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A Game of Pawns and Men (Zell/Ouroboros)

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A Game of Pawns and Men (Zell/Ouroboros) Empty A Game of Pawns and Men (Zell/Ouroboros)

Post by Count Solar August 31st 2013, 10:52 am

Xero yawned, while declaring checkmate. Again. His opponent stared at the board for a few seconds, then stood up and left. Xero would have felt sorry for him, had he actually cared. It was looking as if this tournament had been a complete waste of time; he was still undefeated at chess, and no one he had face today had proved to be a challenge. This had amused him for a while, but now it just made each match more tedious than the last. Even the so-called renowned chess champion he had just faced had made several moves that Xero could obviously see a flaw with.

He sighed; this had been the main reason for his coming to Geneva. Well, the meeting with the UN as a spokesman for both Abraxis and Xero Enterprises had played a role as well, but if not for the famed chess tournament, he would have had one of his associates come instead. However, it appeared it had been an overall waste of time, as no one he had faced stood a chance. Although he doubted it very much, maybe the other finalist would be better.

It had been a long week, and this was supposed to be relaxing. Pure mental stimulation, with no fighting, no business talk, no world altering decisions. Alas, while he had accomplished part of that, there was none of the mental stimulation. It was hard, living surrounded by humans. When he dealt with others who were beyond, or not even, human, there was a strong chance of him encountering someone who shared his great intellect. Unfortunately, he had met only a few of said individuals. Which was another reason for his coming to Geneva.

He had hoped to find some non-humans here, but the closest he had come to was a 16 year old kid who would be considered an extreme genius, but only by human standards.

Xero stood up, and followed the judge to the room where the final match would take place. He had to give them credit; they were serious about security here. There was a room designed specifically for each level of match, with the beginning room simply being a normal room, and the finals being hosted in an extremely secure area. The walls were supposedly eight inches of steel, with two inches of lead added to further nullify any electronic devices inside. There were no cameras, the walls were soundproof, and the only connection to the outside room was the reinforced door and the one-way mirror. Xero was amused as he sat down at the single table in the room. It appeared these people took chess a little too seriously. He sat back and relaxed, waiting for the other finalist to arrive.

Count Solar
Count Solar
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 108
Location : USA USA USA
Age : 33
Job : Why does it concern you?
Humor : Sarcasm, Cynicism and Cupcakes
Registration date : 2013-07-15

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A Game of Pawns and Men (Zell/Ouroboros) Empty Re: A Game of Pawns and Men (Zell/Ouroboros)

Post by Zell August 31st 2013, 9:14 pm

In a peak of curiosity, Ouroboros had found himself wandering into some form of room, a room where there were bracket charts and people looking in on two individuals with some form of board in front of them. Ouro was able to sneak in, practically unknown to all around him, gently and eagerly making his way up to the window. The two men on the inside were completely focused on the board, which had black and white alternating colors in the shape of blocks. Upon these little board of alternating colors, Ouroboros found himself gazing upon the several little figurines, each one made of a different material. To the one side, a man had control of heavy marble pieces whilst his opponent seemed to touch the dark obsidian pieces with the intent to claim the white pieces as his prize. Ouro’s awe filled eyes, mouth slightly open as he reached up and touched the one way mirror. His long sleeved white heavy cotton shirt still covering his hand, as it was slightly too big for him. He pressed his face against the window and watched at the black haired man with scruff on his face calmly and decisively commanded his black obsidian pieces across the board, taking multiple white pieces as his prizes. Ouro could see it in the eyes of the man who championed as the white team. The man knew he had lost, and he was simply trying to bide his time as much as possible, hoping wishing and likely praying for the bored raven-haired man to make a mistake. He prayed for one mistake…he prayed for the one that would turn the tides…the one that would never come.

”Checkmate.” The man with black hair said as he yawned. The man in white had provided little challenge, and the good looking raven0haired man seemed desperate for a challenge. While Ouro himself had no idea what this wondrous game was he overheard someone saying something, this certain something was a coincidently the thing Ouro desperately wanted to hear.

”No, the challenger dropped out at the last second. Said he’d rather have be viewed as a coward than be crushed by this guy. A man said with a scoff as he looked at the brackets. ”Looks like this one is a forfeit….” The man said as he brought a large marker up to the other semi-finalist’s name.

