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Wild Night (Quinn)

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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey August 29th 2016, 9:45 pm

A little after midnight and a young superheroine was on the prowl. Clad in her purple and black costume with purple hair falling back to her shoulders, Heather was not the most obvious figure at night.

However, her skills at actual sneaking left more than a little to be desired. She had seen a group of men acting suspicious. A few had very loud, exposed tattoos that looked virtually identical. They spoke in hushed tones when they met earlier today and she had decided to tail them. As they moved toward the warehouse district, she shifted; body any 'clothes' taking on her prefered asthetic when she figured no one would see...

She failed to realize she had been made. While they were not sure who she was, obviously, they knew a young woman had been after them all day and they could not risk exposing their supplier. So, they were ready to set an ambush. All armed with semi-automatic pistols, they waited inside one of the abandoned warehouses, perched on the catwalks...

So, after a moment spent checking the building, she approached the only unlocked door and paused. Suddenly she was unsure what to do. If this was about an illegal shipment, there would be guards. Likely behind this door. But she did not have an idea how else to get into the building.

Stepping back, the heroine who called herself "Feral Violet" stepped back, guaging her options. Assuming her hunch was right, this door was likely guarded. If she broke in via one of the others, everyone would hear it and that was not a good thing. Maybe the roof? But jumping from an adjacent bulding? Much too far for her...

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by Quinn August 29th 2016, 10:33 pm

Quinn was sitting on a roof overlooking an alley way, humming to herself as she wonders what she was going to do next. Of course, she was quiet enough that the group of men that wanders past her didn't notice that she was up there watching them. She had already noticed that humans don't seem to look up a lot, which was a very serious flaw in her opinion, but one that she has started to use a lot.

Normally Quinn would have just ignored the group, seeing as how they weren't very interesting, but following behind them was a lone girl who was trying to not be seen. Quinn blinks and turns to look at the group of men before looking back at the girl, only to glance around again, wondering where she had suddenly disappeared to. There was what seemed to be another person that was now following the group of men as they headed for the warehouse area of the city.

A smile stretches itself over Quinn's face as she starts to following the girl, wondering what she was planning on doing and if it was going to be anything interesting. She followed along, waiting for a bit as the girl takes a step back from the door, almost as if she was unsure if she should go in. Quinn waits a moment before deciding that just waiting was boring and jumps down, landing silently behind the girl before walking up and poking her in the back.

"Hey, why are you waiting? You were following them for a reason right?"
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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey August 29th 2016, 11:08 pm

Heather instinctively froze at the feeling of something poking her in the back.  A myriad of possibilities flashed through her mind: a thin knife at her back, a gun, more.  She was terrified until she heard an innocent voice and a peculiar question.

Carefully she turned.  She was a little stunned by what she found.  Though the pink haired girl was hardly more outlandish than a girl with violet hair and a purple "tattoo" around her eyes.  Of course, the pink haired girl could have been with the crewHeather had followed.  No, no, that seemed unlikely for some reason.

The youngest of the Jardin children took a moment to catch her breath before responding."I was just," she began, nervously.  "I though -think - they're up to something and I wanted to find out what but..."  The noviced paused, looking at the door.  "There might be a guard inside and I don't want to walk in and get shot."

Heather sighed, annoyed with herself.  "If I had a grappling hook, I could get to the roof and use a skylight." Her attention jumping back to the girl, Heather faked a grin, saying, "Sorry. You didn't really ask that, did you?"

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by Quinn August 30th 2016, 10:40 pm

Quinn thinks for a moment, almost offering to go in first but deciding against it, since taking someone's fun away is boorish. Instead, she decides to help her get to the roof by helpfully creating a grappling hook when the other girl was looking away before holding it up to her. "Here you go, this helps right?"

She just watches as the other girl uses the hook to get onto the roof, disappearing from where she was standing and reappearing at the top before she came over the edge. Quinn tilts her head to one side, watching the hero. "So, what do we do next?"
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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey August 30th 2016, 11:43 pm

Heather was nervous about accepting an object that looked like it had been built on a molecular level.  Still, access to the roof was her current need so, why look a proverbial gift horse in the mouth.  "Thanks," she said, before squaring herself to the wall.  She spun the hook up to speed before launching the tool upward where it latched on and held.

