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A Fighting Chance!

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A Fighting Chance! Empty A Fighting Chance!

Post by White Star July 31st 2013, 4:52 pm

Drakon walked through the streets of Florida, trying to find a suitable living environment. He chose this area to look because it was warm enough for him to sunbathe, and he loved to watch the foolish humans walk through the streets. He came across a strong smell, and turned his head to a small building, the sign on it saying, "Le Coffee Shoppe". "Coffee? What kind of concoction is that? I should investigate this..." With a flick of his scaly tail, he opened the doors and walked in.

What he saw were multiple tables filled with humans that seemed to be mingling, "Hmm, looks like one of those 'hot spots' I've heard of..." He was about to exit again, when he was called to the counter at the back wall. He suspiciously walked over and introduced himself, "Hello, I am Drakon, what" The clerk smiled and giggled a bit, then wrote his name on a cup and handed it to him, "Here's a light brew, I just took a guess at what you'd like, hope you enjoy!" Drakon took the cup, then the clerk pointed to a table that was empty, next to another table that held a girl with blonde hair. Drakon reluctantly sat at the table and took a sip of the drink, quickly making a face before he swallowed, "ACK, how can these humans drink such a thing...?"
White Star
White Star

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 78
Location : Florida
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

Post by The Legion July 31st 2013, 5:42 pm

Grace looked up from her iPhone and saw a cute guy, he had a wave of brown hair and a slim but strong body, cute. His face was set in a distinct scowl.
"Don't you like coffee" she said with a giggle, "here add this to it", Grace waved a sachet of sugar. His face lightened up a bit.
"I haven't seen you around Florida before, are you new?" she asked in a slightly flirty voice. She pulled her chair closer to the boy, "by the way my names Grace". She pursed her lips waiting for an answer.

Last edited by C-art on July 31st 2013, 9:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

A Fighting Chance! Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
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Number of posts : 112
Age : 24
Registration date : 2013-07-07

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

Post by White Star July 31st 2013, 5:49 pm

Drakon looked over to the blonde woman that scooted a bit closer to him, then down at the packet she had given him. He tore it open a bit and added the white, powdery contents into the strange-tasting drink, then stirred it around until it turned a light brown color. "I am Drakon, you can call me Drake for short, and yes, I am new. I was just looking for a suitable place to live before I came across this place." He took a sip of the drink again, and his face lightened up at the sweet taste, "Amazing! What's this powder called?" He noticed the woman named Grace kept giggling at him, 'What is so funny about me? I don't understand human emotions...'
White Star
White Star

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 78
Location : Florida
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

Post by The Legion July 31st 2013, 6:09 pm

She giggled again, "Are you from a different planet?" she asked with a teasing note in her voice, "it's called sugar" she giggled again, she couldn't help herself. She grabbed hold of his hand and hoisted him to his feet, "let me show you around Florida, I'll give you the grand tour" they started heading out of the cafe, "don't forget your coffee". The teen ran back into the cafe and grabbed his coffee.

"...okay now I'll show you my favourite place in Florida" Grace grabbed his hand and started leading him down the street, "close your eyes" she whispered in his ear delicately. She screwed up her coffee cup and threw it into a bin they were passing.

She pushed the doors open and said to Drake, "you can open your eyes now..."

A Fighting Chance! Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 112
Age : 24
Registration date : 2013-07-07

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

Post by White Star July 31st 2013, 6:34 pm

Drake sighed when she asked if he was from a different planet, 'More like a different dimension, but yes...' Drake put a fake smile on his face, "Ah, sugar, I see. We don't have any of this where I'm from." Drake's face quickly turned to shock as Grace grabbed his hand and led him out of the shop. As she ran back in to grab his coffee, he wondered why she was being so nice to him, he barely knew her at all. Maybe humans weren't as bad as he thought. She came back out and gave him his coffee cup, and he took another sip, "So where are we-" He stopped once she whispered, "I'll show you my favorite place in Florida, close your eyes." Drake looked at Grace suspiciously, but he decided to trust her, and closed his eyes.

He was led blindly down the street, and after a couple of minutes, he heard the opening of doors. "You can open your eyes now..." He opened them slowly, and saw rows of large, colorful machines. "What is this place?" Images were flashing along the screens of the machines, and people were pushing what looked like levers and buttons to control the happenings on the screen.


