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Hunting Monsters

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INV ONLY Re: Hunting Monsters

Post by The Nekromonga Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:15 am

Even as the last beast falls down, Diane's mechanical hands reload her revolver once more in what seemed like the blink of an eye. The clockwork clicks and the sound of the revolver closing had an almost melodic rhythm to it.

Now that the hellbeasts were apparently dealt with, she took stock of her new companions.

Cebra eyed her with an analytical look, the technologically inclined crowd not quite in Diane's purview. "You fight good, fella. Ever thought about taking up the good fight? Or ya just gon' ogle me and the southern belle over yonder?"

Then her attention came to Rai, and Diane seemed to hold her revolver uneasily, wondering what to make of her. She relents and gives her a chance, holstering the angel steel gun and decides to talk. She switches to the old language, her very texan accent replaced with a germanic take on latin. (Latin) "I'll ask you again. You smell of tartarus, yet fight demons. What are you?"

The Nekromonga
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INV ONLY Re: Hunting Monsters

Post by Cerek Thu Nov 26, 2020 9:18 pm

Cebra cocked his eyebrow at the Cowgirl from atop the dead beast, he strayed his look over to the other woman and paused for a moment. He said nothing in response as he hopped off the corpse and landed on the ground with agility. He turned to the massive corpse and looked it over curiously, taking note of the wounds inflicted and their effectiveness. There was certainly something not quite right about this mutant creature, like someone tried to just patch together random creatures and mutate it's form. Cebra wondered how exactly the fire ability worked, it was in that moment he noticed lights on down the road from his property. Supposedly the neighbors had heard the altercation, he'd have to reassure them everything was fine.

From his pocket he withdrew a phone and sent out a quick text to a private number, shortly after the lights shut off down the road. Cebra puts his phone away and seemingly ignores the two girls as he heads back to his house. He throws the bat callasly into the corner of the porch before kicking his work boots off and heading in.

"You two coming inside?" He shouts back out to them.
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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Location : Montreal QC
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Registration date : 2017-03-20

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INV ONLY Re: Hunting Monsters

Post by Demonhunter Thu Nov 26, 2020 11:17 pm

Rai's mind began to clear as he wounds healed. She sits up eventually holding her aching head. The feeling of having her soul partially pulled away from her body can best be described as an awful lingering migraine to epic proportions she'd be stuck with for a few hours. However her attention was pulled to the woman wielding the silvered pistol speaking broken Dis at her. She cringes at the volume a bit but does bring herself to understand Dianne a bit. From all she could understand she was asking what she was.
(Dis)I'm a Reaver. We're made to fight demons. The language mimicked Latin in ways but could be considered 'broken'. I can speak some English. She seemed to be taking a little while to piece English words together, however it wasn't broken at all. Rai moves to get up, finding her feet easy enough but finding one hand moving to her head as she cringed in a bit of residual pain.

She did, however refuse to really look Dianne in the eyes, not in a rude way, but in a way a dog may shy away from a more dominant one. Sorry about the mess. I've just realized your dimension don't have collectors. Collectors were people from the church who's job was to salvage pieces off the beast the reavers slay. Some demons had valuable components, as well as they cleaned up the mess the fights left.

Rai's attention was then pulled to Cebra tossing a bat with clattering gusto into the corner and asking them to enter his house. She looks to Dianne then back to Cebra as if she was unsure of what she was supposed to be doing. Reavers were almost never allowed in the homes of humans unless there was some kind of anomaly in it. She takes a hesitant step forward before looking back to Dianne to make sure she was actually allowed in a house.
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INV ONLY Re: Hunting Monsters

Post by The Nekromonga Mon Dec 14, 2020 4:59 am

"Now come on don't be shy. let's mozey on inside and have ourselves a talk." Diane encouraged Rai to go inside, and pulled out a couple of chairs, offering one to Rai first.

Diane got inside and looked around Cebra's place. It was clearly lived in by a single man, and Diane's neat sensibilities were quite a bit shaken. "Hoo-wee. Now this here shack's a sorely lackin' woman's touch. You ain't got a wife now, do ya pard'ner?"

Diane realized now how uneasy Rai was behaving, completely out of her element. She talked like a small child more than a demon hunter, and being a mother Diane knew the quickest way to put her at ease. From inside her coat she got an emergency snickers bar. She opened it up, took a small bite to demonstrate it was safe to eat, and offered the rest to Rai. "You look positively famished, chickpea. Here, I got me some fine chocolate, helps with them nerves after a big fight."

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
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The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
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INV ONLY Re: Hunting Monsters

Post by Cerek Tue Dec 15, 2020 3:55 pm

Cebra was worn out before this shit went down, his mood was made considerably more calm than he was earlier. He takes out three rather nice glasses from a wooden cabinet. He shuffles over to another and hears the Cowgirl's comment. It wasn't the most polite thing to say but Cebra payed it no mind, he didn't think she meant to offend him. And frankly all his time away from the farm lately has taken it's toll. "Why? You offerin... darlin?" The "darlin" said with a cheeky tone and a smirk. "No I'm not married." He poured out the "GOLDAMBER (tm)" brandy neatly into the three glasses and slid them across the redwood table to Diane and Rai. He took a seat himself and swigged a bit of his drink before he got right to it.

"Alright then, I think there are a lot of questions to answer here. How about we start with just who everyone is." His voice was much smoother and with more bass tone when he was relaxed. "I dont often get a uh... Cowgirl and um..." He looks at Rai inquisitively and narrows his eyes "A gothic knight?"
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 624
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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INV ONLY Re: Hunting Monsters

Post by Demonhunter Tue Dec 15, 2020 6:24 pm

Rai couldn’t help but feel a bit shocked that not only were these people letting her in the house, they were encouraging her to join them. Did they not know what a reaver was? Or was she the weird one here?

She very tentatively steps over the threshold of Cebra’s home, taking note of the general state. To her, this place was really nice! The only buildings she’d ever seen to have non-dirt flooring were churches and the homes of rich people. Was cebra rich? Chickpea?

So many things she didn’t understand. Like the fact she was now being allowed a seat at a table! What?! She timidly sits, looking around in a very slightly distressed fashion.

She had to say something.

“So… does your dimension have any reavers here?” Rai speaks up, her voice ringing out with an unnatural smoothness. As if it didn’t physically come from her throat. Speaking out like that would have been definitely frowned upon in Dis but she just had to get some information. It just seemed like all the social norms she was used to were out the window, so may as well abandon this one as well to get herself some information.

However her attention got pulled to both Dianne handing her something really strange and Cebra slid her a drink. She’s let her question sink in for a bit and take a bite herself… holy shit. Rai discovered a new thing she liked and it was whatever this was! Sure she didn’t ever really need to eat to stay alive but, damn was that good. “Thank you. I have to be honest. I don’t really understand where I am.”

She gives a gentle shrug before moving to sip the drink before realizing it smelt like it burnt. That was strange. She sets the cup back down without taking a drink solely due to the scent. “ I don’t really know where I am. But I know it’s not Dis.”

“I arrived in this dimension after chasing a Strigan through a wormhole. So I know I am in another dimension. But. Your world is much different from mine.” And there was the understatement of the year.

“I am Rai and I am a reaver. Dis is full of demons, so humans created us to protect them. We’re demon hunters. And in Dis there are thousands of us. When one dies, the church creates 10 more to take our place.” Rai thinks for a minute on whether or not to really talk about the fact reavers were kind of treated less than well. If she brought it up, she worried they might throw her out.
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INV ONLY Re: Hunting Monsters

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