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Deep into the night [Ranger]

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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by Sparrow April 30th 2012, 4:33 pm

The sun was just beginning to set in the Chicago sky, leading way to the empty dome of the night sky. Light pollution would drown out the endless lights of the stars and leave the sky empty and black. An almost sad sight to see but at the same time it was somewhat calming to him. His dark eyes looked up to the sky with an almost anxious anticipation as he clutched the thick bow in hand. A quiver of about twenty steel tipped arrows hung by a strap over his back as he pulled the hood over his head. Over a bright blonde head of hair that was styled in a messy but fashionable looking style. He wore a leather jacket that he thought looked good on him as well as faded looking jeans. With careful fingers he opened his window without as much as a sound before stepping onto the fire escape with only as much as a light thump. Managing to make it down one floor with little discomfort to himself.

A scruffy alley cat brushed beside him as it slunk away down the metallic steps of the fire escape. The smell of pollution had long since faded from his notice since he had lived years in the Windy City. Cars drove bye from his view of the main street almost giving him a sort of primal excitement. It was not long until he reached the street level and pulled his hood back. Eyes catching the glimmer of a faint neon sign as he mentally prepared himself. He was off to find his brother, wherever the hell he was. Though where he could find someone who would give him the information was a tough thing to find. Not many people knew him it seemed or wanted to say who he was.

He had heard of a gathering of questionable individuals not too far from where he lived and thought maybe he could find some info from them. Sometimes people squealed when you put them under enough pressure. Pulling the leather hood back over his head,Skylar made his way to what may be a trap; but he was too busy to consider something like that. So he walked and before long he was there. The men looked rather fancily dressed for your average thug and that was a good sign. With as much silence as possible he slipped into the shadows and notched an arrow, aiming at the gun in the largest mans hand. With squinted eyes he let the arrow fly as the man howled in pain and clutched his hand. People turned his way as he emerged with another arrow prepared.

”Make another move and I promise I won’t miss.” he said in the deepest voice he could manage,which was pretty good as the guys assumed he was older than he really was, or so he thought by their expressions. They froze for a second most likely scared at the display he managed. No one else reached for their weapons, afraid of the arrow that would most likely be lodged in their chests of they did. Though one had the balls to try and fired a shot off. Nearly hitting him as it whizzed only an inch by his right ear. He cursed under his breath as he turned and ran. People in hot pursuit of him. Not the best idea but whatever.

Deep into the night [Ranger] 0M6YA
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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by The Ranger April 30th 2012, 5:43 pm

Rey Miller had been spending today at work on a case and with Rebecca O' Day, soon to be Miller of he had his way. Oh he would too, by the end of the month before she went back to Pain's place. She had already fallen asleep just as the sun went down, but of course when the sun goes down is when his other persona takes to action. Silently and without making any noise at all he slid out of their bed and changed into his hero 'costume’ Paine called it. He then grabbed his quiver full if arrows, his compound and long bow, then any other equipment he would need and headed out the window.

Dawning the appearance of ‘The Ranger’ one of the infamous Phantoms he took off into the night hoping for some action in the ever active Chicago. Though not as crime ridden as New York it was still up there with the ‘worst’ of them and it was his job to make sure nothing happened to it. Racing at up to speeds of eighty miles per hour, though not his fastest speed it was still a feet unmatched by any humans could ever hope to achieve. Smirking to himself as he saw another person with a bow who dawned a hood and seemed to be a crime fighter. Yet, it seemed this new hero was just that, new at the sport and didn’t exactly know what he was getting into. When they started to chase after him Ranger notched a snare arrow as well as an electric net arrow and fired them off in between the new hero and the goons.

The Arrows quickly did the job he was hoping they would, the fools who didn’t see the snare were quickly tripped and falling flat on their faces. While those that took notice of this tripping tried to jump over the snare only to land on the net and get electrocuted from it. He shook his head smirking to himself as he watched the boy continue running down the street and sprinted off on the roof tops until he was obviously in front of him. Jumping off the roofs he grabbed onto the fire escape and used his gloves to slide down till he touched the street in front of him. Standing he looked over at the man and noticed he was just a boy, about the age he was when he lost his parents. “Taking on an entire gang all on your self is a risky job for a youngster. But, I will admit you do have skill and the potential to be great kid.” He spoke in his deep, sarcastic sounding voice, but also a voice that could scare the living daylights out of someone if they didn’t know he was a hero and meant everything he said.

