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Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane May 5th 2012, 2:07 pm

Through a recent breakout, Hurricane had earned his freedom through the use of his small group. Though there had been deaths in the process of his freedom, he was going to make sure they were not in vain. His role in this world was vital for a new order. One he wished to see come to fruition sooner rather than later. And so once again his quest had continued. The goal to rid the era of man. And enter the era of metahuman. His current objective was at a military base, though he didn't need much of access cards or keys. This time he would go personally. Though, one of his companions decided to come along for backup. A metahuman code named Rush, with the ability to trigger a high level of adrenaline through his system upon will. The results increased his speed and fighting skill dramatically.

"Wait here until the dust settles." he spoke to Rush before taking to flight high into the air. It took a lot of his summoning power to create an actual vortex that could move and operate on its own, but once he did it had devastating results. He dug his hands into the air as if they were claws, and began to channel his energies in the air. A swirling vortex of wind energy began to form all around him, as he slowly made it funnel to the earth, picking up greater speed by every second.

Unaware of the threat, the military base spotted the funnel of the vortex forming and started to sound a drill. They were going to act as if it were a natural cause, getting to shelter. Unaware there was someone behind the devastation. Once the vortex hit the ground, it had its own mind. Hurricane no longer had to propel it with wind energy. It began knocking over towers and power lines throughout the facility. Just what he wanted, chaos to conceal the purpose of his visit. He touched ground near Rush and summoned him to follow. They would headed towards the scientific research section of the facility.

There were no guards outside, they all ran indoors. So there were still opponents, yet they wouldn't be able to get as much backup as they would like. Nobody would exit the safe grounds and put their life at risk to travel to the scientific center even if it were under attack. With only two invaders, they shouldn't have too much time, or so you would think.

Rush kicked the front door wide open as a gust of wind blew through the room, aiming two pistols high. His metahuman power kicked in, causing his pupils to dilate, then constrict. A rush of adrenaline pumped through his body, making the entire room appear to be slowed in time. Officers began to raise firearms, but he was already on top of them, easily downing officers with a single bullet from the chamber. One of the officers got a bead on him with his pistol, about to pull the trigger. Mentally projecting the route of the bullet once it left the barrel, he sidestepped as a bullet whizzed past him. Crouching down for a lower position, he emptied a bullet magazine on the foe. Dropping two magazines to the floor, he prepared his pistols for another room. Hurricane entered into the room of carnage, confident of his ally's success. Surely enough, they proceeded further into the building.

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."

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Registration date : 2010-12-02

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Jack Maroon May 5th 2012, 6:39 pm

The world is full of wonders, oddities and peculiar events that just make it a brighter and more interesting place to live in. Especially this world, or at least this version of this world, was brimming with curiosities. Amongst its inhabitants there were those who transcended the mundaneness of mortal life so spectacularly that it seemed as if all great events in this world circled around them. Their actions alone often had more impact on the world than most of its other inhabitants combined. Wherever these individuals showed themselves, history was in the making. And when they clashed, when these pivotal players in the absurd game of existence met face to face, one could say the result was like a savage storm, one that threatened to tear apart the weakly spun fabric of society that mankind had woven for themselves, a storm that could claim countless lives not as victims, but as mere collateral damage.
On this day, or more specifically this night, two of these men would meet. A storm was brewing on the horizon. What it would bring, well, that was anyone's guess.

Jack Maroon was not just anyone. Nosirree, he was far more than that. He was someone. But he still did have himself a guess on what tonight would bring. Tonight would bring basketball.
The blond-haired beast stood upon a hill overlooking a military base on the outskirts of Chicago. Dressed only in simple black jogging pants, no-brand sneakers sunglasses, fingerless combat gloves, a grey hat and an authentic Charles Barkley Jersey Suns #34 jersey, Jack was the man with the plan. He smiled to himself as he slung his sheathed katana onto his back with a strap and took the black-patterned orange globe into his hands.
Next to him was positioned a large ghettoblaster which played a certain song in the background, setting the mood for Jack's following endeavor.
Jack breathed in the cold night air, focusing all his thoughts on the ball he was holding. Be the b-ball, Jack repeated in his mind. Be the b-ball and show these peepz what b-ball is all about! They don't know b-ball like you do!
Indeed 'they' did not. For they had not been up all night playing the hit indie videogame 'Barkley: Shut up and Jam Gaiden', an unofficial indie comedic spoof sequel to the antiquated 'Barkley: Shut up and Jam' game, like Jack had. They had not filled their heads with humorous and ridiculous over-the top nonsensical humor for the past few hours. And they most likely did not share Jack's peculiar affliction; one that asides from shortening his lifespan quite a bit also made him prone to confuse reality with his imagination and indulge in 'shenanigans'.