As she reached the top of the wall, Feral Violet was shocked to confront the girl from before.  "Jesus Christ," she muttered.  A glance over her shoulder confirmed what she had expected.  The girl had somehow managed to get up instantly with little trouble.  Again pausing to catch her breath, Heather coiled the rope up again, saying, "I'm gonna scout through the skylight, see what my...'friends' are up to."

From above the windows, Heather saw the extent of the ambush; five guns trained on the door, ready to deal with their most recent thorn.  Good thing she chose not to take the door.  She sighed, glad she had made the right choice. Now came the part with dealing with them. After all, you don't set a deadly trap for someone unless you have something to hide. There, was, of course, still one problem...

"Dammit," Heather cursed. "I thought I'd catch them in the act, but they won't leave until they think I'm not following them." This, in turn, required that Feral accept one embarrassing fact: "Oh, crap. They knew I was following them all along."

The rookie heroine began to mull over her options. "I could try waiting; they might wait so long before heading out again. Or they'll call in and I'll lose my chance..." There was option two, "Forget the deal and instead leave some goons with a beat down. They aren't really valuable but it could put the fear of god into some baddies..." Or option three: "I could cut my losses and go home. Not my favorite plan but..." Heather trailed off, nothing else to say.

A thought came to her and Heather turned her masked eyes to the other girl on the roof. "What do you think?" she asked. "Any advice for a foolish little girl playing superheroine?"

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11

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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by Quinn August 31st 2016, 12:40 pm

Quinn also walks over to the skylight and peeks in, seeing the five people who were pointing their guns at the door waiting for Heather to bust in. Not wanting her new friend to get hurt while doing her thing, she mentally maps out a path that will let her take out all five people with minimum fuss. That being done she takes a step back and waits to see how Heather was going to handle it,

Quinn takes a thinking pose and nods along with every option Heather talks about, letting her list them all out without interrupting. Tilting her head to one side when asked for advice, Quinn thinks on it for a second before nodding once. "They are bad guys right? Then should you not beat them up? I think you should do what you feel is correct, no matter what it is."

Quinn reaches up and pats Heather on the head, not able to resist the urge anymore. "As long as you do what you feel is right, I am sure that you can do whatever you set your mind to. Now, do you need anything else to get inside?"
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey September 1st 2016, 10:17 pm

"Right," came Heather's response to the girl's reply. "Better to take what I can get if it serves the greater good."

Returning her attention to the skylight, Feral found one of the panes broken in. Attaching the hook to the edge, she began to ease her way down the rope. Heather eventually came to stand on the catwalk, positioning herself behind the five goons.

The catwalk was in the form of a large metal 'H' with ladders at each of the four corners of the building to get up. The goons were all trained on the door below and did not notice as the purple-clad vigilante slid up behind behind one. This one stood nearest to one of the intersections, the bend in their 'V' formation. They had meant to create a crossfire to make their job easier.

Heather's fist came down at the base of her first victims skull. While he was still collapsing she reushed toward her next target. By now, the sounds of her movement had alerted he rest as they turned. The next nearest goon attemted to strike Heather with his pistol as she ducked in.

Before he man could land a blow, Heather caught his wrist and twisted it behind his back. Now that she had control of this man's gun hand, she forced him squeeze off two rounds. These connected with the third man's leg and he fell, screaming.

Before she could deal with the last two, a pair of shots rang out and the man with the twisted arm seemed suddenly heavier. It seemed the others thought to shoot Heather through their own friend and she had been forced back by her human shield.

"Crap," Feral muttered to herself. She was awkwardly positioned behind the now dead man and could not yet risk breaking cover...

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11

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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by Quinn September 3rd 2016, 2:45 am

Quinn watches Heather go down the rope before vanishing, appearing sitting on a pile of boxes, humming to herself. She made sure to be out of line of sight, so that the goons didn't see her, but made sure her seat had a nice vantage point where she could see all of the action going down.

Quinn actually makes herself a bucket of popcorn and munches on it as Heather works her way through the first three goons, easily taking them out before they even knew what hit them. Unluckily for her, the last two were slightly better off and managed to get their guns around and fire off some shots. Quinn frowns, finding the standoff rather boring and created a crowbar, sending it flying across the room to bounce off a goon's head, dropping him and causing the other to turn towards her. A smile and a wave was all that he saw before she vanishes from sight, distracting him just long enough for Heather to get out of the shitty situation that she was in.