The Ranger
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Deep into the night [Ranger] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by Sparrow April 30th 2012, 6:05 pm

His lungs began to burn as he ran even faster. These guys were too slow to catch up with him but bullets were another matter entirely. He would have to think of some sly plan to take them down without any loss of life and that was a chore within itself. Though it would take more than simply numbers to take down the genius, he was known for getting himself out of messy situations. Though all he had was a small bag of marbles in his pocket. Though they may be more useful than he thought they would. Before any super heroic plan could be enacted, something happened that threw a wrench in his plan but may also be called a godsend.

A strange hooded figure appeared on the scene and soon enough the thugs were disposed of. He watched with slacked jaw as the guy took them down with no difficulty. He was fast about it and used some badass looking tech in the process. He looked at the defeated thugs with a smile hidden by his hood. This guy was the real deal and possibly even better than him with that bow he held. He used a bow! Skylar was even more interested when that small fact came to the forefront of his mind. ”Woah that was amazing. I mean you took those guys out like……” he snapped, getting the point across how fast he did it.

He had heard of a man in red before though from where he couldn’t remember. He was supposed to one of the best archers in the world, something Skylar hoped to become one of these days, no matter how long it took him. ”Thanks for the help. Though I had it under control.” he said chuckling weakly as he put his bow away on a strap that hung around his back. Sure that this guy was no threat to him for the time being. If he was a hero,maybe Skylar could talk him into teaching him a few moves.

Deep into the night [Ranger] 0M6YA
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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by The Ranger April 30th 2012, 6:38 pm

The Crimson Archer kept a cool, calm, and collected face as he listened to the boy yet smiling on the inside. He only nodded as the kid said he took the guys out quickly, doing it all 'in a snap' or so te kid said. To be honest it wasn't his best or fastest work at all, he could have done much better bu was feeling a little lazy at the time. Sizing the kid up he could tell he was strong, fast for his age, and a pretty good archer from what he saw earlier. Not as good a he himself was of course but that could always be changed and fixed if given the time. Which oddly he was thinking about doing, oh sure he probably wasn't the best teacher on the world but it could be something he would do if asked . Putting his bow back upon his back and then listened to what else he had to say, only nodding his head before smirking. "Yes, because running away in the opposite direction and getting shot at is having a situation under control, though I'll admit your good with that bow of yours." Ranger said then held his hand out to the kid to shake, "Call me Ranger, Crimson, or Red, and you are kid?" He asked and though he himself was only about twenty years old he was still obviously this kids elder a he didn't look a day over sixteen at the latest.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Deep into the night [Ranger] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by Sparrow April 30th 2012, 7:14 pm

Skylar blushed lightly when the hiccup in his not so well thought out plan was brought to light. He wasn’t known for his planning but that was just a minor hiccup, after all; the guy had come to his rescue with time to spare. Though it wasn’t really his intention to be saved. No need to complain to a hero like the one standing before him. ”I had a plan….. A good one.” He muttered a little low as his eyes drifted up to the hooded hero, wondering what his gimmick was. If he had any sort of badass powers or whatever. Maybe he could do something with fire or some kinda perfect aim shit. Though his train of thought was cut off by a question The Ranger asked.

”I don’t really have any kind of superhero name or whatever if that’s what you mean. So just call me Skylar,its what most people who know me call me.” He shrugged as he moved into a more comfortable position of standing. Playing with a chain necklace with a cross hanging down from it, the metal brushing against his skin. Sometimes it was a sort of symbol of comfort and other times it was simply something he would hold if he felt nervous.

” So you’re a hero right? Do you have any special powers or something?” he asked pulling his hood back as his face was revealed. Lips stretched into an interested grin.