The music stopped. Perfectly on cue, Jack Maroon began to run to the edge of the hill at a speed unsurpassed by any mundane creature, and leapt off it in a spectacular fashion. Once high in the air, having reached the apex of his ascent, he began to execute several acrobatic manoeuvres, mostly saltos in his descent, ending his little show with one hell of a slam dunk. He threw the basketball with inhuman strength, and it shot down to the military base not unlike a comet upon the earth. Jack had just performed a 'Chaos Dunk', the effects of which would either induce a post-cyberpocalyptic era in which basketball was forever banned, or absolutely nothing at all.
Although the ball's landing obviously had the latter effect, it coincidentally coincided with a fierce storm that had abruptly broken out on the base. When Jack landed safely on the ground, now standing in front of the base, he could see the havoc the strangely localized storm wreaked upon the place. And he saw it was goood.

Even with his delusions, Jack smelled something fishy was going on. Something had to be going on here. Intent upon finding out just what that was, Jack scaled the compound's walls and dashed off into the main building. Inside there were several dead men. Shot to death. Nope. Storms did not shoot bullets. They swept things up, tossed them around and ripped them asunder through sheer force of nature. They didn't cap the asses of underpaid military personnel. Sadly, neither did a Chaos Dunk, which saddened Jack. He had really hoped he had actually pulled it off. Deep in his heart however, he had known all along that it probably wouldn't work.
But that didn't matter! No, now he had something exciting, something new. There were murderous villainous types around here somewhere, and he would find them. Find them and fight them to his heart's content. Oh, he had been longing for some wicked martial contention for quite a while now. Jack began to follow the trail these men had left behind them, catching up rather quickly on account of his superhuman speed.

A storm was brewing, and Jack was in the middle of it. And it was aiight.

Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane May 7th 2012, 9:43 pm

After a certain point, Hurricane stopped in his tracks. Placing an arm out to the side, it barred Rush from continuing. "I'll take it from here, cover my back." Hurricane said to his comrade. Rush nodded and spun around, aiming his pistols high incase backup arrived. Hurricane went further through the structure towards the research labs. He had received intel about something being created in this facility that could possibly change the world as they knew it. Therefore it had to be investigated.

Jack was closing in on Rush who was positioned so that he could fire at any incoming military reinforcements. He mentally did a check of his ammunition, reassuring himself of his safety. Jack came speeding around the corner at a supernatural rate. If Rush wasn't a speedster himself he may not have seen him coming. However, as Hurricane was, he had a respect for Metahumans. He didn't pull the trigger, he let his opponent make the first move. He was in plain sight aiming two pistols at his opponent as he entered the room.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He said bluntly. Those were the two most important questions at a time like this. If he advanced further, he would have no choice but to retaliate against his opponent who was before him.

Click Here for Hurricane's Profile Information
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Click Here for Hurricane's Agents (Rush, Snoot, or Delilah)

Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 126
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Jack Maroon May 8th 2012, 4:24 am

Faced with a lone gunman standing before him, Jack came to a halt. The man, standing in the middle of the large circular room had his guns aimed at Jack, but hadn't taken a shot yet. Instead, he asked Jack who he was and what he was doing here. Disappointing. The swordsman had hoped to avoid diplomatic complications, and would have loved to just rush into battle directly. But that would be a major transgression of the warrior's code. Well, his warrior's code. Contrary to Jack's belief, there really was no such thing as a universal code of conduct for mortal combat. At least not anymore.
But the other guy went through all the trouble of not shooting, so Jack might as well be polite about it, he thought.

"You didn't shoot? I'm disappointed." Jack shrugged. "From what I saw back down in the lobby, you don't shy away from bloodshed. Shouldn't be no harm in takin' on little ol' me as well then, right?"

Jack then assumed a combat stance, feet wide apart, body turned slightly sideways and sword-point aimed at the enemy's throat.
"I'm Jack Maroon, and I'm here to take you out to jousting town for a martial dinner date with a view of kickass mountain."

Despite the fact that the gunman had refrained from shooting him on sight, Jack saw no reason to wait for the man's response. From seeing the dead men in the lobby, Jack knew that this man was prepared to kill, and as such, was prepared to be killed as well. And if he wasn't, well then tough luck.

