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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by Greco leBeau December 18th 2010, 1:40 am

One brite warm sunny day in Peru Inar was lounging on his faverite step to his kings palace the sun shineing down on him his loyal panther lynx's head on his lap and his staff next to him. As Inar gazed up at the clear sky he sighed and folded his arms behind his head yawning, he mummbles to him self " im so bored...why cant you people hurt your selves.." he sighs again and blinks, his red eyes glimer joyfully in the sunlight, his panther looks up at him and grunts in slight wonderment "im fine trust me" Inar chuckles softly and smiles pating the big cats head, his feathers ruffle playfully as he stands looking around for something to do.

Sighing again as he walks down the steps the bells on his staff jingle as they hit the steps behind him his panther follows closley. As Inar walks in to tthe small villages maket place some people look at him oddly his red eyes speak trouble for them when hes not at work. He smiles jokeingly as he walks ,a mother pulls her child away from his path of travle he sighs again "i say we should pass the time by going on a hunt...what do you say.." he walks to the jungal tree line as he looks down at Lynx smileing as they walk in to the jungal Inar sets his staff aginst a tree and walks further in to the trees he looks around and sighs and watches lynx walk along the groundhe stops and sits faceing Inar.

Inar sighs again and closes his eyes a white mist starts to suround his from the ground up a few seconds after the mist had appeard it stars to disperce revealing a larg muscular panther where Inars sword used to be on his back now run razor sharp black blades that run down his spine. Lynx snorts and stands walkint along the ground inar follows him closely looking around for any animals his tail swishes from side to side.
Greco leBeau
Greco leBeau

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Number of posts : 35
Location : Hamberg, Germany
Age : 29
Job : Free runner & Semi-Professional Bull Rider
Registration date : 2010-12-17

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by Cirasis January 26th 2011, 7:56 pm

Shortly after awakening from his hibernation in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Cirasis decided his time to continue spying on the earth. Even with Raide defeated he still had not gained enough information about the earth before he can start destroying it, but before he can go to the main parts of the world he had to go to the minor places first. He would go to the first minor land he would see, after flying in his demon form to stay a little more hidden and to move faster to his destination. He landed on the nearest minor land, he had no clue in hell where he was now, he flew in the air going up high to see where he was but all he saw was just ruins. While in the air he sees nothing but ruins, no people, some animals and not much else, this is definitely just a wasteland.

Cirasis feels like staying here is a waste of time until he sees a giant panther walking through the jungle. " That's an oddly big panther, from recent ones ive seen that one outsizes all the others by a good amount " Cirasis thought to himself, then he went flew down towards the giant panther to see if it is a mutation or something. He creeps on the giant panther, but then he sees a second normal sized panther, Cirasis comes out of hiding and starts slowly walking towards the two panthers " Ok i may be stupid but i can tell your not a normal panther so just stop hiding " He said while pointing at the panther.

Aftan Volian

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Registration date : 2009-11-06

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by The Black Arrow January 26th 2011, 8:43 pm

It wasn't long ago that Kane was transformed into the Man of Steel by the evil organization 'Project Perfection'. The organization turned him into a completely new person, and were going to wipe all of his memories. Luckily Kane was able to escape there facility with the new powers that they gave him before they could do anything to his brain. Kane ran around the facility, trying to find a way out. After running through the lab for a few minutes, he past a dozen other Projects that were still hooked up to their machines and were still being tested on. Kane was getting anger with the terrible things these organization was doing to innocent people. Kane couldn't find his way out after minutes of searching so he punched a huge hole in a wall of the laboratory, and found himself looking off the edge of a tall pyramid. 'Project Perfection' had a secret lab hidden inside a pyramid in Peru. He jumped out the hole that he made, and slid down to the pyramid to the ground.

Kane slammed into the ground causing cracks through the ground. He started running through the dark jungle, he was very cautious of his surroundings. He had no clue he was, all he knew was that he was long in the middle of a forest. Once the pyramid was out of sight, he stopped running and caught his breathe. He would need all his strength in case he ran into any trouble on his journey.

Once Kane had his energy back, he started walking through the jungle again. He took cation with every step, looking back several times making sure he wasn't being followed. He walked slowly passing each tree, Kane was prepared to do what it takes to survive in this jungle, he wasn't just gonna let someone sneak up on him and knock him out.

Kane walked around blindly through the forest, until he heard a deep, demonic voice coming just up ahead. He approached were the voice came from slowly. He quietly stepped up against a tree just a couple yards away from the demon. The demon looked crazy, he had two horns coming out of his forehead, and strange markings across his chest and back. For some reason he found something interesting about the two panthers he was pointing at, Kane didn't understand why he was talking to two wild beasts for some reason. Even though Kane didn't know why he was here, he knew that a demon couldn't be up to anything good. Kane decided to stay behind the tree, and wait for the demon to make his move.

