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Wild Night (Quinn)

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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey September 8th 2016, 7:12 pm

Heather, who had reverted to her civilian form some time after passing out, lay there in her dreamless sleep.  The repairs to her body were rapid and painless and before long, the injuries to her lung, shoulder and ankle were repaired.

The young came too slowly.  There was no pain, only the dull memory of it.  Most of the night before was indistinct, though.  Still, Heather decided to take stock.  She must have been hurt.  There was heat at the back of her head and someone was stroking her brown hair.  And she was nude...

Blue eyes flew open as Heather looked upon her rescuer.  Still, the girl's face turned red as she grew embarrassed and she sat up, curling into a ball to hide her nakedness.  "G-good morning," Heather said, glancing back over her shoulder.  "Quinn, right?"

The dark haired girl looked around.  "Where is this?" Heather asked, not recognizing the place at all.  "Did you bring me here?  And why am I naked?"  The last question was an awkward whisper said into her knees. She seemed to want to avoid the topic of her nudity.

The Grey
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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by Quinn September 8th 2016, 11:21 pm

Quinn gives Feral a big smile and hugs her again, ignoring how she seems to be shy right now. "I was worried for you, if you needed help you should have just asked. I would not have minded." Releasing the other girl, Quinn bounces out of the bed, opening the window that overlooks a beach, letting a cool breeze into the room. "This is my house, do you like it? I made it myself. I can make you a room if you want, since you cannot leave for a few days. Well, you can I guess, but you might walk into the police as they check out the scene, we made a lot of noise last night."

Quinn skips back over to Feral and grabs her hand, pulling her out of the bed. "Come on, I can show you around, and get you some more clothes if you want some. You do not have to worry about anyone peeking on you though, if you do not like clothes, only the fishies and myself can get into the space." Quinn puffs her chest out in pride of having a completely safe house before dragging Feral around the house, giving her a quick tour so that she knows where the kitchen and bathroom is.

"What do you want to do? We could play a game or watch television. I really like chess and I made sure to get all of the channels. Oh! This is like a sleepover, I never had one of those. It will be so much fun!" Quinn's eyes almost shine at she looks at Feral, clearly excited about the idea of spending time with the shape-shifter, it would be a shame to ruin her day by saying no.
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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey September 9th 2016, 8:38 pm

At first, Heather found Quinn's apparent innocence amusing. However, after being dragged along by the excited girl for a time, the shifter pulled her hand free. "Sorry," she said. "Just give me a chance to change."

Closing her eyes, Heather took a moment to focus on her power. Her skin seemed to move and flow, knots pushing up to the surface. From her own body, she fashioned a simple white tank top and a pair of purple shorts. They were simple but they did the job. Now that she did not have to worry about her exposure, the shapeshifter took the opportunity to stretch. "Better," she muttered, mostly to herself.

As Heather opened her eyes once more she thought to make a request. Her stomach beat her to it as it growled, demanding tribute. She blushed at the sound. "Maybe something to eat?" Then came a nagging feeling regarding the night before. "Maybe we can watch some TV while we eat?" She wanted to see what was on the news.

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by Quinn September 10th 2016, 9:46 pm

Quinn giggles at the noise that comes from Feral's stomach, amused at how embarrassed she was at being hungry. "What do you want to eat? I will get it for you, my kitchen is different from other kinds. I will show you how to use it all later." Quinn nods once at the request, then starts to head for the kitchen. She only stops when she remembers that she hasn't told Feral about the television. Quinn peeks out from the kitchen and points towards the living room. "The television is in there, it should work like normal, so just use the remote. I will be out in a moment."

Vanishing back into the kitchen, she hums to herself as she prepares the food, which was as simple as just thinking about what she wants before opening the fridge and microwave, for cold and hot food respectively. Not even a minute later Quinn walked into the living room, putting the food down in front of Feral before once again ignoring normal social boundaries and cuddling up to Feral, watching the television with her. "So, what are we watching? Is it interesting?"
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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey September 10th 2016, 11:37 pm

"Um...whatever's fine," Heather suggested.  As Quinn left to handle breakfast, the shapeshifter hurried to the living room.  Taking up the remote, she turned on the television.  Flipping through a few unninteresting channels, she eventually found a station handling the morning news.  She needed to be sure...

"-kers are shocked this morning at the discovery of over a dozen dead bodies found in a parking structure.  The victims are all said to have ties to organized crime.  The massacre is thought to be related to a case of assault in a warehouse earlier last night."

"Several of last night's victims are said to have been eviscerated, according to some witnesses.  We will be keeping viewers posted on the developments of this case.  In other news..."

By now, Heather was tuning out what was being said.  "Eviscerated," she muttered.  "They were disemboweled."  It was coming back to her: she had dispassionately gunned down some of them; then when that had failed, she moved on to tearing people open like it did not matter.  Like it was normal.  For almost the first time in her life, Heather was afraid of what she was.