Without any further ado, Jack rushed straight at his foe, going for the kill. Naturally, he was prepared to dodge the gunslinger's incoming shots; it didn't take a genius to realize he was wide open and shooting him would be both the simplest and wisest course of action for his opponent.
Jack Maroon could move at a ridiculous maximum speed of 250 miles per hour; this translated roughly to 112 meters per second. He could bridge the distant between himself and his opponent in just a split second, and proceed to attempt cutting him to ribbons. He barely needed to accelerate, such was the nature of his speed.
But what's the fun in that?

Nope. Jack was going to be a good sport and gave himself a handicap as long as he deemed it fair. Maybe his opponent would prove to be an equal match. Highly unlikely, but there was always hope.
So Jack slowed down his speed to 150 mph, would refrain from using his super-strength to his advantage in grappling, try to only use his sword and intentionally fight a little more sloppily than usual. What he wouldn't do to keep himself entertained.

(OOC: For now, Jack suffers a -1 on SPD, FS and STR, reducing these stats to 5, 6 and 3 respectively.)

Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane May 8th 2012, 11:18 am

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Rush knew his opponent may at any time attack him. They were in a military base after all, but this one seemed to be here for different reasons though he didn't specify. Rush didn't shy away from bloodshed but he wasn't out for wanton destruction either. Humans were simply weren't useful in this world anymore, and thus he treated them as weak creatures you could kill or leave alone depending if they got in your way of something you desired. But for now, his opponent was out for blood. It would have to be a battle of speed and accuracy, he knew. But he was capable of matching that speed.

Rush's eyes once against dilated and constricted again as a surge of adrenaline flowed through his body. Unlike his previous battles, his opponent didn't appear to slow down nearly as much as he would have liked. Rather, his body movements would almost be equal to him. Against a swordsman, he couldn't take the risk of his opponent getting an easy kill. He couldn't let him use his advantage of close range. Not yet.

Rush's speed equaled his opponents, rather than backing away he burst into a sprint towards his opponent at his top speed. he opened fire with both his pistols at Jack's head and torso with dead-eye accuracy, bullets flying through the chamber faster than the human eye could normally perceive given the fact he wasn't fighting a metahuman. He was right, he wasn't afraid of spilling blood. But rather than try to get into melee range he leaped forward with his right foot, firmly placing his right right foot onto a desk and launched himself into the air, hoping to hurl himself high over Jack's head and reach, and land on the other side. Momentum was one disadvantage of a speedster, given the laws of physics. It wouldn't be easy to come to a full stop once it was achieved. Rush hoped to use this advantage not only to fire at him from a birds eye view, but when Jack stopped to face him again, he would have a clearer shot.



Hearing the gunshots behind him, he could tell it was a little more than a scout coming to check up on the base. The base was on alert now. Hurricane had faith in Rush, but only to a certain extent. He had to get what they came for before assisting his comrade. It was more important, sadly. Rush knew it too. Rather than walking, his feet began to levitate off the ground so that he gained flight. Afterwards he rocketed towards the scientific research area of the structure. He entered the next room to a firing squad already aimed at him. They weren't as stupid as he thought, for metahumans.

Echoing through the halls to Rush's location, rapid machine gun fire could be heard. If the sounds of Rush's guns weren't deafening enough that is. However Hurricane merely stuck his outstretched palm forward and channeled wind energy outward surrounding himself projected back at his opponents. Bullets shot in all directions, into walls, desks but also maiming and killing several soldiers. They decided to draw back, but the more they fired the more soldiers went down. Hurricane slowly levitated towards them as if giving chase as they began to sprint towards the next room. A heavy steel door slammed down behind them as if to close Hurricane off from the research department.

He lowered his body as his feet planted against the ground. He put both of his hands outward and close together, aiming at the door. Channeling his full power, a vortex of wind energy shot forward, sending papers flying through the room out of control. The vortex bored into the door like a high powered drill. Shrapnel flung out the other side as soldiers and researchers began to take cover. Soon an entrance formed. Stepping into the room, the soldiers took aim but dared not to fire another shot.

"I'm here for the 'M Virus'."

Click Here for Hurricane's Profile Information
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Click Here for Hurricane's Agents (Rush, Snoot, or Delilah)

Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."

