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Taiz's recruitment

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Taiz's recruitment Empty Taiz's recruitment

Post by Terrance December 22nd 2011, 1:49 pm

It was a beautiful morning to wake up on. The sun's rays shone through the velvet curtains of my New York apartment, basking the room in a light reddish glow. It was a nice enough place. Nothing like my countryside mansion of course, but nice nonetheless. Already refurbished it with several of my favorite rugs, my persian sofa and of course the obligatory technology. Though my lab was now far away I still needed something to divert my attention to.
The apartment was rather big, as should be expected from a luxury apartment, and encompassed two floors.
The lower contained a room with excellent acoustics in which I could practice my music and sonic experiments, a living room in which I could relax lie down on the sofa, perhaps indulge in some narcotics, and a kitchen in which to, well, cook of course. The upper floor I reserved for my bedroom and bathroom. The bedroom in particular I had already become fond of, it having a splendid view of the New York skyline from the balcony.
There was plenty more space available, but this was all I would need for now, until I would find accommodations better befitting my....inclinations.

I slipped out of bed, and after completing my daily training exercises headed towards the bathroom to take a nice refreshing shower.

I had only recently settled in here, searching for fulfillment. I had been feeling awfully downbeat lately, for I simply had nothing to do. No excitement, no splendor, drama, romance; none of those things that made life bearable. To remedy this, I had decided I would leave for New York City to find like-minded men and women who might be able to lift the curse of boredom. Realizing fully well how difficult it might be to contact the particular type of people I was searching for, and how easy it could be to fall in with the common rabble, the lower echelons of 'super-villainy', I had prepared a small test of sorts, so that I might only get in contact with the best of the best. The uppermost elite, as is befitting of a man of my particular talents.

Having freshened up for the morning, I went to dress myself. Only the finest of victorian fashion, the most refined I must say, would do. Hmm. Today's choice was a simple but elegant combination of waistcoat, shirt, jacket, trousers and bowtie. As I looked in the mirror, I could not think else but that I once again looked absolutely ravishing.

I had sent out a simple message on a rather elaborately encoded radio frequency. In it, I described my talents and 'powers' in a fashion not entirely dissimilar to a resume and requested to meet with those who might have a need for a man of my ability. I purposefully did not make the transmission completely untrackable; how would I be found if I made myself even more elusive?
And that leaves me where I am now. Awaiting the arrival of guests.

I had a simple breakfast of indonesian fried rice and some assorted fruits, and then proceeded to the living room. I had planned to get some painting done; there was a particular landscape I still wished to finish, but had not foreseen that I would be visited so early in the morning. Ah, but fate never comes fully expected, and can trick the foresight of even the brightest of minds. And indeed, it was fate that had come here this morning.


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Number of posts : 49
Location : Amsterdam
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-12-19

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Taiz's recruitment Empty Re: Taiz's recruitment

Post by Alpha December 22nd 2011, 2:17 pm

Elena reclined comfortably in the back seat of her slim black limo, head rested on her left palm ever so calmly. It was a standard recruitment for her, and it would go easy enough. If she wanted something, Elena usually got it. Money had a wonderful sway upon the impressionable minds of human beings. Today she decided to wear a more warm set of clothing. A wool sweater, with tight fitting blue jeans that hugged her curves. The cures of a body that fit a sixteen year old instead of her true age which was thirty seven. Her orangish hair was tied tightly into a ponytail, piercing green eyes reflecting the light beautifully. As her son Bane sat beside her, the usual escort in her line of business. "Driver, stop at this curve." She ordered tapping a long dagger-like nail against the glass. Once the vehicle stopped, she stepped out onto the cold New York street, fur boots making a light tapping noise.

With a brisk pace she approached the main entrance. Staring for a brief second at the fine craftsmanship of the door before rapping her knuckles light against it. Waiting with patience as she expected to be answered, the smell of food wafting to her nostrils. Though Elena wasn't hungry in the least. She always made sure to eat before going to a business meeting. Didn't need anything to keep her focus off of the prize. If he could use sonokinesis, that would only mean she had another powerful ally. Which was always good for the plan she had in mind. New York would not even know what had hit it.

