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Cult of Personality(D6 and Gamer)

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OPEN Cult of Personality(D6 and Gamer)

Post by The Swolefather August 9th 2017, 5:58 pm

A loud ringing filled Mabel's ears as she flew back first out of a window, promptly followed by a large explosion. The young fox stood up, dusting off the dirt, and sauntering out of the pile of broken glass "All you had to do was say sorry!" She shrieked, unable to register how loud she was talking. Her pace picked up down the dirt street, eyes scanning the old western buildings, looking for any sign of human life. She began to skip, whistling to herself "Huuuulllllooooo!" She sang, the ringing finally fading from her ears. The sun was beating down on her pale skin, leaving patches of pink where she was least protected. Mabel reached up and moved the strap of her sports bra, attempting to get an even tan. She was dressed scantily clad, in a black sports bra, black compression shorts, and running shoes, with her hair put up in a pony tail, at least after she realized that it was stupid to walk around in a hoodie in the middle of a desert. Movement caught her attention "Boom, i'm coming for you, biatch!" Her eyes glowed, as power flooded to her feet, the concussion under her feet launched her forward at an insane pace, once again leaving her with a ringing in her ears. (Gimme a bit to shake off the rust, lol)
The Swolefather
The Swolefather
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OPEN Re: Cult of Personality(D6 and Gamer)

Post by GamerXZ August 9th 2017, 7:00 pm

"Alan, we been up here for the past half hour and we haven't seen jack squat," Aurora complained as she sat next to her partner on the edge of a cliff overlooking the valley while munching on some potato crisps, "You sure that tip we were sent was on the up and up?"

"Positive, partner," Alan replied while scanning the landscape with binoculars, "If you wanted to stay under the radar, the middle of an empty wasteland like Death Valley would be the place to come. Just be patient, ok?"

"But, Alan, this is boring!!" Aurora groaned as she crumpled up the empty bag and used telekinesis to pop open a can of soda, "We could be off at a night club somewhere right about now, or spitting from the top of the Empire States Building and seeing how long it takes to hit the bottom."

The former human rolled his eyes and was about to lecture Aurora when a loud explosion echoed from off in the distance, "What the?!" In a flash, he looked in the direction of the noise and saw faint trails of black smoke drifting into the sky, "Jackpot. Let's go, partner."

"About time!" Aurora remarked as she and him flew off the cliff and in the direction of the town, the two fusing back into Siren and rocketing off to their destination.

On a rooftop, several cultists lifted rocket launchers to aim down at the fox girl and were so preoccupied they didn't even notice said alien landing behind them and using telekinesis to yank the weapons out of their hands before morphing her own hands into whips and ensnaring a pair, yanking them off the ground towards her where she clotheslined both of them. She then soared off the roof to join the carnage below.
Post Adept
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Age : 31
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Registration date : 2013-07-23

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OPEN Re: Cult of Personality(D6 and Gamer)

Post by The Swolefather August 10th 2017, 4:05 pm

Mabel stuck her foot out in front of her, heel stuck out as she slammed into a cultist. His jaw popped, as his body slumped to the ground. Mabel turned her attention to the men on the rooftops, her fingers in the shape of guns. "By the power invested in me, get the heck outta here!" She muttered, as the glowing returned to her eyes. The energy shot out of her finger tips, blasting the men off the building. But something was peculiar, the weapons they had were yanked away...?

