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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Venus July 23rd 2016, 6:52 pm

"No, I'm telling you, Selena Gomez was never on Disney. It's just not possible, she wouldn't do that to herself."
"Ugh, shut up all over yourself, she was definitely in Disney."
"No she wasn't, she was on Nickolodean."
"I'm going to slap you in your face you blonde idiot!"
"Hey I'm totally sure that's called racial profiling."

Clique and Blondie argued over eachother, Blondie's finger curling in her hair while Clique looked ready to leap across the table. Venus sat across from them, sipping on a straw sticking out of a can of diet coke, which was actually filled with water. "If you two get blood on my carpets I'm never inviting you girls over to my house again." She didn't even invite them, they just turned up because Bubblegum needed to use the WiFi but Venus had decided to try and make a day of it. "Don't you start on me too Blondie 2.0 I'll mess you up." Venus stared at her and then rolled her eyes. "Don't you roll your eyes at me bit-'

"Oh my god, besties, listen up!" Bubblegum walked in, excitedly holding onto her phone. She quickly threw herself into a chair and held up her phone, showing the screen to everyone. It was a news website

"The famed object that the famous Heroine Seagirl claimed was the source of her powers in an interview 5 years Prior to it's discovery has been discovered, located in an ancient ruin under the ocean. Seagirl has yet to comment on this discover, which seems fishy to me. But we're sure that the Defender of Oceania must be over the moon to find the source of her mysterious powers."

Below the paragraph was a map, showing the location of the ruins, 10 miles out from the coast of Australia. Venus grabbed the phone, stared at it and then stood up from her sofa. An evil grin spread across her face and she looked at the Divas. Each one looked at her, then to eachother and then to the other one who they hadn't looked at, before nodding. They knew exactly what Venus was planning. Venus flipped up her own phone and called the rest of her bitches. "Divas. We're going to the Seaside."

Bubblegum hopped up behind everyone and took a selfie, dog filter included. She posted the photo to her Twitter and she also sent it directly to Seagirl's own twitter account.


"Wooo! Me and the Girls are heading to the beach to
destroy the source of Seagirl's powers or something, lol."


Venus and her crew, minus Catfight who was 'busy', pulled up at the beach. They each got out of Venus' car, who was holding an ice cream with some red framed plastic sunglasses on and a red and black polkadot bikini. Blondie was wearing a translucent blue robe with a white bikini under it, Bombshell wore a furry one piece suit, Bubblegum wore a bikini with an orange veil tied around her waist and Clique was wearing a bright red one piece swimming suit, with a bandana around her forehead and golden hoop earrings. They looked fierce. Venus took one lick of the ice-cream before she let it fall out of her hand, splattering against the floor. She saw Seagirl, Bliss, Abby and some new girl. Her eye twitched.

"What... the hell? What are they doing here?!"

There was silence, before Bubblegum looked up from her phone.

"Oh i tweeted Seagirl. Thought it would be funny. Soz not soz."

Venus stared over her shoulder at the Latina moron and felt as if she could explode. Looks like their fun day out at the beach was going to be full of much more conflict, and Bliss, than she had hoped for.

She moved her Divas behind some changing rooms before they were seen in order to come up with a plan of attack.


click image for bio
Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Bliss July 24th 2016, 5:32 am

A finger slowly turning blue swiped along a screen. "I figured out where Venus is going next." Hanna would not bring herself to admit the ring she bought did not fit, but instead tried to set a new fashion statement with her blue jewel encrusted accessory.

"Abby, you need to go be invisible places where people other than celebrities are. Preferably in the country we are planning on operating in." Bliss pointed to a dry erase board full of pictures of Ryan Gosling in pictures Abby took while stalking him. "Sara, learn how to check your E-mail without needing to call tech support. You are way too young to be that bad at technology." A cell phone flew out of Bliss' hand and into the lap of the Israeli archaeologist whom in the right light looked just like Wonder Woman.  "And, Tori, you've done a great job in your first week." The accolades did nothing but bring wonder to the new addition to the team.

"I just got a tweet from-"

"We can handle the blowback of whatever idiotic scandal you just took part in later. Right now we are trying to figure out information about Venus." Bliss turned back to Hanna. "Because you are useless."

Knowing the battle would not go her way, Hanna stood up from her chair on the side of the room and walked over to the newest member of the team, Victoria Smith. While Bliss rambled on about other failures, Hanna pointed to the important bits, and let Tori read the rest. "Oh, Bliss. Venus is going to try and steal the Orb of Atlantis to destroy Seagirl's powers. Or something."

"See? That is good work. Good job Tori, you are by far the best assistant I've ever had." Bliss closed her marker while Abby shot daggers at Bliss. "We need a boat. And I know where to get one."