Taiz's recruitment CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
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Taiz's recruitment Empty Re: Taiz's recruitment

Post by Bane December 22nd 2011, 2:26 pm

At her side was her trusty minion/son/assassin Bane Thielfs, the gray skinned, mismatched-eyed Artificial Human/Mutant hybrid. He biting his lip that was sticking out of his mouth as he played on his handheld console that he stole from some no-name kid after beating the shit out of him and leaving him for dead as he tapped buttons. He seemed to be really into the game as he scowled or made a grin every few minutes, making comments like 'Sweet, phat loot to hoarde' or 'Yeah, got me an awesome torch to do some cave-lurking' as some sounds from his little gameboy was the only sounds coming from the car. The car stopped and he looked up when the driver announced they were at their destination.

He grinned in an eager manner as he pocketed his gameboy as he followed after his 'Momma' and grabbed her hand, being lead to their destination as they stopped in front of a door. "I hope this is an RPG. Maybe if I take the door I'll get some Gold Pieces to buy me a tome of the Physical Arts and get me some more Attribute Points so I can Level Up and get me that dragonhide armor I got at Level 5 but wasn't able to equip cause I didn't have enough strength at the time" the psychopath shouted and babbled to himself nonsensically in his video game lingo as his momma knocked on the door and waited impatiently like a little child as he bounced up and down on the heel of his feet.

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Number of posts : 95
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-05-04

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Taiz's recruitment Empty Re: Taiz's recruitment

Post by Terrance December 22nd 2011, 3:32 pm

A slight rapping at the door signaled me that my guests had arrived. I admit, I was rather excited to meet with whomever it was that had managed to decode my message, and curious as to what kind of person it would be. But nervous I was not. He who fears the limelight's call and the attentive gazes of the crowd is not worthy to play any role but that of the coward and the fool.
I made my way to the door, and quickly examined myself in the mirror to search for any..imperfections. As expected, there were none. I opened to door to see what the fates had in store for me.

A girl? A look of puzzlement flashed across my face, which I immediately corrected, replacing it with my usual calm demeanor. A strange young man was with her, holding the girl's hand in the manner a child would hold his mother's. They both seemed to be around the same age physically, but whereas the girl seemed unnaturally mature and calm for her age, the boy seemed a little...ahh, what euphemism am I looking for? No matter, I return to the situation at hand.

"Good morning." I smiled my politest of smiles and beckoned my guests to enter. "Please, follow me." Not ready to engage in full conversation yet, I motioned them towards the living room before heading there myself and subsequently taking a seat on my favorite grandfather chair, which I had had brought here from my estate especially. I gestured at the sofa, my sofa, nonverbally offering them to take a seat so that we may converse comfortably. A host must always keep in mind the comfort of his guests. And I just so happen to be an excellent host.

"I see you've received my message. How wonderful."

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Location : Amsterdam
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-12-19

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Taiz's recruitment Empty Re: Taiz's recruitment

Post by Alpha December 29th 2011, 4:55 pm

The man had an air of calm, and sophistication about him. Elena could get work done if he worked for her, though how much ha yet to be seen. With a smile she, walked into the room. Bane in tow, though he had his uses." I indeed did. Its a pleasure to meet you. I'm Elena Marie Thiels, and I was hoping to employ you. If you are willing." She took herself a seat on the nearest available chair. Legs crossing, as she motioned for bane, and Taiz to sit."We have much to discuss, and plenty of time to do. So please, take a seat." Elena gave a simple wave of her hand." What expectations do you have of being a villain? We need to get that out of the way before any offers can be made."