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Registration date : 2010-12-02

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Jack Maroon May 8th 2012, 12:21 pm

Contrary to Jack's predictions, the gunslinger had decided to sprint towards Jack as well, all the while shooting at him with expert skill. Taken aback by this, Jack now had difficulty assuming the focus required to perfectly read his opponent's movements. It would have brought a smile to his face, were it not that he had no time for such a display. He didn't often get pushed into a corner like this; at least not nearly often enough.
As his opponent began to close in on him, Jack did all he could to dodge the shots by moving out of their trajectory. Rush was aiming primarily at his head and torso. Predictable, but effective nevertheless. This guy was definitely a pro. Normally Jack had no trouble at all when evading gunfire; the gunmen were always so slow, so predictable and lacking in skill entirely; depending instead on the faith they had in their weapons' lethality. To his delight, some of the bullets had even managed to graze him lightly.

One would expect Jack's movements to slow down considerably due to the amount of effort it took to dodge the gunshots; instead Jack had actually begun to accelerate. It was an unconscious reflex really, spurred on by the pain of the bullets grazing him. He had intended to keep his speed down, but now he was being forced to make use of his speed. As the two combatants approached each other, Jack's speed kept increasing little by little, the increase becoming all the more noticeable. No longer did the bullets graze him, and the dodging became easier with each passing moment. Jack cursed himself for allowing someone to make him raise his speed this quickly, but also reveled in the thrill of the battle.

When Rush made the decision to make himself airborne, Jack saw an opening. He unleashed his full speed and darted for his opponent, who had just jumped off the desk. Rush's airborne status would have allowed him a perfect bird's view of Jack, were it not for the sudden increase in speed with which Jack dashed through under him. Having saved himself from certain death, and having passed his foe, he immediately turned and adjusted his course, now speed-strafing his opponent counterclockwise. Dodging had become a lot easier now, and the adrenaline boost had helped him regain some of the focus needed to deal with his enemy tactically. The only real problem that remained was getting close. He could keep running circles around the guy for hours, dodging everything he could dish out until his clips ran empty, but that would just be lame. He needed to find a way to deal with this enemy before time would take his prey away from him. In order to win this, he had to get his shit together. No more dicking around. He almost regretted underestimating his opponent. Almost.

(OOC: Debuff to SPD lifted.)
Jack Maroon
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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane May 8th 2012, 7:05 pm

Jack's speed increased to length surpassing his own. Was he outmatched? He still had a few tricks up his sleeve, so he thought. His opponent began to strafe him with his speed in a circular motion. He knew that a dead-on run at an oncoming barrage would seal the deal on a death sentence. But as long as he kept his distance, Rush would be still be at an advantage despite his increased speed. But there was a reason he had two pistols, and that would be to change his target of course.

Rush was a speedster too, and while Jack Maroon had an advantage it wasn't something impossible for Rush to counter. Rush changed up the order of things, and started aiming purely for the Torso and lower hip region which was a larger target than the head. This way he stood a better chance of landing a blow hard enough to penetrate deep. Rather than aiming both pistols at a singular target who was evading every blow that came at him, he changed the trajectory of one of his pistols, lining it up further ahead of his target hoping to get a bead on Jack Maroon. That way at least one of the bullets had a high chance of landing a vital blow, whether Jack sped up or slowed down to evade the bullets. Though with his side turned he had less of a chance of hitting an artery or organ that could cause Jack to bleed out, unless he hit a lucky blow to the head. That didn't seem likely for a speedster who could surpass his own movement speeds, hence his change of aim.

One thing was certain, he needed to keep this distance as long as he could. This was his prime. If something changed, he perceived it would only go downhill from there. He wasn't necessarily weak at close quarters, but he knew a swordsman was more deadly.



"We don't know what you're talking about! Who are you, we can settle this peacefully!" A researcher spoke out. However, none of the soldiers decided to lay down their arms. They knew that once the world found out everything would change. The researcher suddenly started to get lifted into the air against his will. There was nothing anyone could do to resist the powerful metahuman. Slowly being drawn closer to Hurricane, he stopped a foot away. Hurricane used his wind manipulation to begin sucking the oxygen out of his lungs, and suffocating him to death.

"Tell me where the Serum is, or you all slowly perish one by one, and I will find it myself. You cannot destroy my world with your petty biological weapon." He said as the researcher grabbed his throat trying to breathe. They didn't plan to destroy the world. Just like the thousands of nuclear weapons the military carries, it was built for self-defense. But that wouldn't happen. Not with Hurricane on the loose.

Click Here for Hurricane's Profile Information
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Click Here for Hurricane's Agents (Rush, Snoot, or Delilah)

Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."