The wharf looked packed. Packed enough to hide the actual wharf and just show hundreds of people. People Bliss did not care about, and frankly wanted to just go away forever. "We need a boat. And it needs to be big." Bliss wore a white tank top and black shorts with a black bikini underneath. Sara took the backpack off her back in preparation for a while of standing. She forewent a shirt and just opted to wear a white bikini top with pair of red shorts. "Abby, go be useful about anything. At all." The shooing from Bliss pushed the red headed invisible girl away in her black and red bikini. "Tori, you're doing great. Make sure Seagirl doesn't do anything stupid." Tori listened up and grabbed Hanna's wrist. A blue bikini with black shorts meshed with Tori's skin basking in the sun. "Hanna, don't do anything stupid. At all."

A sour look approached Hanna's face matching the color of the green swim bikini under her white T-shirt. "I think I-"

"No." Bliss' finger spoke more than Bliss.

"Do we have any connections in this area? Didn't you run into a ghost down here or something?" Sara rolled her neck, grimacing at how brightly the sun chose to greet her.

"I don't deal with ghosts anymore. Anything that screwed up enough in life to have to haunt someone isn't worth my time. Or, is my father. And also isn't worth my time."

"Oh is that why he's dead?" Hanna spoke gently enough. "Because, like he made mistakes, and brought shame to his master, so his master made him-"

"Is this bitch for real?!" Bliss started taking off her earrings.

While Sara and Tori held back the wrath of Bliss from Hanna, Abby continued walking the wharf. Her trek took her fifty meter away, towards a rental shop adjacent to some changing stalls. "I don't know how much a boat is supposed to cost to rent." A sign next to a set of changing rooms showed several different prices for several different upgrades. None of them looked like a good deal. An aroma came to Abby. Abby turned to the changing stalls with her nose scrunched up. "I didn't know smell traveled faster than stupid."

Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Venus July 24th 2016, 5:46 pm

"Ok so, since pulling a bitch's hair in the street is illegal or whatever, we're just gonna have to make them feel super intimidated by us." The girls were huddled behind a changing shed. They'd practiced for this kind of situation so they had the jist of it down; the poses they'd pull, which direction they'd look, where everyone would stand. They even rehearsed it after 4 bottles of wine once. "Okay so we're set?" Bubblegum put her hand in the middle of the huddle and yelled

"Diva Power!"

The others blinked at her, before they walked out from behind the shed. They saw a familiar face that had scuttled closer.

"I didn't know smell traveled faster than stupid."
Venus laughed. "Yeah, that's why we got here first."
She high-fived Bubblegum behind her.
The group walked past Invisidork, Blondie using her prehensile hair to push her out of the way and against a wooden fence. She winked at her after the group walked along before releasing her from her well conditioned bindings.

They walked along the Wharf until they were in a position that they'd have to walk past Bliss and her Sidekicks to reach the renting decks. It was time to begin Operation Petty. Venus set up her phone to start playing a rhymic pop song. They began their strut.

Each of them moved in perfect timing to the music, hair swishing and hips swinging. Clique split into three other versions of herself, each one of them weaving inbetween eachother. Bubblegum had one hand on her hip, the other swinging. She puckered her lips and blew a bright pink bubble. Blondie swung both her arms before she whipped her hair, sending flames along her locks, before extinguishing them. Bombshell span on the spot and seemingly from nowhere removed a harpoon gun. She licked the barrel before swinging it behind her back and walking along. When Venus walked past the Bliss Squad, she span on the spot, breathing pink dust over herself and walking through it, creating a veil of reds and pinks.

The Divas all accumualted near the fence, and each struck a pose. Water splashed against some rocks under the fence, which went flying upwards. It formed the shape of a heart in the air and Venus blew a kiss. The image seemed to freeze for a second before gravity took hold and sent the watery shape down into the Ocean below. All the men on the wharf were watcching with mouths open, jaws dropped and eyes popping. Their significant others were watching their partners, much less amused.

After a few more moments of hesitation, The Divas broke their pose.
"Oh my god you guys that was so cool."
"Yeah, we're so great to be honest."
"I feel like the Queen of the world, haha."
"Why are we even here, can we do that again?"
"We're hear to destroy Seagirl's powers, remember?"
"Oh. Let's go do that then, where do you rent boats?"

Venus and her Besties walked of towards the renting shack again. They'd already been there but they needed to upstage Bliss and her Cronies first. Venus approached the desk. "I'd like to rent one of the Speed Boats and some Scuba Gear for about 5 hours."

