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This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only)

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This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only)

Post by Andrew August 16th 2012, 11:15 pm

Phoenix saw disaster heading his way when a barrage of bullets came towards him. Creating a very hot fire around him, he leaped into the air, some bullets melting, some just missing him. Once in the air, the blasted the ball of fire from around him, and towards Helena's whip. Next he closed his eyes, and a white fire formed around his arms. Pointing his arms up towards Vexus, he blasted with all his might at her. Looking back at Sean he gave him a smile.

Phoenix was now onto his next attack, he blasted fire down at the ground below, propelling himself high into the air. Letting go a barrage of white fire balls down at the android, the hero let out a roar. He came crashing to the earth, tucking and rolling. His heart was pounding out of his chest. He could feel his body pulsing. he took a deep breath and looked around. He saw a school bus. Dashing at the bright yellow weapon, Phoenix picked it up above his head, and ran towards Vexus.

Slamming the bus down on the ground around the robot's area, he took a leap back and let Sean go to work. This part of town was now silent. Other than their battle, you wouldn't know anyone was here. The assault had that kind of effect on the city. Phoenix looked toward the bus wreck and dropped to his knees quickly for a breath. Awaiting the robots next move calmly.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Number of posts : 619
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only)

Post by Arcana August 18th 2012, 4:10 am

The arm enwrapped by the whip came off with a noisy pop, though the female robot continued as if she were not hindered by the loss of the limb. In fact she acted as if she didn’t even need it, Sean raising an eyebrow as he attempted to stand to his feet when the loud bang resonated, followed by a burning pain within his lower side. Looking down at the lib still holding the gun, Sean cursed under his breath as blood came out in a spurt from his mouth. Hand reflexively reaching for the wound as a line of blood quickly reduced the arm into a pile of scrap metal and him a bleeding mess.

Blood stained his shirt, as well as his shorts and trailed down his legs. Barely managing to push himself to his feet, Sean didn’t feel as dizzy as he expected someone bleeding out would. There was of course the bullet still within his abdomen, which could have caused some serious internal damage. There was a strange sensation through his gut followed by a great spurt of blood from the site the bullet had entered. Had his power purged the deadly projectile from his body or was it something else entirely?

The mechanical woman was in the middle of fighting Phoenix and he was bleeding out. This was just fucking perfect.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only)

Post by Elena Vexus August 18th 2012, 5:01 am

Helena Vexus

Helena pulled the chain back around, missing Sean, and allowed it to wrap back around her waist letting it go out of her mouth and turning her attention completely towards Phoenix. He had avoided her barrage of bullets and was now on the offence. He blasted down fire at her, her sensors reading off the chats. Helena performed a couple of back hand springs to avoid the fire, but some of the mechanics in her leg malfunctioned and she slipped up falling on the ground. The intense blaze caught some of her left leg before she was able to roll out of the way. When she got to her feet she stood more so on her right as you could see the metal that made up her leg with wires broken and sparking all over the place. The synthetic skin from her ankle down had been melted off, of was still dripping.
Phoenix then blasted more fire down at the ground, however it seemed this was only to propel him further into the air. She began to move in his opposite direction, occasionally shooting at him. He unleaded his own attack of white hot fire balls that came scorching down at Helena. She moved as she could to avoid some of them, but one caught her on the left side before she tucked and rolled. Standing back up yet again, her left side had been significantly melted in but still standing. To Helena's surprise Phoenix had lifted up a bus and was coming at her with it and slammed it down. She could not move very quickly but dove out of the way just a little too late. The bus caught her from the waist down. Helena struggled trying to pull herself free but would not be able to without heavily damaging herself. She could see that Phoenix had taken a knee to catch his breath and that Sean had been temporarily incapacitated. At least she had made progress.
Though it all went out the window as Helena's sensors picked up one last thing off in the distance. She knew the signal as if it were her own...
"But... But that's not possible..." she said out loud. And even for an android that had no emotion, it sounded as if fear coursed in and out of that sentence.