”Uh-pardon me. I couldn’t help but overhear…you need another person?” Ouro asked. The judge probably just saw a late high school or early college aged kid with a little smile on his face. However the fates had aligned, it was fated to be so, and so the judge just shrugged.

”You have thirty minutes to read our rules and fill out the paperwork, tif you’re not done by then the match is a forfeit.….“ The judge said with a sigh and a shrug. He walked past Ouro and muttered something under his breath, warning Ouroboros that he’d better not D.Q, or whatever that meant. Ouro walked over to the rules poster, and beneath it was a book about five hundred pages long, about the rules and guidelines of the game called ‘Chess’. Ouro had five minutes, and he could use the practice with this Italian and English thing.

Well he finished the book in a couple minutes, memorized the rules. Apparently this game was supposed to be stimulating and fun for intellectuals. But from what Ouroboros had seen, his upcoming opponent was a black-haired badass in the smarts department. Ouro needed to watch his step, but then again it was not in his nature to slip or make mistakes. The time had come for him to enter the room, the room where he would play the game of ‘Chess’ with his opponent, of whom he still had no name for. He entered the room, seeing his opponent sitting and relaxing, apparently waiting for him. Ouro smiled a little and nodded at the man being cautious of the ‘humans’ movements as he approached the table.

”Hi, nice to meet you.” Ouro said, his accent of unknown origin still slipping through a little.

A Game of Pawns and Men (Zell/Ouroboros) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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A Game of Pawns and Men (Zell/Ouroboros) Empty Re: A Game of Pawns and Men (Zell/Ouroboros)

Post by Count Solar August 31st 2013, 11:01 pm

Xero opened one eye. There stood a man, no more than twenty years old, who had just entered the room. He appeared to be slightly nervous. “ Hi, nice to meet you” the man said. Xero smiled slightly; there was something about this kid that made him like him. He didn’t know what it was exactly, but he felt a certain....tug, towards him.

Xero opened the other eye and sat forward. Indicating the chair in front of him, and offering his hand (which he did to very few people) he said
“Likewise”. Sitting back down, he looked back up at the other man. “My name is Xavier Xero, but I would prefer it if you just call me Xero. And yours is...?” He leaned back into the chair, intrigued by his new found acquaintance. He was still stumped as to why he had such a.....gravity about him, but that was a question for later. Now, they had a game to begin.

He looked down at the board in front of them, which had already been set. He noticed that the pieces facing him were white, so he assumed that he was meant to go first. Looking back up, he offered another small smile, and then looked back down at the board. Oh, he hated going first. But he could fix that issue. He reached over and with a flick of his wrist moved his knight. Gazing at the board, he addressed his opponent,
“It seems we may be in here for a while. Did you enjoy beating all of your other opponents?” Xero asked with a slight smirk; to him, those that lost were not worthy of pity, neither from others nor their self. If one lost, then all they could do is try and work to become worthy of winning. Until then, Xero would continue to mock them, though he had the good grace to not do it to them right after the loss.

(((Knight from B1 to C3)))

Count Solar
Count Solar
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 108
Location : USA USA USA
Age : 33
Job : Why does it concern you?
Humor : Sarcasm, Cynicism and Cupcakes
Registration date : 2013-07-15

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A Game of Pawns and Men (Zell/Ouroboros) Empty Re: A Game of Pawns and Men (Zell/Ouroboros)

Post by Zell September 13th 2013, 9:34 pm

      "So horse to C3 right?" The child-mined boy asked, before looking hard as the board for just a moment. This game was complicated, andit was obviously a game meant for the intelligent, however it seeemed to be a game where even the cunning could thrive and prosper. Ouroboros could not readhis opponents mind, and the game was ar too early for him to know what his opponent could be plotting,howeverhe remembered reading about Kasperov's Gambit, a very tricky opening move involving the knight. Ouro knew nothing of this Kasperov character, or why his gambit was so effective, however perhaps Ouroboros would allow himself to be caught up...just this once.

     "Nah...I honestly didn't even play more than an hour ago. You're probably a little more experiencedthan I am haha." Ouro chuckled a little, his strange accent likely to be drawing attention. He looked to thebard one more time, before swiftly moving his pawn to the offensive. If Ouro had any hope of winning he needed to do the most important thingany good master-mind could do. Let the pawns move first and develop your generals.

     (Pawn E7 to E6)

A Game of Pawns and Men (Zell/Ouroboros) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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