The acne faced teen did some typing on his cash machine before he looked up at Venus, who was leaning on the desk, elbows pushing her bust together. "Th-that'll be $450 dollars Ma'am." Venus smiled and blew him a kiss. The teen's head leaned back and he seemed paralyzed for a few seconds. "If anyone from that group over there' she pointed at the Blisstronauts 'tries to rent Scuba gear, give them the shoddy stuff and charge them $600. Ok?" She blew him a kiss and he nodded. She plucked the keys from his fingers and the Cliques carried the heavy scuba equipment to the boat.


click image for bio
Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Bliss July 24th 2016, 7:04 pm

Abby did not take kindly to being wrapped up in another girl's hair. "You still admit that you smell bad, so 'haha'. I win this, and what conditioner do you use? This is really soft." When Abby fell back to the ground, she watched as the quintet of quarrels strutted by. The sound of classic music by composer and woman next to Pharrel Christina Aquilera forced the fivesome to all break into systematic hip swinging, accompanied by the glory of their hair. "That's so cool. Seagirl would dislocate her hip and give herself a concussion if she ever tried that."

While Abby watched in awe, Bliss finally found herself removed from Hanna by the collected power of Sara bringing a wall of earth to separate them and Tori kept Bliss' feet tangled up with kelp. Negotiations came through when Hanna admitted to being an idiot, followed by Bliss promising not to use telekinesis to attack Hanna. The negotiations were split when Bliss physically attacked Hanna, but Tori eventually got the group cohesion back together by pointing to Venus and her clique.

"Sluts." Bliss pushed Hanna's head into the ground as she lifted herself up. "Okay ladies. Primary objective is to stop them from getting the water ball thingy that Hanna probably lied about ever seeing in her life. The second objective is the arrest of Venus. The third objective is to make Seagirl not look like an idiot. Good? Good."

"Those girls look- qualified." Sara pointed to each one of the woman posing near Venus. "What exactly they do is unknown, but Venus doesn't know about me or Tori, so we can-"

"Guys!" Abby burst into the scene and Sara's sentence. "Venus is here and she has a girl with super soft hair that can wrap people up with!"

"Good job Abby, we already know about all of that." Bliss looked down to see Hanna still struggling to get up. With as little assistance as possible, Bliss assisted Hanna to her feet. "That one girl can make her hair longer. Great power."

"Could be useful, but we still don't know about the others." Tori kept stride as the girls walked towards the rental station.

"That's a good point, Tori." Bliss began to think more about the situation while Abby almost ran into a market stall staring at Bliss in disbelief. It did not make Abby feel better when Tori assisted her.

"We need a boat." Sara got to the stall first. "Probably some scuba-"

"$600! Not a penny less." The abrasive teenager accosted Sara while smelling of perfume. "Are you wearing perfume?" Sara dug through her bag to pull out her wallet, pushing past the climbing cords, grappling hooks, duct tape, some small scale dynamite, and a small personal computer.

"Come here!" Bliss reached over, pulling the kid so she could get a sniff of him. "She's been here. Pay this nerd what he wants and let's go on. I'll get my money later. We need to make sure Abby didn't screw us over by taking so long to find this."

Tori took the keys to the boat while the rest of the girls grabbed their air tanks. Bliss made sure to get the team color coordinated wetsuits before beginning this endeavor, but for some reason forgot to get a boat. "I can't believe you didn't get us a pre-rental Abby. Time to make up for it. Take this roll of duct tape and go kidnap which ever one of them looks easy enough. We'll get information that way."

"Isn't that illegal? Or at least highly immoral?" Tori found herself questioning her boss as she placed her oxygen tank in the boat.

"We're the good guys. We can do whatever we want as long as the people we do it to are bad." At least the nerd gave them adequate oxygen. Bliss set her tank down and pulled out the computer then threw the duct tape to Abby. "Bring us back a big one."

Abby looked down at the tape and shook her head with a dire look of animosity. It quickly turned to an invisible gaze as Abby moved to find Venus' boat and attempt to board it without anyone noticing her. She noticed the woman with the red bandanna. She did not have a hair attack, so Abby assumed she could make an easy mark of her.


Mitsy's Boutique


Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Venus January 19th 2017, 1:03 am

Venus and her gang continued walking down the pier, looking for the boat who's name was scrawled onto a plastic card attached to the keys. "The Sinking Siren". Venus rolled her eyes when she read it. Sounds reliable. Bubblegum peaked at the name and raised an eyebrow. "That's stupid why would you bring a siren out to sea? No-one's gonna hear it." Everyone, except Venus, glared at Bubblegum with a 'are you being serious' face, before resuming their formation and walk. Once they found it, she delicately stepped into it and wobbled as it bobbed with the tide. Gaining her sea legs, Venus moved towards the upper deck and she ship's wheel.

