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How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
The SuperHero RPG :: The Superhero RPG Universe aka Roleplay Section :: North America :: United States of America :: Los Angeles, California
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How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
Out of all the people that Tyler could recruit, Diana would be the easiest to get a hold of seeing they already knew each other thanks to their mutual friendship to the that sparked from having the same master.
When he realized that he could of asked her to join from the start he face palmed. Astrid looked over at him from her desk and asked "What's up?"
Tyler was embarrassed that he had forgotten about something so obvious. "Do you promise not to be mad?" he asked, hanging his head as he spoke.
"That depends on what you're telling me." She asked, expecting something bad had happened.
"Do you know how we've been trying to find someone for around five hours now?" He asked again.
"Yeah, why?" she asked back with an annoyed tone.
"I've just remembered that I could of asked someone right at the start and saved us all of this trouble..." he said, wrenching his eyes shut.
"Are you kidding me!?" Astrid roared in anger as she sweeped all the books of the desk and stormed out the room.
"Damn it, I should've just said something else." Tyler said as he threw his head back and ran his fingers threw his hair.
After a few minutes of thinking he shook himself out of it and started to call Diana...
When he realized that he could of asked her to join from the start he face palmed. Astrid looked over at him from her desk and asked "What's up?"
Tyler was embarrassed that he had forgotten about something so obvious. "Do you promise not to be mad?" he asked, hanging his head as he spoke.
"That depends on what you're telling me." She asked, expecting something bad had happened.
"Do you know how we've been trying to find someone for around five hours now?" He asked again.
"Yeah, why?" she asked back with an annoyed tone.
"I've just remembered that I could of asked someone right at the start and saved us all of this trouble..." he said, wrenching his eyes shut.
"Are you kidding me!?" Astrid roared in anger as she sweeped all the books of the desk and stormed out the room.
"Damn it, I should've just said something else." Tyler said as he threw his head back and ran his fingers threw his hair.
After a few minutes of thinking he shook himself out of it and started to call Diana...
Last edited by Dusker on September 15th 2016, 12:37 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Re: How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
Diana was staying at her apartment in one of the... affordable neighborhoods of downtown Los Angeles. It was a Spartan place, having a mezzanine loft for sleeping and the whole lower floor devoted to training space. Diana was in the middle of her training with the heavy bag, when her phone rang.
Cortana provided Diana assistance with her calls, seeing as she couldn't tell who it was at a glance. "Princess. Tyler is calling. Accept or decline the call?"
"Accept." Diana hears the click, as the phone goes to loudspeaker. "Yo, Tyler what's going on?"
Cortana provided Diana assistance with her calls, seeing as she couldn't tell who it was at a glance. "Princess. Tyler is calling. Accept or decline the call?"
"Accept." Diana hears the click, as the phone goes to loudspeaker. "Yo, Tyler what's going on?"
Dragon Girl Experience
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The Steel Sage Experience
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The Nekromonga- Mega Poster!
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Re: How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
When the call went threw Tyler took a sigh of relief before answering Diana's question. "Hey Diana, I'm not quite sure how to put this..." Tyler said, trying to think of a way to word the situation to Diana the best he could. In the end he decided that the best way was bluntness, hell if it worked for the phantom it might work for him.
"I'm making a team and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join." Tyler said bluntly. Before Diana could reply Tyler started speaking again. "I don't expect you to just join out of the blue with no prior knowledge so if you want we could talk about it In my current abode." he stated being as blunts as possible.
"I'm making a team and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join." Tyler said bluntly. Before Diana could reply Tyler started speaking again. "I don't expect you to just join out of the blue with no prior knowledge so if you want we could talk about it In my current abode." he stated being as blunts as possible.
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Dusker- Posting Apprentice
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Registration date : 2016-07-29
Re: How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
"Do you mean you taking money for hits? I don't do assassination anymore. Unless it's someone really, really bad." Diana presumed it was wet works, precluding an actual hero group. She went over to the bench and toweled down and change, deciding her work out was finished with the call.
Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga- Mega Poster!
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.
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Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18
Re: How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
When Diana said that she wasn't interested in joining because she doesn't do assassinations anymore Tyler didn't understand what she was getting at. "What do you mean? I'm talking about a group that helps people not hired assassins." he explained as he span around on his chair with boredom...
- My stuff:
Dusker- Posting Apprentice
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Registration date : 2016-07-29
Re: How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
"Oh. So you're putting together a hero group? Well, that's different then. Tell me where to go and I'll have my stuff brought over." Diana was more optimistic now that Tyler explained it.
Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga- Mega Poster!
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.
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Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18
Re: How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
Tyler smiled when she said that she'd be happy to join. "Cool, I'll send you the address now..." Tyler said as he went onto the texting app on his phone and typed in the address of Astrid's place. "There ya go, sent~!" he sung before saying goodbye and hanging up.
As he his phone went back to his contacts list he saw MW's number and face palmed once again. How could he forget to ask her? Well in fairness Astrid hadn't thought to ask her either, kind of a mistake on both their parts.
He pressed on MW's number and listened to the phone ring...
As he his phone went back to his contacts list he saw MW's number and face palmed once again. How could he forget to ask her? Well in fairness Astrid hadn't thought to ask her either, kind of a mistake on both their parts.
He pressed on MW's number and listened to the phone ring...
- My stuff:
Dusker- Posting Apprentice
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Number of posts : 213
Registration date : 2016-07-29
Re: How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
Diana received a text messaged and sighed, and asked Cortana to read it out loud as well as save it. Then she called for an Uber. In a few minutes she'd have a ride, and in under an hour be already at Tyler's place. She grabs a field bag and hits the Uber car. She waits and sees where they were going to be staying.
Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga- Mega Poster!
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.
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Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18
How Diana and MW Ended Up in the Neccessary
Jayne Bas Chava was tending to some medicinal herbs each growing in its own little individual pot. She heard her smartphone's ringtone. She answered the call: "Hello? Who's this?"
((OOC: MW knows Tyler. Jayne doesn't. Even though MW & Jayne are both the same person, Jayne is very protective of her "meta" identity just like Clark Kent never reveals that he's Superman. There'd have to be a reason for Jayne to switch to MW. That's why she's asking: "Who's this?" ))
((OOC: MW knows Tyler. Jayne doesn't. Even though MW & Jayne are both the same person, Jayne is very protective of her "meta" identity just like Clark Kent never reveals that he's Superman. There'd have to be a reason for Jayne to switch to MW. That's why she's asking: "Who's this?" ))
Ultragal- A Sweet Cinnamon Roll
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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."
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Re: How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
"Hey it's Dusker, is MW there?" Tyler asked at in response to her question. It sounded like MW but Tyler could really be 100% sure due to this bad audio a phone usually has.
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Dusker- Posting Apprentice
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Re: How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
"I'm sorry. Maybe you have the wrong number? There's no 'MW' here."
Ultragal- A Sweet Cinnamon Roll
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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."
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Re: How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
When she answered Tyler got an idea. He ran over to Anne and whispered to her. "Just Pretend to be a hostage for a second." he whispered without giving context to the situation.
"Why do you want me to do that?" She said, whispering back at Tyler.
"Just do it for god's sake!" Tyler whispered, becoming annoyed with her constant question asking.
"Oh so if you're not MW then I'm guessing that you won't mind me blasting this girls head open." Tyler laughed into the phone as he signalled to Anne, telling her to get ready for it.
Tyler lowered the phone to where she was sitting. "Oh god, are you really gonna shoot me?" Anne pleaded, trying to put on the voice of a child.
"Why do you want me to do that?" She said, whispering back at Tyler.
"Just do it for god's sake!" Tyler whispered, becoming annoyed with her constant question asking.
"Oh so if you're not MW then I'm guessing that you won't mind me blasting this girls head open." Tyler laughed into the phone as he signalled to Anne, telling her to get ready for it.
Tyler lowered the phone to where she was sitting. "Oh god, are you really gonna shoot me?" Anne pleaded, trying to put on the voice of a child.
- My stuff:
Dusker- Posting Apprentice
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Registration date : 2016-07-29
Re: How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
Jayne heard both the threat and the girl's voice on her smartphone. "Help is on the way, miss!" Of course, Jayne didn't say what kindof help. She pressed her phone's "END" key.
Fortunately, her smartphone also has a pretty accurate GPS. She got into her "Medicine Woman" costume.
This time, she saddled up her appaloosa ((OOC: A breed of horse AmerInds ride on more often than other horse breeds. See either "National Geographic" or "Wikipedia" for a picture of an appaloosa.)). He was faster than her moped and, like most horses, he also could swim and climb a little if he had to.
A very long time passed by. Medicine Woman finally arrived at the location pinpointed by her phone's GPS. She hid the phone in a secret, undetectable compartment in the horse's saddle. She put her bow in her hand. She loaded an arrow.
She got off the horse. Then, she cautiously approached the first house she saw. MW hoped she found where the girl was being held hostage...
Fortunately, her smartphone also has a pretty accurate GPS. She got into her "Medicine Woman" costume.
This time, she saddled up her appaloosa ((OOC: A breed of horse AmerInds ride on more often than other horse breeds. See either "National Geographic" or "Wikipedia" for a picture of an appaloosa.)). He was faster than her moped and, like most horses, he also could swim and climb a little if he had to.
A very long time passed by. Medicine Woman finally arrived at the location pinpointed by her phone's GPS. She hid the phone in a secret, undetectable compartment in the horse's saddle. She put her bow in her hand. She loaded an arrow.
She got off the horse. Then, she cautiously approached the first house she saw. MW hoped she found where the girl was being held hostage...
Ultragal- A Sweet Cinnamon Roll
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Online Offline
Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."
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Location : New York State
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Registration date : 2016-05-17
Re: How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
Some time after the phone call.
Tyler anticipated her coming and waited for her arrival. When she popped in front of their gate both Tyler and Anne walked out of the house. before she could say anything Tyler spoke.
"I tricked you. I knew that you were playing dumb so I put on a little act..." he explained as he handed Anne twenty dollars.
"Thanks Ty, see ya." Anne smiled as she ran back into the house.
"Now that you're here could we talk?" Tyler asked, putting a friendly smile on his face. At that moment Diana pulled up in her uber...
Tyler anticipated her coming and waited for her arrival. When she popped in front of their gate both Tyler and Anne walked out of the house. before she could say anything Tyler spoke.
"I tricked you. I knew that you were playing dumb so I put on a little act..." he explained as he handed Anne twenty dollars.
"Thanks Ty, see ya." Anne smiled as she ran back into the house.
"Now that you're here could we talk?" Tyler asked, putting a friendly smile on his face. At that moment Diana pulled up in her uber...
- My stuff:
Dusker- Posting Apprentice
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Number of posts : 213
Registration date : 2016-07-29
Re: How Diana and MW ended up in The necessary (Nekromonga and Ultragal)(done)
"I will forgive the trick...this time. What do you want to talk about?" Medicine Woman lowered her bow and arrow. Yes, she remembered Tyler and the girl. She sat down, ready to listen.
Ultragal- A Sweet Cinnamon Roll
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."
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Number of posts : 263
Location : New York State
Age : 65
Job : Office work/clerical/occasional multitasking
Registration date : 2016-05-17
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