At about that time, Quinn entered.  It could not have been that long but Heather was distracted and did not seem affected by the pink haired girl's speed.  Still the smell of food and Quinn's sudden closeness were comforting.  "Oh, nothing interesting," Heather lied.  She quickly cycled back to the channel she had changed from.

Leaning over to grab a plate, Heather studied the meal for a bit.  It seemed to be an average breakfast: eggs, bacon, buttered toast and orange juice.  The young girl sat there, eating breakfast and watching television, pretending everything was normal.  That everything was fine...

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11

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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by Quinn September 11th 2016, 12:28 am

Quinn watches television with Feral for a bit, letting her finish the food before deciding that it was boring and sitting up, untangling herself from Feral. "Come on, you seem down." Quinn once again grabs Feral and pulls her to her feet, dragging her through the house and out onto the beach. She waves out towards the water, glancing over at her friend with a big smile. "How do you like it? It took me a while to make it, but the fishies really like it."

With that being said, Quinn continues to pull Feral down the beach, stopping at the edge of the water and letting the waves wash over their feet. "Can you make a swimsuit? The water is warm and relaxing, you will love it."

Quinn lets Feral go and wades into the water before slapping the water a few times, turning and waving Feral over to where she was. "I will let you meet my fishies, I helped them out a while ago. They do not like to leave the water that much, though they will be joining us for dinner."

When Feral does get over to where Quinn was standing, two girls pop out of the water, their tails slapping the top of the water as they get close enough for Quinn to pat their heads. Glancing over at Feral, she reaches over and pushes her towards the two mermaids. "This is Feral, she will be staying with us for a few days, be nice." With the intruductions over, Quinn pats them one more time before letting them go back to swimming.

"You should enjoy yourself, the fishies will make sure nothing happens in the water." Quinn wades back out of the water and waves her hand, watching a chair slide out of the sand before sitting down on it and relaxing.
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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey September 11th 2016, 7:33 pm

Heather allows herself to be pulled along by the excitable girl. She needed the distraction. So, hand gripped by Quinn, the shifter was introduced to the environment of the house...

It was beautiful, to say the least. The white sand was not harsh and the clear water reflected the blue of the sky. Though there seemed to be something a little off about the clouds, it did not seem to be an issue. As Quin had suggested, Heather shifted her clothing. Her shirt flowed into the form of simple and rather modest bikini top, her shorts shrinking into the form of a pair of boyshorts. All of it changed to a uniform purple color.

Joining Quinn in the water, Heather was shocked by the appearance of two rather attractive women. It took a moment but she soon realized why they spent their time in the water, and while Quinn had called them 'Fishies.' "They're mermaids," she whispered as the two returned to their swimming.

Turning back to Quinn as she left the water, Heather thanks the girl. Realizing she could use the exercise to keep her mind off things, the shifter forces herself onward, diving into the ocean.

She swims laps for some time, freestyle out, backstroke in. Repeating the pattern but adding distance every time. Eventually her hands meet something hard and solid. The once invisible wall seems to form a radiating cascade of colors around her hand. Testing this boundary, Heather finds the wall extends out in both direction.

Heather swims back to shore, spawled out, looking at the sky as she mulls over what it all means. A barrier to keep things out? But what was wrong with the sky? Maybe an underground chamber with a video display for walls? But how would they have gotten here so quickly? Teleportation?

"Might as well be a pocket space," Heather quipped, mostly to herself. But the possibility nagged at her. Rolling over, the shifter looked to Quinn again. A constructed space could explain her power in this place.

The potential of such a possibility began to monopolize Heather's mind as she began to 'nerd' over the immensity of it all...

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by Quinn September 12th 2016, 10:16 pm

The moment that Feral sprawls on the beach, Quin leaves her seat and heads over to where she is, leaning over to make sure that she's okay. Once she knew that nothing was wrong, Quinn reaches out to take Feral's hand, ready to drag her around again. "Come on, you should play some games with me. I will even let you pick which one."

Once they get into the living room, Quinn heads over to a small cabinet on the wall, opening it up to reveal that it was completely packed with different board games. Not waiting for Feral to have time to object, she starts to pull them all out, stacking them around the room. As the games were pulled out of the cabinet, the amount that was still in it didn't seem to be going down at all. What seemed to be just a dozen or so board games quickly swelled to nearly five times that number and didn't seem to be slowing down at all.

Of course, the lack of places to put the games was the only thing that stopped the her from piling them up endlessly. Quinn turns towards Feral, a quick smile on her face. "So, which one do you want to play? I have a lot more if you do not like any of them."
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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey September 12th 2016, 11:04 pm

Heather followed Quinn back to the living room as best she could. This was becoming redundant, getting dragged about by the strange girl. Still, the youngest Jardin girl had no objections just yet.

As Heather saw the games come down to be piled around, it became clear the cabinets did not obey the rules of conventional reality. "Yup," she said. "Definitely hammer space."