"Girls maybe we should try being pirates someday. Captain Venus and her Booty." She looked at them. They weren't paying attention. She rolled her eyes and muttered. "Whatever, when I'm ruling the seven seas you guys are getting exactly zero treasure." The coastal wind blew spittle from the water into Venus face and she lifted her hand against the sun's rays. "So do any of you actually know how to use a compass?" She looked at them and they all shrugged. With a groan she slid down onto her knees, spinning the wheel as she did. "You guys are literally such losers. How are we meant to find the Orb?" She peered through the spokes of the wheel at them, and they all debated about what to do.

"We could get your sea witch friend to show u-"

"Don't be stupid, she cut us off after I stole her hairband."
"You stole a witch's hairband?"
"Girl, It did not suit her complexion."

Clique disapeared into the lower decks to store their equipment.

"Why don't we just make some local sailor to come with us?"
"Oh yeah - hello stupid local, do you know where this ancient magical orb is? What do you mean you don't? I didn't see that coming." Venus gave Blondie the most dead glare she had in a while.

While the argued, Bubblegum slowly crept up passed Venus and to the wheel. Creating a forcefield beneath her, she floated into the air and held her phone above her head. "Guys, fear not! I have totally saved the day - I googled it and hit the 'maps' option. It even has a line telling us where to go." Venus blinked at Bubblegum, pushed the forcefield orb to the side, causing the girl to fall and caught her phone. "Sometimes you're not as dumb as you are." She set the phone on a shelf behind the wheel. "All aboard!... Hey wait, where's Clique?"


The Cliques went to the lower deck, carrying the scuba gear. The three of them morphed into one after putting the air tanks in storage. Noticing a fridge in the corner, she walked over to it and opened it - hoping for some sort of low cal snack. Her eyes twitched. She felt like she was being watched. Just as she turned around, she heard the ripping of selotape and a girl launched at her from thin air. "WHAT THE F-" She staggered backwards and hit her head against a metallic pipe with an echoing bang. "Oh you did not! You're about to catch these hands!" In a dizzy blur she swung her hand out in an attempt to clap the girl in the face. Connecting with her face, the girl fell over but responded by tripping Clique over, which sent the air tanks clanking and rolling across the ground. "I don't know who you are but you messed with the wrong lady." Clique climbed across the floor and leapt to floor Abby mid-stand. The pair rolled around on the floor, swinging hands and pulling hair before their stale mate was interupted by the lower deck's door being kicked in by a heeled sandal.

Bombshell walked in, holding a harpoon gun at her side and pointing it at Abby. Bubblegum and Blondie walked in, followed by Venus who squinted her eyes at the familiar face.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?"
Her blood red lips curled into a smile. "You make one move, invisidork and my friend Bombshell here will ensure you become a 'hole' lot more visible." The girls laughed at her joke, before Clique delivered a finishing punch to Abby's face.

When Abby awoke, she'd discover that she was tied to the mast of the ship, which was at sea - the pier becoming smaller with each passing second. Venus left Blondie to steer the ship as she approached their captive. "So - we've got the sidekick, where's Robin?" She'd probably got that wrong but she'd pretend she hadn't. "What are you doing here - and I'd answer honestly if I were you - Pirates don't take too kindly to stowaways." She folded her arms and motioned with her head to the make-shift plank she'd set up over the side of the ship. Did Australia have sharks? It probably hand sharks. There were atleast Jellyfish down there, right? Whatever was down there - it sure wouldn't be pleasant.


click image for bio
Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Bliss January 19th 2017, 2:01 am

Abby made one major mistake. Listening to Bliss. Being pinned down to the ground by a superior foe did not matter, mainly because at any moment this woman could succumb to a concussion- or at least Abby told herself that. Any minute now and the flailing and scratching from Abby would pay off.

Of course the clock became thwarted once the door opened. It did not really even matter who stepped in, what mattered was- "Is that a harpoon gun?" The entire squad showed up and it looked like they had one goal. "God, I hope she doesn't blow that stupid dust in my-"

A blow to the head stopped Abby short of consciousness.

Bliss rubbed sunscreen over arms before moving to the rest of her body after she removed her shirt. "What's taking Abby so long? Someone said they had powers, but they can't be that great."

"Abby said one of them could grow their hair." While everyone else donned their wetsuits, Sara checked on the status of the boat they rented. None of it looked good. "Then you sent Abby off. Now we're waiting for Abby to-"

"They captured her." A pair of binoculars came down from Tori's face. "She's tied to their ships mast. I think I can save her."

"No, Tori, we can't risk you. Let's send someone we can afford to lose." All three crew members looked to Hanna, who was trying to get the right filter for her new heroic Instagram.

It took a moment for Seagirl to finally look up. "Oh, you guys can to Wales. I'm not-"

"I'll go with her." Sara pulled her wetsuit over her shoulders, slipping her arms through. "Otherwise she might-"

"Yeah we know. Tori and I will follow in the boat." The rope flew from the side of the ship towards the dock. Bliss stepped back and moved to the wheel of the ship. "We know where we're going right?"