Taiz's recruitment CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Taiz's recruitment Empty Re: Taiz's recruitment

Post by Bane December 29th 2011, 5:38 pm

Bane looked at the man who was well-dressed and snickered chilidishly, the man looking like one of those stuck-up snobs you'd see in an RPG. The man invited them in and his eyes lit up when he saw that there was food on the table. His Momma sat down and she invited him to sit next to her. He ran over to the table and plopped down in his seat. Then he started digging into his food, eating like a barbarian as he grabbed handfuls of food and started eating it in a messy, animalistic manner, food sometimes flying around the room as he only partially paid attention to the conversation. His personality always was that of a very young child when around his mother so Elena would most likely not say anything about his eating habit. The man and potential recruit would probably say something but he'd just probably threaten him in computer speak or try to stab him with his knife or fork and just go back to eating.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-05-04

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Taiz's recruitment Empty Re: Taiz's recruitment

Post by Terrance December 29th 2011, 6:14 pm

The girl, nay lady, had an air of professionalism about her that I couldn't help but admire. She and the somewhat less professional boy took a seat on my sofa, as I had offered them to do. The boy however only sat down once she commanded it. At least he respected chain of command.

Elena Marie Thiels was her name she said. An alias perhaps, or her honest name? Doesn't matter. Very regal-sounding nonetheless. Lovely.
She posed me a question, about what I expected from 'villainy'.

"What my expectations of being a villain are? I prefer the term 'antagonist' personally. Less loaded with petty morality. But that's beside the point." I paused when I saw the boy ravenously assaulting the leftovers of my oriental breakfast. I raised an eyebrow, somewhat baffled at how so poised a woman could employ such an ill-mannered little miscreant. I would have cringed at the sight of this feral buffoon if I weren't such a calm and collected persona. It would have been unwise to do anything that might instigate a conflict, especially considering my guests were superhumans like myself. No, I would be able to clean up at a later juncture. Besides, there wasn't much food left.

"Is he quite alright?" I asked Elena somewhat incredulously, with a smile that expressed both bewilderment and amusement. A feigned amusement of course. I shook my head a little, then returned to our conversation.

"I expect very little. I expect my employer will find some use for my gifts, and opportunity for me to display them. I have told you of my gift, my power. I simply wish to put it to use for something beyond recreation, which is all I have used it for so far. Petty little jests, acts serving only for my base amusement. I yearn for more than that, I yearn to serve some purpose, fill a greater role than that of the fool who squanders his gifts."

Perhaps I could have expressed that simpler.

"But to keep things simple, let us say that I wish to do business with you. Offer you my services in exchange for resources, monetary compensation and of course, as the phrase goes, a piece of the action." Much better.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Location : Amsterdam
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-12-19

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Taiz's recruitment Empty Re: Taiz's recruitment

Post by Alpha December 29th 2011, 6:32 pm

'Hes quite alright I assure you. Please forgive him if he embarrasses you in anyway." Elena though it was better to get that part of the meeting out of the way first. Bane had his quirks, but he proved to be a useful ally. Listening with the patience of a saint, she evaluated what he wanted. This man would prove to be agreeable indeed. " Indeed I can find many uses for your gift. Though I can offer more than simple monetary gain. in fact I can promise you the heads of the most dangerous group of Heroes. Those who call themselves The Phantoms. I can offer you manpower,money, and so much more. If you join me. You will earn a name for yourself, if that is what you desire. These are just a few things I can offer." She said all of this with a calm, businesslike tone. Her eyes like emeralds as they looked upon the man she was making the deal with. Reclining ever so slightly in her seat, as she waited for an appropriate response.

Taiz's recruitment CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Taiz's recruitment Empty Re: Taiz's recruitment

Post by Bane December 29th 2011, 6:39 pm

He quickly finished his gorging on the food and let out a satisfied burp, tilting his seat back as he picked at his teeth. He patted his now full and satisfied stomach and whistled to himself as his mother gave the newbie an offer he probably wouldn't refuse. There was a chance he might, in which case he was brought along that if he did, he would be assigned to kill the noob should he refuse. "Ah, that was some good food Momma. Though you definitely make much better stuff, since my HP and Stamina meters are back to full" he said to Elena with a childlike glint in his eye as he gave her a childish smile as he hugged her and snuggled up into her shoulder like a small child would do.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-05-04

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Taiz's recruitment Empty Re: Taiz's recruitment

Post by Terrance December 29th 2011, 7:07 pm

"Most excellent!" I exclaimed joyfully as I stood up and clasped my hands together with a merry clap. It occurred to me that this might be a fitting moment to display some of my power, and so I did.

