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A Mission and a Lost Memory Regained

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A Mission and a Lost Memory Regained Empty A Mission and a Lost Memory Regained

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 7th 2013, 9:24 pm

As Coronel was headed through out the state of Colorado he was steadily doing what he wanted but at the same time had the motives of Elena behind him. Driving him to do the things she wanted he figured it was an even trade. But what made it unfair was the amount of money he had possession of now and he could do almost anything normal people dreamed. He also had his abilities that double the unfairness, but he was glad the ability came to him when it had. He looked up to Elena and he went on every assignment when asked since it was like repaying her. He followed orders and tried getting along with people around the base. Although that was hard since some people already looked down on him for what he does in his spare time.

He was currently working in retrieving a golden glass that had a faint aura around it that was naked to the normal eye. He could not see it either but since Elena requested it he was implied to obey. Although now he had to get out of the museum and over to the base. What a tragedy that if you don't run you will all die. He bluntly said to the security guards and the swat team. He was speaking pure truth and he had no time to waste to get back he would just sever every head that stepped in his way if Elena had not said for him to not let the thing get tarnished.

As he pushed them all to the wall with a great force; they flew back hitting there head on the dull surface area leaving small bleeding and causing them to get delirious or knocked out from the impact. he was feeling good today so he decided to walk out of the building going through the front of the doors. He walked out and did the police swarm. They crowded the streets, midair, and flying trying to make sure he did not get away. He had a good bounty on his head so it was acknowledge if they could bring him down and turn him in. If he was killed talk about millions and billions that one person or group would get.

He looked at the crowd and pulled out a remote. it was small but it would do in a fight he was loosing but he just needed to hurry back so no need to finish up here. He hit a simple button and swoosh. He was gone as bullets pierced through the walls of the museum. A second more and he would be a walking man with hundreds of whelps that the bullets would have made. He stepped out of the handy teleporter and walked to the main hall in the Shade base. As he was walking a henchman came running up to him and said Elena was requesting him as soon as possible. She never demanded for him to go any where. It was like she asked when ever any of you decide to go. It was like she asked for her members to do something. The only time she demanded was in an urgent situation like the Dominus thing that had been going around.

He grasped the golden magical cup and ran towards the grand hall in order to see what she needed. It was not like he was not about to see her. He pushed open the doors and walked to the center and bowed at her. Hello Madam Elena. What do you wish me to do? He asked dropping the last thing that he had already accomplished. If this thing was of importance she would ask for it later after the urgent report she was going to tell him. He raised up and looked at her seeing no one else in the room and the door being closed by a henchman. Sorry for the rapid entry, but I heard you needed me as soon as I could get here. He glance over the room behind her in the process of waiting for the report.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Registration date : 2011-04-22

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A Mission and a Lost Memory Regained Empty Re: A Mission and a Lost Memory Regained

Post by Alpha May 7th 2013, 9:56 pm

The day had started off as any other, with her sending the numerous members of Shade out to do as she wanted. Elena never really demanded that anyone act upon her behalf, but asking seemed enough; especially considering how well spoken she was considered. Coronel, one of her more dangerous members had been sent after a powerful artifact in the form of a golden goblet, one that radiated a strange magical energy that she could not let go. So she would send someone powerful enough to deal with the security over it quickly and retrieve the item before any of the magical families could get their grubby hands upon it. While she could not act herself, she had plenty of people to do that for her, so there would be no harm done.

While alone she would enjoy what little free time there was, bathing within the large stone work bath that had been installed within the large mansion that the leader of Shade had claimed for herself. Warm water washed over her pale naked body, as she sunk neck deep within it, red hair floating atop the murky surface. She was one of the most powerful criminals within the country, someone no one could touch unless she allowed them to. Even her fellow Shade members would find themselves outdone if they attempted to turn upon the powerful magic user. The water was heated by the same thing that supplied all things to the base, which was the powerful objects that had come to be known as the “keys”.

” I wonder how long i'll have to stay in hiding before I can be in the open once again.” The red haired witch muttered to herself, moving deeper under until the waters surface began to ripple from the breath coming through her nostrils. With a small breath, she created a few bubbles that came to the surface before disappearing. Perhaps soon, her plans involving a few lose ends were coming to fruition, plans that she had in mind for months now. People would die and alliances broken, but that was the only way that she could change this world. People only heeded fear, so she would give them fear unending.

