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Field Trip

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Field Trip Empty Field Trip

Post by BrightChaos January 27th 2014, 3:42 pm

Peter ran down the sidewalk feeling the wind blow by. Cars and trucks raced by the street in a hurry as they always seemed to be. Where these people they always have to go? The sun was sinking into the horizon, but there was still plenty of time for fun. He had heard of a cool museum that had dinosaur bones from other kids. They also mentioned an Egyptian exhibit. Maybe there would be a mummy! That would be great! But he had promised Lily that he would meet her today so he ran to the park first. He could smell the flowers planted there before he turned the corner to see the open grass. The boy climbed over the fence and jumped to the ground. Hey, it was faster then finding the entrance.

He looked around wondering where she was running across the grass. He hoped she hadn't forgot. Peter looked to see some kids playing a baseball game but she wasn't there. Families were feeding the ducks that quacked impatiently. Did he beat her here? What would he do in the meantime? The boy walked over to a tree and leaned against it to waited while watched the other kids playing baseball.

Miracle Boy
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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

Post by Augsp January 27th 2014, 5:16 pm

Lily ran down the street hurriedly, an amused smile on her face. She had all been ready to go out, only for her mother to stop her and talk about some wierd book series of something. Something about a trial. The honey blonde laughed as she stepped into the park. Looking around, she spotted the boy she was looking for and walked towards him with a slight wave.
"Long time no see, huh?"

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

Post by The Bolt January 27th 2014, 5:31 pm

Michael looked upon the class container with a certain disinterest, silver pools narrowing slightly as he considered the options. A cigarette hung in his mouth, unlit and for the most part serving as decoration, moved to the side carefully by pale pink lips. One could see something different about the male, a certain sullenness about his expression as if everything was of little interest, or that he simply didn’t want to care. A small amount of facial hair was beginning to grow around his chin and the beginnings of a moustache were there was well, Michael dressed in the usual attire. A simple polo shirt and khaki colored cargo shorts, nothing fantastic but nothing overly mundane. A few museum security guards walked past him, not noticing the meaningful look within his eyes, or knowing what he planned.

”The security is rather lax.” Especially for this exhibit, what appeared to be a simple amulet but more important than that. It was a powerful artifact and one that did not belong within this exhibit, it belonged to the Titan king. With a tentative hand stretching forward, Michael let some of his ethereal energy permeate through the glass surrounding this artifact, within a few moments it would appear that the glass was glowing and then a small hole appeared, expanding to allow his hand to reach through and grab this amulet. Security systems would have been a problem, but he had an ethereal with a certain gift deal with it already, technopathy shutting down the system. The guards might have not noticed his little theft but that did not mean someone else might have.
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

Post by BrightChaos January 27th 2014, 6:25 pm

Peter spun around hearing her voice. She did remember!
"Lily!" He said grinning. It had been awhile since he had seen her.
"Yeah it's been a long time, but I heard something cool from some of my friends." The boy said quickly.
"There's this place with dinosaur bones, a T-Rex skull with teeth just as big as us. You wanna go see it!?" He asked enthusiastically pulling a map out of his pocket and flicking it open.

"There is also this Egyptian thing. You think there's a mummy? I wonder if they can walk all wrapped up like that? Anyway, let's go. I know where it is. Race you!" He said motioning before running off. After a short run they arrived before the large building. A few people were walking in and out but it wasn't very crowded like he had expected.

The boy's eyes widened in wonder as he caught sight of the tyrannosaurus rex fossil exhibit. He ran up to it.
"Can you imagine how much you could eat with a mouth like that. You wanna see if we could both fit in it's mouth?" He asked excited turning back to Lily to see if she was enjoying this too.

Miracle Boy
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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

Post by Augsp January 27th 2014, 11:43 pm

Lily was pretty suprised at how bubbly Peter was. The last time she'd seen him, he seemed a little more down-to -earth. Maybe her mind was playing tricks on her. A museum,huh? Lily smiled brightly. Maybe he was talking about Sue in the Field Museum.
"Sure, that'd be fun! " she agreed, nodding for extra measure.
Soon, she was running off, chasing after Peter rather feverishly. It didn't exhaust her, but warmed her up quite a bit. Finally, she stopped behind Peter.
"I dunno....they've got security systems everywhere," she replied a little carefully. That and she was afraid of the skull collapsing on her.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

Post by BrightChaos January 29th 2014, 9:09 pm

"I know. I was just kidding." He said playfully laughing. He glanced around the exhibits to see a guy taking something out a case that convinietly had a hole on.

"They let you just take stuff out of the case now?" He asked curiously. Whenever he came to the musuem before they annoyingly had a problem with people touching the stuff.

(OOC: Sorry about the short post. Just trying to move things along. )

Miracle Boy
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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

Post by Augsp January 29th 2014, 9:19 pm

"No.....they don't even let you touch it most of the time...." Lily replied, quickly becoming confused.
"Are you sure he's not maintenan-" the blonde turned to see the man.
"Actually, I think we should go stop that guy,"

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Job : What kind of twelve year old has a job?
Humor : Nyan!
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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

Post by The Bolt January 29th 2014, 9:26 pm

Michael let fingertips run over the gem within the amulet, something about it sending a jolt of pleasant energy running through his body. There was powerful magic within this object and one that he would harness for himself. He snapped to attention when a child seemed to notice that he was taking something, well someone only a few years younger than he appeared to be anyway. He was with a blonde girl, one that he felt like he should recognize but could not. ”I think it’s called stealing usually.” Michael noted pocketing the amulet and turning from the two children, not really even noting their presence.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

Post by BrightChaos January 30th 2014, 12:22 am

"Yeah, let's go." Peter said leading the way out the back. He needed to find somewhere to transform. But didn't she need to change normally?
"I'll hold 'em. Join me as soon as ya can." He instructed quickly before running trough the back door and rushed into an alleyway. He took a quick glance to make sure no one was around before extending his arm. He felt the weight of his shield on his arm and his helmet on his head. His costume was mostly green with a black visor. He had a golden leaf on his chest and shield that glowed in the sunlight.

