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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Venus November 29th 2017, 6:13 pm

The Divas began making their way towards the large stone structure underneath the waves. Blondie wrapped her hairtacles around Seagirl's arms and legs, well aware of how slippery she can be while she's underwater. The group made extra sure to avoid long pieces of seaweed so they could avoid any unwanted Seagirl meddling. Venus gazed in awe at her surroundings. The temple was giving off a bright light from a crystal at the top of a spire which illuminated the otherwise black abyss, and she could see it all. Mazes of coral sprawled across the ocean floor and she if squinted she could see dark shapes of wild life, avoiding the light of the temple.

As the group approached, they noticed the Bliss Bus shanked into the side of the building. Venus gave the group a confused look before she swam closer to the temple, her heeled flippers kicking in the water. It didnt take them long to locate the entrance as it too was outlined with emissive crystals. The group all swam on the spot, in awe, before they decided to venture into the temple. As they went through the massive arch way, Bombshell turned her wrist mounted flashlight on, allowing the group to see where they were going. The passageway went upwards and the water stopped. They were now swimming in a pool of water admist a large chamber. Each of them climbed out of the pool. Venus' high heel hit the concrete and she took off her breathing helmet, shaking her head side to side to allow her hair to flow. "Show time, girls." As she took a step forward, crystals on the wall lit up, as if they were reacting to her movement.

The chamber was the length of a football field and about half the width. It was built out of wet, grey stone and tiny streams of water were flowing in from the roof from where the temple had become unstable and began to buckle under the weight of the ocean. Along the edges of the roof, clear tubes flowed with magma acting like some form of underwater central heating. With every step The Diva's took more crystals lit up, illuminating more and more of the large stone corridor. At the very end they saw it, atop a massive staircase. A luminous seagreen orb floated about 5 feet off the ground. It was rotating and casting blue light over the rear half of the chamber.

"Wow...." Blondie's hair fell limp, causing her to drop Seagirl to the floor.
"Рыбу меня' Bombshell lowered her harpoon gun 'Оно прекрасно".
Bubblegum didn't even look up from her phone.

Their awestricken state was quickly dissolved when Venus heard a familiar voice.
"Saying Seagirl would not do that because a functioning person would not do that is a false equivalency."  
"Yeah you're right, she sucks." Venus looked at the pair, held her hand up and folded her fingers up and down. "Hiya." Blondie's hair quickly regained it's prehensile nature and lifted into the air, threatening. Bombshell pointed her gun at the pair. Clique split into three more copies of herself. Bubblegum kept tex- "Bubblegum!" Bubblegum looked up. "Oh right!" She stanced, causing emissive  orange orbs to form around her hands. Venus put her hands on her hips and gently blew to the side, the pink dust forming into a heart shape. God she and her friends could be so cool sometimes.

"You and your little um...' she looked at Tori unassumingly, cringing her face alittle 'girlfriend here, can't stop us. We're gonna destroy the orb and in turn destroy Seagirl. I still don't get why you want to stop us so badly." Venus lowered hands from her sides and slowly balled them into fists. "So are we gonna do this the easy way, or the hard way?" Venus looked straight at Bliss. Blondie looked at Tori. Tori looked at Bombshell. Bubblegum looked at her phon- "BUBBLEGUM!" "Okay okay I'm sorry!" Bubblegum looked at Bliss.

The tension was more palpable than the moisture in the air.

Bombshell shot first.

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Bliss November 30th 2017, 4:20 am

"Thank you!" Bliss motioned her hand toward Venus, letting the desire to be right drown out her danger sense. "Now, if- oh it's you."

"So, the away team didn't work?"
Tori looked to Bliss before taking in the image of all of Venus' team.

"Eh." Bliss shrugged as Hanna rolled out in front of her. "You're doing better than would be expected."

"I won. They cheated!" Hanna pointed her hands towards Bliss.

Feeling sympat- no pity, definitely pity, Bliss conjured a frozen blade and cut Hanna's hands free. "Now, go be useful."

