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A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker]

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A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker] Empty A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker]

Post by Night Walker September 21st 2017, 11:00 pm

Night Walker couldn't believe his luck.

During a hunt in the middle of a quiet small cityscape near Tampa; Night Walker had gotten his bike stolen by a group of gremlins, taking advantage of the desolation. Great, this was going to be fun. He shouldered his crossbow and sheathed the sword of night. It was going to be a long, mentally taxing, and boring hunt. Or at least, that's what he thought.

Not very long afterwards, as he was stumbling through the cityscape; and towards the edge of town, Night Walker found an abandoned shack with a busted door and claw marks scarring the wood. Werewolf. He had never heard of one this far south before, tending to prefer colder, dryer climates; it didn't seem completely unlikely. "The one time I forget to bring my silver bolts..." He muttered and reached for the sword of night, only to find that it had disappeared on the journey here.

Night Walker did the only thing he could do. He shot a grapple into a tree and reeled himself up into a nearby tree. He then reached into his pack for an explosive arrow, or something of equal use. Only to find that he had a large hole in the bottom of his bag. Looking out onto the street, he saw a group of gremlins running away with his items; cackling at him and making lewd gestures.

He made a note to ensure that gremlins went to extinction first, when suddenly a blur of black and white swiped the creatures out of nowhere; causing them to disappear with his sword clattering to the ground. Seth stood, mouth agape. He had seen werewolves before, and he knew they were fast. But... Even with all his gear, the rad van, and a partner; he might still be ripped apart by this... monster. He heard a crunch, and turned his head just in time to see the female werewolf swallow the rest of the gremlin meat. Bones and all.

Another blur of motion, and the tree Seth was sitting in started to collapse. "Why did I go into this line of work again?" Night Walker mused as he fell onto the concrete. The werewolf seemed to laugh at this, almost as if it was intelligent. But... In the book... Oh fuck the book, at what point had it been right about anything but vampires and zombies?

The werewolf slowly walked over to Seth, and licked him. The things dank breath smelled of blood, and when he listened; he heard one of the gremlins screaming as it was digested whole and alive. He guessed that the werewolf would be feeling that in the morning, and wondered if that would be his fate as well as he punched the creature in the nose.

Night Walker
Blake Greyrose
Night Walker
Night Walker

Status :

Quote : "I just found out that there are monsters in the world, my mother has been kidnapped by vampires, and I'm the only one who seems to even give a hoot, and now your telling me; you don't even sell name

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Registration date : 2017-06-09

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A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker] Empty Re: A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker]

Post by Quinn September 22nd 2017, 9:22 pm

The werewolf rears back after getting punched on the nose, growling in anger as she starts to stalk back towards the downed prey. It was then that the roar of an engine echoed was heard, with it rapidly coming closer. The wolf turns to see what it was now only to get a close up of the front wheel of a motorcycle. The back wheel barely misses Seth as it screams past, mere inches between the wheel and him.

Quinn just let's go of the motorcycle, falling off the back as it heads straight for the open door of the shack and drags the wolf right along with it. Moments later it's out of sight as the crash echoes back towards them from inside. As Quinn stands up, undamaged except for her clothes, she heard a growl as the wolf tosses the motorcycle away from it and stalks back out of the building.

"You should not eat people. It is not very nice." The wolf gives Quinn a look, only slightly confused as to how Quinn is acting, then gets down on all fours and lets out a growl. As they enter the staring match, Quinn finally looks away to glance back at Seth. "You should leave." Of course, the wolf wasn't going to let a perfectly good chance like that go and rushed, closing the distance faster than Quinn thought it could.

It slammed into Quinn, knocking her over and landing a solid bite onto her shoulder. The claw sliced straight through the clothes but a terrible screech was heard as it did so. Quinn was already punching the wolf in the side of it's head, attempting to force it to let go so she can get a better angle to hit it, as the wolf keeps attempting to do at least some damage to the robot, though failing horribly.
Post Adept
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker] Empty Re: A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker]

Post by Night Walker September 23rd 2017, 6:29 pm

Seth was surprised when he heard the engine driving up. He hadn't expected to get help, and was in fact ready to just lay down and take what may come. But Seth knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth and took advantage of the situation.

He rushed for his sword and thought about how dumb this could be. He picked the thing off the ground before an awful screech filled the night. He held his ears momentarily. He looked over toward the sound; but it seemed that the metahuman was more than capable of keeping the thing busy while he "escaped". But he couldn't just leave her, so he rushed the werewolf; using the thin blade to slice through its arm. He pulled back the blade and aimed a shot at its back. He stabbed it hard; not realizing it was flailing with his good arm towards Night Walker.