For a moment, Heather was reminded of the grappling hook Quinn had pulled from nowhere and things suddenly started to fit together regarding the pink haired girl. There was a moment of silence as she stepped toward the cabinet. She could not help but ask, "This is a pocket dimension, right?" Turning to Quinn, the nerdy young woman said, "You can build pocket dimensions."

Heather was convinced this was Quinn's big secret, that thing that made her special. That was all fascinating enough but oh how little she really grapsed...

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by Quinn September 14th 2016, 12:38 am

Quinn giggles a little at how Feral had just figured out what she was in. "Of course I can silly, how else would I get you here so quickly?" The beach and water was closer to something that you'd find in The Caribbean than if you were to go for a swim in New York, the fact that Feral didn't even notice showed how out of it she has been.

"Here, I will show you." Leaving the piles of games, Feral is dragged across to an empty wall, which Quinn helpfully added a door to. A quick check to make sure nothing was behind the door showed just a wall, making it a door that goes to nowhere. Quinn takes a thinking stance as she looks at where she put the door. "I can just move it later! Here, put your hand here and think about your room."

Quinn closes the door before taking Feral's hand and placing it on the handle, closing her eyes as she concentrates. A few moments later the plain wooden door changes, turning green with a white diamond on it. As soon as that was done, Quinn opens the door and bounces into the new room, which now looks almost exactly like Feral's room, having been copied from what she remembers about it.

Quinn turns to face her friend and does a victory pose. "Tada! It should be like you remember, but I can change it if you want."
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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey September 14th 2016, 1:21 am

As Heather entered the room, she was in awe. She new it was not in her home but... "This is my room," she realized.

Then the color drained from her and Heather repeated, "This is my room." Turning to Quinn, the shifter struggled and stammered. "Y-you...H-how?" Taking a breath to calm her nerves, she asked, more calmly, "Can you read minds?"

Remembering a few...particular manga she had been reading before leaving her appartment, Heather quickly blushed, ears turning red as she grabbed Quinn by the hand and tried to pull her out the door. "You can't just dive into people's minds like that," Heather tried to explain. "You need to ask before invading someone's privacy like that."

Deciding to change the subject, Heather suggested that they watch a movie. "I'm sure you could make a few suggested." Part of the shapeshifter begged the almighty to keep Quinn from wanting to see what was in the room.

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by Quinn September 14th 2016, 9:39 pm

Quinn tilts her head to the side, not sure why Feral was asking if she could read minds. "Of course not, this is just a basic memory to form spell. I just channeled my magic power through you so you could cast it."

She lets Feral pull her out of the room, but eyes the door, wondering what was so important in there that she was shoved out forcefully. Quinn decides to figure out what's in the room later and instead focus on watching a movie with Feral. As they get back to the living room, Quinn just waves her hand and all of the games lift themselves up and fly back into the cabinet, which then shuts itself.

"I know what we should watch, do you want popcorn? Is that not what everyone eats when watching movies?" Quinn switches from being dragged to dragging, pulling Feral over to the couch and flopping down on it before cuddling up against her friend when she sits down. A moment later the television flips on, a movie starting to play, showing that Quinn decided to put on a Disney movie for them to watch.
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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey September 15th 2016, 10:17 pm

Heather release a sigh at hearing that Quinn had not read her mind and allowed herself to be pulled toward the couch once more. Deciding to answer the last question, she said, "Actually, yes. I wouldn't mind some popcorn."

As Quinn tucked herself in close, Heather drapped an arm over the pink haired girl's shoulder. She'd never had a chance for a girlfriend before. Is this what that felt like? It was immensely comforting to have someone so close...

As the opening rolled, Heather could not help but feel a bit old for this sort of video. Glancing toward Quinn, noticing the smile on her face, the shapeshifter began to wonder about the other. For all she knew about the other girl's powers, she knew virtually nothing about Quinn personally. There were so many questions to ask...

Feeling the warmth from Quinn once more, Heather wait until after the movie to ask her questions.

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by Quinn September 23rd 2016, 11:06 pm

Quinn creates the popcorn for Feral before settling down to watch the movie. Throughout the whole movie, she acts just like a child, even going so far as to tear up when a sad part of the movie comes up and laughing loudly when something funny happens. Of course, she never stops snuggling up to Feral, not letting her get away.

After the movie was finished, Quinn finally lets Feral go and stands up, stretching as she does so. She turns to Feral and gives her a smile, still super excited. "So, what should we do next? We could watch another movie? Try to find a game to play again?"
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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

Post by The Grey September 24th 2016, 11:17 pm

"Oh, no, I just..."  Heather was hesitant.  The movie was over but the metahuman girl was nervous.  Still, she had questions and she wanted to truly know more about the odd girl before her.

"Actually, could we just talk for a bit?"  Heather smiled, indicating the seat Quinn had just left. "I'd really like to learn more about you."

"So," Heather began. "Aside from pocket realities, what other powers do you have?" She felt a little silly asking but she had to start somewhere...

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
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Wild Night (Quinn) - Page 2 Empty Re: Wild Night (Quinn)

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