The Black Arrow's application,
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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
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Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by Greco leBeau January 26th 2011, 9:01 pm

Hearing the deep demonic voice had froze inar in his tracks instantly his fur stood on end as he hesitantly looked behind him his eyes widened in the sheer surprise at the large demon he took a cautious steep back in fear “i..i…” his words were almost inaudible. He looked the demon over quickly his horns drew interest to him his fear began to turn in to slight interest and fascination but he didn’t like how close he was he turned back and slowly retreated to the brush trying not to drag further attion from the strange monster lynx followed closely glancing over her shoulder at him. Inar still was eadgy his steps were light as he readyd his self to run if the demon followed.
Greco leBeau
Greco leBeau

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Number of posts : 35
Location : Hamberg, Germany
Age : 29
Job : Free runner & Semi-Professional Bull Rider
Registration date : 2010-12-17

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by Cirasis January 26th 2011, 9:26 pm

Cirasis sees as the giant panther try's to retreat " Where do you think your going!!! " Said with a shock as he started following him slowly, he's not going as fast as he can so he doesn't reveal his true speed. " You cannot get away " He said calmly while still following him, getting curious where this person was going to or if he is just running away from him. Cirasis kept following fast enough to keep up with the panther, he knew that this person would have to turn around to fight eventually. " You can't get away from me, running is useless " Said Cirasis while starting to go faster and faster, he was moving fast enough to easily catch up but he still is staying behind him. " Alright enough running " Cirasis said while quickly catching up, then just a few seconds later he appears in front of the panther " Ok now, who are you!?! He said with curiosity.

Aftan Volian

Demon Form:

Dragon Form:

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 74
Location : Florida
Age : 25
Humor : Things that are not stupid
Registration date : 2009-11-06

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by Greco leBeau January 26th 2011, 9:41 pm

Inar bares his teeth letting out a low growl “who I am is of no buissnes to you” as he turns to leave to the pyramids he glaces along the trees spoting something odd behind one ‘now leave me be” he snorts in aggervation and walks to the strange thing he saw with a swich of his tail the razors strike a tree slashing it deep showing the demong the small warning to stay away he mannages to dissapear into a bush.
Greco leBeau
Greco leBeau

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Hamberg, Germany
Age : 29
Job : Free runner & Semi-Professional Bull Rider
Registration date : 2010-12-17

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by Cirasis January 27th 2011, 2:11 pm

" Well then i expected to get a fight out of you, but turns out your nothing of what you seem " Cirasis said while mocking this person and persuading him to fight. Cirasis would kill for a fight to test his skills after his hibernation," Fine then walk away, hide like a coward...... Unless you can prove me wrong " he said with blood lust in his eyes. Cirasis spreads out his wings to make him look more aggressive and intimidating, he starts slowly walking towards the panther with a psychotic smile on his face. As Cirasis gets closer and closer, he starts thinking if this person will give him a good fight or if he is just looks. With Cirasis only a few meters away from the panther, he throws a hard punch towards the panthers chest.

Aftan Volian

Demon Form:

Dragon Form:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 74
Location : Florida
Age : 25
Humor : Things that are not stupid
Registration date : 2009-11-06

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by Greco leBeau January 27th 2011, 6:25 pm

Surprised by how quick the beast managed to move Inar narrowly manages to dodge the punch by leaping back snarling in anger “what the hells your problem” looking up in sheer aggravation at the beast, his ears go back and he lets out a low growl, he scans the goliath beast looking for a spot to attack spotting his undefended and sprawled wing he crouches down and lunges for one of the demons wings.
Greco leBeau
Greco leBeau

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 35
Location : Hamberg, Germany
Age : 29
Job : Free runner & Semi-Professional Bull Rider
Registration date : 2010-12-17

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by Cirasis January 27th 2011, 8:02 pm

Cirasis sees the panthers attack and quickly manages to dodge it "So you finally want to play, its about time " He said while getting ready to attack the panther. Cirasis was just waiting for this, his blood lust grew to extraordinary heights when he saw the panther attack. " Even though i don't know your ability's and you haven't see mine yet, but for some reason i think this will be a good fight....... " Cirasis said while quickly running around the panther at super sonic speeds making him seem almost invisible as he was running around the panther. Cirasis appeared in front of the panther, doing a high kick that in the events it would hit him and knock him into the air, he would keep hitting him upwards until they both were at least 20 meters in the air then grab him with his wings and tunnel down to the ground like a drill.

