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Passiflora (Ultragal)

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Passiflora (Ultragal) Empty Passiflora (Ultragal)

Post by VoidOfEclipse November 26th 2016, 7:22 pm

Void was never one for the beach. Or warm weather. Or sunshine. She cursed herself for taking interest in the tip that there might be a worthwhile job in the Galapagos. As soon as the plane had circled the Isla Baltra airport, the young woman scolded herself for such a lapse in judgement. Sure Isabela was a beautiful island, but everything was so sparkly, and so shiny. Void was glad she had her biggest and darkest sunglasses with her to protect her eyes from the glare of the crystal blue waters, and her wide-brimmed, floppy midnight black sun hat to keep the glorious rays of the sun from baking her brains. One could never wear too much sunscreen, either.

The girl supposed it wasn't all bad since she was already partly familiar with the culture and could speak in one of the tongues she'd grown up speaking. She crossed her legs while seated on a rustic looking barstool and lazily stirred her bright blue straw in her mudslide. Milkshakes were her weakness, especially alchoholic ones.

Currently Void was waiting at a lonely little shack that served fresh conch fritters, coconut water, and a variety of adult beverages. It's only worker was currently napping in a hammock strung up by the bamboo shack itself and a lonesome palm tree. The building was small, charming, and definitely not structurally sound. It rest between a line of unsightly terrain and powder white sands. To the left the rocks gave way to a lush undergrowth of bush which led therein to what seemed like a tropical forest of sorts.

No other 'tourists' were around but her currently, and she kept her green eyes alert behind her shades for any signs of the client she was supposed to be meeting here. She pulled at her little black sundress and tapped her strappy sandals together impatiently. It made her uncomfortable not to be in complete disguise, but what better way to hide from prying eyes than to pretend to be just another thrill-seeking gringa?

Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Black just suits me, I don't have a favorite color."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 109
Location : The Heights of Peru
Age : 29
Job : Espionage and Infiltry
Humor : Make me laugh and I'll kill you.
Registration date : 2016-06-15

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Passiflora (Ultragal) Empty Re: Passiflora (Ultragal)

Post by Ultragal November 28th 2016, 11:32 am

A smallish helicopter flew in the sky over the Galapagos Islands. It was a matte green color. The pilot was an average-looking male...except he sat in the pilot's seat stiffly. It was as if he couldn't move...or was unable to. That's because there was a tiny burr in his left jugular vein. The woman in the seat next to him seemed to be concentrating intensely on the greenish brown burr. Her face was shadowed, so she wasn't identifiable.

The 'copter had pontoons so the pilot could land on water if he wanted to. He turned the 'copter stiffly, then descended on to a tidepool (most beaches have tidepools. It's a natural part of the sand that, over time, eroded enough to form a roundish and very shallow "pool" shape. At high tide, this is where the ocean/sea water goes first. When the tide recedes, some water is left behind inside this "pool").

The woman who disembarked from the 'copter carried herself like royalty...or who thought she was royal. When she noticed that her "wet look" thigh high boots' soles and insteps were covered with water, she shot the pilot and evil look. He made gasping sounds, then his face turned purplish blue. He collapsed into the tidepool. Despite being so shallow, the pilot drowned. The tiny burr detached from his left jugular vein. It floated in the pool for a few seconds, then seemed to "melt" (for lack of a better term). It biodegraded into the sand. It was gone without even a grain of sand sized trace.

"That's what you get for ruining my brand new boots!" She muttered unpleasantly, obviously quite miffed. She finally noticed the young lady (that's you, Void) and approached her.

I am Fleur-De-Lis. If you value your life, you'll get off that!" As if to emphasize her point, she showed the girl the second burr she was holding in a dark green, shiny looking over the elbow style glove. The rest of her outfit was a greenish black skirt and jade green blouse. Her hair was raven black. Her eyes were the color of greenish ice. One might have the impression that Fleur is cruel and ruthless, with a cold heart...and one might be right...
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

Status :

Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 263
Location : New York State
Age : 66
Job : Office work/clerical/occasional multitasking
Registration date : 2016-05-17

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Passiflora (Ultragal) Empty Re: Passiflora (Ultragal)

Post by VoidOfEclipse November 29th 2016, 4:48 pm

Void wasn't sure if this Fleur-De-Lis was trying to show off her power or if she genuinely thought that the tiny seed she was holding was actually intimidating. Either way, she had just killed a person, or at least Void assumed that's what happened to the pilot of the helicopter that had appeared from out of nowhere. That's probably why the worker had gotten up so quick from her hammock and stood at attention behind the counter of the little shack.