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Number of posts : 126
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Jack Maroon May 9th 2012, 4:59 am

Jack had planned to continue circling his opponent, getting closer with every passing moment. Very few gunmen had been able to force Jack out of the straight approach; with his skill he was usually able to dodge shots head-on. Most opponents were just that easy to read. He had always enjoyed the look of despair slowly seeping in as he advanced upon them; the realization that no matter how many shots they fired at the demon, it was all for naught. Jack had expected to see that very same expression in his opponent's face, but it seemed the gunslinger still had a few tricks up his sleeve.

Rush, the adrenaline-fueled gunslinger, now aimed for different targets with each of his two guns. And to make matters worse, he was predicting Jack's running trajectory and lining one of his pistols' shots ahead of the other in order to catch up to Jack's movements. Jack noticed too late, and was unable to avoid one of the lined up bullets from connecting with his body. Through subtle movement he was able to minimize the impact, having the bullet lodge in the area of his right ribcage. If it weren't for Jack's superhuman durability, the bullet would no doubt have gone further through, instead of stopping as it did. Jack didn't groan or react to the bullet in the slightest. If he slipped up even once, he was dead. Whereas he had once dismissed guns to hold no threat to him, he now reassessed that earlier claim and decided this depended solely on the man wielding the guns. Realizing giving himself a handicap in a battle where the opponent's style of combat already put him at a disadvantage, Jack decided the time for playing games was over, and he had to step up his game.

No longer did Jack waste any movements. The swordsman embraced a near complete stillness of mind, wherein his focus was aimed fully upon the battle. No stray thoughts, no unnecessary movements, shows of emotion. Nothing.
In this transcended state of mind, Jack could follow his opponent's movements with far greater ease than before. Still, it was apparent to Jack that his foe's new tactic proved very effective, and would be the end of him if he did nothing to remedy it. It was time to put his sword-arm to practice. Legends told of japanese swordsmen who could cut bullets. Now, this was proven to only be humanly possible to a very limited extent. Jack of course, was no ordinary human. Focusing his great strength into his slashes, and utilizing his godly combat reflexes, Jack began to swipe at the bullets flying towards him, mostly at the ones that he could not easily avoid without slowing down.
This impressive display of superhuman swordsmanship would give Jack a few seconds of respite; which, in a battle such as this was quite a considerable amount of time. But Jack couldn't keep this up for long, especially not while running.

To win, he too would have to resort to tricks. He would make use of the environment, and the fact that he had not yet betrayed the full extent of his strength. When Jack came across one of the desks, he used his free left hand to uproot it from the ground and with all his might and precision of muscle hurled it right at the opponent. Utilizing the element of surprise in his favor was something Jack rarely did. But when he did, he did it right.
The moment the desk would slam into Rush and daze him, if only for a second, was all the opportunity Jack would need, and take. When that happened, he would sprint towards the Gunslinger at full speed and ram into him with all his force. When he'd get a hold on him, he would begin to mercilessly pound on him with his fists, taking care to first disarm him by striking his hands.

Jack had not yet made up his mind on if he was going to kill the guy. If he resisted too much, then Jack would probably have no choice but to lop off his head, or stab him, dissect him, or something like that. And despite how annoying Jack now found superhuman gunslingers, he had gained some measure of respect for one so skilled as this one.

(OOC: All debuffs lifted. Congratulations ^_^.)
Jack Maroon
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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane May 10th 2012, 9:27 pm

Finally his tactics were getting more and more effective, as he landed a blow to Jack's ribcage. Though apparently that wasn't going to be enough to stop him. No loss of speed, no loss of control over the situation. A bead of sweat dripped down Rush's temple as his opponent came at him, swiping a few of his bullets with his sword. A secondary attack came hurling at him, as Jack used his superhuman strength to put his hand under a desk and launch it at Rush. The desk came spiraling at Rush, and once again he'd have to use his speed for something more than rapidly pulling a trigger.

Running low on bullets, he dropped both clips of bullets to the ground and leaped towards the desk simultaneously. Placing both feet on the airborne object, he backflipped into the air above it. While in the air he loaded two new clips back into the pistols and was prepared to get back into the fight. The desk came crashing and tumbling to the ground as Rush landed on his feet, only to be greeted by Jack's wide open arms. Something made him wonder why he didn't attempt to cut him in two with his sword instead but the movements were just too quick for him to think. Jack tackled Rush to the ground, yet he would prove to be a bit more spry than allowing him to be pummeled into submission.

While falling to the ground he twirled his pistols so that he was holding onto them by the barrels. When Jack's fists came speedily upon him he greeted them with his own punches, using the steel weapons to absorb the blow. However, he couldn't keep it up forever. Jack landed a punch on the side of his face, a powerful blow hard enough to completely discombobulate Rush. His arms slowed down, allowing more and more punches to the face and torso area. Jack could easily keep the pistols away from himself as he finished his downed opponent. Rush's arms fell to the ground as the guns clacked away from his reach.