Elena Vexus
It had taken quite some time, longer than she had hoped actually, but Ms. Elena Vexus had returned to the ever so grand New York City. Her complete reconstruction was a rather lengthy process, being recreated from one single biomechanical cell was not an easy task even for the computer she had built to do it. Regardless, it had been done and she had made her way back over to the United States. She followed the signal from her Assassin Android Helena. On her trip over, she had been following Helena's travels and she was getting some interesting readings from New York and figured that much have been the spot.
Upon arrival she did see that the city took a hefty amount of damage from the Assault. An interesting time that was for her. From where she was she could actually hear the battle as is took place. There were gun shots, yells, grunts, explosions and the occasional flash of fire. Elena smirked knowing that her droid had done her job. As she got closer, her ever so infamous click of heels got louder and louder but this time there was a metal 'clink' in there as well. She was starting to see outlines of people through the smoke, only two for the moment hoping that one of them was her Helena. They had reached a silent point in the battle so she suspected that possibly her drone had been partially successful in her mission. Elena checked her scanners and saw that the two individuals were still Phoenix and Sean, and Helena seemed to be under a large vehicle.
It all cleared up and her new metallic form became visible to her two enemies. From her angle she saw Sean struggling to his legs and Phoenix taking a knee. He did not seem to have taken nearly as much damage as Sean, which slightly surprised her. And the battle field was not wet at all, which also perplexed her. Vexus was sure by now the two of them had figured out who she was even though she had not spoken a word yet. Moving over to the bus she saw Helena looking up at her and heavily damaged. Effortlessly Elena pushed the bus off of her creation and helped her to her feet. Helena went to speak but Vexus put her hand on her right shoulder.
"Thank you for your services thus far, Helena. However.." Elena's eyes moved over to Sean and then to Phoenix.
"You have fallen short."
Without the slightest thought Elena brought her hand down like a blade in a diagonal straight through Helena cutting her completely in two. The top half fell with a mechanical thud while the bottom leg portion knelt and then fell over. She then directed her attention over to the two heroes.
"Hello you two. So nice to see you both again..." Elena looked over to see an Acura TL parked at a meter rather close the bus that had been on top of Helena and had an idea.
"It is hard to find good help these days, even if you do end up making them yourself. But you know what they say, if you want a job done right... Do it yourself..."
Elena then picked up the bus and threw it like a football at Sean front first, she grabbed the Acura by the hood and prepared for if Sean miraculously made it all the way through the bus unscathed to hit him like a baseball with a bat. However if he did complete such a feat she would be impressed.
When that had been completed she would casually drop the dented mid-seized sedan and walk slowly towards Phoenix.
"My my... So what do we have here"
She said with an evil grin...

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only)

Post by Arcana August 19th 2012, 11:36 pm

”No way…I killed you.” Sean muttered grinding his teeth together an anger as his wound was temporarily forgotten. Rushing forward, Sean felt himself moving at a speed far beyond what he thought himself capable of going as the blood began to move around his feet and propelled him through the front of the bus as the wind whipped past his ears. Gripping onto one of the many bars, blood shot out in a sort of whip, latching onto one only a few feet in front of him. Using the momentum he had already gathered ,Sean catapulted himself forward, foot colliding with the damaged back window and breaking it as he leapt through. He could feel the blood multiplying as it formed a crude gauntlet around his hand and multiplied at an amazing rate, eventually becoming around ten feet in circumference. Raising it above his head, he aimed to destroy the robot once again. Until of course the midsized sedan slammed into his side and sent him sailing as the impromptu weapon to fall apart. Pain exploded through his body as he collided with a car. Yupp,that hurt like hell.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only)

Post by Andrew August 21st 2012, 1:49 am

Leaping over Helena had caused Andrew to get shot multiple times. Mostly in the leg, and a few in the stomach. he dropped to the ground and a circle of white fire came alive around him. It blasted into the sky with almost a roar. Andrew started up at Helene with hate in his eyes. Getting shot never got any easier. This time there was no Tyuki, and no A.I., he was going to have to suffer. Andrew slowly stood up, coughing up some blood. A solid crimson stream ran from the corner of his mouth down to his chin. He created possibly the most powerful fireball he had ever made, and prepared to throw it at Helena.
He watched with wide eyes a car was tossed at Sean. "Jesus fucking Christ. You crazy bitch."

The fire around him turned from white to normal. His body almost froze when he heard a very familiar clicking of heels. "No way." the young hero said to himself as he turned slowly to his old nemesis. "How are you hear? I watched Sean kill you!" Andrew shouted at Elena. He couldn't comprehend what was happening. He watched as Vexus split Helena with a shocked look on his face. Vexus was more powerful this time, but so was he. Once more Phoenix created a white fire around his entire right arm. It flowed almost like water. He looked at the robot and his face turned completely straight.
"Time to stop you again." Phoenix said with a grin as he put his hands out in front of him. He blasted a white fire with all his power at the women, as it got close to her, he closed his hand to a fist. The fire began to enclose around where the robot was. Phoenix then threw a barrage of white fire bolts at the robot.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only)

