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aurora - Aurora Empty Aurora

Post by Aurora~ June 27th 2013, 2:25 am

Queen of Nothing, Mistress of Make-Believe.

Basic Biography

Real Name: Aurora
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name:
Title: Queen of Nothing, Mistress of Make-believe, Princess of Pretend, Champion of Charades, Friend of the Fictitious, Duchess of Dreams
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: Impossible to determine
Gender: Female
Race: Sentient Illusion
Hair: Constantly changing
Eyes: Constantly changing
Height: 4'5'' in natural form
Weight: Regardless of form, only weighs around 100 lbs
Blood type: Ain't got no blood

The Looks

Because of her nature, Aurora's appearance is never static. In her natural form (The form she will revert to if incapacitated and the form she normally uses) She is a short young girl. Her appearance constantly shifts according to her whims, sometimes even actively changing colors before people's eyes.

The Legacy

Personality: Aurora is flighty, impulsive, and downright weird. She acts very child-like, though she's actually incredibly smart. She's privvy to knowledge so far beyond human understanding that she comes off as loony.  She loves music and art, and usually seems more concerned with enjoying such things than any serious goals. Though  she will try to help those in need and is morally "good" her almost alien mind means she doesn't always act in a way a human would consider good.  Aurora treasures innocence and goodness in all people, and considers it her noble duty to protect these qualities and those that possess them. She's not much for fighting herself however, so she appoints others as her paladins of hope. Despite her laidback attitude, she takes this duty quite seriously. Though she is a queen of sorts, she is quite humble.
History:When Aurora was born she didn't have a concept of time, so not even she knows exactly how old she is. She knows she is young though, young enough to measure in days even. She was born during an era of anti-metahuman sentiment all across the world. The public feared them so much, that even governments began taking action. There was once a young lady with a peculiar power. She could of think of things, and make them real. A team of anti-metahuman specialists came to take her from her home, so she imagined friends to protect her. They decided she was too dangerous, and killed the 8 year old girl for the good of everyone else.

In her death throes, she made one last illusion that didn't go away. Not only did it stick around, but it had sentience. This illusion given free will was Aurora, and from her birth she lived in two worlds simultaneously.  She lived in the world we all know, and another dimension reserved only for things made of imagination. This other world is a parallel to our own, and as she fades out of one she appears in the other though switching worlds completely takes time and some preparation.

Unfortunately, her presence in this world is somewhat weak. The more people are thinking about her, the stronger her presence in this world is. The problem is, she's easy to forget. Most people forget all about her the moment she's not in front of them. Because of this she creates artifacts called prism shards that allow people to remember and communicate with her.

Her dual existence has given her an understanding of the universe other's can't comprehend, and as one of the most intelligent creatures to exist in the dream land she has laid claim to an entire kingdom and fancies herself a queen. Because in her world money literally grows on trees, attaining wealth is simply a matter of her loyal subjects harvesting it. Because of this she is incredibly wealthy in our world and lives quite a carefree lifestyle. Traversing to the dream world herself is a simple task, but taking others is a large undertaking. Creating a portal for others to cross into the dreamworld is a process that requires substantial preparation, but it is possible.

The Powers

Power 1:
Illusion Manipulation: Aurora can manipulate psionic illusions, or to be more specific herself. She can freely change her appearance and size to some extent, though changing forms bestows her with no extra strength or endurance. She is simply altering her own illusion to make it appear as something else. Because being in the real world requires she have mass, no matter what form she takes it can be physically connected with and damaged just as her normal form.
Power 2:
Prism Force: Aurora can manipulate light, changing the colors of anything nearby and is able to create sources of light which emanate from her body. she can also fire off beams of prismatic light, though these beams can't actually harm anyone beyond perhaps blinding someone foolish enough to look directly into them.
Power 3:
Flight: Aurora can fly and levitate freely.
Power 4:
Only Pretend: Not really a power, but Aurora's continued existence in the real world depends on staying in the minds of its inhabitants. She is easily forgotten, and if she is physically hurt or destroyed she fades out of other's minds and can be sent back to the dreamworld. If she were to ever fade away so completely her connection to this world was completely severed she would never be able to return.

Occult: 8
Strength: 2
Durability: 2
Ability: 4/4
Fighting Skills: 2
Flight: 2
Wealth: 5


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2013-06-27

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aurora - Aurora Empty Re: Aurora

Post by Jordan Reynolds June 27th 2013, 3:47 am

Approved until stated otherwise
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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