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Deep into the night [Ranger]

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Deep into the night [Ranger] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by The Ranger May 12th 2012, 11:15 am

The Ranger watched the fight going on between the two and nodded, he knew that Skylar and ‘Aphrodite’ could take this man for now. Sprinting over to the hostages he told them to get up and follow him, he brought them over to the staircase and fired off and exploding arrow, it didn’t hit any of the mercenaries on the stair well but it blasted them backwards and even took a couple out against the wall. Going down the stairs with them he took out any mercenaries who tried to get in their way and held the door open as they ran their frightened selves out and over to the police and hospital workers.

The Fire Boss smirked at the obvious skill of this girl. She could heal, she could fight, and she was tough but strong she was not. He smirked at the block that she made and shot a blast of fire out at her, jumping backwards away from her and spun in circle, flames incasing him and the area around him in a wide circle. “Come and get me now little bitches.” He said breathing flames from out of his mouth, grinning wickedly and shooting the flame out as far as he could. The fire was hot enough to burn down the entire building and he was planning on doing just that if it came down to it.

The Ranger could feel the heat emitting from the top floor, the fire department also saw this too and shot out their water at the top floor. He raced back up to the top floor and notched two tranquilizer arrows, firing them off quickly at the fire man. The first was incinerated by the fire by the second flew through and landed in his arm. He groaned but burnt the blasted thing off and cracked his knuckles waiting for them to try to get inside his flame circle, he was not going down so easily and if he did he’d be taking them along with him. Those were his orders, to show the fools that they didn’t stand a chance in this world, but also to test them. The big bad boss man loved to mess with super human’s heads and this was one of the best ways to do so.

The Ranger
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Deep into the night [Ranger] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by Sparrow May 13th 2012, 6:42 pm

So far he had used up three of the six tranq arrow given to him and that meant he had to be careful in how he used them. If he wasted them, the fight wouldn't end well for him or Aphrodite. his eyes scanned the guy as he tried to find some sort of weakness in his stance and hopefully sink one of the arrows into him. His powers wouldn't be any good when he was out cold. He had formed some sort of fire circle and The Ranger had already sunk one into his arm, which should have dropped him already, but it didn't really matter. If he got another one into him, maybe the guy would fall then. Though how plausible that seemed had yet to be seen as he took aim with a squinted eye. Letting the arrow fly at the guys leg with all the accuracy that he had as it sailed through the air "Suck on this you flaming jerk" Skylar muttered too low to be heard by anyone except himself.

Deep into the night [Ranger] - Page 3 0M6YA
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Deep into the night [Ranger] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by The Ranger May 22nd 2012, 9:49 pm

The fire manipulator was feeling drowsy as he moved back and forth very slowly, the effects of the tranquilizer slowly starting to come in. He blinked a couple times and saw that the Ranger had decided to join the party. Oh, what fun, the big man in crimson had come back to this little party of theirs and thought he was going to win. Even if they defeated him here in the end they would all lose, there was no winning this battle, no they would all fall soon enough. He turned his attention to the boy and send a blast of fire flying out at him then two at the girl.

As soon as he did this though he felt something lodge into his leg. Something sharp, and before it could even register what it was he was out, the fire that had still been under his control died out and he too fell to the ground. Though the fire that wasn’t under his control was still raging on from the oxygen, if the fire department did not move fast than the factory filled with flammable things would be burnt to the ground in matter of minutes. So, even though he had been defeated he did not lose, and the big boss already had a backup plan that was immediately put into play as soon as the man hit the ground.

Ranger noticing the man fall down and the fire still raging on looked over to ‘Aphrodite’ and Skylar and nodded his head. “Outside now, the hostages are safe, but this place is coming down.” He muttered putting his bow back upon his back and running at normal human speed, to conserve his energy, down the flight of stairs, skipping a whole set, and outside. When they all reached it outside the fire department was already trying to take care of the situation sense none of the heroes were water manipulators. At this time Ranger would usually would take his leave and not talk to anyone, but alas it seemed fate had other ideas for the three this night. A cop radio could be heard from close by saying that a bank about a block away was in the process of being robbed and they were the closest in the vicinity on the force. Sure they were talking to the police force but he was feeling good. “Ya’ll wana have another go?” He said letting his southern accent slip just a little bit before smirking and taking off to the location of the bank.

