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Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane July 8th 2012, 5:27 pm

The hook was in the fish's mouth. Hurricane had successfully manipulated his words in a way that would put Jack on his side, even if temporary. It had to last until he got out of this building. If the vial containing the virus were broken, Hurricane could be effected and die. But that was a necessary risk in comparison with the one that was larger at stake, that is, the virus being in existence. It would thwart any of his future attempts at achieving his goal. This was a good thing, for now. He was right about one thing. He 'Don't know nothin' about what was going on, or how to deal with it. Fortunate for him, however, Hurricane knew exactly how to control the situation. Crushing the vial was out of the question. It needed proper terms for disposal.

"I'm glad you can see reason. There isn't many who show the intellect to try. Do me one favor though. Could you help carry Rush? You seem the strong type, Mister... what was your name again?." He said as he raised an eyebrow and continued on pacing down towards the hallway leading to the exit.

(Heroes have been invited. Awaiting reply from Swordsmaster & Riccto)

Last edited by Hurricane on July 8th 2012, 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Swordsmaster July 8th 2012, 7:13 pm

A mother F’ing Hurricane that was why Darren Cross or Swordsmaster, youngest member of the Talons, was here in Chicago, Illinois with a new member of the Talons. Campeon, or some sort of weird name like that, whatever it was the guy was a boxer and therefore Swords automatically liked him. This guy was their very own Rocky in some weird Spanish way, but still a subpar boxer and defiantly awesome too. But, back on the reason they were in, or rather a couple miles out of but still near, the windy city was because of a Hurricane that had apparently been tormenting a government facility and then some super’s decided they could go in and wreck the place. That was so not happening on his watch! Bad Guys never learned did they? “So, who do you th-woa…” he muttered looking at the scene of carnage before them as they entered the building.

“Come on Campeon, keep up.” He muttered pulling his hood down tighter around his face as he took off as fast as he could down the hallway, to try and figure out just what was causing all of this chaos. As he was approaching the opening into the next room he heard voices and so did a couple back flips to slow himself down to a stop. A he landed gracefully on his feet, he got into a crouched position holding a hand up to stop the boxer. “Shh, I hear voices up a head let’s surprise ‘em.” He said with a grin upon his childish face. He knew how to be serious, he knew when to stop talking, and he had led a gang back home in Australia so he knew it all, but he just didn’t care. To him everything was just a big game and eventually he would come out on top. At least that’s what he believed, the hero never lost, right?

Unsheathing his sword as quietly as he could he held it in his left hand, he had to use his left using his right this would be over to quickly, and that was not fun. “Ready?” He whispered to Campeon with a smirk as he sprung to his feet and raced into the room expecting there to be like a million gun men, some bad ass meta-human, and a hostage government agent or two but what he saw was not what he was expecting. Standing in the middle of a beat up room was an unconscious guy, and well okay a bad ass meta-human what he figured at least, and someone…someone he knew. He almost dropped his sword upon the site of the guy. “J-Jack? What the hell are you doing here?” He asked getting into a fighting position sword at the ready. “Dude, you know this place was attacked by hurricanes and some messed up super bad guys, so as a part of the Talons if you were a part of this I’ma have to ask you to stand down or prepare to fight.”

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Riccto July 8th 2012, 11:18 pm

Campeon was both excited and a bit more on the confused side for his first trip to Chicago as a member of the Talon's. It was exciting for the simple reason for that it was first trip to Chicago as a member as the Talons. Before he was just operating in the handful of neighborhoods he had put under his personal watch. Now he was traveling all the way out to Chicago just to help people. This was a step up from the little island and those boroughs he had kept safe from thugs, goons and the occasional b-list super villain. Now he was helping out with a localized hurricane in Chicago! Which was confusing him Why would a hurricane sprout up so far inland? As Talon's resident Puerto Rican and thus resident Hurricane he had helped out with many hurricanes that strike the tiny island every single hurricane season. He would always make sure to book a flight back home to drag whoevers roof off the top of mountain two towns over but this was different. Apparently while the facility was being rocked by nasty weather some unknown figures had been spotted near the facility. Now this to Campeon sounded a bit like a metahuman scale smash and grab. Instead of driving a truck through the front window the perp laid a hurricane on their doorstep . Campeon's theorys were begining to be confirmed as He and Swordmaster, nice kid. Chatty, had approached the facility and saw the bodies of men strewn all about, most of them killed instantly by headshot. Curious. Campeon tightened his large overcoat around his shoulders as he entered the building.