Post by Elena Vexus August 21st 2012, 3:49 am

Elena gave a mean little smirk accompanied by a devilish chuckle as she watched Phoenix prepare for a full on attack. She was sure that this would probably be his only attack seeing what kind of Damage Helena had done. Without even a thought about it Elena walked straight into Phoenix's attack. She did wince a little bit as it was hotter than the last recorded temperature from him. She would have never been able to make it through this in her last form. As she was walking through the blaze she did notice that areas on her body were beginning to heat up and melt rather rapidly, though she was already rather close to the boy and his blaze was not letting up. She could not see him through the inferno so it was probably safe to assume he could not see her.
Elena had put her arm up in front of her face for a moment up until the fire let up. Honestly she was rather relieved because she was unsure on how much longer her new body would have been able to hold up to such temperatures. Following the intense blaze Phoenix began tossing fireballs. Elena lazily knocked some of them away just allowing the others to strike her wherever. They left a red mark from where the struck from the pure heat but quickly cooled due to her still existing regeneration. Though still active, her repairs did happen slower than they used to. Vexus was getting quite tired of the fire balls so she simply moved through the barraged and grabbed the boy tightly by the throat and lifted him up. Her blank robot eyes glared into Phoenix, though she was purely science there was an aspect of her gaze that felt near supernatural.
Elena saw he was struggling a little bit so she tightened her grip and lifted him up higher. He was slightly above Elena and his feet could not touch the ground. The grin that she had on her face had faded while walking through her fire and now staring at the young hero her body was still rearing itself. Looking him in his fading eyes she had only one thing to say.

"You have gotten stronger, Andrew."

Afterwards she tossed, and with her strength a 'toss' was a violet chuck, Phoenix over to were Sean lay. She simply looked at the two defeated heroes for a moment. Elena noticed that Sean had survived his 'car crash' to which she was surprised. After all the damage he had taken, overexerting himself and even then taking a car head on. Vexus would most definitely have to keep an eye on not only these two, but this whole organization. There was some sort of signal going out from Sean's wardrobe, and figured it was some sort of distress call. She figures it must have triggered when she hit him with the car. Vexus turned and began to make her way out, she had much greater things to take care of. She picked up the remains of Helena and started on her way, she turned over her shoulder hearing people approaching. Vexus' eyes gleamed through the smoke meeting the eyes of a young female girl rushing to help the heavily incapacitated Phoenix. She gave her a smile and continued on her way, heels clicking off in the distance...

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: This War is Ours (Sean Collin and Helena Vexus Only)

Post by Chellizard August 21st 2012, 10:12 am

"NO! NO NO NO!" She cried out, completely annoyed now. She was in the middle of Rainbow Road, racing her little heart out, her little pixel set of Peach in her little Kart going so fast around the turns. Tyuki was weird, and leaned into the turns, even though she knew that the motion did not help her. She bit her lower lip and with a free hand, considering she had just fallen off the track, grabbed for a handfull of popcorn. Kettle corn, to be exact. Quite possibly the best flavour of popcorn ever; other than cheddar or caramel, of course.

She wiped her hand off on her pant leg, her eyes closing for a few moments before she stood up and stretched, having hit the big red start button in the middle of her controller. She then glanced around and heard this weird, awkward beeping sound. She looked down and her dog tags were flashing an odd red light. "Weird.." she thought out loud and looked around for her phone. She found it tucked in her purse and pulled it out. She then was further confused when there was a GPS and there was a red flashing light on the map. "What a second.. distress signal..?"

It took her a moment to piece the puzzle together, but when she had, she was stripping out of her lazy pajamas and into her catsuit, and sticking her adhesive mask onto her face. The GPS signal was not that far away, maybe ten minutes on foot, but with a car, she'd get there faster. She ran to the garage and found the keys to Andrew's car and hopped in the front seat and then drove off toward the signal and once she was close enough, she could see the destruction. Cars were trashed, a bus was flipped and beaten, and fire licked the ground as if it were hungry for more destruction.

She got out of the car, dropping the keys and phone in the seat and leaving the door opened. She ran as fast as she could, the short distance becoming a slow motion test. She came into the mess and found Andrew, beaten on the ground, and worse, a mangled Sean trapped halfway under a middle sized Sedan. In the distance, however, Tyuki caught a glimpse of a shiny looking woman. She furrowed her brows and then without warning, her healing activated and two large beams of her healing energy came from her hands she moved an equal distance between Andrew and Sean and allowed her healing energy to do the job. She had no words right now. She saw Sean was still partially trapped, and moved to him, her powers still activated and working.

Tyuki peeled the car off of Sean and tossed it like it were nothing, but only a couple of feet. It slid to a stop and was out of harms way. She knelt down and looked over his body. "Damn.. This might help.." She held her hands over all of his major wounds, moving one by one. She healed him up as well as she could, giving him the ability to walk again, and stopping all the major bleeding. She then scrambled to Andrew, and with her eyes wet with tears of worry, she moved her hands to work, waving them over his body, healing all of his wounds. She then lifted him up as if he was nothing, holding him in one arm as if he were a child. She gently had him stand up, however, and then moved to Sean, helping Andrew limp toward him. "You two.. save it. We have to get you two better examined and cleaned up. In the car, now." She was a bit mad, but she was in 'business' mode, so she couldn't be the hurt girlfriend, or the female friend to Sean. She had to be more than that. She had to be a team mate.

Once they were both tucked into the car, she cranked it up and was backing out of the area, using her right hand on the back of the passenger seat, her head lookign out the rear window. Once she had enough room, she whipped the car around and was speeding home. She dialed Gabriel, and made sure he was ready for the special package of Phoenix and Deluge for the medical bay.

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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