"We're out numbered; she could probably help us." Tori began taking more of a count, but did not know if she needed to count Bubblegum in for the fight or not.

"Oh, haha, you did the girlfriend joke. Great. Isn't it a little dumb since I can just turn around and say the same thing about you and your four- wait five- no six- no, okay, she's just cloning herself, so it's back to four girls?" Halfway during the sentence, Bliss just built a spear of ice and got ready to throw it someone's head.

Bombshell let loose a volley, but Bliss planned ahead, icing the ground underneath her so her shot would be compromised in accuracy. Bliss tossed her spear towards Venus, letting it land just in front of her before splintering out into a prison. Once Bombshell hit the ground, icy manacles would latch Bombshell to the ground, keeping her from getting a weapon and shooting anyone. Hopefully.

Not wanting her boss to do all of the work, Tori unleashed a quick wave of water against Bubblegum and Blondie, hoping to knock them down. Then, she summoned kelp from the deepest of depths to wrap up the multiple Cliques, tying them all together.

Hanna got to her feet and started towards the orb. "Finally I can find out, wait." Hanna turned to see Tori's eyes glowing a deep shade of green. And, her powers seemed much better than hers. Hanna could not control water or make kelp grow. "But, it's the source of- her powers." A shade of green hit Hanna's soul. She gently walked away form the fight, getting up the stairs with ease as Bliss would never expect a betrayal from Hanna.

"Her fatal flaw." Hanna rubbed her hands together and looked at the orb. "Maybe if I break it, I'll get all of her powers? Only one way to find out." Hanna pushed the orb from its pedestal, watching it slowly fall to the ground and shatter.


Mitsy's Boutique


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Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Venus July 12th 2018, 6:28 pm

When the icy spear hit the ground infront of Venus she lifted her arms and staggered backwards. Just as the spear burst and began to form an icy prison around Venus, she found herself surrounded by a bright orange sphere. When the ice settled in shape, Bubblegum lowered herself to the ground, pulling her arms to her chest before she pushed all her limbs out like a starfish. The sphere around Venus expanded, causing the icy prison to shatter. Venus ran over to Bombshell, kicking the chilling cuffs from her wrists allowing the Russian to get back to her feet.

When Bliss' new favourite PA stepped into the fray, The Divas quickly realised that they were outmatched. Bubblegum turned to the wave of water and tried to raise a shield around herself, which is promptly disintegrated by the churning water. The wave pushed her back and along the ground. She lay there, coughing up some seafoam. Blondie managed to avoid the majority of the riptide but she was still clipped by it, causing her to fall onto her hands and knees.

Just as the only person in the group who can actually fight was about to kick some ass, seaweed and kelp burst from the cracks in the temple's wet stone and tangled Clique and her triplets. "Girl if you don't get these weeds off of me I'm gonna fu-" Some seaweed slithered over her mouth, gagging her and keeping the thread PG13. She wriggled relentlessly, legs kicking, muffled cuss words booming.

Venus looked at the group, time moving in slow motion. Blondie was freaking out about the water getting her diving suit dirty, Bubblegum was still coughing bubbles. Clique was starting to fatigue. Things weren't looking good for The Divas. Until, an unwitting ally decided to do something useful for the first time in their life. All the Divas turned, time still slowed and watched as Seagirl put her hands against the orb, took a deep breath and pushed it off it's altar.

It hit off the stone pedestal, clink, and bounced to the staircase, clink, clink, clink, until it reached the last step. It bounced one more time. There was a moment of perfect silence before it hit the temple's floor.


The group watched as Seafoam Green mist oozed from the orb's shattered glass form, ebbing and flowing like ocean currents. It seeped from the sphere and into the stone of the temple, dribbling between the cracks before it faded into nothing. Venus' jaw dropped, her arms falling to her sides.

The orb had nothing to do with Seagirl... She'd spent so much money on diesel to get here and she didn't even get to destroy Seagirl?!