"Sorry. I'm on the slow side..." He murmured as he trailed behind the younger and more spry Swordmaster, He had to work rather hard as he tried to keep up with his more agile partner. It would be pretty terrible if I lost my partner on the very first job Campeon thought to himself as he trailed quite a distance behind Swordmaster. He grimaced every time he spotted a dead service member lying dead on the ground peppered with bullet holes and only further validated the idea that this was some kind of high powered smash and grab operation for whatever was held in this facility. All Campeon knew was that it was something real important for them to get. And that gave Campeon the conviction to stop whomever did this. He tightened the wraps on his fists as he ran, almost crashing into Swordmaster. He dropped into a low crouch beside him, adjusting his cap and his hand wraps as Swordmaster spoke to him "Yes, Lets." The difference in their faces being that Swordmaster's was of childish excitement whereas Campeon had a grim conviction. Whomever was in the other room Campeon will enter as the challenger. Prepared to fight for whomever had lost their lives in fighting off this obscene robbery that left so many dead or injured.

He burst into the room his overcoat fell off of him landing in the other room. Campeon made no attempt to pick it up, he would pick it up after he was done bringing down whoever needed to be brought down. Campeons focus broke into confusion for a moment when he entered the room. A man laying unconscious on the ground with a face that had been clearly been beaten on past its limit, and two men conversing, one of them flying even! Swordmaster had apparently known one of them had his own questions for him. Campeon remained silent at Swordmaster's side but his focus was on the man in the air.

El Boriquen

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Jack Maroon July 9th 2012, 8:10 am

(OOC: Just a little clarification: This is Jack pre-surgery, and pre-Young GUN. So in this thread you're dealing with the yet unreformed Jack Maroon.)

"Jack Maroon, professional badass and Chicago's guardian devil," Jack introduced himself, relishing the opportunity to do so. He really did consider himself Chicago's guardian devil, the man who took out the scum that inhabited the place. Of course, his real motive was always selfishness, as he simply enjoyed fighting and slaughtering enemies. He only killed criminals, but that didn't make him a hero. Not at all.
"And uhh, sure, I could carry him I guess, but I think we got some company..." Jack had heard the hurried footsteps of the two Talons echo through the hallways, and turned around to face them when they entered the room he and Hurricane inhabited currently.

It was only when Swordsmaster called out to him that he recognized him. Darren Cross. Guy from the pizza place. Oh yeah, that kid. Jack hadn't forgotten about that evening; he was still sad he couldn't get Ami's autograph. That would've been kickass, he thought, even though it was likely she wasn't even half the warrior he was. He just had a weak spot for superheroines; well, superheroines that reminded him of his anime.

"Oh hey Darren. I uhh, wasn't a part of any of this. I mean eh, I only beat up that guy over there." Jack pointed at the still very much disabled Rush. "But hey, these guys had a pretty good reason and shit, they did all of this to stop some kind of virus and..." Jack paused, and titled his head quizically.
Why was he explaining himself to these guys? As far as he knew, none of this was really any of his business. The whole genocide thing kinda put him off of the whole case, but the fact remained that these guys had been killing. Eh, fuck it.

Jack made a step toward the Talons. "You know what? I really don't care. I'd like to play Switzerland here and just let you folks duke it out, but that just wouldn't be fair. Two on one, man, not cool. So here's the dealio; I'mma set down the rules for you kids:
If you two wanna take down this bloke together, you fight me too. And since I know you peepz are from like, an organized group of supers and shit, I won't be holding back. I know you'll do the same. So either one of you faces this dude behind me in a fair duel, you two fight me and him in a nice team-deathmatch, or we all leave and go our separate ways. Those are the options. Choose fucken' wisely, kiddo."

Some part of him actually looked forward to fighting Darren, and showing him how a real master fights. But in general, he just wanted to go home and take a nap, leave all this complicated crap behind him. Thinking was no fun.