After what seemed like a half an hour, the Empress of Shade rose from her bath, wrapping a single towel around the lithe frame before stepping into the brick floor. Water dripped from her frame generously and red hair hung in lose strands by her side, still releasing the water that had soaked within them. 'I needed that.” She said with a light smile calling for a simple robe, one that she could present herself in front of a member of Shade in. The patterns were oriental, one that Daji would have love if it covered less. Elena was never one for showing off her body, the only thing that would be seen were her perfectly shaved legs, which still shined from the warm water. Within this bath something had returned within a flash, something that she was unsure was even part of her memory.

”Once Coronel returns, I want him directed towards my Throne Room immediately. Tell him it is an order.” She was not sure what she had forgotten but within this flash was a man that bore a striking resemblance to Coronel, however she would have to go into greater detail. This could have been done through unlocking her mind, but instead Elena would do things the easier way, which involved delving into his mind through magic and possibly comparing memories. Within moments the young looking man walked through the door as unassuming as ever.

'I know this may seem sudden, but I need to tap into your memories. I hope this doesn't bother you and you are free to decline, however I need to confirm something.”

A Mission and a Lost Memory Regained CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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A Mission and a Lost Memory Regained Empty Re: A Mission and a Lost Memory Regained

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 7th 2013, 10:22 pm

As he walked up a little closing in on her presence he looked up a her. Yes if a simple mind reading is what you want then I will easily accept. But when I was going through the fifteen hundreds an accident occurred and since then I have forgotten most of my past memories and sometimes recent memories will fade away. So if you can scrounge something out I will be more than glad to let you peer through.

He looked at her as if he was getting ready wandering what he would have to do to get ready. It probably was not painful since her magic was strong. He had remembered figures of his past even one of the latest events he had watched and partially helped the carving the monuments into Mt. Rushmore. He remembered all of these but he could not remember far enough back to know his child hood or if he even had one. Back then people considered Coronel a warm hearten hero even though he did not have a beating heart to listen to like the others.

After watching his friends die off left and right do to old age or being killed by someone or a disease. The trauma had gotten to him and he had went historical for the last fifty years in prior. As this happened he was accused of most of the deaths of the villages around him even the ones of old age. He was being accused of taking youth even though he did not know how to do that. The guilt of him thinking he was the one who did this had caught up in his head. But he remained good hearten. It was difficult because after the accident it was hard to tell who he was and where he had come from. He lost his friends and all of his family. He did remember one faint little girl a couple years or maybe a couple hundred he did not know the right time or a specific time he just remembered her partially as a shadow. It dived him into killing people as his stage of memory loss progressed. he was forced to kill someone and he found out it was easier taking that route than going on some long quarrel. it was this that made him the way he is now.

As he snapped out of his past he pulled the cup out from his trench coat and wiped it a little. He walked up there to Elena's seat and held out the cup and told her in his own words he was ready for what ever she was going to do to prepare him or jumping in. He laid the cup on the arm of the chair and took a step back away from her giving her some space. If only some people would give him space and know where their boundaries laid. He stood by waiting to fulfill her next order. But he also wondered now what was it she was trying to check up on and why did it involve him. Well it was soon to find out.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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A Mission and a Lost Memory Regained Empty Re: A Mission and a Lost Memory Regained

Post by Alpha May 10th 2013, 10:54 am

Coronel was far more willing for her to search his mind than she initially thought, however that only made things easier for her. Pressing a single finger to his forehead, Elena spoke a single word dripping with magical energy. ” Léamh” With that she felt her invisible hand reach through the thin barriers of his mind, and into where he held his memories. They started out as a disjointed chorus of voices, seeming to drown out all senses and leaving her within a pit of confusion. Eventually the chaos began to make sense, forming into a coherent mass with visual input to go along with it; images of death, whether it be by a human hand or by things like natural illness. These were all of the things that Coronel remembered, and emotions came with them.

