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Too Quiet (OPEN)

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Too Quiet (OPEN) Empty Too Quiet (OPEN)

Post by Lochstar September 22nd 2014, 6:15 am

Jordan soared through the streets of Chicago, full hero attire donned and his identity safely anonymous. Unfortunately it didn't bury the memories of his alter ego. It had been a particularly embarrassing day for the prodigious college student. He'd been in the library, studying and comparing several books regarding metas at once when suddenly, out of the blue one of the prettier girls on campus, a girl whose name was Sarah, sat next to him. Unsure of how to react, the biology buff sat in silence for a while, until he finally plucked up the courage to say something. Surprisingly things actually went well for once, the two got along and the two soon found mutual enjoyment from their company. Unfortunately, Jordan soon found himself face to face with Sarah's ex-boyfriend, James, who didn't exactly appreciate the geeky, skinny kid flirting with what he believed was his and since Jordan couldn't fight back without arousing suspicion, in a manner most reminiscent to highschool, Jordan found himself dumped in a nearby rubbish bin, in front of Sarah, making him look pathetic and weak.

What really made the occurrence infuriating was that Jordan could have easily stopped him, he took down people just like him every night. It wouldn't have taken much, a telekinetic throw through a few walls, a burst of super speed and strength that resulted in James hanging from a window by one foot, hell, even a punch would have sufficed. Instead he found himself in a bin, utterly humiliated and seething with rage. As such he'd decided to go out on patrol, heroing usually helped with his problems. Keyword, usually. Jordan found himself seething with rage, seriously contemplating showing off his abilities to the world. It wouldn't be too conspicuous, he'd just be faster and stronger than everybody else. Things would seem to go his way, something that would have otherwise hit him would be misdirected, someone poised to attack him would trip over and fall to the ground humiliated. It would be so easy, so natural and a much better use of his abilities. But in the end Jordan knew he couldn't. Were he too lose control, an eventuality, or go to far, he'd likely end up injuring someone. And furthermore he'd resolved to only ever use his powers to help others not serve his own goals. After all, if he did use his powers for personal gain how would be any different from the villains who he so detested.

Eventually landing atop a building, Jordan looked down the city below, a silent, faceless vigil, a guardian who protected the city. Despite his presence, it was a relatively peaceful night, somewhat unnusual for the city he protected, usually by that point he'd encountered at least one deadbeat, a robbery in process or even just some thug committing armed robbery. Yet tonight things were peaceful. For this the hero was somewhat grateful, it was an excellent chance to gather his thoughts and contemplate some deep issues, but on the other side he wanted to blow some steam and non-existent criminals didn't really accomplish that. With a sigh Jordan took a seat, legs dangling from the edge of the building and looked down on the city below. He wasn't particularly high up, having chosen one of the shorter buildings to perch on. He often chose the skyscrapers to stand atop, but it made it difficult to see the streets below, not exactly a problem when trying to feel like a badass, but when actually trying to find some criminals to fight it wasn't exactly ideal.

Looking around, Jordan desperately hoped something would happen.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2013-07-20

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Too Quiet (OPEN) Empty Re: Too Quiet (OPEN)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich September 22nd 2014, 5:15 pm

At long last going through different contries Coronel found himself back in the city of Chicago. It was a rather big city and needed his attention, but where to start. I guess he could easily start with the prick with the girl in his hands. Coronel did not like getting touched and he was enjoying what he had been eating at a local resturant to a universtiy or college what ever that big building was for. The guy just walts in knocking Coronel's plate over, even though he was not needing food to go about his day it made him feel as if he deserved it. Since his brain still worked his tastebuds were partially there active aswell and tasting food was an enjoyment.

Dialing on his phone he got up and walked over to the fools table.

What the fuck do you want? Dont you see I'm here with my girl. So he implied as he had his arm around her.

Coronel placed a finger in the air as the guy paused in speech seeming to get angry. Do you take responsibility on this guys actions he asked the girl as she shook her head. Over the phone Coronel finally heard a voice, Yes I need body bag. Trace this phone and you will figure out where. The police began tracing pinpointing the location and Coronel left the phone on so the could find him.