A puzzled look came to Tori's face. For most accord, they were hoping to kidnap someone to tell them about the temple. "I don't actually know, but I think I might know."

Between short gasps of disbelief, Hanna felt her face bunch up. "That's the dumbest thing I've-"

"Shut up scalebrains. Tori's got this." Bliss pointed to Sara and Hanna. "Suit up. Take a walkie talkie. Get off the boat."

"You're taking us over." Sara grabbed Hanna and moved her to the side of the ship. "Wanna get your wetsuit on first?"

"I wanna stay on the boat." Holding on to Sara's hand gave Hanna some relief, but the relief offered no actual reality. Hanna and Sara fell to the water together, with Sara wrapped around Hanna's back. Sure Hanna could swim with a passenger, but would it hurt for someone to ask? Together the duo swam towards Venus' boat, hoping to stay undetected as they made an attempt to board it from the side.

Abby woke up with her hands and ankles tied. She tried squirming, but ropes held her to the mast of the ship she tried infiltrating. "This is embarrassing. I hope Bliss doesn't find out..." Hate never held a distinct smell to Abby until she met Venus. She could smell hate coming closer. "Wait, Robin is the sidekick blonde beard. You and your girl squad might be cool enough to walk in sync with each other, and that is pretty cool, but Tori is way better than any of you. She's so awesome at water stuff. She's like Seagirl, but if Seagirl wasn't Seagirl. If that doesn't scare you, I don't know what will. Oh yeah finding out sea air can deactivate a perm or that seawater can turn your hair green."


Mitsy's Boutique


Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Venus January 26th 2017, 1:48 pm

"Wait sea water can turn your hair green?!"

Venus gave a sharp glare over her shoulder at Blondie, her razor sharp eyeliner almost cutting Abby when she swung her head.

"No it can't she's just saying that to try psyche you out." The ringleader brought her gaze back to Abby and folded her arms. "Who the heck's Tori? Me and The Divas - yeah we have a name, I bet you're little lame group doesn't have a name - are just here to obliterate the source of Seagirl's powers so that she can stop thwarting like literally every single one of my schemes." The other girls murmered in agreeance, each of them giving Abby a particularly lethal death stare. "And I'm guessing that you dweebs got Bubblegum's tweet' Bubblegum waved and was about to say hi before Venus cut her off 'are here to stop us."

Venus began pacing, her heels clicking of the wooden deck of the boat. "And Bliss or Seagirl or whoever sent... you' she formed a finger pyramid and pointed the tip of it at Abby 'to stop us' She walked closer and raised an eyebrow 'Alone?" Venus began laughing and the rest of her gang joined in, wondering if they missed something funny. "I mean like, has she met you? You're totally um... what's the word...' 'Incontinent?' 'Yeah you're incontinent, so we're probably gonna make you walk the plank so that you can't stop us from ending Seagirl's career once and for all."

Venus knew Seagirl could probably manage ending her career herself but she figured she might as well give her a little shove, y'know? Speaking of shoves.

Venus began walking towards Abby to prep her for her dip in the probably dangerous Australian ocean, for once being unaware that someone was boarding her rear.


click image for bio
Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Bliss January 26th 2017, 4:50 pm

"You call yourselves the 'Divas'? Isn't there already a group called that? Are you guys also copyright pirates?" When speak of walking a plank originate, it caused a stir within Abby's brain. As the smartest person on the ship, it did not take Abby long to think of a plan. And stating she was the smartest person on the ship did not happen to be apart of said plan. "Your name is bubble gum right? Bubblegum the diva? Awesome. Can you spare me a piece? As a last meal type of thing?"

Abby waited for Bubblegum to oblige. Unless she suddenly grew brain cells, this would definitely work for Abby. "Okay, now that I have gum- I am unable to walk the plank due to the blond case of walking vs chewing bubblegum. Pirate or not, that is blond rule and you know it." Securing her out in this position, Abby kept her mouth closed.

Bliss took this time to rest and take it easy. Kicking her feet up, she cradled her head in her palms as she looked off in the distance for Venus' boat. If she even attempted to get close, Bliss would just sink her- "Why don't I just sink her boat? Accidents happen all the time. I could just-"

"Abby is still on the boat." Tori zipped up her wetsuit. "And, Sara and Hanna went over as well."

"I could still sink it." A nice breeze picked up just enough to drown out Bliss' reassuring message. "Since Sara is over there, I guess something good will come from this. We need to get started on finding that temple though. Tori, go find the-" A splash of water hit Bliss in the face, prompting the harsh gaze of Bliss to fall away from the enemy boat and over to the side of the ship. "I'm administered that."

