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Xeno-Evolutionary Terrestrial Ascendents: XSD-EP F2

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Xeno-Evolutionary Terrestrial Ascendents: XSD-EP F2 Empty Xeno-Evolutionary Terrestrial Ascendents: XSD-EP F2

Post by Saileyra May 27th 2018, 4:24 pm


"Reborn to Walk Through the Fire and Flame"

The Bio

Real Name: Saileyra
Renegade Name: Saileyra
Title: Ex-Founder of Ocean
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age:  225 Before Slumber. One Year After Awakening and Migration to Hero World.
Gender: Female
Race: X.E.T.A Xeno-Evolutionary Terrestrial Ascendent With Phoenix Seraph Genetic Augmentation
Hair: Black with red,yellow, and white feathers aesthetically growing.
Eyes: Magenta with Silver Rings.
Height: Five Foot Seven In Boots. Five Foot Six Flat Foot.
Weight: 112LBS
Blood type: X-Cell Aether Oriented.

The Looks

The Personality

Logical. Emotionally-Balanced And High-Gaurded. Blunt. Educated. Prideful. Moralistic. Selfless. Brave. Genius. Unsocial.

The Story


The Priority

1. Reaction
2. Endurance
3. Strength
4. Agility

The Powers

Power 1:
X-Cell And Xeno-Perception Via Biological Prowress:
X-Cells are fit to adapt, with her intelligence and her race being so keen to pick up on energies and are able to see everything around them on a biological scale from molecules to the grains of sand. She is able to pre-meditate ones moves and energies through neurological brain conception. Thanks to the divine hyper-dna of her meta-humane existence.

When in combat this perk is passive, it comes with the use of super-human reflexes on an accelerated scale giving it uses against abilities. Most Melee oriented fighters are not keen to detect abilities such as time distortion, flame magics, or even runes. With the X-Cell and Xeno-Perception, Saileyra can read abilities and administrate proper ways to get away physically from moves. Albeit, this character loses her powers whenever she steps into the world she is able to tap into this part of her brain at all times.

Power 2:
Unlimited Adrenaline Control:
The adrenal gland can be tapped at any time. Sai cannot feel pain, it is not something that is registered that 'hurts'. It's pleasurable, this may cause a sadistic twist in her personality that some may note as cold or either morbid. X-Cells, adapt readily to combat scenarios and with the full control over her adrenaline gland. Fight or Flight, becomes fight in all combat scenarios.

For example, if someone were to chop off Sai's arm in an entire integrity. Pain would not perceived because she can control her adrenaline. Although, this perk will not effective her regeneration. Due to the fact she migrated into this world many of her abilities such as hyper-regeneration will not work . Her body in most instances are super hard to damage in normal scenarios in combat.

Power 3:
Pain Compliance Genius and XenoMancy:
Like all super geniuses most are able to predict your moves before your able to do them. Saileyra being able to be smart and fight sh can utilize this knowledge to make the body suffer for it. Rather than hitting the body in the normal areas she could render the nervous system useless by simple blows.

XETA are fit to adapt, when their powers are active they usually have the ability to adapt to a persons moves and learn them. This can apply to Sai in the concept of battle. She can adapt to a persons move, not that she can learn a mages spell. Yet, she will memorize, learn, and adapt how to use her body and her skill set to move and get out of the way of moves that were thrown at her before.

In time with mastered reflexes and intelligence with her xenoperception able to break apart moves xeno-many allows her to execute repetition and improvisation of destroying the moves according to muscle memory, genius, and physical dexterity.

Power 4:
Cat-like Flexibility, Parkour And Acrobatics
This is pretty fucking self explanatory, this bitch can move, she may not be as fast as most but she is smart enough to know how to do it. From long range gun slinging to close range combat she knows how to utilize her physical body to bring the damage to boot.

In urban setting, this often comes useful for travel on foot or escape. Flexibility allowing her to take contortionist feats allowing her to dodge almost as if she was part of the matrix thanks to her mastered fighting style.
The Weaknesses

Weakness 1:
Unable to Combat Without Best Friend Xeonix. If Xeonix can no longer battle because he is a android she would be to emotionally over whelmed by the incapacitate of her best friend to combat also. Xeonix is weak to electricity.

Weakness to Power 2:
Because of the fact the doesn't feel pain Saileyra often goes to long in battle and will instantly collapse from over doing it out of nowhere. Despite not having mental awareness of limitations those limitations do exist when her body physically cannot do it.

Weakness to Power 3:
Saileyra may be a super genius able to comprehend everything and recall. She cannot learn any time of magic what so ever due to the fact she is not natural to this world because of time travel.

Saileyra suffers chronic migraines due to hyper intelligence. Sensitive to really loud noises because of hyper human existence.

Weakness to Power 4:
Saileyra isn't as fast as she is acrobatic so sometimes she cannot get out of the way of the move just in time. Often leading to misjudgment of how far she can jump or move. Her brain is used to her powers in her home world so she makes mistakes often in distance or how far she can move.

The Items


The Minions

Xeonix:Going to Post His Thread Soon Enough. Will Not Use Him Until He is Approved. Otherwise, nonexistent.

The Fluff

Has some pretty bad ass wings that doesn't work in this world. Decorative. Usually stays in her back.

The RP Sample

{spoiler]So the sermon went on from the sounds of the church, in the darkness of the night it rained. The sound of plummeting waters crashed down onto the surface of the city. Recently, Sai had landed in rome a place where she had heard many things about. The architecture many of the places she created had been based off this place. To actually see it in this time period was amusing, crack, the sound of thunder occurred. Sitting on the palm of a seraphic statue was the warrior chaotic hero. Exodus was primed, her senses on high alert, paranoia with a mixture of unsecurity ensued. This place, the hidden mutants, humans, and gods alike remained unknown to her.

To fight would be the first choice, to actually wait for someone to attack he would be another. Xetakka primed, her edge would scream when drawn. Xetallum, the only thing that was brought with her from home. Xeonix? Where was he, it only made her ponder. Her friend, companion, and brother in arms also gone. Mikona may have been somewhere around here she wasn't sure. It was only herself at the moment coated by the wings of the seraph. Six wings breadth about as the crafted statue sat atop a church. She was high up, lurking, readily able to strike if necessary.

Sai's outfit constructed from graphene spider-silk, very durable, light weight; underneath the jacket which was zipped to her neck would be a trinium under armor. All brought with her from the realm which she had fallen from; clad in black. A cat suit meeting a terminator outfit, the x-belts studded hanging at her hips as the jacket zipped up the center with a simple collar without a hood. Long black hair coated her face as her magenta eyes stared out looking to the statues and the like. Thank god for her super humane existence, she wouldn't need to eat to stay alive. Although she could no longer hyper-regenerate some qualities did remain.

Diamond carbonate boots flat as she remained crouched, water dripping down her face as her magenta eyes speckled with red stared out to the world. It seemed here, would be the place where she would dwell even if it would be temporarily. She seen potiential, a place of security, secrets; and even high demand of luxury. It would be a hope, but for now she remained on the outside, watching, listening to the hymns hopeful that enochian would eventually return.[/spoiler]

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Xeno-Evolutionary Terrestrial Ascendents: XSD-EP F2 SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Xeno-Evolutionary Terrestrial Ascendents: XSD-EP F2 Empty Re: Xeno-Evolutionary Terrestrial Ascendents: XSD-EP F2

Post by Bliss May 27th 2018, 5:33 pm



Mitsy's Boutique


Xeno-Evolutionary Terrestrial Ascendents: XSD-EP F2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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