Theme Song
White Star
White Star

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 78
Location : Florida
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

Post by The Legion July 31st 2013, 7:44 pm

His faced looked surprised at first, but now he was studying the arcade intently.
"This is an arcade, where you can do and be just about anything you want" Grace span her arms out wide, "come on you choose a game". The cute boy couldn't seem to decide, he just seemed immersed in the loud noises and sounds.
"Well okay let's try this one" she grabbed his hand again and took him to red and blue machine. It looked like it had been put to good use. She pulled out her wallet, a small but pretty one not like the boy would care though, taking out a couple of coins she inserted them into the coin slot. The world turned hazy and her body shrunk along with the boy. What was happening?

She stood up uneasily, looked around and pulled Drake to his feet grabbing his hand tight in fright, they were on the building of a roof, the ground was gravelly under her feet and the sky was blue except for a part that was looking into the arcade. Suddenly it hit her, they were in the game she had just payed for. They both looked up at the window to the arcade and saw a beautiful face looking down at them, she cackled with laughter.
"Win the game and you go free" and with a twirl she left.
Grace put her head on Drakes shoulder as her body racked with sobs


A Fighting Chance! Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 112
Age : 24
Registration date : 2013-07-07

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

Post by White Star July 31st 2013, 8:21 pm

Drake looked around, taking in what had just happened. "Are you alright, Grace? I don't think it's time to be crying right now, like that witch said, we need to beat this "game" to escape. So, what is the goal of this game?" Drake remained completely calm in the face of this challenge. He was determined to get himself out, along with his new friend. 'Hmm, I guess she would be classified as my 'friend' now. Anyways, I don't know anything about this game, but from what I've seen, it's about fighting, and that's my specialty.


Theme Song
White Star
White Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 78
Location : Florida
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

Post by The Legion July 31st 2013, 8:51 pm

Grace regained her composure and looked at Drake with moist eyes.
"In this game you have to fight and win, you co-op with a team member and the two heroes or villains that reach the final and win are crowned champions" she said between sobs.
She dragged him into the middle of the arena, "now we wait for someone to challenge us".
2 characters appeared out of the air, their name tags above them, Iron Fist and Firebrand, let the games begin...



A Fighting Chance! Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 112
Age : 24
Registration date : 2013-07-07

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

Post by White Star July 31st 2013, 9:56 pm

Drake glared at his new opponents, his tail flicking in annoyance, "So these are our opponents? I see...I'll take care of them, no offense, but I don't think you'd be a match for them." Drake's tail lifted slightly over his head as he assumed his stance. The red, gargoyle-looking creature floated in front of Drake with his arms up in a kind of fighting stance, "So you're my opponent? This will be quite easy..." It gave a quick screech, then flew straight at him, breathing a fireball as he went. Drake ducked, letting the fire pass over him, then stood straight up, uppercutting it and knocking it back a little bit. "This'll be too easy..."


Theme Song
White Star
White Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 78
Location : Florida
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

Post by The Legion July 31st 2013, 11:16 pm

Grace harrumphed angrily, he thought she couldn't defend herself she would show him. As Firebrand advanced onto Drake, Iron Fist edged closer to Grace. She closed her eyes and her runemark glowed brighter than ever and suddenly out of thin air 5 demons materialised, that would show Drake to underestimate her. And in 10 seconds flat the warrior called Iron Fist was pinned under the three growling beasts. Drake continued to battle the gargoyle.

She was the beast. Maybe they could win this...


Last edited by C-art on August 1st 2013, 3:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

A Fighting Chance! Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 112
Age : 24
Registration date : 2013-07-07

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

Post by White Star August 1st 2013, 6:07 am

((OOC: Please don't control my character))

Drakon was too busy fighting with his opponent to notice Grace summoning her minions to stop Ironfist. Firebrand was launching multiple fire-based attacks, which did little to nothing, with Drakon being partially resistant to fire. "Alright, you're starting to get annoying..." As the small gargoyle started to float closer to him, he rushed forward, swinging at its face and breaking it's jaw. He followed with a combo of punches and kicks, using his tail to grab its leg and pull it back when it tried to run. After a couple of seconds, it was an unconscious pile of red flesh on the ground.

