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That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

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INV ONLY That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

Post by Dusker September 20th 2016, 3:45 pm

Tyler, Astrid and MW had found themselves in the mansion's living room for some reason. They had all been slouching around on the couch for hours due to the fact that there had been nothing to do and no way of finding it.

Tyler just sat on his phone and scrolled thru his phones until he stumbled across something that must of completely missed beforehand, his old orphanage was being shut down and they were having some kind of a reunion and he was invited. "Guys I think I have something we can do insted of just sitting around here all day!" he exclaimed as he jumped off the couch.

"What is it Ty?" Astrid asked as she looked up from her book and smiled at him warmly, placing her book down as she spoke.

"My orphanage is having a reunion thing today, you two wanna come with me?" Tyler asked as he slipped his phone into his pocket and waited for the two to answer.

"I know that I'm coming." Astrid smiled as she turned her head to MW and waited for her to answer...

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INV ONLY Re: That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

Post by Ultragal September 21st 2016, 10:55 am

"I do not mind. Maybe I can teach the children about my people. Maybe they might even enjoy the story long enough to take a break from all those technological devices they spend most of their time with these days."
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

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INV ONLY Re: That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

Post by Dusker September 21st 2016, 11:28 am

"So it's settled, we're going to the reunion. See you guys in an hour or two!" Tyler smiled as he ran up to his room and looked for a suit to wear, he couldn't just go in his hoodie. He had two to pick from, one was a fully black one with a black tie and the other was a black with a purple tie and lining. He chose the one with purple lining.

Astrid then turned to MW and said "I guess I need to get ready also, wanna borrow a dress?" with a smile...

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INV ONLY Re: That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

Post by Ultragal September 21st 2016, 12:48 pm

"Thank you, Ms. Astrid, but my current outfit will hopefully be appropriate for that Reunion." In fact, like some AmerInd clothing, Medicine Woman's outfit was decorated with AmerInd beads in several different colors. "But if you want to bring along a spare dress---just in case---you can do that, too."
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

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Location : New York State
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INV ONLY Re: That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

Post by Dusker September 21st 2016, 2:23 pm

"Okay, I'm off to my room so if you need anything then help yourself." Astrid answered as she walked to her room and skipped to her wardrobe.

Astrid had a lot of dresses and I mean A LOT of dresses. she had ones that were all sparkly and others that would make her look like some kind of princess, it was gonna take a long time to choose one dress from the hundreds she had.

3 hours later...

Tyler sat on the couch with his suit on, fitting him perfectly and it looked surprisingly good on him. He was watching something on the tv when Astrid elegantly walked down the staircase and into the living room.

"Hello Tyler, you certainly look nice." Astrid said with a smile as Tyler turned his head in her direction. When he saw her no words came out of his mouth, insted he just looked at her and thought 'Wow...' she had chosen a black dress that looked as if it was created for her and her alone. It was simplistic but that made it look even better, it even made Tyler speechless. her hair had been tied up into a elegant not that made her look like some kind of bigshot celebrity.

"You okay Tyler?" Astrid asked, hiding her smirk, her plan had worked.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine... totally fine..." Tyler stuttered, trying to keep himself cool. "Y-You look nice..." Tyler mumbled, turning his head away from Astrid hiding his blush. 'She's just a friend...' he repeated before the phantom whispered to him 'You like her don't you?'. Tyler growled "Shut up."

At that moment MW entered the room...

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INV ONLY Re: That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

Post by Ultragal September 22nd 2016, 1:28 pm

Medicine Woman was still wearing her AmerInd garb, just like she said she would. When she joined Astrid and Tyler, she asked them both: " I dressed appropriately enough for the Reunion?"

She saw the phantom, too. "Are you going to the Reunion as well, Mr. Phantom?", she asked the black colored male figure. She did see how close Astrid and Tyler were together as the two of them spoke to each other. She began to suspect that something was going on between Astrid and Tyler, but she kept her theory to herself.
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 263
Location : New York State
Age : 65
Job : Office work/clerical/occasional multitasking
Registration date : 2016-05-17

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INV ONLY Re: That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

Post by Dusker September 22nd 2016, 2:39 pm

'Seeing that I cannot leave Tyler yes, I will be coming to this reunion.' the figure sighed as it stared at his master and watched how he treated the situation in front of him.

"You should be fine, to be honest I think that we may be a little overdressed." Astrid smiled before turning to Tyler and giggling at his blush, at least she knew he wasn't entirely stupid.

Tyler sat in silence, without looking at Astrid, for a few minutes until he stood up and said "I guess we should get going, I'll drive." before walking out the building and jumping into Astrid's car, Astrid following behind him...

One drive later...

"We're here, wonder what everyone's been doing..." Tyler said as he looked over the hall that had been rented out by the orphans from the years. he then found a parking spot and got out of the car, fixing his suit before walking to the hall.

As they entered the hall they had been given a warm welcome from a few of Tyler's old friends and were dragged into the center of the hall. As they walked a question kept floating around the gang of friends "Who's the classy girl?"