"Then allow me now, to formally introduce myself." A voice rang from Elena's left. My voice, to be more precise, though not the one produced by my vocal cords. Then, from all directions:

"I am Taiz Treffalman, artist extraordinaire, sultan of sound and now your humble servant, speaking to you in full surround."

Enough showing off. It was unlikely to impress, but I felt it only appropriate to introduce myself in such a manner, after I had so rudely forgotten to introduce myself earlier. I returned to using my physical voice.
"A fair bargain. I accept your terms, and will do my best to meet my part of the deal."

During my little demonstration I had not paid much attention to my guests, but now, looking upon them, as I saw the young madman snuggle up to my new employer and heard him affectionately call her 'Momma', I felt slightly puzzled. Obviously she was not the age she seemed, of course. I would be a fool to truly be surprised by such things, especially in this new world I was about to enter. No, I could not let myself be disturbed by such trifling matters. Still, it simply felt wrong. Perhaps it was just my dislike of the younger one tugging at my strings. I would not let it bother me.

I sat down again. "Now then, where do I start?" I asked Elena, eager to begin working on something more...productive. Not that my lifestyle so far had been uncomfortable, not at all. I did enjoy my day-to day activities, and the occasional chasing of the dragon, but it simply wasn't enough. A good story demands conflict and action, and so does a good life. A stagnant life is almost akin to death, the difference being only that death should eventually be embraced; stagnance never.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Location : Amsterdam
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-12-19

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Taiz's recruitment Empty Re: Taiz's recruitment

Post by Alpha December 29th 2011, 7:20 pm

Elena gave Bane a smile, as he cuddled up to her. Unaffected in the least by the show of affection. Next came his excellent show of power, which she was quite impressed by. Elena had never seen sonokinesis in use before, so it was a treat. "An impressive ability Taiz. I am very impressed with its applications." She said genuinely, clapping her hands lightly together. " First, I suppose I would have to tell you of what I offer. In each major city, i have my own personal mansion. Since you work for me, you have access to these as well." She placed a folded piece of paper on the table."This has the addresses on them. Now as to what I nee you to do. in the near future, I have something planned out for new York. It will shake the very foundation of the city, and you will be there to witness it. infact, you will help in its happening."

Taiz's recruitment CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Taiz's recruitment Empty Re: Taiz's recruitment

Post by Bane December 30th 2011, 4:04 pm

He grinned up at his Momma as he took out his gameboy and started fiddling with it and soon, he was back to tapping buttons. As his Momma explained to the guy about the things he would gain by joining up with her and everything, he looked up from his game and grinned in a menacing manner. "Yeah and if you go aheadand deny my Momma of your loyalty, I'll happily H4X you and take away you're save states so your game will be lost for good" he said with a menacing snicker as he cracked his neck, looking incredibly eager to start some violence and partake in some awesome Level Grinding. Who knows, he might even Level Up and up his Endurance so he could last longer in a fight.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-05-04

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Taiz's recruitment Empty Re: Taiz's recruitment

Post by Terrance December 30th 2011, 5:38 pm

An event that would shake the very foundations of the city, and I would be part of it! I would finally feel the limelight's warm embrace as I entered the stage. Oh, never before had I been able to play for an audience so large; an entire city, how grand!
My enthusiasm manifested itself in a contented grin, one I could simply not filter. This woman, almost a complete stranger to me, now gave me access to her resources and lairs. No longer would I have to work in an abandoned factory, however good a job I had done in sprucing up that place. Of course, I would keep it as a backup lair. Just for safety's sake.