Drakon looked over to Grace and saw a couple of lava-looking creatures holding down Ironfist, "Did you...I guess you're not as helpless as I thought. So, finish that guy off and we'll be one step closer to getting out of this wicked spell." Drakon sat cross-legged and waited for Grace to tell her minions to finish the poor man off, when he suddenly yelled loudly and pushed the minions off with an energy unknown to Drakon. Ironfist then ran at the minions and started to punch and kick in rapid succession.


Theme Song
White Star
White Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 78
Location : Florida
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

Post by The Legion August 1st 2013, 6:38 pm

Grace stared open mouthed at the warrior who was attacking her demons, she had underestimated him. Iron Fist was punching the beasts with fury, his fists connecting with the utmost power they could possibly deliver. Grace never liked using this power but she had to. She raised her hand at the demon Iron Fist was fighting, closed her eyes and...boom! The demon exploded covering the warrior in lava, he died instantly.

Graces face was covered in sweat with the concentration. Walking over to Drake she grabbed his hand.
"You didn't tell me you were a meta-human, but I didn't tell you either", she shrugged her shoulders. Their bodies become static and they were teleported into a room. There was 2 king sized beds a mini fridge a big screen T.V. The walls were painted a creamy colour, Grace love it.
"I guess this the inside of the building, now we wait till we have to fight again" she slumped down onto the bed, "I'm going to have a sleep". Grace stretched out yawning and curled her body onto the bed. They may have won one battle, but the next could be a lot harder.

A Fighting Chance! Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 112
Age : 24
Registration date : 2013-07-07

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

Post by White Star August 1st 2013, 9:43 pm

Drake sighed again, this girl wasn't very smart, "I thought my tail would have given it away..." When they were transported to the heavily furnished room, Drake was taken aback a bit, "They seriously give us such a room in the middle of a tournament? This seems highly unlikely..." He heard Grace yawn and turned to see her sleeping on one of the large beds. Drake shrugged and sat on the other bed in the room, and used his tail to open the fridge, then grabbed a bottle of water. He picked up the remote control and stared at it quizzically, 'I wonder...what this does...' He clicked a button while opening the water, and the TV flashed to life, almost making Drake drop his water. "What the...what is this?" He stared at the machine, it looked like the ones in the arcade, except there were no controls, and it was showing a boxing fight between two heavily muscled men wearing nothing but small speedos, " highly disturbing..."


Theme Song
White Star
White Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 78
Location : Florida
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

Post by The Legion August 1st 2013, 11:45 pm

Grace sat upright and looked at the T.V, "You didn't have to wake me up" she sighed angrily, "lets go and see if there are any other contestants in this building". She stood up and opened the door out of their room. It opened into a hallway, with more doors each labelled with 2 names, the 2 warriors in the battle. She walked up to a door poised to knock, she looked at Drake and hammered her fist against the wooden door with the names Super Skrull and Vergil.
A bleary eyed albino answered the door.
"No one is supposed to leave their rooms tell their second battle", he slammed the door in their faces.

Arriving back in the room Grace turned on Drake and asked, "What do you do when your bored? We could show off our powers?"
She sat down on her bed waiting for Drakes voice to fill the room in an answer.

A Fighting Chance! Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 112
Age : 24
Registration date : 2013-07-07

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

Post by White Star August 2nd 2013, 1:37 am

Drake clicked the remote again, turning the TV off, "I guess so, this machine is getting boring anyways.. So, I saw that you controlled those minions pretty well. Is that your power? Enslaving demons...can't say that it's not amazing, yet something about it is just...wrong." He laid back and crossed his arms behind his head, thinking about their next challenge, and also why they were even sent into this game in the first place. He wasn't really well-known, so that means it must have had something to do with Grace, so just who was this girl? "If you're wondering what my power is, obviously by the tail you can see that I'm part dragon. So I naturally have all the abilities of dragons and humans alike, and I can assume a partial true form, and a true dragon form. Both forms are dangerous, though, they push against my free will, and try to destroy everything. Partial transformation isn't too hard to keep in check, but if I turn into my true form..." He let the statement hang for a second, before continuing, "Anyways, I can also breath fire, and it gets stronger when I turn into my partial form." To prove this, he blew a small bit of fire into the air, letting it dissipate before touching the ceiling. The embers burned bright, and the air got the stingy smell of brimstone.


Theme Song
White Star
White Star

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 78
Location : Florida
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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A Fighting Chance! Empty Re: A Fighting Chance!

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