A few people in the dinner screamed and ran out. The newspaper flew and hit the ground and he walked over picking it up. Surprisingly the luck it had his information on it. He handed the paper to the boy and he lit up in fear.

Coronel Liffy-
National fugitive, wanted for: 3762 tied homicides and a possible 10,206 unsolved murders world wide. He is know for large property damage ranging from 70 billion- 500 billion dollars. He is noted to be a metahuman disaster. If you can keep away from the target please do so and any information would be great.

He picked up the guy with his ability and threw him out the resturant window. Walking out side he ripped the top part of his diaphram and up away from his lower parts and just chunked it in the air soaring and seemingly going in the same direction of where the guy was sitting at. The other part was crushed thinner than a pancake and would be a problem to scrape off the concrete. People around shouted and started to scream in fear and ran away. Coronel smirked as he turned and sat on a near by bench waiting for the police.
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Too Quiet (OPEN) Empty Re: Too Quiet (OPEN)

Post by Lochstar September 22nd 2014, 8:53 pm

And happen something did. Jodan's peace was shattered by a group of people fleeing from the building opposite him. Pushing off from the building, the hero was hit with the disconcerting feeling of having nothing under himself yet still moving. Using his telekinesis he gently floated down and saw a bisected body fly out from under him. Feeling sick to his stomach Jordan landed and looked at the man who'd presumably done this, sitting calmly on a bench, awaiting something. "You there, do you know who did this?" Jordan asked, doing his best to sound confident and natural. He didn't know many ways of injuring an individual so grievously, perhaps a blade of some kind? He didn't even want to consider the possibility he as facing off against a highly powerful metahuman, one who could effortlessly tear an opponent's diaphram from his chest with the utmost of ease and then calmly sit down on a bench, without a care in the world.

Jordan didn't deal with people like that, he wasn't skilled enough to fight against powerful metas. He saved people from the petty crooks, theives, muggers and the like. He had powerful telekinesis, certainly, but he lacked the skill or the training to use it well enough to take down other metahumans. After all, pathetic as it sounded, he'd never fought back against someone who could fight back. Firearms and knives did nothing to him and hand to hand combat for a normal person was pointless, the blows just bounced off. Hence he was hesitant to engage this individual who possesed ridiculous amounts of power.

Then he remembered, one person was already dead, gruesomely murdered. Even more would be hurt if he didn't stop this madman, super powered or not. He was as strong as the people needed him to be, and he was about to prove it. Despite knowij fit was a terrible idea, the hero was prepared to take on this adversary.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2013-07-20

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Too Quiet (OPEN) Empty Re: Too Quiet (OPEN)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich September 24th 2014, 1:35 am

It seemed no one called for the police and ran in fear. Maybe people just did not care what he did to them. Man is the humans stupid. He sat there a little while and not one siren in the least, but out of no where a random guy comes from no where. Coronel can already guess who the guy is and why he was actually there.

He asked Coronel a few questions, but he sat there looking at the kid wondering what he should do of the situation. He stood up and smirked as other people started rushing in. It was pretty much the back crowd that did not know what was going on till they got to the scene and looked for themselves. Horrified screams still filled the air as people did not want to see what had become of the college student.

With a flick of his rist people erupted into a big pool of blood and it ran out into the streets and on the side walk making people hesitate, rush, scream and trip to get out of the area. I don't know who you are, but I have an amazing hunch of what you are. I was going to toy around with the police because the kid laying there kinda pissed me off. With a wave his upper body come flying back and stopped right in the middle of both Coronel and the kid.

The face was easy to see with little blood. The rest of the body was soaked. He started pulling the limbs apart seperating them at the joints. It was easier than pulling legos apart. With his sick humor he started making the body move in a wierd way to insinuate dancing. He started smirking at the show and it grew to laughter. Coronel try to send shivers down the guys spine and he was sure it was working better than he would have thought. He now rethought what if he had gotten that girl too; she was still in the resturant hiding. He coughed and excused himself. Give me one second. I'll be right back. He started to walk back into the dinner to see if the girl was in there or not.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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