The fox saw something land on the ground near her, something not of this world. She spun around to face it, launching herself back a few feet, as distance was her strength, and watched it. "Who the fuck, and what the fuck are you?" While she awaited a response, she began to chant quietly, empowering the random words she was saying with magical energy. The glowing in her eyes intensified, and her hands began to look as if they were warping due to the energy being pent up. This was her dream, being in a mexican stand off, in the middle of an old timey town, now if only she could thing of something witty to say...something cliche..."This town ain't big enough for the two of us....bitch"
The Swolefather
The Swolefather
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OPEN Re: Cult of Personality(D6 and Gamer)

Post by Row August 10th 2017, 6:42 pm

Cult of Personality(D6 and Gamer) 1701373-bigthumbnail

Lunetta ran out of the store dressed like a cowgirl. Though the sun was beaming, her hat blocked most of the light from her sensitive skin. This was not her only protection. The girl learned her lesson from her trip over the Atlantic and made sure to lather sunscreen all over her body so she would not get burned. Sadly it did not stop the sun's other negative effects. As long as she was careful though, she would be fine in the sun.
She pulled out her newly bought revolvers and spun them around her fingers, "Cowboys were so cool."

After finishing the pose, the building behind Lunetta exploded. She turned around and saw a line of smoke diving into the fire.

"Razzo?" Lunetta guessed.
"We need to practice English, my child," Whispered a voice in Lunetta's head.
"Si, si... ahh... I mean yes Gia." Lunetta lowered her head in disappointment.

Gia was always right about these things. The two studied the language but were unable to practice due to family issues. Even though they could read and speak without a problem, Lunetta struggled to effectively communicate without messing up or adding words from her native tongue.
Lunetta turned away from the building to see more explosions light up the town. She whistled while scanning the surroundings. A group of men and women dressed in matching outfits unleash comical amounts of firepower at this girl in the streets only to get shot down when they weapons just floated away.
Lunetta strolled closer to the battle scene until a human-like figure fell from the sky. Well, it really did not have the feel of a human but Lunetta did not have any other way to describe it. The girl however did not seem so curious, probably due to being attacked by the weird group. Maybe this flying person was the leader. Lunetta ran to the closest piece of shade she could find, placing her on one of the few non-burning buildings a few meters behind the girl. Now she had front row seats to the show, as long as she was not caught.

Poring Flan
Cult of Personality(D6 and Gamer) Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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OPEN Re: Cult of Personality(D6 and Gamer)

Post by GamerXZ August 10th 2017, 7:24 pm

At seeing the way the fox girl was acting, Siren immediately put up her hands, "Whoa, whoa, calm down there. I'm not your least as long you're not with those guys," She gestured over to the battered and beaten cultists, "Also, since you enjoy causing explosions so much, a little peace offering..." The stolen rocket launchers landed on the ground, "Look, I don't have much time to explain but if you're here to stop these cultists, then we're on the same side. Now if you'll excuse me..."

She whirled around and saw several more cultists chanting and causing a rift to open in the air which released a barrage of black inky tentacles. Siren transformed both her limbs into blades and darted forward, hacking through the tentacles until she was upon them, her blades morphing back to normal as she grabbed and choke slammed both of them hard enough into the ground to leave indents. Seeing a couple more standing on a rooftop and readying various spells, Siren opened her mouth and let loose her sonic scream at the terrain they were standing on, causing the roof to collapse and all of the cultists to fall through the building screaming.

Post Adept
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Registration date : 2013-07-23

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OPEN Re: Cult of Personality(D6 and Gamer)

Post by The Swolefather August 10th 2017, 7:38 pm

Mabel stared deeply into the eyes of the alien thingy, before it could even speak she let loose the explosive energy from her finger tips. The invisible force whizzed by the alien's head, and slamming into a cultist directly behind it. The force shoved the man back, causing his body to warp with energy, before exploding once he reached a large group of his buds. "A'right, I done thought you was one of them there cultists' buds." The fox spoke out in a southern drawl. Her eyes were drawn to the rift opening, the smell of sulfur and rotten fish filled the air. Mabel's nose scrunched, as she gagged out a few words of power before sending a large explosion into the rift. An ungodly shriek spewed from the portal before it closed, leaving black marks upon the ground.

The alien was doing a pretty good job, taking out cultists left and right. This was Mabel's moment to play with some fire. She pulled out a small container of lighter fluid, spraying it on the ground, before lighting it with a small match. As the flames grew, she spoke quietly, whipping small tentacles of flame towards each building. It was her personal mission to raze this town, and find their hidden layer. Or, at least what she thought was hidden...