From her new spot, Quinn spots two guys moving in to flank the newbie hero, having heard the gunfire and deciding that now was the time to act. Not wanting them to ruin it, she drops down behind them, kicking one in the back of his knee before getting a good smack across his skull with a baton, knocking him out. As the other turns, Quinn grabs his weapon, a quick tug pulling the slide off of the weapon. "Oh, here you go." Quinn politely hands it back to the goon before smacking him across the face with her baton, taking him out of the fight too.

That being taken care of, she goes back to watching Heather, making sure that she wasn't shot or anything.
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Registration date : 2015-02-27

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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey September 3rd 2016, 11:05 pm

Thanks to Quinn's distraction, Heather had an opening.  Pushing away the dead man, she leveled it at the last enemy she could see.  She fired the gun empty, a total of six shots after the two earlier.  Most of the .45-caliber bullets missed but one drilled in behind the man's knee.

With the lose of the use of one leg, the goon stumbled.  He flailed, grabbing a railing in a futile attempt to keep his footing.  His pistol was lost in his flurry.

While the poor bastard screaming and cursing, Feral noticed movement on her left.  The man she had shot earlier was reaching for his own gun.  The young heroine was quicker, though.  She rushed at the man and the toe of her sneaker connected with the thug's temple, rendering him unconscious.

Taking the man's gun, Heather returned to the still screaming gunman.  She had a few questions to ask him.  She checked the borrowed weapon, ejecting the magazine to count the bullets, making sure the chamber was full before looming over the still concious thug.

Heather crouched, pressing the muzzle of the Barretta against her subjects good knee.  "For balance."  He tensed.  "Where were you headed?" Feral asked once her silent threat was recieved.  "Before you noticed you were being followed."  When he remained silent, Heather flipped of the safety.

"If I talk, I'm a dead man," the fool blurted.  "You gotta give me some sorta protection."

Feral silently examined the man for a few tense moments.  Then, the silence shattered in a peal of laughter from the rookie heroine.  Then the gun went off and the only sound was screaming.  Feral quickly grabbed the man's face, silencing him.  "I am neither a cop, nor patient," she explained.  She pressed the the gun to his shoulder.  She did not have to ask again...
A couple blocks from the building, Heather puked into a trash can. She was coming down from whatever neurochemical had allowed her to go all psycho-bitch that man. Her nerves were unsteady, her hands still shaking.

The young woman quickly reverted to her civilian appearance before pulling out a cell phone to call 9-1-1. After all, she did not want bodies on her conscience.

Turning around, the shapeshifter noticed the pink-haired girl was still following her. Heather instinctively crossed her arms before saying, "Thanks for before. You kinda...saved my ass back there." Holding out a shaky hand, she introduced herself: "I'm Heather, but I go by Feral Violet."

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11

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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by Quinn September 5th 2016, 10:38 pm

Quinn watched the other girl leave the building before turning and making sure all of the goons were knocked out and tied up so that they couldn't get away. From the looks of things they were going to be going after the rest of the gang or whatever and all it'd take is a phone call for them to also be ready. As soon as that was taken care of she left, easily catching up to the super heroine before she can make it too far.

Quinn lightly lands behind Heather, completely silent. She waits until Heather finishes, not wanting to get thrown up on. Quinn is okay with a lot of things, but being hit with chewed up food isn't one of them. Once she was done, instead of responding, Quinn pulls Heather into a hug. "It is okay, you did not do anything wrong." She stays like that for a moment before releasing Heather. "Feeling better? Shall we continue on your mission now? Oh, I am Quinn Ashford, it is nice to meet you."

Quinn gives Heather a smile and waits to see where she will go next, at this point having taken a liking to the other girl and didn't want to see her get hurt while she was being a super heroine.
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Registration date : 2015-02-27

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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey September 6th 2016, 12:47 am

The hug was more comforting than Heather had expected. It helped to steady her nerves. In short order, she was ready for her next task.

Pulling a phone from her pocket (where it had been before was difficult to tell), Heather checked the address the goon had given her. According to the map she called up, the deal was taking place at a parking garage. The second biggest cliché regarding mob deals. Showing it to Quinn, she said, "It's not too far. If we hurry..."

