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A not so quiet trip

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A not so quiet trip Empty A not so quiet trip

Post by Phaser July 5th 2017, 2:00 am

After his trip to France, Phaser is eager to get home to New York and continue his work as a hero. It hasn't been a meaningless trip, he has met people who are different like him!

In fact, that person is sitting next to him right now. Her name is Jeanie and she is a new friend. Coincidentally they were heading back on the same plane and he convinced her to sit next to him on the plane.

Speaking of the plane, it was quite big. There is about three floors. The first floor was for the first class. Second floor and third floor for the other classes. Never one for luxury, Phaser sat on the third floor with Jeanie. They were the cheapest seats.

"Tell me, what are your superpowers again?" Phaser asked with excited glee to Jeanie who was sitting next to him. He was a bit too close to her comfort zone, but Phaser wasn't aware of that.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-06-19

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A not so quiet trip Empty Re: A not so quiet trip

Post by Jeannie Rose July 5th 2017, 2:36 am

oh Mr. ninja hello again! she smiles happy to see her odd friend again. umm did I tell you my powers I can't remember. well let's see I heal really quickly, I don't age and am in super good shape all the time,
I got a really fast metabolism along with the age thing

totally the best powers ever for a model I can eat all the ice cream I want and never have to worry about my waistline paying for it.

my senses are much better than normal and I got a photo memory reflex thingy so I learn quickly, you do a blinky Nightcrawler thing, right? oh no your more shadow cat and ghosty,or was it both?

so funny how we ended up on the same plane huh? man, i'm pooped modeling is like way harder than people think, especially runway modeling my feet are killing me.

defiantly like the lounging on the beach photo shoots better.
Jeannie tries to stretch finding the cramped space annoying don't get why people like this one just came down here cause i thought i smelt a familer smell and wanted to see what it was,

then I found you want to go back to the nicer ones and hang out there?

think there was an open seat by mine you can take

(umm Jeannie's a super famous model that likes nice things, so her in the cheap seats doesn't really make sense, but we can fix it Smile )

Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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A not so quiet trip Empty Re: A not so quiet trip

Post by Phaser July 5th 2017, 2:47 am

((Sorry, I wasn't aware of that.))

Phaser listened with great fascination and wonder. His helmet displayed two stars as she explained her powers. "That is so cool! He said excitingly.

When she suggested that they go to the nicer seats, Phaser looked around with a (?) displayed on his helmet. "What's wrong here? Nothing wrong with these people." He said.

"But sure, I would like to talk more to you" Phaser said and nodded widely. "Lead the way." He said as he followed Jeanie.

((Also don't have them get to the first floor yet, have them chat a bit. The villain will appear on the first floor and starts his/her hijacking))

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-06-19

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A not so quiet trip Empty Re: A not so quiet trip

Post by Jeannie Rose July 5th 2017, 3:13 am

(yup that's why she was in France modeling for one of them fashion show things)
yeah I like them wish I would have got them in a gentler way than getting blown up but in the end, the healing made me all better no scars or anything so worth it in the end.

people? no the people's fine I just like first classes chairs better, sorry didn't mean to offend you, I'm not one of them snobby rich people that look down on people promise.

I'm like the total opposite do charity stuff all the time, besides I already paid for my ticket for that spot, so that's kinda the spot I'm supposed to be in.

oh while we're clearing things up I wasn't calling you stinky or anything when I said I smelt you. my sense of smell is like a puppy dog so I can identify people by smell.

so do you always wear that helmet? oh, and what was your name again? or did you tell me, huh I'm such a scatterbrain sometimes
she leads the way back to the first floor
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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A not so quiet trip Empty Re: A not so quiet trip

Post by Phaser July 5th 2017, 3:42 am

"My name is Phaser." He pointed his thumb toward himself. And displayed (^^). "And yes, I always wear this helmet. It is wired to my brainwaves so it can accurately display what I am feeling."

Briefly, the helmet displayed a (....) like it was calculating or loading something. Then it displayed a (<3) as he faced toward Jeanie. "And so far, I like you!" Phaser stated and showed her a thumbs up.

They reached the second floor and began making their way to the first. "So tell me, where do you live? In New York?" He asks. "Also you say that you don't age. How old are you exactly?" Phaser asked innocently, not noticing that it wasn't particularly polite to ask about a woman's age.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-06-19

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A not so quiet trip Empty Re: A not so quiet trip

Post by Jeannie Rose July 5th 2017, 3:56 am

oh that's an interesting name, weird to your head? so your like a cyborg? that's coolshe returns his thumbs up your pretty neat too, nope I'm from and live in London.

surprised my accent didn't give it away, I'm 18, well right know anyway but I'll still look like this so would I always be 18?
might be better to say I'm still 18 when I'm 102 or would it be less confusing to say I'm that old but look young.

immortality kinda confusing, but all the time in the world to figure it out right. so guess it balances out that way.
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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A not so quiet trip Empty Re: A not so quiet trip

Post by Phaser July 5th 2017, 4:12 am

"To be honest, I am not a cyborg. I am just a fleshly, squishy human inside a mega cool awesome suit." He showed a victory sign to Jeanie.

"Well immortality sounds pretty damn awesome. Must be nice to stay young forever. Young and powerful." He said. Phaser was about to ask something but then he stopped himself. "I was about to ask if you can still die. Like if something can overwhelm your regenerative powers. But I would rather not know in case some big bad villain want to learn your weakness and pry that weakness off my mind."