The flames grew around Mabel, intensifying the heat of the desert immensely "This miiiight have been a terrible idea, or a great one..." the fox joked. It wasn't until she spun around to check her surroundings that she saw a cowgirl sitting in the shadows. Mabel took a wide stance, making finger guns again, pointing them in the cowgirls direction "Gosh darnit, if you're one of them, come out with it already"
The Swolefather
The Swolefather
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Lift things up, put them down.
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OPEN Re: Cult of Personality(D6 and Gamer)

Post by Row August 10th 2017, 8:34 pm

Instead of clashing in a flurry of curse words, explosions, and weird powers, the girls teamed up and attacked the people joining the fray, or cultist as the flying person called them. The flying person, who Lunetta decided was a girl due to her voice, was now cutting through tentacles, which were coming out of the sky with sword... hands. Lunetta rubbed her eyes, unsure if she was dreaming. She was not.

Suddenly, another explosion pulled Lunetta's attention to the girl who now seemed to have animal features. Well, it was not like she never had them, but now Lunetta actually noticed them. Lunetta debated on whether it was cat ears or dog ears. She would have to decide later because apparently the girl was able to make things explode by pointing at them. Then the animal ear girl threw a bad smelling liquid everywhere, which was followed by a match. The town quickly evolved into a scene the pope would describe as hell. Not Lunetta though because she did not believe in such a place.

Fire flew everywhere burning all the buildings and removing most of the shadows in the town. This included the building Lunetta was using as cover. At first she held her ground, feeling safer in the little bit of shadow she had left. After witnessing a building collapse in the flames, she began questioning the integrity of her suppose cover. She doubted she had much time as the flames chewed through the wood and climbed to the roof. Therefore, she started to move out, not risking being buried under a burning pile of wood and ash.

This cost Lunetta to become noticeable to the dog, cat, something ear girl and now the pretend cowgirl had a finger pointed at her, which could make her explode at any minute.

"Cazzo!" Lunetta drew her gun, which was heavier than her normal pistol and pointed.

Lunetta accidently pulled the trigger too tightly causing the weapon to go off. The revolver fired a cloud of smoke and screamed into the chaos despite no bullets coming out. How could it, she was too poor to buy the expensive ammo. She dropped the gun, startled by the loud bang.
"Che cavolo!" Lunetta screamed, "Too loud, too loud!"

It was at that moment she knew... she fucked up.

Poring Flan
Cult of Personality(D6 and Gamer) Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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OPEN Re: Cult of Personality(D6 and Gamer)

Post by GamerXZ August 10th 2017, 9:18 pm

The city was indeed gradually going up in smoke but that was of little concern to Siren since if it meant these cultists couldn't use it to do whatever it was they were doing, she would gladly let it burn. Instead, she focused on making her way through the waves of cultists in her path. Several of them had their own blades in place of arms and jumped her from all directions. Raising her arms in an X shape, she blocked their blades with her own before sending them flying with a single shove. One arm morphing into a whip, she began sweeping it all across the street in front of her.

From a rift in front of her emerged what looked like some sort of squid-type monster with WAY too many eyes and tentacles. Deciding not to take any chances, she used her telekinesis to lift up many of the dropped heavy artillery from her foes and began unloading on the beast, causing it to scream in pain as it was forced back through the rift, large chunks of debris falling in order to block off the rift it came through.

Suddenly, she was thrown off her feet by a loud earthquake that shook the area, "Whoa!!" She picked up one of the downed cultists to extract some info, "Ok, start talking. What are you bozos doing out here in the middle of nowhere?" However, she would get no answer as the guy gargled and vomited up black liquid before passing out. With a sigh, she laid the cultist down before going off to find the fox lady, figuring that they'd need to work fast to stop whatever was happening here.
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OPEN Re: Cult of Personality(D6 and Gamer)

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