"Let's find Abby, then we get off the ship, alright?" Sara turned her head around the corner of a wall, looking into a side corridor. "Alright?" She turned around to see a distinct absence of Hanna. "Great." The situation's internal struggle now rested on Sara to somehow subdue five women with lethal attitudes while also being able to keep Abby alive. Even if Sara rescued Abby, a few attempts at training Abby to fight all failed miserably. At best Sara assumed Abby could try to wrap herself around someone and hope they hit their head. "I don't see why that wouldn't work. I need to find a potted plant to get this party started."

Hanna took it on her own devices to find a new technique of sabotage. First she would destroy the fuel line. Then she would set fire to the ship, burning everyone up in a blistering inferno, then she would watch as said inferno burned brighter and brighter. Then, she would bump into one of Venus' idiot Divas while going through her plan. "Excuse you."


Mitsy's Boutique


Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Venus January 27th 2017, 8:52 pm

"I'm gonna go lie down, my head is spinning." Clique began walking off with a hand against her temple, with Blondie quickly running after her.
"I need to get a hat, green hair is NOT a good look for me." The pair disapeared down the side stairwheel, with Clique vanishing indoors.

Bubblegum handed Abby the gum, and upon hearing the words 'blonde law' brought up, opened her mouth and let out a respectful 'Ohhhh'. Venus's face fell flat before an uncharacteristically understand smile spread across her perfect, gorgeous face. "Oh, of course' she put her palm against her forehead, laughing 'Blonde Law! You're literally so right. I'm sorry for being so disrespectful how on earth could I forget." She edged closer, claping her hands together once and nodding along in agreeance with Abby, who was certain her plan was working.

"Give me back Abby and no-one gets hurt."
A voice came from behind Venus, who looked over her shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "Oh my god, another one? Does nobody know how to knock nowdays?" Venus gave the wrinkled bag holding a walkie talkie and a potted plant a quick up and down before laughing. "Oh, Don't worry! Me and Abby are like, totally friends now.' she pushed her hand against the air, mid-laugh 'She invoked blonde law - she's safe with us haha - it's like pirate code for Blondes." Bubblegum and Bombshell both watched, one aware of Venus' duplicity and the other believing every word.

Venus heels clicked agains the floor and she put one hand on Abby's shoulder, like a new formed bond had bloomed between them upon her invoking the incredibly powerful Blonde Law. "Just one problem...'

Venus turned to look Abby in the eye, smiling again 'You're a Red Head." Her face dropped and she immediately blew in Abby's face, pink dust bursting forth and causing the red head to splutter backwards towards the end of the plank and trip. She managed to grab onto it with the tips of her fingers and was now dangling herself over the churning depths. Venus grinned. "WoMan overboard." "What gives! I thought she was our fri-" "Bubblegum shut up."

Before Sara could spring into action, she felt something sharp poke against her back.
"I don't know who you are but I think you should know that the average harpoon gun fires with more than enough force to pierce through an ugly bitch's chest at point blank range - so I'd stand still if I were you." Bombshell said coldly, finger dancing above the trigger of her very sharp toy.

Venus walked over to Sara, bitch slapping the potted plant out of her hand causing it to shatter against the floor before she peeled the Walkie Talkie from between the girl's fingers. The criminal mastermind examined the device. "Is this like, some sort of 90s phone? And just who were you calling on it? It can't have been Seagirl, she doesn't have this many friends." She brought it up to her mouth, pushed the button and smiled. "Hello Ugly."


Blondie, now equipped with a suprisingly practical sun hat, began strutting back to the main deck, where she could hear some sort of altercation. Upon hearing the words blonde law being invoked she gasped and began walking faster. Walking faster straight into some has-been with too big of a gap between her eyes.

"Excuse you"
"Excuse you"

They spoke at the same time, before Blondie recognised Seagirl and Seagirl had no idea who the hell Blondie was. The girl's hair whipped around, before it formed a cutlass in her hand, which she pointed at the lame hero. She wanted to keep with the whole aesthetic of the trip, y'know.

"Like, On guarde!" Her hair sword burst into flames and she swung for damp heroine.


click image for bio
Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Bliss January 27th 2017, 9:11 pm

Sara put her hands up. Failing to take into consideration the woman with the harpoon would go down as a mistake. "That's fine. It's your plant." Keeping herself under control, Sara thought about how much dirt laid at her feet and what she could do with it. If she could manage to fill Bombshell's harpoon gun, she could end this pretty quickly. If she did not, she would wind up with a massive hole in her chest. "You're talking to Bliss right now."