"I don't want to be a danger to my new friend" He said.

As they talked, suddenly there were some screeching noises in the plane audio.

"Good evening, passenger! This is your 'new' captain speaking. My name is Captain Skull and I am now commanding this plane." The voice said. When that happened, the passengers expressed their fear.

"Now now, I can hear you are panicking. I assure you, as long as you stay nice and quiet, there will happen to you. I even promise to let you watch Ducktales if you behave yourself."

"This guy like Ducktales?" Phaser wondered as his helmet displayed a (?)

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-06-19

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A not so quiet trip Empty Re: A not so quiet trip

Post by Jeannie Rose July 5th 2017, 4:48 am

oh like iron man ok, yeah staying young forevers pretty cool and good job insurance when you a model.

yeah is probably best not to give the bad guys any ideas, if it makes you feel better I'm pretty sure I can't, I survived all kinds of wacky stuff since I got my powers,shoot,stabbed,fires, blown up, falling out of buildings, possessed by ghost pirates even falling though a hole in time, once we are friends your kinda stuck with me

pirates on a airplane? well at least we get Ducktails I love cartoons
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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A not so quiet trip Empty Re: A not so quiet trip

Post by Phaser July 5th 2017, 4:58 am

It wasn't long after the announcement that Captain Skull's goons start appearing. Most of them has disguised themselves as passengers and flight attendants. Marvelously, it turned out that their disguises were some kind of advanced hologram. When they switched back to their true appearance, they were all wearing the same kind of uniform and armor.

Captain Skull's goons are all dressed in red and armored themselves with metal. Also they are all armed with some kind of metal rods.

A few gunshots were heard in the radio.

"Looks like some kind of dork wanted to be a hero. Too bad. Everyone, I will make you watch some bad movie now. Enjoy."

One of Captain Skull's goons noticed that Phaser and Jeanie were standing up. "You two! Sit down! Or there will be consequence!" The goon demanded.

Instead, Phaser approached the goon. "Listen sir. I am dying to know how you guys acquired yourself with such an amazing tech." He asked him. Predictably, the goon attempted to hit Phaser with his rod, but the attack simply phased through him.

Phaser wanted to retaliate, but then it dawned to him that his sword was among the other baggage. "Oh...I forgot..." Phaser said as he realized his sword wasn't on his back.

His helmet displayed a (T_T)

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-06-19

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A not so quiet trip Empty Re: A not so quiet trip

Post by Jeannie Rose July 5th 2017, 6:00 am

nooooo I wanted ducktails Jeannie is disappointed, she then noticed the goon coming at them look out, oh right you can do that
she smiles when her ninja pal does a trick to get out of trouble.

she notices him reach for and look concerned when he can't find it, her knowledge anime gave her an idea of what was happening really what kinda ninja forgets his sword !!!!!!!!! thinking quick she opens the luggage rake by them burying the goon in suitcases and seizing his club

she looks at the metal rod
huh that's odd you'd think they'd have fancier wepons
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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A not so quiet trip Empty Re: A not so quiet trip

Post by Phaser July 5th 2017, 10:34 am

Phaser has his suit turned on when those suitcases flew through him and hit the goon in front of him and the next. He turned around to look at Jeanie. "Those guys at the airport would have taken my sword away if I didn't placed it among the baggage." He said.

He walks over to Jeanie, ignoring the approaching goons. "Let me see that rod." He said and attempted to take the rod.

Meanwhile the passengers are watching in both fear and interest of the two heroes.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-06-19

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A not so quiet trip Empty Re: A not so quiet trip

Post by Jeannie Rose July 5th 2017, 6:28 pm

oh yeah good point ok, maybe you can get it to work just looks like a big stick to me

she hands him the rod
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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A not so quiet trip Empty Re: A not so quiet trip

Post by Phaser July 5th 2017, 9:43 pm

Phaser examined the rod and realized that it was a stun baton. "This big stick is actually a stun baton. If you hit someone with the tip they will be electrocuted."

One goon charged and jumped at Phaser with his rod. He did not bother to be discreet considering he shouted. Phaser jumped back, phased through him, deactivated and then hit the back of the man's head with the rod. The goon made a grunt and then fell down to the floor unconscious.

Phaser juggled with the rod and look at Jeanie. His helmet displayed a (^^). "Luckily for them, there isn't enough juice to kill them."

Before long, Captain Skull spoke again.

"It appears that we got some bad apples on this plane. I urge you to surrender. Resistance is futile. I have planned three bombs on this plane. If you don't surrender now, I won't hesitate to blow one of them."

When the passengers heard the news. They panicked.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-06-19

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A not so quiet trip Empty Re: A not so quiet trip

Post by Jeannie Rose July 5th 2017, 10:01 pm

oh a zappy stick neat she watches him zap the goon.bombs? yikes, this just keeps getting worse, I'm definitely giving this airline a bad review if we get out of this.
who lets crazy guys with bombs on their planes? I make the flight quite unenjoyable, so what should we do?
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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A not so quiet trip Empty Re: A not so quiet trip

Post by Phaser July 5th 2017, 10:10 pm

Phaser doesn't seems afraid. Rather, he seems rather excited of this current situation. Phaser took a moment to think, ignoring more of the goons approaching and trying to apprehend them.

"I think we should surrender. Learn where the bombs are and take down Captain Skull."

His helmet displayed a (!).

The goons tried to catch Phaser, only to phase through him and was about to ramp into Jeanie.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-06-19

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