Finding her heading, Heather began to jog towards the meeting. Hopefully, she would be in time to do something...
Almost an hour later and Heather stood before the garage. Suddenly her nerves were back. She checked her phone again, just to be She was just stalling. Heather shook her head, as though trying to clear it.

"Please hang onto this for me," she said, offering her phone to Quinn. Then she began to change forms...
Three floors from the roof, two men in black suits stood guard, each armed with a UMP. They heard a scuffing sound and took aim at the shadows where the sounds came from.

"Shit, it's Cole," one of the guards said, recognizing him. One of the group sent to collect the buyer. They had called in their tail earlier and had arranged an ambush. The team had been silent since. "What the fuck happened?"

"Cole" looked like hell. "He" walked with a limp, apparent bullet wound in the knee, bruised and swollen face. "Crazy meta-bitch attacked us." Glancing over his shoulder, the "man" continued, "She's coming. I had to warn-" "Cole" stumbled, caught by one of the guards.

Seeing "his" chance, "Cole" pushed the guard back into his fellow. Taking advantage of the confusion, "he" kicked the nearer man just below the knee, forcing him down. This was followed by a sharp blow to the second man's throught.

"Cole" stole one of the guns. Spinning it by the strap, the doppelganger used it like a mace. Several sharp blows were delivered to the guards' skulls. They were quickly left unconcious.

Dropping the gun, "Cole" became Feral Violet, clad in her purple vest with her eyemask tattoo. She looked up the ramp to the next floor. That would be where the deal was happening.

For a moment, Feral wondered what Quinn was doing and where she was...

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11

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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by Quinn September 6th 2016, 1:26 am

Quinn takes Feral's phone, holding it carefully. "I will take care of it." She watches as Feral changes before leaving, then vanishes from the spot she was in, taking a better view on a roof so that she can watch how everything goes down. Quinn looks down at the phone she was given before creating a wire, one side being inserted into the back of her neck and the other one hooking into the phone. It only took a moment for a full copy of the data and any password Feral had was easily cracked just as quickly. Putting the phone into one of her pouches, she moves to the garage roof top, moving downwards quickly before finding a spot to watch and see. The amount of guards worried her a little but, but Quinn was sure Feral could handle it.


Somewhere in the middle of the garage itself there was over a dozen guys, all armed, getting ready for anything. News that someone was following the team sent to get the buyer traveled quickly, and as such they decided to bring out some extra muscle just in case something happened. The buyer was a little jumper, not used to this and unsure about what was even happening. What should have been a quick deal had turned into a waiting game, the sellers refusing to let him leave until the tail was confirmed dead or gone.

The boss was on the larger side and ruled his gang with an iron fist and he wasn't one that liked to be challenged. He planned to make it painful if the hero wannabe decided to show up and mess with him.
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Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey September 7th 2016, 9:20 pm

One level up.  Feral was nervous.  She did not like going in blind but with the ramp as the only way up for her, she had no other option.  Glancing at the guards, she decided she did not need them getting involved.  So, in case they woke up, she elected to hogtie them with the shoulder straps to their guns.

Their guns...Feral was not a fan.  But she knew, she needed every edge she could get...
Two more gunmen stood at the top of the ramp, one armed with a rifle, the other with a submachine gun.  They paced, nervous, waiting for the other shoe to drop.  In is odd pattern, the rifleman turned from the ramp.  An instant later, a single gunshot rang out.  The rifleman turned too late to save his partner.  He was also too late to save himself as he caught two in the chest.

Suddenly, all hell broke loose.  The purple clad came up the ramp at full speed.  For their part, the other gunmen tried to shoot her but they failed to lock their sights on Feral Violet.

Meanwhile, Feral used her momentum to slide behind the nearest car.  One of the gunman was there but his AR-15 was clumsy at this range.  He took one in the chin and went down hard.  "Twenty-six," Feral whispered, counting down her shots.

Peering past the car, Feral counted twelve more men armed.  A couple shots struck the hood of the car, barely missing the young Heroine.  Taking a page from more than a few action movies, she layed down, aiming under the vehicle.  Four pairs of shoes were coming closer, two around front, the others behind.  Pincer.

Flipping to full-auto, Feral kicked out past the car.  Squeezing, she opened up on the two men.  They shared nine bullets between them.  "Seventeen."  She sat up in time to avoid a volley that would have taken off her head.  Curling into a crouch, Feral lunged as the a rifle muzzle became visible around the trunk of the car.