On the far side of the boat, Abby struggled to keep her bearings against the law she invoked. With her hands still tied together, Abby managed to keep herself above the water level. "Who actually has a plank on board? Isn't this a rental? You rented a pirate ship! With a mini bar!"

The voice coming through the walkie talkie did not give Bliss a lady boner at all. "Okay, so Seagirl screwed up. What else is new?" Bliss got up and looked over to the horizon with her binoculars. On the deck of the ship she could see Venus talking into the walkie talkie while the same blonde from the courthouse held a massive gun pointed at Sara. "Well crap deck."

Bliss took out her cell phone and began composing a text message. Recipients: Tori; Ashley. Subject: Uh oh. Message: The away team is probably the only people not captured right now. Do not come back to boat, Tori. Ashley, see if you can do something at all to help out. XOXO. Not to you Tori. That was for Ashley. You're cool though Tori. Tell Abby I said that.

Bumping in to one of Venus' dumbshells did not give Hanna the plan she wanted, but this would not present too much of a problem. While Blondie summoned  a hair cutlass, Hanna grabbed a water bottle off the nearby table. "What are you even doing? Your power is growing your hair? I'm Seagirl; I'm going to beat you down with my amazing water powers. By the way, you are going to have terrible split ends by doing that. Terrible. Let's just go over and get in the water."


Mitsy's Boutique


Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Venus November 21st 2017, 9:57 pm

Venus held the walkie talkie a few inches away from her mouth, limp wristed. "Honestly Bliss I don't get why you're trying to stop us, don't you hate Seagirl? Oh I get it! You want to destroy the Orb and ruin Seagirl's life yourself' not that she needed help with that 'Well, tough luck - she's my nemesis so I'm the only one who can destroy her. Ciao." With a flick of her hand she non-chalantly tossed the radio into the water. That showed her. Venus began pacing around the girl she'd never met before. "I didn't think Seagirl had any friends in general, nevermind one that puts up less of a fight than Invisidork, I mean, she atleast gave one of my crew a concussion. Bombshell, keep her there. Bubblegum, lets go a change into our scuba gear. We're nearing the temple."

Venus span on the spot, creating a pink sparkly trail in the air as she walked towards the Captain's quarters, swinging her body with the motion of the ocean. She emerged a few moments later wearing a black and red swimsuit with an oxygen tank on her back, a diamond encrusted V over her bellybutton and a pair of black leather heeled thigh-high flippers. She swung her head from side to side and posed as if someone was taking her picture. Bubblegum emerged shortly after, eyes fixated upon her phone while her thumbs scattered rapidly, tweeting.

"How much longer Bubblegum?.... Bubblegum!"

Bubblegum gasped and blinked a few times, before checking her GPS.
"My phone says we're gonna reach our destination in approximately 5 minutes."
"Excellent." Venus crossed her arms, a smug look on her face.

In her own hubris and Abby being completely forgettable, Venus had completely forgot that she was there.


"The only thing that's gonna have a split end around here is you! Do you think I'm stupid or something?"
Blondie scoffed and brought her arms to a fold, the flaming hair cutlass remaining suspended in the air. "I'm not gonna get in the water to fight you, that's such a dumb idea - if i did that you'd have the advantage and you'd learn that water deactivates my hair powers, idiot." She rolled her eyes. It took her a few moments. "... I mean, makes my hair powers even stronger. Like, way stronger than whatever your powers actually are. Anyway shut up! Enough talking, lets fight."

Blondie pushed her massive sunglasses back up her face and changed the shape of her hair from a cutlass to a big hand, which attempted to grab Seagirl and pin her against the wall.


click image for bio
Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Bliss November 22nd 2017, 12:54 am

Bliss needed to handle everything herself it seemed. Well, other than Tori, but Tori was cool. "Hey, that gives me an idea!" Following Venus directly would tip off the rest of the pitiful pirates, so Bliss would go about travel in a more secretive way. The plan would have upsides, but it would also find itself fundamentally flawed from the very beginning. Touching her hand against the waves, Bliss would begin to create an ice sphere in the water. A small hole would lead Bliss down to the bowels of her ice submarine, but it would only last so long in the warm waters around Australia. Then, Bliss remembered she could keep putting ice into the boat. The tunnel leading down grew in size, pushing the sphere beneath the waves. "Maybe it's not such a bad idea after all."

It probably was.

But, Bliss set off anyways with a blast of telekinetic force pushing through an icy rod leading to perpendicular icy rod, leading to an icy propeller. The submarine began moving towards the point of Bliss' GPS Tori went. Along with her icy powers, Bliss made sure her backpack contained the all the necessary goods for arresting Venus once the contact arose.

Sara kept her hands up as Venus continued walking around on a make believe runway. Her absence left Sara unbound. As did the vacation of her sidekick. Now, all Sara needed to do became much more easy to figure out. The dirt lay all around her feet. She knew the woman holding her prisoner would not want to merely act as a prison guard while her boss embarked on an adventure.