He flew back, taking a large scratch to the shoulder. "Son of a hellhound!" He yelled, but stood up clutching his shoulder. He knew that the hunk of metal wouldn't be useful in this fight, so he'd just have to distract the thing and hope that this apparent metahuman could either take it out, or scare it off so he could come back with his team and some better supplies later on.

"I don't know who you;" Seth said. "But there's no way I'm leaving you behind!" He yelled and then jumped onto the werewolves back and shoved his thumbs into it's eyesockets, knowing that if the girl suddenly decided he wasn't worth the trouble; he'd be dead.

Night Walker
Blake Greyrose
Night Walker
Night Walker

Status :

Quote : "I just found out that there are monsters in the world, my mother has been kidnapped by vampires, and I'm the only one who seems to even give a hoot, and now your telling me; you don't even sell name

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Registration date : 2017-06-09

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A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker] Empty Re: A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker]

Post by Quinn September 23rd 2017, 11:29 pm

The punches Quinn was slamming into it was just starting to work when Seth decided to jump onto the werewolf's back, causing it to flail around as it attempted to get the annoying human off of it's back. This freed Quinn to get up off the ground, where she took a step back to get a running start. She takes two quick steps towards the wolf before jumping into the air, putting her whole weight behind a punch straight into the side of it's head.

The werewolf's head rotates so quickly that you could hear the crack of it's neck breaking from that hit. it staggered a bit, then promptly tipped over onto it's back, squishing poor Seth that was still hanging on it's back like an idiot. Quinn easily flips the wolf away from Seth and grabs him by the front of his shirt, dragging him up easily. "I had it under control. You should have left."

It was then that a pop could be heard from the wolf, causing Quinn to look down at it as it suddenly rolled over. Before either of them could react, it was running away at full speed, deciding that it didn't want to stay and fight with someone who wasn't even slightly harmed after getting mauled. Quinn tilts her head slightly to one side at how fast it healed a broken neck before turning to Seth. "It seems to have an advanced recovery ability. Why did you decide to go after it without proper weaponry...or ability?"
Post Adept
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Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker] Empty Re: A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker]

Post by Night Walker September 24th 2017, 6:48 pm

The wolf had gotten itself a broken neck, and landed on top of Seth in a paralyzed shock. The creature would likely heal, but it seemed as though the metahuman took care of things momentarily. It wasn't until she flipped the wolf off of him and lifted him to his feet that Seth noticed the break in his leg. That didn't feel great. He tried to ignore the pain and smiled at Quinn.”Hey, it was fun yeah?” He said dumbly.

He heard the crack and whipped his head around; upsetting a couple other wounds he had taken. He made a little whimpering noise at the shock of pain that ran up his spine. The werewolf had already vanished by the time he registered what he was seeing and turned back to Quinn.

She noted that it had an accelerated ability to heal and asked him why he would fight the thing without proper weaponry or ability. He shrugged, hearing a clicking noise in his shoulder. ”I don't know, it seemed like the right thing to do. I couldn't just leave you to die or get infected. It doesn't look like you took much damage though.” Seth noted, picking up a werewolf fang off the ground and put it in his pocket. ”Besides, I knew what I was doing.Sometimes you just gotta white knight it up and put yourself before others. Of course, trying to wrestle a werewolf might not have been the most logical plan… but hey, we’re safe now yeah?” Seth shrugged and started looking for his phone to see about finding an emergency room nearby only to realize he had chucked it after it was turned off by the demonic bloodsucker that had taken control of his mother. His limbs seemed heavier than before; but he stood as straight as he could despite blackness trying to overtake his vision.

Night Walker
Blake Greyrose
Night Walker
Night Walker

Status :

Quote : "I just found out that there are monsters in the world, my mother has been kidnapped by vampires, and I'm the only one who seems to even give a hoot, and now your telling me; you don't even sell name

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Registration date : 2017-06-09

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A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker] Empty Re: A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker]

Post by Quinn September 27th 2017, 12:30 am

Quinn was surprised, though it didn't show on her face at all. "It was infectious? That is interesting. What kind of creature was it again?" Quinn puts Seth up against a wall before heading into the shack and coming back out with her motorcycle. She checks out the damage that it had received in the crash and sees that it was just slightly dented.

After she finished making sure her motorcycle would still run, she looks over at Seth. "Are you going to need help? It looks like your leg has taken serious damage. I can give you a lift to a nearby hospital."

As Quinn offers to give Seth a ride to get his leg fixed, she gets onto her bike and gives it a few cranks to see how hard it will be to get it started again. After the third try the engine roars to life, the noise echoing around before the engine dies down into a low purr.

