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Field Test

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by Cerek June 7th 2017, 11:55 am

"Well... no sense in sitting on our asses when we can help I suppose. Let's go see what's going on but I guess be careful. It might be the remains of the assholes from earlier. I'd rather keep any gunfire to a minimal if we can, stray bullets and all"

Cebra walks towards the sound of the crash cautiously, ready to fire at anything moving too threateningly.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Number of posts : 621
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by Jeannie Rose June 7th 2017, 12:39 pm

wait for me Mr. cyborg Jeannie follows along behind Cebra
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by almighty_smiley June 7th 2017, 11:09 pm

Mister WHAT now?!

Thomas could barely believe his ears as the two began to make their way towards the crash.  This guy was a cyborg?  Part-man, part-machine, all human-hating sociopathic nutcase?  Not outright impossible, Thomas supposed, but the way Jean was talking to him he might as well have been an all-powerful sorcerer.  What exactly could this guy do?  And how did a reckless, trigger-happy blonde fall in with him?  The barrage of confusion was giving Thomas a bigger headache than the several rounds that had bounded off of his iron helmet.

"Hold up," the massive metal man said, "we don't even know what's out there yet.  We need to establish the threat."

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : Virginia, USA
Humor : Wry, sarcastic, all that jazz.
Registration date : 2017-05-23

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by Jeannie Rose June 7th 2017, 11:29 pm

ok so do you have some kinda scanner mr.robot? cause it'll be hard to see what's there when where over here, oh or one of them droid thingys like in ghost recon, then we'd know where to shoot to get the bad guy's pew pew she makes guns with her fingers and shoots invisible bag guys
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by Cerek June 8th 2017, 12:55 pm

"Hm?... Yes... a threat assessment would be a practical course of action. Jeannie unfortunately I dont have access to that. I can only create objects or weapons I have the blueprints for in my memory. So what would you recommend big guy? The best I can do for recon is producing proximity detectors and communication devices."
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 621
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by almighty_smiley June 9th 2017, 6:03 pm

Communication devices, he'd said.  Proximity detectors.  Now they were cooking with gas.

One of the more advanced pieces of tech (such as it was) on Thomas's armor was a patch-in to his phone that allowed him to hear any unsecured communications in a fairly large radius.  Unfortunately, without further input he would not be able to distinguish the husband and wife talking about who got to take little Sally to soccer practice from someone orchestrating a hit, and even then they needed to actively be using their phone or radio to glean anything useful.  But it was a start.  And Thomas could work with a start.  Reaching toward his left waist, the iron monstrosity tapped a small exposed leather patch with his thumb, initiating the scan process.

"Get on that," the metal man said, conveying a sense of authority he didn't actually feel, "I'm working on a trace to see if any of these guys are on a call.

"And as for you," he finished, half-glancing and half-glaring at Jean, "get up top and see if you can get a visual on anything big."

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : Virginia, USA
Humor : Wry, sarcastic, all that jazz.
Registration date : 2017-05-23

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by Jeannie Rose June 9th 2017, 7:35 pm

up top like on a building ok!
she spots a fire escape on one of the buildings and climbs up to look around.
looks like there's a big wreck that way
she points in the direction of the crash they heard.
huh how drunk of a drunk driver do you have to be to smack into a building?
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by Cerek June 9th 2017, 10:54 pm

Cebra smirks slightly, he'd never really liked the idea of being commanded. This situation was different however, he wanted the same thing the man in the metal armour wanted as far as he knew. It was probably wise to follow his lead anyways as Cebra knew next to nothing about this city.


Cebra touches a street lamp and sends a saxon energy charge through it melting the pole down into liquid. Nano bots emerge like silver water from his pores and synthesize parts from scrap rubber, metal and dirt. It all forms together to make three one inch size communication devices to fit to an ear. A second pool of metal shapes itself into 3 proximity detectors the size of a cell phone. The rest of the metal in a rather eerie fashion is swallowed by Cebra and can be seen moving under his skin until it settles, the nano bots as well.

"Well here's what you requested, they're pretty simple to use, both devices. The communicators work on a single secured frequency, they're not meant to receive or broadcast to others. The proximity detectors can be used to identify organic or robotic signatures, it's range can be modified between fifty meters and five kilometers."
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 621
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by almighty_smiley June 10th 2017, 1:57 am

Thomas gingerly took the miraculous device in his armored hand, taking care not to break it.  Ordinarily he'd have refused; the suit's patchwork communications network was a crude, but effective means of listening in to airwave communications.  Given the beating both he and the suit had sustained, however, Thomas wasn't sure if the homemade NSA scanner was up to it anymore.  Chicago had a high population density even in gangland, and he couldn't pick up so much as an AM frequency anymore.  And so far as he was concerned, anything that couldn't pick up an ever-present AM signal might as well be using a brick.