Deep into the night [Ranger] 0M6YA
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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by The Ranger April 30th 2012, 9:44 pm

"Of course you did." He said not changin his posture, voice or anything at all, from the little bit he saw he knew the kid didn't have anything planed besides run it shoot some arrows ad hopefully win. With the response to his question Ranger simply nodded it being enough for him to be honest. "Well Skylar, just a word if advice, you might want to eventually get a name if your going to continue doing this. If only to protect yourself if you have no one back at home to protect." He said only honestly giving his thought on the thing he was told, that truly was his belief on that subject. Then of course he saw the cross necklace and pulled his out as well, "You know, some call me The Right Hand of Jesus, with the necklace I assume your Christian but what denomination? I myself am a Catholic." He spoke only to smirk and the question asked next by Skylar and nodded, "Two though if you want to get technical four, my speed, my intelligence is super human, my reaction timing, and this." With that he disappeared before Skylar's very eyes and walked around making no noise at all only to tap him on the back and then walk back to the front were he turns became visibil once again.

The Ranger
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Deep into the night [Ranger] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by Sparrow April 30th 2012, 10:00 pm

He accepted the advice with a neutral expression, considering he couldn’t think if a good hero name for someone who shot arrows around. He wasn’t blessed with Phil’s strength,speed or tough skin. He was a simple human boy with some arrow skills and they weren’t anywhere as good as this guys. He looked down at his cross,eyes darting back up to The Ranger. ”I’m Catholic,or close enough to it. I haven’t really attended Mass much. My brother called it lame but.” He shrugged. Phil never really saw a need for religion when he could fix all his problems with his fists. Not everyone had the luxury to be able to do that. ”I didn’t let him get to me.”

When Ranger demonstrated his power, Skylar was only impressed even more by the interesting display. He could turn invisible too? That was one thing that added a certain respect of the man to him. His head whipped around to see the man behind him, lip curling into a pleased smile. He had settled it in his mind that this guy would teach him. Maybe he could help him find his brother in time too. Ideas churned through his brain in a torrent.

”Woah,that’s amazing. I didn’t even hear you.‘ he was pleased with the results of tonight. Maybe it would go better than he expected.

Last edited by Skylar James on May 1st 2012, 4:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

Deep into the night [Ranger] 0M6YA
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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by The Ranger May 1st 2012, 6:18 am

When Skylar spoke about his brother and how he did not let him stop him from being Catholic he nodded his head in approval. Yet, didn't speak more on the matter as it wasn't realy his place to dweal on what this boy was taught from his family. The next thing he said only made Ranger nod his head and shrug, "it comes with the power I can move invisibly and without ever making a noise, you can tell how a power like that would come in handy." Rey said then rolled his neck and thought of something else to ask, "Now then, who exactly taught you how to shoot a bow? You're very good I'll give you that but you could use some improvements in certian places and I could help with that."

The Ranger
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Deep into the night [Ranger] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by Sparrow May 1st 2012, 4:30 pm

Skylar noticed The Ranger nodded as he explained his religious background, seeming to be some sort of acknowledging gesture. ”It does? That’s pretty cool.” he said in response to the Rangers explanation about his power. Invisibility and silent movement were a dangerous combo to have indeed, making this guy seem to be a very effective hero. Though his next question was something he wasn’t really expecting, and that was where he got his training.

”I guess I kinda taught myself. I think I do pretty good as I am but I would be glad to accept any help if you can offer it.” He said with a weak grin. ”So I have to ask this. Do you work alone or with other heroes?” That was something he was curious about ever since eh heard about the mysterious group lead by a man called The Phantom Knight.

Deep into the night [Ranger] 0M6YA
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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by The Ranger May 1st 2012, 5:13 pm

"Self taught? Well there's something you don't see everyday, I too am self taught." He paused considering what the boy said and shrugged nodding, "Yes, I could teach you if you wanted me to." Ranger said then when the next question came he had to think for a second, of course he was part of the Phantoms but he mostly worked alone as the others were not as active as he was. "Me, I am apart of the group called The Phantoms that protectsour fair city of Chicago, but mostly I work alone unless of course one of the other phantoms comes along to help as well." Rey then thought about how he would help train this kid and smirked, "I could show you some moves if you want."