Void lifted and sipped on her drink while trying to gauge what she should do not to anger the obviously volatile woman before her. Because, also obviously, this was her client. The spy first noticed the woman's love for the color green. Green clothes, green transportation, green eyes, green point of interest. The varying shades of emerald and jade were nearly dizzying.

There was also the fact that Fleur had just killed someone. Meaning she was probably ruthless. She held herself tall and her demeanor demanded respect. So....

"I'm Void. It's a pleasure to meet you." Void said as her lips pulled away from her drink at the bar. She got the feeling that Fleur was not one to be disrespected so she kept her tone even and formal. And she motioned to one of the stools, "Thank you for being so punctual. Could I buy you a drink?" The worker behind the counter shivered visibly and made a strange squeaking sound. Apparenly she shouldn't have gotten involved in the tourist industry.

Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Black just suits me, I don't have a favorite color."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 109
Location : The Heights of Peru
Age : 29
Job : Espionage and Infiltry
Humor : Make me laugh and I'll kill you.
Registration date : 2016-06-15

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Passiflora (Ultragal) Empty Re: Passiflora (Ultragal)

Post by Ultragal December 8th 2016, 2:26 pm

((OOC: Sorry. Was in RL hospital for a few days. No PC or even WiFi. Back in action now.))

Fleur mocked Void's comment back at her with a sneer: " 'Thank you for being so punctual.' I could strangle you to death with the grass right under your hammock for speaking that way. Let me make this clear: I'm the boss. You're the flunky. Your one and only purpose is to obey me. And, unless you can make a mint julep appear in my hand right now, I don't want a drink."

She caught the expression on Void's face:"I'm not psychic, but I read faces well. You're right. This tiny burr is harmless right now, but I've manipulated its cells.

The human body is 98% water. If this "harmless" thing digs its burrs into exposed human skin, it "drinks" all the water in the victim's body. Within 10 minutes' time, it'll dehydrate you...or any other non-meta, "normal" human. It's a slow, painful way to die.

Now...are you ready to go or should I prove it? By the way, I don't even have to touch it to your skin. I can just throw it at you. The burrs will dig into your skin instinctively as soon as they make skin contact."
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

Status :

Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 263
Location : New York State
Age : 66
Job : Office work/clerical/occasional multitasking
Registration date : 2016-05-17

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Passiflora (Ultragal) Empty Re: Passiflora (Ultragal)

Post by VoidOfEclipse December 9th 2016, 6:27 am

Void seriously struggled not to roll or narrow her eyes at the woman, but quickly came to terms with the fact that she would not be pleasing the queen any time soon. While on one hand she seriously considered ditching this whole operation, she also seriously needed money. And she actually didn't want to test this woman's powers. This lady wasn't flaunting her power for nothing, after all. As annoying as it was, the policy 'The customer is always right,' came to mind.

Now, just because she was letting this lady have her way didn't mean Void was about to let all of the little pride she had just slip away. She stood and straightened out her dress skirt, abandoning the half of an alchoholic beverage she had left. She lifted her sunglasses to reveal her green, though not as vibrant as Fleur's, eyes and look to the woman seriously.

"I wouldn't want to test that, Miss Fleur. I'll simply have to take your word for it. I'm ready to go any time you want." She said instead of snapping back wittily as she would have liked, "But I would like some details on this mission, if you want me to be able to... obey you properly."

She was probably walking on thin ice at this point, but Void honestly hadn't been informed of what this Meta-human was after. Hopefully her new 'boss' would cut her a little slack and fill her in on what she was even here for. It seemed that at least she was needed for this mystery operation, so she had that as insurance that she wouldn't be killed on the spot. Probably. Maybe.

Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Black just suits me, I don't have a favorite color."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 109
Location : The Heights of Peru
Age : 29
Job : Espionage and Infiltry
Humor : Make me laugh and I'll kill you.
Registration date : 2016-06-15

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Passiflora (Ultragal) Empty Re: Passiflora (Ultragal)

Post by Ultragal December 23rd 2016, 3:40 pm

"I'm here to do some botanical research," Fleur replied. "Here, in the Galapagos Islands, some believe that the theory of evolution was discovered. According to numerous sources, samples of various flora and fauna were found to have qualities dating back to the dinosaurs. I want to find the very first carnivorous plant or flower at least that old. That's all you need to know."
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

Status :

Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 263
Location : New York State
Age : 66
Job : Office work/clerical/occasional multitasking
Registration date : 2016-05-17

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Passiflora (Ultragal) Empty Re: Passiflora (Ultragal)

Post by Sponsored content

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