Jack Maroon
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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane July 9th 2012, 3:18 pm

His head slowly turned towards the newcomers, some heroes who had responded to the call for help. Quite possibly, just from his vortex that tore up the base outside. How they snuck indoors, and chose the research facility of all things was beyond his another mystery. The valley of corpses did incriminate him quite well, however. There wasn't much talking his way out of that. Hopefully, he didn't have to resort to anything physical. Any physical damage to the vial would be a lethal dose of death to all of them.

As Jack started to respond, Hurricane wasn't sure where he was going with it either. Words didn't seem to be his strong suit, nor did excessive thinking before action. As his tone changed to aggressive, Hurricane's upper lip twitched slightly, as it morphed into a smile. Whoever could defeat Rush was powerful enough to be a worthy ally in any battle to come. The only way of getting out of here was to either again talk his way out, or go by force. Which he was definitely capable of making tremendous displays of power.

Rush started to come to his senses, but was too dazed to be capable for combat. He started to believe he may even have a concussion from the blows to the face that he received from Jack Maroon. A limp hand flailed to his waist looking for his pistols but they weren't there. The movement caught Hurricane's eye. Rush may not be fit for battle, but he can carry the vial out of here and keep it safe. Keeping aware of two newcomers who would want to challenge him for his actions, he was pretty sure he knew a hero when he saw one. An 'honorable' hero doesn't attack, but defends himself. An intelligent hero would consider the capability that there were other possibilities to why all these men are dead. Since Hurricane was unarmed, and Jack Maroon had the pistols used to kill the soldiers in his possession.

Levitating over towards Rush, he slipped a vial in his jacket inner pocket.

"That's right. A virus. A biological weapon designed by the military to do one thing. Wipe out the metahumans. Developed here at the Research center. It is best to keep such a destructive weapon destroyed, believe me. I've taken the liberty of corrupting the research files and taken the only strain of the virus away from the military. One that cannot simply be smashed with brute force, but disposed of properly. Physical damage to this vial would cause instant death to all of us. I don't think any of us want that."

Helping Rush to his feet, he was still barely keeping himself up. He was moments away from collapsing back into unconsciousness. Hurricane discreetly pressed a few buttons on his watch, and then flicked the glass as if he were checking the time.

"I do believe there was enough damage done today." he said, brushing Rush's jacket off with a smirk on his face.He could feel the vortex outside of the building. He was able to feel its energy. Hurricane's concentration of wind manipulation moved towards the vortex, changing its direction towards the research base they were currently in. Bricks started to peel off the wall to their left, revealing the raging vortex outside. Glaring at the vortex, he commanded it to cease. The vortex died down, and dissipated. A calm breeze swept through the structure, as the weather seemed to be normal again. Pushing Rush off towards the opening made in the structure, he turned to face the two heroes.

"So what's your move? Do you wish to contain us for our actions today?Do you you feel that you served "Justice" and "Freedom" by capturing the ones who saved a race from extinction? I will defend myself if you are obligated to attempt such a feat."

A Hummer pulled up to the opening made. Snoot, another minion of Hurricane was driving the vehicle, waved Rush into the vehicle. Stumbling into the vehicle, he collapsed into the passenger seat. The tires spun rapidly as the vehicle took off. Any attempt to stop the vehicle would have been thwarted by Hurricane.

Last edited by Hurricane on August 3rd 2012, 2:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Swordsmaster July 10th 2012, 5:42 pm

Darren listened to everything that was said from both Jack and the Flying Man, and couldn’t believe a word of it. When was there ever good reason to kill people? Usually Darren was all fun and games, jokes and stuff while he kicked ass but right now, right now he was serious. That was happening more and more it seemed as he dealt with bigger and bigger situations, but he just couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “So, you’re saying you killed countless people over virus that could wipe out the entire meta-human race? You are going to justify all these deaths that could have been prevented over something that could have happened? You’re a sick fuck flying dude.” Swordsmaster was obviously not going to let these two leave without paying somewhat for the lives of all these people here. Usually he didn’t care about what the government did and what not; but they were still people and had families.