A normal person would have withdrawn from such a thing, but something about these images stirred something within Elena. As if thoughts tugged at the edge of her mind, thoughts that would not let her be. Then came the image of a young red haired female that looked remarkably like her. That alone brought up something within her, memories that had long since been forgotten, that had been buried behind mental barrier after mental barrier. Elena took a deep intake of breath as what felt like a sharp pain coursed through her entire body. The memories came like a flood, and with them a thousand emotions.

Chicago, May, 2006

She was running as fast as her legs could carry, but it didn’t seem to be enough. Sirens rang through the air and with it the sound of pained breathing, lungs burning. If she could make it a little further, perhaps she could live. ”Damn vampires; never know when to give up.” The young Elena marie cursed as she turned around the curve of an alleyway. While she was expecting the darkness, instead there was what looked like a pale man with a cruel smirk upon his lips. Yupp, he had caught up with her already. She took a poor fighting stance, as the man stood from his leaning position.

’you’ve caused some major shit Elena, but now its over. My mistress has ordered that you be killed.” He said flashing sharp canines. Elena flinched as she balled pale fingers into fists.

” You can try creep. Not like I’m going to sit here and let you kill me.” She cursed as what appeared to be fire began to appear from her hands, and form a perimeter around her. The vampire hesitated for a moment, knowing full well the danger that fire was to a vampire such as he. ’Come on, I thought you were gonna kill me.” Now she was confident within her victory.

”Don’t get cocky girl. I’ve dealt with plenty of fire mages before and you’ll be no different.” he said taking a step forward, though to Elena it seemed like he hadn’t moved at all. His speed was superhuman, far beyond what she could have followed, but the fire was another story entirely. A blast of fire shot out towards him and nearly set him aflame, yet he dodged it with a casual motion to the side as the fire melted through concrete. ”Too slow.” he said with a Cheshire smile and in an instant he had Elena against the wall, breath knocked out of her lungs.

She made a choking and sputtering sound, as the grip only grew tighter. ”Can’t have you screaming for help now can I? Your inane master might hear me and that’s something I don’t want.” However his confidence seemed to diminish when a sizzling came from the hand that was desperately grabbing at his arm, his skin starting to sizzle. He let out a roar of pain and let Elena go before backpedaling, and his back hit the wall. He however did not have a change to act, as what looked like deep red restraints were around his arms and legs, pinning him to the ground as his skin continued to burn.

’I’m not fucking dead yet.” She said with a hoarse voice, as fire began to coalesce between her hands and with a movement they became a spear of pure fire ” Seal Ionsaitheach: Dóiteáin Lance” She said and the spear went straight through the vampire. He began to wordlessly scream and then burst into a greasy soot across the dirty ground. The young girl let out a sigh of relief before falling upon her rear, deep breaths escaping through her lips.

"Another one bites the dust.”
She said with a near silent chuckle.

A Mission and a Lost Memory Regained CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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A Mission and a Lost Memory Regained Empty Re: A Mission and a Lost Memory Regained

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 10th 2013, 12:11 pm

In Chicago of 2006 the memories flashed in his head as well. What they were he did not know but he continued standing in front of Elena as they poured in. It was the site of a girl. He was suppose to have helped her but it was too late as she lit him in flames with a spear of fire that had impaled him at her strength. Well now this was no good so much for being a hero if I cant play the part. He jumped down to the back side of her and called out for her attention. Hello little girl or older I don't know. How are you today; I've seen what you did and it was amazing. Better than anything I have ever seen.

He would not be there if his friend had requested that he not go to San Diego first and then go there. He was having a hard time lately trying to get by like everyone else. As a hero you tried to follow human rule but it was no use. Trying to go out every night and be the hero while also masking your ability in public keeping a low profile. It was all hard because at anytime someone could find out. He would go out on nights and use his power to drop big crooks. It put a lot of people out of danger on the nights they would go out. Well that is what he thought.

One of the hardest people around that time was a gang member that went by Antonio Veznear and he was one of the most wanted. He brought him down days after he was aired on the television. Coronel flashed back to the little Elena the time he was on the trail of the guy who was chasing her. They cut through many curves until she finally one upped him. It was amazing that he just came here and already he found out there was another meta. But her power was not the same as his. She just summoned it, but he manipulated his ability. He decided to just confront her and speak to her and that's what made him jump. And thus the events were set.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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