((xD srry it sucks))

The Ranger
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Deep into the night [Ranger] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by Sparrow May 1st 2012, 7:41 pm

”You’re self taught too?!? That’s awesome.” This guy was just great really. He was a self taught master with skills that were simply insane. What weret he chances that you would meet someone of this caliber out in the middle of the city of Chicago? He was jittery just with the thought of it and him offering to show him some moves was even better. ” Yeah, I would love to see some moves.” he was like a kid in a candy store and didn’t want it to end.

Deep into the night [Ranger] 0M6YA
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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by The Ranger May 1st 2012, 8:17 pm

The Ranger smirked as he listened to the kid speak and cracked his neck listening to what the kid had to say then nodded his head. “Yea…I can do that first we need a” he was cut off by the sound of a siren flying by and could only smirk at the noise. “Ah Chicago, gota love it for that.” He said then nodded his head in the direction and took off at a pace he knew the boy could keep up with, it wasn’t too fast and it wasn’t too slow either. To be honest it was just a perfect speed for the boy to be able to at least stay a couple steps behind him at all times. When they came up upon the scene about five minutes later he took out his bow and notched a normal arrow, realizing this was a hostage situation of some sort. That much was easy to tell from all the police surrounding the building and none of them running inside. “You ready kid?” He asked looking over at him and then back up at the scene in front of him.

The Ranger
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Deep into the night [Ranger] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by Sparrow May 2nd 2012, 7:30 pm

He was all too ready to learn some of this guys tricks but Chicago crime would not sleep. The Ranger was already running to face the trouble and he was close after him, though Skylar could tell he wasn’t going as fast as he could. Slowing down just for him. He pulled his hood up as they approached the scene of the crime, eyes narrowing on the scene. A hostage situation, something he had never dealt with before. He drew an arrow as if prepared for anything that could happen,though what would happen here and now? Minus the hostage possibly getting killed, which was not a good thing at all. ”Born ready.” He said with a confident smirk as he thought of the possible plans to deal with this.

Deep into the night [Ranger] 0M6YA
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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by The Ranger May 2nd 2012, 9:11 pm

With that Ranger only smirked and asked one of the cops for the binoculars they were using and used them to survey the scene. The building was a classic factory, six floors about ten windows on each floor and one big room on each floor, with an office on the top floor for the factory boss. He could see movement on the top floor of a man with a big build, or that's what he figured, and a rifle in his hand. With that he figured te hostage was also on that floor but far enough back that one couldn't see them from the window. What bugged him was that the fact that the situation must be worse than what it appears to be because of all the cops and two s.w.a.t. teams. So, obviously this guy was either a super hero, he had back up, or both; Ranger was going with both on this situation. Quickly he relayed the situation to Skylar and pointe to the back motioning for him to follow. The Crimson Archer was going to sneak in through the top floor but he wa going to do it by the back as well. Reasoning behind the plan was simple. Hitting the top floor first ment taking out the highest priority and saving the hostage or hostages quickly while going through the back where there were no windows ment secretly entering something he liked to do. When they got to the back he took out two grappling hooks, handing one to skykar and throwin his up on the roof and started to climb up.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Deep into the night [Ranger] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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Deep into the night [Ranger] Empty Re: Deep into the night [Ranger]

Post by Sparrow May 3rd 2012, 7:50 pm

Skylar made his own assessment of the situation and it was nearly correct from the briefing Ranger gave him. It seemed the bad guys could possibly be met human and that only added to the danger of the situation and something he was hoping for secretly. He could have his chance to take down a super powered being like his brother, if only to prove himself. The Ranger was obviously more equipped for a situation like this but it wasn’t like he was totally useless. They made their way to the back of the building, Skylar following the Rangers lead. He threw the hook up as it made contact, sticking in place as he tested the strength. It was nice and tight. With a few more seconds he was climbing, feet planted hard against the wall as he tried to keep his footing.He knew he would be going into the middle of a potential disaster but whatevs.

Deep into the night [Ranger] 0M6YA
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