He didn’t care what they did with the virus, the guy was obviously smart so they could destroy it or whatever if they wanted but Flying Psycho was going to pay for what he did to the people who resided here. If not for them, then for their innocent families back home who now had no father, brother, mother, sister, or whatever like he himself. This man had possibly just made more orphans in this destruction than Darren had known at the orphanage. “No, we are going to contain you, contain you for murder, you just made innocent people lose their family members, made children into orphans with your big ass twister.” He knew Jack was going to make this a fair fight, that’s all the man ever wanted was to fight and Swords was going to give it to him if it meant taking down the Hurricane Man who caused all this death and destruction.

“Campeon take the Flying Psycho, Jack you got yourself a deal. This man needs to pay for what he has done. If you can’t see it…then I’ll make you.” He removed his hood so he could see better, raised his sword and took off sprinting at the bladed man in front of him. When in swords reach of Jack he slashed out at the man’s side and spun to the side attempting to send a backwards swing, or ‘hack’ at the man’s left side. It wasn’t much of a duo or attack but he really wanted to see Jack in action, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try. Oh no, he was going to give jack his all, that much he could count on. After the spin to the side he stood in a defensive position, like that of an ancient European Knight. Then when he was done there he’d help Campeon take out the Flying Psycho.

Last edited by Swordsmaster on July 20th 2012, 11:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Jack Maroon July 11th 2012, 5:47 am

(OOC:So is this thread going in stasis again because of riccto suddenly going on vacation? I mean, he can't really help it I suppose, but the thread just got active again after an entire month.)

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane July 11th 2012, 9:38 am

((OOC: Unfortunately, it would seem that way. A little frustrating I know. Unfortunately not much we can do about it at this point. At the time it seemed like a good idea.))

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Riccto July 25th 2012, 6:38 pm

Campeon was sickened after what he had heard. He didnt quite comprehend all of what was said to him but had got the gist. This flying man had broken in here, killed a whole bunch of people just to take a vial of some something that could potentially kill all Metahumans. Which is pretty bad too considering he was a Metahuman himself after his accidental "Baptism" on that one fateful night. So is he to suffer as well if this virus were to be released into the world as well? Who knows? Campeons thoughts were racing as he stood there sizing up the man flying in the air.

Are people really that afraid of people like us that they could want to kill us all? Campeon thought to himself. He would like to think that it wasnt true but fear can drive people to do crazy things. Things like kill a group of people just for being different than everyone else. ...But what if this guy wants to make sure that there will be no counter-punch to what ever he will do he did just kill a whole mess of people for this one little thing...

Focus! This is for real and a whole mess of marbles are on the line! He continued his focused stare right through Hurricane not glancing to any of the other parties as they spoke nor making a single word in response as they each went on their own personal tirade. When Darren had told him to take on Hurrcaine he only responded with a curt "Rodger"

Thats what I'm supposed to say in this situation right? Rodger. Focus damn you! Its Showtime on your opener. Its time to go!

Campeon quickly went into action. With his fists up in his standard Peek-A-Boo stance he leaned forward into onto his toes. From there he literally leapt into action using his toe and calf muscles he launched himself like a cannonball towards Hurricane but not directly at him. As he traveled towards him he was buffetted by the winds that held Hurricane aloft but his plan was still sound. When Campeon came in range at the absolute last moment he shot his arm outward from the stance to the side in a attempt to preform a Lariat across Hurrcaines body in a attempt to bring the fight to a place where he held some domain.

El Boriquen

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Jack Maroon July 26th 2012, 12:20 pm

Even the normally unfazed Jack Maroon raised an eyebrow as his opponent came sprinting towards him. Jack was certainly not the most celebrated tactician the world of martial arts had the pleasure of knowing, but even he knew that it was usually not a good idea to leap into battle that way. Of course he himself had broken that rule many a time, but that was because he had the combo of skill and speed to back it up. When he used it, it was a surprise attack, a flash of human lethalness sneaking right up in your face. To see the same tactic applied in near slo-mo was not new to him, but considering the fact Darren had claimed to be the world's greatest swordsman this baffled him somewhat.