Pushing the barrel aside, Feral pressed her UMP to the man's gut.  Three kicks lodged lead in his intestines as he fell back.  Four shots ripped through the man behind as she slid behind the nearby pillar for cover.  The girl was not quite quick enough as the second man died with his finger on the trigger.  Two bullets caught Feral in the shoulder and she could not help but scream at the pain."Ten!" she hissed loudly.

Before she had a chance to react, another man she had not seen swung around the pillar.  Feral flinch, emptying her SMG into the man.  She knew her mistake as the gun clicked.  Another shot came, and there was only pain in Feral's ankle.  She went down screaming.  Back behind the car. Seven more guys and now gun.

Footsteps as the men came closer. One of them stood over her. He grabbed a handful of purple hair. Pulled up until she was on her knees. He was ready to end this. But Feral was "feral" for a reason...

A turn drove purple fingernails into the man's thigh. Blood spilled over Feral's hand as she turned to the next. Unnatural claws tore out his hamstrings. Her second stroke severed his spine as he fell. Spinning to face unlucky number three, Feral slashed open his belly. He would die holding his intestines.

The savage frenzy ended with another gunshot. There was pain in Feral's back and chest chest. She turned to see another man, this one with a pistol leveled at her. He had shot her in the back. Feral was having trouble breathing; must have hit her lung. Four more guys and all out of time.

Her only thought was that this was a terrible way to die...

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Registration date : 2015-08-11

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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by Quinn September 7th 2016, 10:44 pm

Quinn was smiling at the start, as Feral started to work her way through the guards, though that smile didn't last very long. The moment that two shots hit the girl, Quinn's smile disappeared and she almost acted right then, but managed to hold herself back, not wanting to steal Feral's fun away.

That quickly changed the moment that the gun ran empty and Feral hit the ground, that's when Quinn decided it was time to do her thing. The lights in the garage dim and go out, leaving the whole place in darkness. Feral was suddenly picked up and moved, Quinn put her by a pillar, making sure she was in cover. Quinn glances down at Feral's wounds before sticking a needle into her arms and injecting some of her nanites in, watching a moment before they start to work, breaking down the bullets to make more.

With that done, Quinn decides to take out the trash. The first one goes down with a scream, pulling the trigger of his guns as a reaction and lighting up the area with gunfire. The rest of the grunts turn, lighting up Quinn as she pulls the axe out of the man's back before suddenly vanishing from sight. A moment later two more people go down as more gunfire echos across the area. The moment it goes quiet again, all they can hear is giggling that seems to echo through the garage. As the giggles die down, another person screams out as Quinn stabs them before moving on, making a gun and shooting off three shots, taking a grunt out with each bullet.

The last four grunts gathered together, one of them being the one who shot Feral in the back. A moment later they heard something hit the ground between them, the lights shine down to reveal a grenade. Quinn was already back to Feral when it goes off, removing the last four people with a bang.

Quinn pulls Feral up and then walks over to one of the doors nearby, pressing a disc to the door and letting it merge into it, vanishing from view, a moment later she was in her house, hidden from the world.

Feral was shoved onto a bed, her bloody clothes tossed away without a thought. Quinn made sure the wounds were healing nicely being pulling Feral into a lap pillow, petting her head and waiting for her to wake up, not worried now that her nanites were doing their job and working at the wounds.
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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey September 8th 2016, 7:12 pm

Heather, who had reverted to her civilian form some time after passing out, lay there in her dreamless sleep.  The repairs to her body were rapid and painless and before long, the injuries to her lung, shoulder and ankle were repaired.

The young came too slowly.  There was no pain, only the dull memory of it.  Most of the night before was indistinct, though.  Still, Heather decided to take stock.  She must have been hurt.  There was heat at the back of her head and someone was stroking her brown hair.  And she was nude...

Blue eyes flew open as Heather looked upon her rescuer.  Still, the girl's face turned red as she grew embarrassed and she sat up, curling into a ball to hide her nakedness.  "G-good morning," Heather said, glancing back over her shoulder.  "Quinn, right?"

The dark haired girl looked around.  "Where is this?" Heather asked, not recognizing the place at all.  "Did you bring me here?  And why am I naked?"  The last question was an awkward whisper said into her knees. She seemed to want to avoid the topic of her nudity.

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11

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Wild Night (Quinn) Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

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