When they arrived at the bank the ‘rent-a-cops’ could be seen down on the ground with what seemed to be bullet holes through their chests and around them all over the place on the grounds with their hands on their heads were the poor fools stuck in the bank at the time. Standing in the middle of this bank was a man wearing dark black shades like the fire manipulator and the brute had worn. The only difference was this man was wearing a black leather jacket, black ‘dress pants’, and black dress shoes. If one could see him from the front he looked like Sylvester Stallone, which soon they would as he turned around. “Greetings heroes, I see you were able to defeat my mercenaries, a pity they were good men but I don’t have to pay them now.” He said with a shrug looking them all up and down, oh he had analyzed them all the moment they each walked into the factory, knew everything about their ‘heroics’ and who they were. Except for the little one of course, he was obviously new, nowhere on the records but that would change if he survived the night. “So, Ranger, Crimson Archer, plan to place an exploding arrow in me like Phillip James? Miss Aphrodite, how nice of you to join us, I’ll figure something that will take you down. And my dear boy, aren’t you a little young to be doing hero’s jobs?” He said taking a ‘doctor’s’ needle out of his jacket pocket.

((As of right now these are his ‘normal’ stats
ep:1, heightened senses

Last edited by The Ranger on May 23rd 2012, 10:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Ranger
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Deep into the night [Ranger] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by Sparrow May 23rd 2012, 3:19 pm

The blast of fire dissipated just before is managed to get near his face, Skylars eyes wide open as he came so close to what would seem like certain death. Though it seemed that his little tranq had done its work and the guy went down quicker than a ton of bricks. He thought it was all done really,though the building was beginning to burn and pretty quickly too, something Skylar could not afford to be stuck in. He wasn’t any kind of superhuman, so the fire would kill him like anyone. Before the Ranger had to even tell him,Skylar was already running with a speed he didn’t even know he possessed. It wasn’t long before he was on the ground level and safe from the great blaze that was once the building.

What caught his eyes was the sight of a few cops with bullet holes through their bodies. It seemed like they were murdered, only adding fuel to the fire within him. He notched an arrow as a man appeared on the scene,mostly talking to The Ranger. Though something caused him to snap as his teeth sharply grinded . ”He….what?” The bow fell from his hands and clattered against the ground;a sound that resonated within his ears almost hollowly. Eyes turning to The Ranger with a look that was caught between hatred and hurt. He could barely even stand really. His eyes darted between the man and The Crimson Archer,his hood falling back.

”Hes lying right? Please tell me you didn’t do it. You didn’t kill him right?” He was told heroes always did the right thing and never took a life.

”Did you really kill my brother?” That conclusion only came from the fact that not many could survive an arrow, especially if it were made by someone as smart as this guy.

Deep into the night [Ranger] - Page 3 0M6YA
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Deep into the night [Ranger] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by Cypris May 23rd 2012, 9:43 pm

(ooc: I just want to get a post out for you guys sorry if it's not very good)

Cypris was rather impressed with the young lad that fought alongside her and the Ranger, he seemed to holding his own very well. In fact he was doing so great, that he managed to beat her to the draw and took out the Matchstick for good, winning the battle for them all. However, he wasn't able to KO the brute until after he blew a mighty blast of fire that she just barely managed to barrel roll out of the way from.

She was preparing to congratulate Skylar when Ranger spoke up from the doorway, clearly sounding rushed. " Outside now, the hostages are safe, but this place is coming down.” Aphrodite knew he was right, and not because she particularly cared for following orders, but because she didn't want to be shish-ka-bob, she followed them out.

"Woo! Who wants to go celebrate! Party on me!" She laughed as they exited the burning building safely. However, her parade was rained on when she heard the ham radio in a nearby police cruiser announce a bank robbery. God she hated the rules of jurisdiction that the police had to follow, if it didn't exist then she wouldn't have had to feel guilted into going with Skylar and Ranger once again to face another criminal. Grumbling under her breathe though, she tagged along thinking it would be an easy win for the three of them.

Upon arrival and its subsequent events, however, Prissy learned that their night was long from over and the bank robbery was far from normal. Her blue eyes narrowed as Skylar's arrow clacked on the cement, there was something very strange about the man in the leather jacket...

"So that's it Sylvester?" She chided mockingly, obviously annoyed at the man's tough guy attitude, " You send the Boy Scout after us and then insult the kid? If that's all you've got, then I need to go get some beauty sleep, I'm a little tired. " The more angry she became the more apparent her New Yorker accent became.

Deep into the night [Ranger] - Page 3 Cypris10


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Deep into the night [Ranger] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by The Ranger May 24th 2012, 11:26 am

At the boy’s reaction the boss smirked and chuckled a little bit, “Ahh, so you haven’t told the boy yet? Well this will be an interesting story to hear indeed, so please explain to young Skylar James just what you did Rey Miller.” He said letting their names slide off his tongue just waiting for everything to unfold, oh he loved to mess with the minds of super humans and their secret identities are always the best to mess with. The fact that the little archer here was Phillip James’ younger brother just made it all the more fun. He half listened to their conversation, wanting it to escalate and turn the boy on the master archer, as he turned to face miss ‘Aphrodite’.