The seaweed holding Clique rapidly shrunk in size and slithered back into the temple's tiles. Bubblegum and Blondie slowly got to their feet. With Venus in the middle they struck their signature dastardly pose. The enemy team's strongest player was out of the game and they all knew it. The Divas started walking towards Bliss, Tori and Hanna like the catty antagonists of a high school musical. Just like they'd rehearsed.

"Well, well, well!" Every Diva but Venus clicked their fingers. "I can't believe you would try to destroy yourself by breaking the orb Seagirl. Nobody gets to ruin your life but me!" The gang clicked again. "But in the end, all you did was ruin another one of' she looked to the ringleader, holding the back of her hand beside her mouth to shield it from Seagirl's view and mouthed 'Bliss?' a quick nod confirmed it before she lowered her hand and turned back to Seagirl. 'Bliss' plans. And her PA's life, probably - imagine not having superpowers in 202X, she's a nobody now' Venus chuckled, giving Tori a bitchy once over  'I guess we've finally found something you're good at. Being a bad friend. Have you tried being a villain?"

In synch, the entire group's pose changed to an equally dastardly, yet more threatening one. "So, should we kick your ass now or do you want to admit your defeat at the hand of Venus and the The Divas' the group's faces briefly soured, as in rehearsal she'd referred to them collectively 'The Divas' but they quickly straightened up again. Venus smiled wickedly, her hands on her hips. Damn it feels good to be a villainess.


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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) - Page 2 Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
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Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Bliss July 12th 2018, 10:17 pm

Well alright! Everything looked just wonderful. The parts Bliss did not mop up perfectly were being handled with an otherworldly skill set and prowess. All of this in a Seagirl thread?! If only Bliss could find a way to bottle up this feeling of joy and use it to shower off the scent of what a failure Seagirl was. Where was Seagirl? No one punched her. No one gloated over a downed figure. The only cursing came from two of the Cliques from their seaweed wrappings. "See? No Seagirl anywhere nearby and we are doing amazing. I'm telling you, not having her is literally better than having her, because 'nothing' is better than Seagirl."

"But, doesn't that mean-"

"Nothing. Having nothing is better than having Seagirl. So much better."
Bliss pointed to Venus in the icy prison. "See how easy that was? And you tied up all of the Cliques."

"Maybe she's off looking for the Orb of Atlantis." Tori strolled through her vanquished foes. She really did put her mind to beating down those lowly nobodies.

"I guess looking for something is the one thing she can't-"


A brow furrowed across Bliss' scowl.

Tori reached out to the dropping orb, hoping to will the orb to safety.


Ice began to form around the bottom of the stairs in hope it would do anything to assist.


It did not.

"Watch me now and tremble!" Hanna held out her hands to her side. Her teeth clinched and her forehead shook like the tectonic shift she so badly wanted to create.

"Oh." Bliss clinched her fist. "I am trembling with something..."

"My powers!" Tori looked at her fingers as though it would tell her something. However, her powers came from an orb, not her fingers, so tough luck Tori. "They're- they're gone!"

"You fish brained moron!" While Bliss shouted insults at Hanna, the rest of the Divas either escaped or found courage to standup to Bliss. "Allow me, Tori, you are the best assistant I've ever had. I am glad you are alive. Everything about you is done with proper care and always achieves exactly what it needs to do. The world is made better by having you. I don't think you should drop a toaster in a bathtub full of water while you are in it."

"Oh, that means so much-"

"Seagirl!" Bliss pointed at Hanna. "Everything I just said to her is the exact opposite for you!"

"Oh. That means so much."

"You know what, I haven't tried being a villain." Hanna cracked her knuckles. "But, maybe it's time I gave it a shot."

"Awesome!" Bliss threw her hands up in relief. "With Seagirl on their side, there's no way they can stop us!"

"Bliss. I don't have powers. I think they want to kick our ass!"

"Well, we aren't saying they beat us." Bliss started to feel tingling in her fingers. "Not today. And not after I did sit ups for like two days to look good in this bikini!"

"Venus! I choose you! Stupid breath attack!" Hanna used confuse! It was super effective! "Let's grab a roll of duct tape and take over the world! Yay villainy!"


Mitsy's Boutique


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Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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