He was a metahuman, but not built to withstand damage. With a swollen face, he decided to talk to his victorious opponent. Whatever Jack would do from here, Rush was in no position to resist. "If we lose, you're dead." a broken man laid chuckling on the ground due to the irony. "We all are..." he said before his head dropped to the ground unconscious.



Soldiers and Researchers were on their knees with their hands behind their head in surrender. A few had resisted telling Hurricane where the Virus was, but one finally squealed. Behind a large metallic security door stood the answers. Air pressure swirled through the room, before compressing the large vault so that the door was no longer an obstacle. Within, was a vial of the virus he had been looking for. The rumor was true, and now it needed to be dealt with properly. Hurricane turned around, looking at the remaining soldiers and researchers who gave up. They wouldn't chase him after this demonstration of power. His feet began to levitate off the ground before his body was thrown forward by wind energy towards Rush and Jack's location. The mission was almost over.

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Jack Maroon May 13th 2012, 4:57 pm

Making optimal use of the distraction, Jack relinquished his grip on his blade and leaped at the gunslinger, who was preoccupied with the desk that had been hurled at him. The gunman was flung to the ground, his aggressor, Jack Maroon, now mounted on his torso. A wide grin placed itself on the warrior's face, one that bore no malice, yet could strike fear into the coldest hearts through the sheer savagery it radiated.
The gunman had managed to twirl around his firearms in his hands, readying them for use as blunt instruments to stave off the incoming onslaught of fists. The man's skill and resourcefulness was commendable, yet his efforts would eventually prove to be for naught. Though his strikes with the improvised clubs were well-aimed, and successfully blocked the warrior's strikes for a while, his strength was far too great to be hindered by such feeble weapons. As Jack's fists impacted the pistols, Rush would have felt his wrists crack, and the shock of the kinetic force rippling through his muscles. Yet still he persisted. Rush the metahuman, whose name was still unknown to Jack, held greater purpose in his heart. A purpose that drove him beyond his limits, and loyalty that compelled him not to yield, not even before the devil himself.

Today Jack would play the devil, and break not this man's resolve, but the all too mortal husk that contained it. After a few seconds of defending himself from the devil's fists, no ordinary feat, Rush's arms had weakened, his body driven to the point where it was of little use to him here. The devil broke through the gunman's petty resistance, and delivered the blow that would end it entirely. One clean hit on the face was enough to destroy whatever hope Rush held of victory, and heralded a savage beating that he was unlikely to recover from for quite some time.
The swordsman could easily have used his weapon of choice, the Testament to his strength, the mighty blade, to cleave his foe in twain. Blood would have spilled from his victim's body, draining it from its vital essence. His lust for blood would have been sated, and his blade hallowed with the blood of the conquered.
Instead, Jack had chosen to give up his kill. To honor not himself, but his opponent, the soon to be defeated. With his raw strength he would show his superiority, and thank Rush for his efforts. He had managed to hurt Jack, to pierce his flesh with one of his bullets. He had given Jack a moment of excitement in this fleeting existence of his, and that was worth more than all the king's riches, so to speak. Yes, the speedster gunslinger lost despite having had the advantage of range, one that was considerable against a pure melee warrior such as himself; but he fought with passion, showed both skill and determination. And that was worth volumes in blood.

Where most men would view the beating of the defeated as viciousness, sadism or perhaps even evil, Jack considered it an honor he was bestowing his enemy. It was only when Rush had ceased to move at all that Jack managed to control himself and put a stop to this madness. He had no intention of killing this man. Quite the contrary. His reward for valiantly fighting, for whatever purpose it might have been, should be life. Yes, glorious life!
When Rush spoke, Jack first thought his words were a threat, a sign of weakness and pettiness. Jack's grin had begun to fade, but his heart was saved from disappointment when the man finished his last words before drifting into the sleep of the vanquished.

Jack bellowed like a madman, tears of joy seeping from under his sunglasses. A primal roar that signified his acknowledgement of his own victory. He stepped off of Rush's body and took off his hat, placing it on the unconscious man's face. Finally allowing himself to accept the pain from the gunwound, Jack groaned. He stuck his hand into the wound and felt the piece of metal lodged in there. The bullet had not managed to penetrate his flesh fully, as few bullets could. With some trouble, Jack removed the bullet. Blood poured from the wound, though Jack knew it would close soon enough. He was in no danger from a wound this small.
He placed the bulllet in Rush's hand, and removed the battered guns. Those would be his trophy, reminding Jack of this victory, as the bullet and hat would remind Rush of the defeat that had been inflicted upon him and how his life had been spared.