Tyler had a habit of lying to people if something was hard to explain so he thought of the simplest explanation. "That's my fiancée Astrid and the other girl is her friend." was what he blurted out.

When she heard what Tyler said she just stared at Tyler in shock. 'Did he just say that I'm his fiancée?' she thought before getting whisked off by the females of the group that had formed around Tyler. the group of women also dragged MW along for the ride, slowly drifting out of Tyler's vision...

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INV ONLY Re: That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

Post by Ultragal September 23rd 2016, 9:49 am

Medicine Woman was quite surprised. She'd never met any of the girls surrounding her. They probably didn't know her,either. "Where are you girls taking me?", she asked them.
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

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Location : New York State
Age : 65
Job : Office work/clerical/occasional multitasking
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INV ONLY Re: That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

Post by Dusker September 23rd 2016, 11:39 am

As the group of women dragged Astrid and MW off they answered MW's question. "We're gonna have a little talk, there's no need to worry hon'." one of the women said as they reached their destination, the refreshments bar. When she stopped Astrid fixed her dress and waited for the questions to come flying, there was gonna be a lot of explaining for Tyler.

"So honey how did you two meet?" One of the women asked as she took a sip of wine from her glass. Astrid obviously wasn't going to tell them how they actually met but insted opted to tell them a lie. "We met in a coffee shop in downtown LA and it just went off from there." Is what she went for.

"Really? In the orphanage wouldn't have gone anywhere near a girl, nevermind going up to one and talking to her." One of the women bickered before another one of them added "He used to be so shy, wonder what happened..."

"What was Tyler like as a kid?" Astrid asked the mother of the group with a warm smile. "Well Tyler had always been too shy to function, he didn't talk to anyone and when he did it was always in a hushed tone. I think it was due to Jake." As she spoke all the other women nodded and glared at another group of guys across the hall.

These guys were to busy glaring at the group that had formed around Tyler to notice the women looking at them. One of the guys, presumably jake, stood taller than the rest of the men and was the one who had been glaring at him as soon as they walked in. The man then turned towards Astrid and looked her up and down before turning his attention to Tyler once more.

When the guy looked her up and down a look of disgust formed across her face. "He was the bully, he use to pick on Tyler the most for some reason, no one knew why he did it." one of the women said before putting her arm around Astrid and whispering something in her ear.

"So honey, how did you and the bride meet?" One of the women Asked MW.

Tyler had been on the other side of the room and had been asked the same questions. Tyler had given similar answered to Astrid but there was differences in their answers. where Astrid met him at a coffee shop Tyler had met her in a clothing store.

"So what happened with all of that superpower stuff?" one of Tyler's friends asked, they had all been there when he was took of by the school to learn how to control and use his powers. One of the guys then threw a olive at Tyler, his reaction powers were the first to show.

Tyler caught the olive flawlessly and threw it into his mouth. "Still there." Tyler said as a small cheer made it's way through the group...

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INV ONLY Re: That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

Post by Ultragal September 27th 2016, 12:04 pm

"How did I meet Ms. Astrid? Well, I guess it just...happened", Medicine Woman replied.

When one of the girls referred to Astrid as "the bride", her theory about Astrid's and Tyler's relationship became fact. So they were engaged. That meant Astrid was Tyler's fiancee`. Despite that particular fact being confirmed, MW still preferred to keep her thoughts to herself.
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

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Location : New York State
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Job : Office work/clerical/occasional multitasking
Registration date : 2016-05-17

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INV ONLY Re: That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

Post by Dusker October 30th 2016, 8:23 am

As the night went on small amounts of chatter circled through the groups until they finally left the two alone and pushed them towards each other.

Before any chatter was able to continue Astrid grabbed Tyler by the hand and started to tug him away, growling "Come my groom to be, we need to talk." through her teeth, forgetting that MW was even with them.

As the got outside Astrid smacked Tyler across the face. "What is wrong with you!? Why did you say I was you fiancee!?" She screeched as she tapped her foot, waiting for the answer.

Tyler answer as he rubbed his cheek. "I guess I just panicked and told them the easiest explanation I could think of. I promise I wasn't planning this." Tyler sighed as he hung his head.

Astrid looked at him, she knew what he did was wrong but she knew in his situation she probably would of done the same thing, but in her case intentionally. "Come on, lift your head up we've got a show to put on." she smiled as she glided into the building and made her way to MW.

"I'll explain everything later." she whispered before walking over to Tyler who had only came back into the hall, still confused about what was going on.

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INV ONLY Re: That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

Post by Ultragal October 30th 2016, 6:35 pm

[color=#DA70D6]"Ms. Astrid, maybe [i]you[i] can explain what is going on?", MW said as Astrid returned inside. "For a supposedly joyful occassion, things seem pretty tense in here."
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

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INV ONLY Re: That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

Post by Dusker October 30th 2016, 7:27 pm

"What do you mean?" Astrid asked with a curious look, she hadn't noticed the somber mood that had fell the hall, only focusing on the fact that Tyler said they had been engaged.

Tyler had wondered off into the crowd somewhere, bound to get into some sort of trouble.

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INV ONLY Re: That's just the way it is (Ultragal)

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