Her, she had done research on as well, almost as much as ‘The Ranger’ or the world’s greatest lawyer Rey Miller. A smile came on his face with what she said about her beauty sleep. “Ahh miss Cyrpis, don’t think I didn’t forget about you my dear, you see you’re the prized possession here Super Model.” He said playing with the needle in his hand while still never taking his eyes off of her. Though one could not tell where he was looking because of the black glasses he wore, and the eyes were the most important thing when it came to fighting or reading someone’s emotions. For one could do whatever they wanted with the rest of the body but their eyes never lie. “I would ask you how London is this time of year but your accent tells a different story Miss Aphros.” He was testing her, gutting her in, he wanted to find out just what made this seemingly un-killable girl tick, there had to be some way to damage her and he would find it out.

The Ranger was surprised when the man said something about Phil, even more surprised at Skylar’s reaction, and then all hell broke loose when his secret identity was revealed. When Skylar dropped his bow and looked at him, hearing his last name, he cringed a little bit underneath his hood as it all sunk in. He could make up about a zillion lies right then and there to tell the kid and he would probably believe them all. But, where would lying get them? Just a big long loop of one lie after the next, and that wasn’t what Rey believed in; so instead he sighed and looked down at Skylar. “Yes, I did, but I didn’t do it on purpose Skylar. It was an accident, he had survived countless numbers of my exploding arrows when he was working for Elena Marie before, I believed this one would be no different. But it was, and the effects were well…devastating, I couldn’t look at myself for weeks.” He said with a sad look upon his face. “And although I am sorry for the loss of your brother, I cannot pity the loss of the man who took my parents lives anymore than I do.”

The Ranger
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Deep into the night [Ranger] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by Sparrow May 24th 2012, 2:41 pm

”So he did?” Skylar muttered before simply kneeling down and picking up his weapons. Running a finger over one of the arrows as the man tried to explain himself, or whatever the hell he was saying. Honestly he was getting sick of hearing anyone talk at the moment and every word only made him sicker. Especially the words that came out of The Rangers mouth, which were only worst for him really. Behind that thin veil of an apology, he could tell the man was trying to make it seem right.

”Would you just shut the fuck up?!? Do you think anything you say will excuse you? You killed the only person who didn’t look down on me! While I’m at that,why don’t you shut up too Sylvester fucking Stalone?!?” Skylar aimed an arrow at the mans head with no intention of missing.

”I don’t give a damn what you say Ranger. In fact don’t even waste your time talking to me.” He aimed downward and let the arrow fly, aimed for the mans torso before quickly moving for another one with superhuman speed and launched it at him once again.

Deep into the night [Ranger] - Page 3 0M6YA
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Deep into the night [Ranger] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by Cypris May 28th 2012, 3:45 pm

Cypris stared at the strange man in surprise...he knew who she was? I mean the fact really wasn't all that new to her, she was world famous from countless movies, commercials, and magazine photos but this was different. His knowing meant that he had hunted her down, put bugs in her car and home, sent spies after her, he probably knew people who worked with her or had hired them to watch her! She stood there dumbfounded for a moment, just as put off as Ranger seemed to be but it only took her another moment to regain her composure and growl at her opponent. "If you know me so well...then tell me who my mother is. Remind yourself who you're dealing with here, Hot Shot." She was implying her god blood, and granted she was only the daughter of Aphrodite, she was still a demi-god.

Upon speaking she finished in enough time to watch an arrow fly for the man's head, it was one of Skylar's! Scowling softly the heroine quick notched an arrow and let one fly, knocking Skylar's off its death shot so that it would hit the corner of the man's glasses instead and hopefully shatter them. As much as she hated this guy already, killing him was not what heroes did...

She had no more than leased her arrow however when she turned to chide the youth for his previous actions, only to find him stringing for another blow, this time at Ranger. Her eyes widened and the second he leased them she shot her own arrows, knocking both of his from the air with pinpoint accuracy. "I am sorry about your brother boy...but now is not the time. Don't you think it is odd that this man knows who all of us are? Did you think that perhaps he had something to do with your brothers death besides Ranger, or could have done something about it if he knew?" She wasn't sure if any of this was true, she was hoping that the child would simply redirect his anger to the Sylvester Stallone look-alike and then Ranger and him could figure something out later...otherwise she would be forced to fight this man on her own! "This is the hero world, and you will not survive it if you don't leave your selfishness at the door...all of it ! If you want to prove that no one should look down on you...then you don't need your brother to do that! Prove it to us right now by putting aside your pain for a while and help us take this guy down!" She told him, keeping her bow knocked with another arrow in case he got angry with her too.

Deep into the night [Ranger] - Page 3 Cypris10


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