Aftan Volian

Demon Form:

Dragon Form:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 74
Location : Florida
Age : 25
Humor : Things that are not stupid
Registration date : 2009-11-06

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by The Black Arrow January 27th 2011, 11:48 pm

The Man of Steel didn't make a noise, he stood behind the tree listening to the demon as he spoke, clearly he was eager for fight. Kane didn't know why he was so interested in these over-sized beast, or why he was picking a fight with a total stranger. Something the demon said did catch Kane's attention though, 'You can't get away from me, running is useless!' Even though Cirasis may not of realized it, but he did give away a portion of his power. The demon had to be quick on his feet, to be so sure of his speed capabilities compared to a unknown opponent .

Kane keep quite, moving from tree to tree, as the demon started walking up to the panther. There was a bush between two trees just to the left of the panther, that Kane silently walked over to and crouched down behind. Kane was at a good vantage point, because he was could see the demon and panther without being spotted. He stood there for a moment listening as Cirasis mocked the panther for not encouraging unnecessary fighting.

After finishing his sentence the demon started walking at a fast pace towards the beast, until he was only a few feet away from Inar, and right beside the bush. The panther jumped back dodging the demons first attack to the chest, then sprung back forward making his own attack. It was clear to Kane that the demon was looking for trouble that Inar didn't want any part of. Even if Kane didn't know anything about Inar, whether he was a hero or villain, Kane wouldn't let him fight a demon alone. Kane wouldn't join forces with him, not yet at least, but he wasn't just gonna let these demon pick on Inar either. After the demon took a step back avoiding Inar's attacks he was getting ready to strike again. As he pulled his leg back setting up for a kick, Kane jumped out of the bush and landed in front of Inar. Kane braced both of his forearms in from of him preparing to block Cirasis's kick. The Man of Steel cocked his head slightly to the side and shouted, "This isn't a safe place to be right now," The kick hit Kanes wrist and recoiled him back, causing him to slide back a few inches backwards so he was standing directly in front of Inar. "You should get out of here while you still havee the chance, I'll handle it from here. Kane said in a deep, low voice. He was prepared to protect those he needed him at any cost, even if it meant putting himself in warms way. Kane looked back at the demon and smirked, "You're calling him a coward for trying to walk away from a fight." The Man of Steel took a pause, as he stared straight into the eyes of one of hells minions, the demon had a evil grin that stretched across his face, his lust for battle caused him to hurt anyone who he could get his hands on, "The real coward is the one who preys on the innocent instead of someone of equal strength." He then pulled his left arm back, and moved forward preparing for a deadly left hook at the demons face, "You talked a big talk before, now let's whose the real coward!"

The Black Arrow's application,
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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by Cirasis January 28th 2011, 12:15 am

" Who the hell are you!?! " Cirasis said with anger as this steel man blocked his attack, he saw this man about to left hook him "What the hell!!! He's fast!!! Cirasis thought to himself as he managed to dodge his attack, Cirasis flew in the air so he can show them his dragon form. "Get ready to see my second form!!! " Cirasis was just about ready to transform, he knew once they saw his dragon form they would tremble with true fear. He would crush them like the bugs they were "Get ready to get crushed like the bugs you are!!! " Cirasis said as he started transform into his dragon form.

Aftan Volian

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Registration date : 2009-11-06

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by Greco leBeau February 8th 2011, 8:54 pm

im soooooo sorry boys buts im gonna be gone a little wile longer ill reply as soon as i ever get a good chance. than you bolth for being this paitent with me))
Greco leBeau
Greco leBeau

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Location : Hamberg, Germany
Age : 29
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Registration date : 2010-12-17

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by The Black Arrow February 9th 2011, 12:43 am

((It's cool, take however much time ya need.))

The Black Arrow's application,
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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by Greco leBeau February 9th 2011, 6:47 pm

Thank u so much were out of the contry for famlie matters I'll be back in a few weeks)))
Greco leBeau
Greco leBeau

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Location : Hamberg, Germany
Age : 29
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Registration date : 2010-12-17

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

Post by Greco leBeau February 23rd 2011, 6:11 pm

Inar looked around in minor confision unshure weather to attack the steelman or continue fighting the demon backing up slowly he watches the demon "what the hell do we do now..." glanceing at kane in slight anger he let's out a snort and scans the area around him for a clearing ground looking back up at kane quickly " you know what he is.."
((sorry if it's a little off I gotta get back in the groove))
Greco leBeau
Greco leBeau

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Location : Hamberg, Germany
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Registration date : 2010-12-17

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The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome) Empty Re: The Hidden Pyramids (ancient peru anyones welcome)

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