Then the boy threatened me, as I had expected he would. The bloodthirst simply oozed from his very being; that empty, meaningless desire for bloodshed. I wondered what it was for? A way to validate his existence? To keep his britle little ego healthy? Or was it perhaps simple psychopathy? Curious.

Similarly curious was his penchant to speak game lingo.. Pah, this was no man. It was a retarded child with a twisted soul, housed in the shell of a man, and what was most likely to be a most powerful shell. To bequeath such a gift onto such a low existence is a waste indeed. Perhaps he had some use to his..momma, for her to keep him around. She certainly didn't seem very loving a mother, if she were his mother at all. Which takes me back to my earlier statement. Indeed I knew little of these people. Perhaps too little. I would inquire later. First, I responded to his threat.

"I'm sure you would." A short reply, after which I turned to Elena once more.

"Thank you. I look forward to the event all-ready" I said as I reached out for the piece of paper, and tucked it away safely in my waistcoat's pocket. "Now, I'll hand you my contact information on your way out, but before that I would ask you to tell me a little more about yourself, your..son..and your organization in general, if you were so inclined of course. And before I forget, I would also like to formally request a dossier on these 'Phantoms' you spoke of earlier, if such a dossier exists, of course. I do apologize for asking so many questions, but it is only natural for one to be inquisitive when entering a new..err..occupation."

Well, I certainly bombarded her with inquisition, did I not? Perhaps my enthusiasm got the better of me, and affected my sense of conversational timing. No matter. I had full faith in her professionalism, and was sure I would be told all I needed to know, regardless of how clumsily I threw my questions at her. So refreshing to deal with people of refinement, especially in this day and age.


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Number of posts : 49
Location : Amsterdam
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-12-19

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Taiz's recruitment Empty Re: Taiz's recruitment

Post by Alpha January 5th 2012, 5:15 pm

So he wanted to know something about her? That would be easy enough, though no important information would be given. " Very well, I can tell you something about me. I'm the matron so to speak of the house Thiels, and a proficient enough witch. Unfortunatly i'm stuck working with a megalomaniac scorpion alien thing. Though he has his uses. I have two sons, this one and another though he couldn't make it." She paused for a brief second, clearing her throat. Taking a small slice of mango, and chewing on the sweet flesh of the fruit." As for a dossier, I can give you all the information I have on a flash drive, though it won't be much. Sadly, the Phantoms are a very mysterious group, and all I have deduced so far is they are lead by a man who calls himself The Black Knight. Though i'm trying to figure out his identity, if that is even possible." She frowned lightly for a brief second, saddened at that fact."Is that all, or do you need further information."

Taiz's recruitment CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Taiz's recruitment Empty Re: Taiz's recruitment

Post by Terrance January 6th 2012, 5:16 pm

I smiled, contented with what knowledge she had given. Of course, it wasn't much, but as is often the truth, the key to knowledge is trust. But that was only regarding personal matters. Information on these 'Phantoms' was apparently scarce, as is befitting of their name. They kept to their theme; admirable, if not a little daunting. It would be easier to play my role appropriately if I were to know how to adjust my performance to theirs. Now I would simply have to ad lib it. Not that that would pose a problem. It is one of my greatest skills. Asides from my innate power of Sonokinesis of course.

I could then only hope that they would play their role well. Superheroes intent on preventing whatever harm would be wrought upon this city, and defeating those who would cause it. The protagonists. A noble role, though difficult to fulfill admirably. In my childhood, I had often fantasized about these superheroes, these 'larger-than life' characters and their dramatic exploits.
In this story however, I was to play a different role. I was to be one of the antagonists, standing beside Elena and those whom she had allied herself with. The role of the villain. A role I would do my utmost best to play to perfection.

But I digress, and return to my social dealings.

"No, that would be enough for now." I answered, waving my hand and averting my gaze shortly in polite dismissal.
I stood up again and slowly began to move out of the salon, expecting my guests to do the same.

"I shall soon move to one of your estates then, where I will continue my research. Perhaps we shall find the time to become better acquainted. I look forward to working with you."


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