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Test are meant for the labs

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Test are meant for the labs Empty Test are meant for the labs

Post by The Perfect Sandwich February 6th 2023, 9:53 pm

After the incident in D.C. Coronel had finally dug into a hole on information he had. It got to a point where even threats and disfigurement ran dry as a means to collect information. The higher up the chain he went the more of a problem it was to get information. So he decided to back track and visit sources he was going to investigate later. In his search he found a director of the school, Jared Ortega, who was using the Hadron Collider had plenty of information and other leads to more people he could get to. After a close encounter with Coronel he started spilling what information he could as a means to spare his life.

It did not matter as Coronel wanted him to stay alive in the hopes he could seek him out and pull in more information later on. Only once the source runs dry would he end his life. The information he did get would lead him to Chicago, Illinois. It came to his attention that a certain individual had paid good money and had a much higher point in the funding of the research. He tracked it down to being a senator of Illinois and he was associated with only the research of meta human creation and was also a supporter of a new organization named the Black Armament.

The extra information was of no interest to Coronel as he made his way to the current known location of the senator. As he walked down the street he moved closer to the inner city and found the State Government Office. Getting to the front door he looked around and proceeded to head around the building since there was a side access door. He came to the door and unsurprising enough it was locked from the inside. Coronel held his hand out and acted like he turned a dial and force the deadbolt to slide into the door. With the door now open he made his way inside keeping his head down. He figured he would not get far before he was called out but getting close at all was good enough.

He walked passed a bathroom and went down a lengthy hall till he reached 4 doors all connected to a system of elevators. He slapped the button on the wall and no more than 3 seconds a door dings from behind with no one in it. He backs into the elevator and proceeds to hit the top floor since most of the times that was where the big officials liked to over look everything. He felt the elevator rise up and almost made his head start turning. He did not like any other form of transport since he was only use to his own movements. The ride was short lived thankfully as the elevator stopped and opened to the 8th floor of the building. He walked in and seen a sign reading Sen. John Carston and a good sized arrow pointing to the right. He followed the signs and was lead to a room with twin doors leading to the inside.

He opened the door and to his surprise there was two armed guards standing at another twin door at the back of the room. Most likely the office where the senator was. They immediately threw up a hand; "hold up! do you have and appointment with the senator?"
"Well of course, he didn't notify you that I was coming?" Coronel said as he falsely question back.
"Let me check in and get approval first... the guard could not finish his instruction as he was thrown into a book shelf knocking multiple bullets onto the ground causing a loud thump. The other guard seen his ally get dropped and immediately held out his hand in desperation. Unknown to Coronel's surprise he unleashed a telekinetic wave which forced a lot of the objects in the room to be sent flying or push them back against the wall with unimaginable force.

Coronel quickly threw up a hand and the wave of energy collided with his own and dissipated around Coronel. Suddenly a light purple wall projected itself around the other guard and proceeded to smash against him as he held up what was also a telekinetic barrier. This was beyond interesting. it was good he quickly knocked the other guard out because he might not be able to handle to himself. Soon the walls began to darken in purple drastically and the walls forced themselves through the guys barrier crush his body. "So they may have my abilities, but they are not as strong." He thought to himself as he looked down and gripped his fist.

He looked up and flicked his wrist and torn the doors off their hinges slamming them into the coroner of the senators office. As he stepped foot inside he noticed yet another side entrance but a single door. The door was flung open almost in a haste to flee. He looked down the hallway and then out the window. He was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the of him trying to flee into his small red Porsche he had in the parking lot. Soon the wall gave way and the debris from the 8th story came crashing down on the side walk below. Coronel came floating out as he lifted himself towards the car. "You cant escape me and you know it" he said as he lifted the car and the senator into the air. All he could do was scream from the not so safety of his car as it dangled off the ground. He was about to crush the car trapping the senator when a large telekinetic wave hit him from behind. The impact made him loose control of the car causing it to bounce off the ground rupturing 2 of the tires. Coronel was shot into the ground leaving a small crater in the road.