Besides, study of the device might yield promising results later on down the line.  It couldn't hurt to hang on to it.

"huh how drunk of a drunk driver do you have to be to smack into a building?"

Related?  Possibly.  Without a visual identification of the driver or the cause of the crash, it very well could be anything. Drunk drivers weren't exactly a high priority, and if that was all they had to go on...

"Your thoughts?"

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : Virginia, USA
Humor : Wry, sarcastic, all that jazz.
Registration date : 2017-05-23

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by Jeannie Rose June 10th 2017, 3:18 am

huh think it was the bad guys that drove away?maybe are they going too fast to try and get away?

even if it's not related to the gangsters we should check it out people might be hurt and need help, and that's the hero thing to do
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by Cerek June 12th 2017, 2:41 pm

Cebra paused a moment thinking about those words "the hero thing to do". The last thing Cebra wanted was a title like that, he couldn't bear the thought of being called heroic considering the things he's done. He shook it off and turned to the man in iron.

"Pursuit is the first logical step, we need to know where the crash came from. Then we can determine where to go from there. It's advisable that you keep your weapons drawn and ready though, if it's those gangsters from before... Well they've proven to be violent. Jeannie is agile enough to scout from the rooftops I'm guessing? She can tell us what she see's before we arrive."
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 621
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by Jeannie Rose June 12th 2017, 6:24 pm

aye aye captain, lives in a pineapple under the sea Jeannie makes her way across the rooftops singing the Spongebob song
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by almighty_smiley June 15th 2017, 12:37 am

Thomas had nothing. Absolutely nothing. First making a grand entrance by blinding and smoking him out along with the bad guys, then attempting a foot pursuit after a fleeing car, and now she was engaged in emergency rooftop surveillance...and singing a cartoon theme song in the process. He turned towards the cyborg, his eyes silently asking just who the hell this mystery blonde was and how she hadn't managed to get herself killed yet.

"Whatever it is," Thomas said, his voice noticeably huskier than before even under the heavy voice modulation, "we've gotta make it fast."

The rusting armor that Thomas wore was powered by a prototype plutonium reactor. Having worked with radioactive materials and knowing the dangers, Thomas had taken every precaution in designing the reactor and incorporating it into the armor as safely as he could. But he wasn't a wealthy man. And even in a scrapyard, materials like solid lead were hard to come by. The end result of both situations was a reactor that was brilliantly designed for what it was made of, but could not escape the fact that it was largely held together by spare parts and scrap metal, given life by a rare moment of impatience by its designer. Not that Jean or her friend were in any danger; most of the lead was lined on the exterior, protecting others. But there were gaps on the interior of the reactor, where little more than rough leather protected Thomas from low - but no less dangerous - levels of radiation. And even as they stood around, Thomas could feel the sickness starting to set in.

"Jean," Thomas said into the new communicator, "tell me you have eyes on something more important than a drunk driver."


Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : Virginia, USA
Humor : Wry, sarcastic, all that jazz.
Registration date : 2017-05-23

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by Jeannie Rose June 15th 2017, 4:11 am

no not Jean, Jeannie the extra letters makes it sound cuter and might give me magical power but force me to live in a lamp, let's see with my little eyes I spy a guy that crashed his motorcycle into a building and them gangster guys car smashed into a tree and people running a muck what a mess

(to answer his question she heals fast and has incredible dumb luck Very Happy )
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by Cerek June 15th 2017, 3:10 pm

"Well I think we should get moving, it might be hard to keep up with her across the rooftops. That big metal suit looks rather cumbersome as well... hope you can keep up."

Cebra glances over at the man in iron, something is amiss here but Cebra cant quite put his finger on it. If he could just touch the iron armor he might be able to identify what's bugging him. He wasn't above helping someone in need especially another defender of the people. He did not however want to pry into another strangers business or abilities. Cebra proceeds to follow in Jeannie's direction trying to keep up with her.

"Jeannie can you see if anyone is hurt?"
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 621
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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OPEN Re: Field Test

Post by Jeannie Rose June 15th 2017, 3:36 pm

Jeannie looks at the scene huh looks like everyone's ok the people all got lucky and just got a good luck at the crash, the biker guy is up and about probably just bumps and bruises, the gangster guys might be stuck in the car well easier for us to catch them all wrapped up.
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2488
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Field Test

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