. The blade was just long enough to poke the underside of neals jaw as Eeli pressed a little more.

"And if i am?" Eeli whispered hut his fun was cut off by a car flipping through the air.

Eeli turned quickly then ran outside without thinking. He turned to his left to see a giant rock golem slowly walking towards them. It was obvious this creature was just lost or being brainwashed. Eeli ran behind an 18 wheeler and formed a bookbag. He unzipped it and took a deep breathe as streams of black rushed put and spun around him like he was the sun. Bandages wrapped around his legs and left arm and when it was over Eeli took on his alter ego. CREATOR.

"HEY!!" He called hoping to get the golems attention.

(strength/7 speed/2 durability/6 occ/1 )




Karah (Renegade)
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You Should already know this(Neal and one other) Empty Re: You Should already know this(Neal and one other)

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