He reached up and climbed out of the crater what looked to be unscathed. He predicted the other guard might get up if they were the same. Good thing he kept his defenses up. The Senator was no longer in the car and was running away on foot trying to leave Coronel to his hired guard. Coronel once again lifted the Porsche and thrown it at the other guard causing the car to zip through the building with the guy forced with it. It cleared the inside of the building and made its way through the adjacent street colliding with the asphalt. The guy was crushed because he was not prepared to fully fight and thought his one attack would be enough.

Although this hindered Coronel as he now had to play cat and mouse with the Senator. He could see him running down the street looking for some means of hope. He turned back to see Coronel in full pursuit walking towards the Senator pushing cars and people out the way and into near by buildings. It was a march of destruction and he knew he would probably not live if he did not start running the instance.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Test are meant for the labs Empty Re: Test are meant for the labs

Post by Kool-Aid February 6th 2023, 10:33 pm

Calix was in town to look into some things for his congregation and furthering it beyond the one building, they'd wanted him to expand even more and it worried him that they wanted him to take over the world or something. He wasn't considered a hero but he sure wasn't a villain, Calix had done much of the red tape and scouting for locations and dealing with bureaucrats. And in order to pass the time until he had to head back home, Calix went on patrol in order to see what this city had in way of folks hat needed to learn a lesson.

He'd jumped down from a building as he heard someone yelling in some kind of incoherent panic, what was worse that not long after as he got into view. Some deranged being just started throwing people and vehicles left and right as he chased some suit wearing man, at a closer inspection he figured out who it was. Having researched the local politicos but that didn't matter right now, as Calix let loose all the Kool-Aid he had on his person. A mix of powered and crystal forms, his first instinct wasn't to attack the crazy one but to protect the people.

As the cars and people were thrown, Kool-Aid would come out of nowhere and stop them from being harmed. Or in the case of the cars, stop them from hitting buildings or people. He didn't know or care what this guy wanted but being this brazen about it, meant the guy needed to be put in jail. Calix's Kool-Aid protections continued as he started walking into view and between the man and the guy he was chasing "Enough with the wanton destruction, whatever issue you have with the politician. Doesn't give you the right to put innocent people in danger" declares Calix as he blocks the man from chasing after his prey while still maintaining his control over his Kool-Aid that was still littering the streets.


Status :

Quote : You don't know the power of words, until you meet me

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Location : In your head
Job : Negotiator
Humor : Sarcastic
Registration date : 2017-08-31

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Test are meant for the labs Empty Re: Test are meant for the labs

Post by The Perfect Sandwich February 6th 2023, 10:58 pm

He continued his walk as if nothing was going to stop him. The senator was slowly making progress so he felt that he was going to have to lift himself and fly towards him to hurry up and seize him. He threw more cars out of the way when out of no where everything became a bit calmer as people and cars were getting caught and brought to the side safely. The people looked around and Coronel searched the streets focusing on one individual. What his power was he had no idea but it was some weird substance he was not familiar with.

He looked at the substance, then to the people and finally watched the senator make ground. "What an annoyance. You let that man get away. Why because you call yourself a hero. You choose to get in my way? MOVE!" Coronel slammed the ground with his foot causing the road to cave in and debris fall into a hole only for it to stop mid way and come floating out of the large crevice and into the air all around Coronel. He slowly continued to walk floating completely parallel to the street over the hole he just made. While walking he started stepping upward as if walking on invisible steps lifting himself off the ground and the rocks in his control started to spin in place.

Soon the spinning rocks started making a light whistling sound as their jagged edges cut through the surface of the air. With a twist of his wrist they slowly started spinning around his body like a twister. He never once took the senator out of his sight and lifted his arm towards the senator. "You want to protect these people fine, but you don't get to decide that with him." Soon the tornado like volley of rocks shot out with a solo target in mind. Anything else he was running around at the time would be crossfire.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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