"So, what are you going to do?" Quinn looks at Seth, waiting for his answer.
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker] Empty Re: A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker]

Post by Night Walker September 27th 2017, 6:36 pm

Seth nodded at the request for a lift; only managing to stay conscious due to the adrenaline. He leaned into Quinn, holding on as tightly as he could. He didn't know why Quinn was being so helpful. But he did appreciate it. Seth injected himself with some faux adrenaline he and the hunters 4 hire had bought at a drug store not too long ago. He woke up much faster and was able to look around easier. He hoped this wasn't causing too many heart problems. That would certainly be a great way to go out.

Quinn asked Seth a question, and he took a moment to thought of it. "Well, I'm gonna round up my hunters. Then I'm gonna come back when my leg is healed; and I'm gonna take that thing out before it can make a meal out of anyone else." Seth said silently wishing that he could go after it now. "I just wish I could go after it tonight..." He grumbled.

Night Walker
Blake Greyrose
Night Walker
Night Walker

Status :

Quote : "I just found out that there are monsters in the world, my mother has been kidnapped by vampires, and I'm the only one who seems to even give a hoot, and now your telling me; you don't even sell name

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Registration date : 2017-06-09

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A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker] Empty Re: A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker]

Post by Quinn October 3rd 2017, 6:03 pm

Quinn frowns when Seth talks about killing the werewolf as soon as his leg is better. "You should leave the werewolf alone. If it is doing harm then I will stop it."

As soon as Seth managed to hobble his way over to her bike and get onto the back, Quinn revs the engine once before looking back at him. "I do not have a helmet, so you should be careful." With those words, she takes off, roaring her way onto the road and towards the hospital, one hand making sure Seth didn't tumble off while the other was steering.

It didn't take very long for them to get to the hospital, Quinn parking right by the entrance before helping Seth off of the bike and into the building. Soon after they were pulled into the back and Seth was shoved onto a hospital bed and told to stay there.

It wasn't long until someone came around to ask questions, seeing as how Quinn has torn clothes and the person she was with was clearly in a fight. The police officer went to Quinn first, since Seth was currently being checked on by one of the doctors. "Hey, can you tell me what happened?"

Quinn nods before explaining exactly what happened, that she happened upon the fight between what seemed to be a werewolf and Seth and decided to save him. Once the officer got down all the details he turns to Seth, ready to ask the same questions so that they have a detailed report.
Post Adept
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker] Empty Re: A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker]

Post by Night Walker October 10th 2017, 6:35 pm

Seth was about to say that his very middle name was "Careful" but the girl started the motorcycle and drove into the night with him on the back.

The hospital was certainly... interesting. Seth was never a fan of hospitals, preferring to either get help from somebody he knew, or deal with whatever he was sick with until it got better. But Seth knew his wounds were too serious this time. He'd need the help of the staff this time. Hospitals were just... too sterile. It felt strange. Maybe it was all the white.

Seth was put into a hospital bed and had an IV put into his arm. The painkiller felt great, but Seth had to keep his wits about him for now.

A cop came into the room and asked the girl a bunch of different questions pertaining to the events of the evening... and Quinn answered truthfully. Crap. He didn't want to spend the night in the loony bin. Sure, there were metahumans and those were fairly common knowledge. But monsters? I mean, come on. Everyone knows monsters aren't real. At least... not the ones you see in the theater.

"I got into a fight with a rabid chainsaw is what it feels like. But I think it was some sort of metahuman. Be on the lookout for a red wolf looking humanoid monster looking thing.
It totally threw off this whole. Pretty boy thing I've got going on."
He grinned half heartedly, and the officer raised an eyebrow before leaving the room.

Night Walker
Blake Greyrose
Night Walker
Night Walker

Status :

Quote : "I just found out that there are monsters in the world, my mother has been kidnapped by vampires, and I'm the only one who seems to even give a hoot, and now your telling me; you don't even sell name

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Registration date : 2017-06-09

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A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker] Empty Re: A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker]

Post by Quinn October 25th 2017, 7:30 pm

Once the officer had gotten both of their statements, he left Seth's room and was reporting on the two strange people who were attacked. Quinn enters the room after the officer left. "Are you okay now?"

Quinn checks on the clipboard that she snagged from outside of the room, seeing that none of his injuries were life threatening. "The doctors say that you will be fine in a few weeks. I will see you around, I need to go catch the creature that attacked you."

Once she said her piece, Quinn turns to leave, planning on leaving the clipboard on the way out.
Post Adept
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker] Empty Re: A ROBOT SAVED MY LIFE? [Starring Quinn and Night Walker]

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