Awaiting the boy, Jack positioned himself in a reasonably casual, relaxed combat style to counter the coming storm of reckless energy with greater ease. Legs shoulder-length apart, knees slightly bent, torso turned to the side and sword held with one hand, held steady and aimed for the enemy's throat.
Jack watched as Darren rushed towards him recklessly, telegraphing his every movement as if confident his opponent could never figure it out. It reminded him of how he used to fight when he started out. Sure, it worked for him most of the time, but against the more advanced opponents it didn't work as well. Best was to remain flexible, assume a formless stance that can adapt to the situation and from there let intuition and bloodlust guide the blade. The kid had skill, Jack gave him that, but he was still a rookie.

The Swordsmaster's first blow was directed at Jack's left side, which was blocked easily enough with the traditional two-handed vertical kendo guard. From the boy's movements it had become apparent he wasn't going to bounce back from his blow, but going to try twirl further to Jack's side to strike again. Hitting where the iron's still hot. Jack thought his intention was probably to dazzle him with the speed of his maneuver in order to create an opening near the place where his first strike had been aimed. A flawed deduction when one considered the significant difference between both combatants' speed and agility.

Instead of moving back or trying to block the second blow, Jack instead decided to play along. If the kid wanted to do spinning movements, so would Jack. Spinning along with Darren's move, Jack moved from Darren's left flank to his back.
"Too slow.
The boy's intended strike would miss spectacularly; Jack had ninja'd himself right behind him in a twirling dance of death, and would follow up with a ferocious backwards stomp with his left foot aimed for the back of Darren's right knee. This move, if succesful, would crush his knee or at least severely injure the leg. If by some miracle Darren was able to quickly reposition himself, he would find that Jack's sword was swinging right for his head now.

Jack Maroon excelled at close quarters combat. People often mistakenly thought him to be a pure swordsman, albeit one with superhuman attributes, but this was not the case. He was a warrior, who indeed used his sword as an extension of his body, but did not let this stop him from using the rest of his equally dangerous body.
The way he saw it, the weapon wasn't the sword. It was him.

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane July 26th 2012, 2:11 pm

In reply to the Swordsmaster, he simply replied, "Yes. Those that take the risk of killing others, know that the consequence could inevitably be death. Fear moves humans to act. Things they can't stop or control. You and I." He wasn't 'sick' in his own eyes. That was a matter of opinion from the one who viewed it.

A confirmation from the swordsman's companion was enough for Hurricane's vision to fix intently on him. Though he was one who tried to win others over with words, he concluded they talked too much. Element of surprise was no longer a viable attack since they announced their disagreements with his logic. Campeon only had to move an inch before Hurricane was already moving into action. As he closed range, Hurricane widened the gap. Wind energy burst from his body emanating from his body like an aura. He knew well enough that his advantage was not close range. Not with any metahuman. It was range and power.

The ceiling of the research facility was high to house large power generators that ran the whole operations on the military base. Bursting high into the air far out of Campeon's reach, he assumed he couldn't follow him but was prepared for the worst. He came to a halt about 20 feet up which was taller than human athletes could normally reach. He didn't dare turn his back on his opponent, not ever. Rather, he raised a clenched fist as wind energy circulated through the room. Thrusting it downward, a vortex of highly concentrated wind energy spiraled downwards at Campeon with enough force to blast through brick walls.

"Pure idiocy. Rather than choosing to save your own kind, you would rather die out of the pitiful fear of humans? Think for yourself rather than taking orders from others. Is that what you really want? If you want death, there are easier methods. No need to drag us all down with you."

Last edited by Hurricane on August 3rd 2012, 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane August 3rd 2012, 1:58 pm

((OOC Ending: Because of the severe postponing of this topic, Jack and I have decided to retcon the events with the Talons. So in effect, the meeting between us and the Two Talon's never happened. I wish to move this thread forward at a much quicker pace, and that doesn't seem to be happening with the current addition of cast in the topic.

This is also the Conclusion of the Topic. Hurricane and Jack can easily make it out of the Research Facility without any major obstacles. The events that happened in this topic will be part of a Future plot for a Player-made Arc.))

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."

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Number of posts : 126
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

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