He leaped into the air and hovered over the museum for a second before descending before the front door to cut the guy off.
"Alright you, touching the exhibits is one thing, but taking them is another!" The child hero declared loudly pointing at him.

Miracle Boy
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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

Post by Augsp February 1st 2014, 4:06 am

Lily smiled a little bitterly at his companion.
"I don't need time. I had my costume burned. No use for being out in the open. I like fighting in civilian clothes," But Peter had already gone, and she figured he still had his costume. Giving hima chance to change, she merely took her snapback off, her blonde hair finally getting to see the light, briaded meticulously and hidden from sight. She stuffed the snapback away in her bag, and went to chase after Peter.
Silently, she watched Peter and the man exchange words. If she could call it that way. She looked around, looking for a source of water, noticing a fountain on the level below. All she needed to do was bring it up. Maybe immobilize him quickly. But she knew Peter or the man would be the first to make a move, not her. Funny. The man opposing them seemed.....familiar somehow. That was wierd. Lily rarely met people.
OOC:Sorry about the late post....there's a new kind of flu that's spreading like a plague in Korea, and I got it. I was out cold for quite some time Sad

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Job : What kind of twelve year old has a job?
Humor : Nyan!
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

Post by The Bolt February 2nd 2014, 6:30 am

Michael raised a brow as he looked upon the boy that had jumped into his path, an amused smirk forming across his lips. This kid was likely no older than his brother, maybe a few years at the most and here he was trying to stop him. A babe trying to do the work of what would have been greater men, adorable if he were in the mood for such heroics. Hands dug deeply into his pockets, cigarette shifting within his mouth as he considered the male for a moment, what he could do and if he would even be a threat. ”Is this some kinda joke?” Michael pondered outloud, eyes narrowing upon the male infront of him. ”Because if it is, then I am not amused. If Silus jumps out of the shadows with a camera saying I’ve been punked or something like that…” He paused for a moment, thinking over what he would do. ”Nevermind, move out of the way.” he said with a dismissive gesture.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

Post by BrightChaos February 4th 2014, 8:07 pm

She had her costume burned? Shame, she always looked cool in it. The boy wondered what could have changed her mind.

This guy didn't seem to know who he was. He'd have to fix that.
"The name's Miracle Boy, the greatest hero of all time." He declared proudly pointing to himself with his thumb. He saw that Droplet had already closed in behind him. He had bought enough time. The man annoyingly seemed to dismiss him altogether. The least he could do if recognize him as an opponent! He'd just have to prove himself.

"I don't know any Silus, but I tried the nice way." Miracle Boy said firmly. The boy ran forward drawing his dagger from behind his shield. The golden dagger gleamed brightly in the sunlight. He slashed at the man's pocket intending to grab the stolen artifact and quickly jump back so Droplet could make her move.

Miracle Boy
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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

Post by Augsp February 4th 2014, 11:37 pm

"Silus?" Lily made a choaked sound, her brain spinning with all sorts of thoughts. Was this another one of Silus's evil family members? The events of the past washed over her as Lily stod, slightly dumbfounded.
She'd only met him a few days ago.....but she wasn't sure about fighting this guy.
"You know Silus?" She spat. Whatever relation he was to Silus, she was now pretty sure that he didn't deserve to be in that awful family.
But now, she had to somehow fight off this guy.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

Post by The Bolt February 5th 2014, 12:03 am

Michael scoffed loudly at the greatest hero in the world, as if he could ever be something like that. No, he laughed out loud at the probability that someone as small and weak like him would proclaim to be such a lofty thing. Hell, he was more likely to believe that his younger sibling Silus was than this mite. Silver orbs focused upon the male as he calmed himself down, popping each knuckle before considering just killing the kid. If he wanted to be a hero, then he would die like one. ”I try to let them go, and they just throw it back in my face.” Michael muttered agitated as the male made a leap for him, dagger drawn and aiming for his leg.

The ethereal shifted his position and allowed the bladed weapon to glide an inch away from slicing into his thigh. Within that movement he created eight tendrils of dark ethereal energy, ones that resembled spider legs with bladed ends that could slice through flesh like a hot knife through butter. ”Silus? Yeah, I know him.” He noted with a shrug, one of the tendrils lashing out at the boy with the dagger.

Spell used:

Last edited by Michael Atterrius on February 6th 2014, 12:11 am; edited 2 times in total
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

Post by BrightChaos February 6th 2014, 12:05 am

Darn! The boy thought at realizing his blade missed it's mark. As Miracle Boy looked back his eyes went wide behind his visor at seeing some sort of tentacle had appeared with a blade at it's end. He hastily leaped to the side feeling the bladed tentacle scrap the side of his helmet leaving a scratch mark before leaving an impact on the floor. The small hero jumped into the air taking flight to get out of it's reach.

"Almost lost my head there" He whispered to himself. The man had taken no action against Droplet. Maybe he didn't know she had powers. He'd have to gamble that she wasn't do distracted by that Silus to help out.
"Missed by a mile!" He lied extending his free hand which lit out with energy as he counted with a life force blast (4 Ability) aiming to either knock him off balance or make his avoid it.

Miracle Boy
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Field Trip Empty Re: Field Trip

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