"Well fought. You live another day, bro. Thanks for the match." Jack said solemnly.

Now having himself a moment of respite, Jack tore up his basketball jersey and began to bandage his torso with it. Not the best material for a bandage, but it would do. While doing this, Jack pondered Rush's last words, but couldn't figure out their meaning. We all are?
Jack considered it his duty now to find out what those words meant, and maybe actually figure out why this man was here in the first place. He hadn't displayed any power of the wind, so the earlier demonstration of power must have been that of another.

The answers would come sooner than Jack expected. The sound of a strong gust approached from the other side, and the doors opened to reveal yet another player of the game of life and death.

Jack Maroon
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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane May 13th 2012, 9:00 pm

For now, Rush was spared his life and would exist in this world to further the common goal he had with Hurricane. Though unconscious, he lost his weapons, but gained mementos of the battle. He would possibly learn from the experience to fight Jack again some day. However, Hurricane was fast approaching the scene with the M virus securely located in his possession. A virus that could change history.

Wind blew through the room Rush and Jack were in, as the approaching Hurricane came flying in the air. He came to a halt, and looked at Rush. He was defeated after all, Jack was no push over. Rush could have single-handedly taken on the military base, yet another metahuman overcame him. Hurricane was confident in his own abilities, but he knew nothing about Jack's yet. He needed to act cautious like a serpent. Hurricane's feet planted on the ground as he took a casual approach to the situation. He kept a safe distance between him and Jack. He had learned his lesson in a battle against the Black Knight that close quarters were not his forte. Distance was his best advantage.

"You have defeated a friend of mine, I see. A man reborn to the age of Metahuman, choosing to forfeit his human name in exchange for his Metahuman one." He said, looking into Jack's eyes. He glanced him over, noticing that he had obtained a wound after all. It was quite possible that Jack would let him pass without a fight if he thought Hurricane was beyond his strength. "Are you going to let me pass?"

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Jack Maroon May 27th 2012, 6:10 pm

Jack was still basking in the afterglow of the fight when a gust of wind blew open the door, and a man came flying out of it. Jack eyed the man neutrally, but remained silent even when he examined the body of the defeated.
In his hand, Jack noticed, the man was holding a vial of some sorts. Most heroes would deduce this vial to be a virus, developed at this military facility, or at the very least judge it to be something dangerous. Jack of course, made no such further observation or deduction. Nope, he really couldn't care less what the vial contained, long as it wouldn't be his downfall.

The windy man touched the ground again, and began to speak. He spoke calmly, his words carefully chosen, and with a certain matter-of-factness that was both refreshing and intimidating. Jack retrieved his sword from the ground, flourished it casually and turned to face the man who stood before him a distance away.

"Yeah, he was pretty good. But me, well, I'm fuckin' magic. Did well enough though; most gunmen don't get the chance to make use of their advantage of range, really." Jack inspected his sword a little before continuing.
"So, I don't know what you're talking about with all the Meta-stuff, but I'm guessin' you're here for some bad business." Jack chuckled. He didn't very often engage in conversation like this. It felt a little strange. The most he did when engaging opponents was engage in playful banter, or exchange witticisms. Part of the game; the verbal jousting. This was very much unlike that.
"You know, I don't normally do this. I see tornadoes cooked up from outta nowhere, guards shot dead on the ground, and figure there's some powerful opponents waiting for a clobberin'. But I guess your pal's prowess earned you a chance to explain yourself before we start this tango. Your choice though. You can lay it on me here and we'll hit the strife-button a little later, or you can just skip to the life-death tango right away."

Jack leaned on his sword as if it were a cane, while waiting for his the metahuman's answer. "Oh right, and could ya give me this guy's name? Maybe your own too if ya want. I like to remember a good match." He added.

(OOC: Apologies for the long delay.)
Jack Maroon
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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane May 28th 2012, 7:30 pm

Though Hurricane appeared to be unarmed, it was apparent to anyone near him that he had power within him that was immeasurable. He usually used it in small demonstrations of power. But in Jack's case he had noticed the vortex outside that devastated the base. Yet, he came running towards the chaos itching for a fight. He had received one, but Rush had minor powers in comparison to Hurricane, Jack, or several other metahumans in the known earth. Hurricane, however, had a chance to explain himself. His logic deduced that Jack was indeed a metahuman. Rush wasn't fooled by anyone, or beaten by humans. There had only been one incident of such, and that was when the group had to battle the Black Knight in his shroud of black smoke which put them all at a handicap.

This man, didn't appear to have any tricks up his sleeve or a gadget belt. Anyone walking around the way he did was hiding inner power. When he thought about it, it didn't matter if Jack were Metahuman or Human. Hurricane was more powerful than rush and could obliterate any human in his path. A metahuman would be concerned about what was being researched in this base. Either way, he would indulge him for now.

"The name of the man you have beaten is Rush. A metahuman like you, he has the power to induce high levels of adrenaline into his system whenever he desires. Speeding up his reflexes and speed to superhuman levels. And this here..." Hurricane revealed a vial, though he dared not to take his gaze off Jack. "Is the death of us all. It is called the M Virus. It targets a unique strand of DNA in living organisms. The Metahuman gene.

Pacing to the left, he placed it back carefully into an inner pocket of his jacket. "The humans have tested it on metahumans. The results are instantaneous, causing a metahuman to fully decay within 48 hours to dust and bones. Only a very limited percentage of metahumans survive the virus. It has a 95.8% Mortality rate. The 4.2% of Metahumans that do not die, develop an immunity before it takes effect. Humans, are not effected. They have a 0% Mortality rate, even in infants."

Stopping in his tracks, he stared deeply at Jack. "It is a biological weapon, the death of the metahuman species. You, me, Rush, and every one with a superpower on this planet. The military scientists have this single vial, ready to make into mass production. Once I destroy this base, all remnants of its creation will be destroyed. All you have to do is step aside, and you will save the world. Do we have a deal?"

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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Jack Maroon June 1st 2012, 7:28 am

Jack listened to what Hurricane had to say. Initially his only reason for hearing the man out was because the other guy, Rush, had given him a fun match. If it weren't for that, then Jack would probably have skipped the talking and launched an offensive immediately. It was quite simple in his mind, as most things were there; You're willing to kill, you should be willing to be killed too. And since these guys had killed several men that meant Jack could take them out.
Of course complications arose when Hurricane actually managed to explain his motives.

Now, Jack Maroon was not the most moral of heroes. Heck, he wasn't a hero at all, at least not in the generally accepted definition of the word. More like an insane vigilante with an intense hard-on for bloodshed and battle.
His particular outlook on life was shaped by his brain tumor, the uncertain time of death it implied, and how it blurred the line between his imagination and reality. But even with this, genocide wasn't something Jack took lightly.
Granted, he took it less seriously than most people would, as he did with all things, but this crossed a line for him.

"Well fuck." Jack said, as he released his sword from the ground and swung it back over his shoulder. "I don't know nuthin' bout this metahuman crap you're talkin' bout, I'm pretty sure I'm just human. Well, maybe a little more. Alright, a lot more, but whatever. Don't think it's got anything to do with genetics in my case at least.
Well shit, that doesn't really matter either."

Jack was having trouble finding the right words. He hadn't really prepared himself for civil discourse. Witty back-and-forth battle-banter, maybe. He was pretty good at that. This, not so much.

"Fine, you can go. Was looking forward to fighting ya, but I suppose I can make an exception where fuckin' genocide is concerned. " Jack stepped aside.

(OOC: We can invite some heroes soon if you want, or have the thread end soon. Either way's fine with me, though the former could be fun.)
Jack Maroon
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Method of Genocide (Invite Only) Empty Re: Method of Genocide (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane July 8th 2012, 5:27 pm

The hook was in the fish's mouth. Hurricane had successfully manipulated his words in a way that would put Jack on his side, even if temporary. It had to last until he got out of this building. If the vial containing the virus were broken, Hurricane could be effected and die. But that was a necessary risk in comparison with the one that was larger at stake, that is, the virus being in existence. It would thwart any of his future attempts at achieving his goal. This was a good thing, for now. He was right about one thing. He 'Don't know nothin' about what was going on, or how to deal with it. Fortunate for him, however, Hurricane knew exactly how to control the situation. Crushing the vial was out of the question. It needed proper terms for disposal.

"I'm glad you can see reason. There isn't many who show the intellect to try. Do me one favor though. Could you help carry Rush? You seem the strong type, Mister... what was your name again?." He said as he raised an eyebrow and continued on pacing down towards the hallway leading to the exit.

(Heroes have been invited. Awaiting reply from Swordsmaster & Riccto)

Last edited by Hurricane on July 8th 2012, 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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