This would give her enough of a chance to flip the tables, and the harpoon gun, on her captor. Dirt began to from behind Bombshell, slowly making its way under her arms and into the trigger mechanism of the harpoon gun. Once Sara felt safe enough to not get shot, She threw an elbow back towards Bombshell's face.

Hanna dodged the cutlass by awkwardly tumbling into the wall. She knew her enemies one fatal flaw now- talking about her other fatal flaw. If Hanna could find water, she could easily over power her, but she needed water. And, it came in a bottle. Sometimes. Scrambling about the hallway, Hanna burst into the first cabin she could find, narrowly dodging the hair trying to ensnare her. "Ha! I dodged your dumb hair attack! Now, prepare to get your hair done in!" Hanna reached for a water bottle, gripping it in her fingers as more hair wrapped around her arms, pinning her to the wall.

Hanna tried to hide the water bottle, hoping the pop the top.


Mitsy's Boutique


Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Venus November 25th 2017, 9:19 pm

Faster than any of the Diva's could think, which honestly, isn't that fast, an elbow was thrown back into Bombshell's nose. The Diva stumbled backwards, slipping on the wet boat's deck. Laying on the floor she shook her head before pointing her Harpoon Gun at the dirty bitch and tried to pull the trigger. Click. Click Click. She looked at it and noticed that it was dripping with dirt, all it's mechanism's completely clogged. Throwing it to the side she grunted and swung her leg at Sara's ankles, flooring her. Bombshell kept spinning with the kick and used the momentum to get to her feet. Before she could lay into the girl anymore, a luminous orange demi-sphere formed over Sara. Bombshell looked over to the Bubblegum, who's left hand was held in the air and glowing orange. The other was still texting. She blew a bubble with her gum until it popped. Venus began slow clapping before resting her hands back on her hips.

"Wow so what exactly was the plan there? Did you really think you could take us all on?"
"Yeah even I think that's dumb."
"There's one of you and like' she began holding up fingers, recalling which of her bitches were on board 'five of us, eight if Clique does her thing."
"Hey like, where is Blondie anyway?"

The pretty pirates looked around, and then at each other, shrugging in unison.


When Blondie felt her hair slam Seagirl into the wall she let out a high pitched "AHA!" She lifted Seagirl further off the ground and walked towards her, folding her arms and giving off a confident smirk. "Tied up like a fish in a net. How tragic. How Sad. How meloncholera." She definitely knew what word she meant to say. She began looking at her nails and caused her hair to squeeze the seaweed weaver even tighter. "Of course it takes me to do what Venus could never, to outwit and capture Seagirl and now to finish the job." She kept squeezing, and squeezing until she heard a pop. But it wasn't the pop she wanted to hear. Water squirted out from the water bottle clutched to Hanna's chest and with every molecule of water that touched her hair she felt her powers deactivate like a fresh perm in the shower. "No! My powers! You slut!" Seagirl was released from her well groomed grapple, which was now writhing on the floor like eels out of water.

The heroine shoved Blondie onto the floor and ran towards the exit, towards the sun. But sun was blocked out by a silhouette and when she got closer she saw who it was. But not for long.
"Hello you."
Pink dust filled her nostrils, prompting her to cough, before a palm met with her face, slapping her unconscious.


When she came too she'd find herself sitting on the floor, hands tied behind her back. Infront of her were Sara and Abby who were tied back to back against the mast of the ship, surrounded by landmines, courtesy of Bombshell. Venus reached her hand down and held Seagirl by the chin, making her look at her. "Wakey wakey, sweaty." She smiled, before walking back to the rest of her friends, who had now all donned scuba gear. Blondie had a special swimming cap on which kepts her hair in 8 rubbery tubes much like an octopus. Once again, they all posed. "Now Sweatgirl, we're going to the temple underneath the sea to destroy the source of your' she cleared her throat, the voice rolling her eyes for her 'Awesome powers - and you're coming with us. I want there to be there when I ruin your career. Not that you need help with it but what can I say, I'm a very generous person." They all laughed.

Blondie approached her, her hair thoroughly dried and contained within the waterproof rubber tubes. She put a hand on her hip before her rubber headtacles reached down and wrapped around Seagirl's chest and arms. She walked with her over the the edge of the boat. All the girls turned to face eachother before nodding and taking a deep breath. In synchronization they flipped backwards off the edge of the boat and began swimming down, into the depths...

Last edited by Venus on November 25th 2017, 10:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


click image for bio
Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Bliss November 25th 2017, 9:56 pm

Hanna woke up, trying to rub her eyes. It took her a matter of seconds to remember the atrocious fight with Blondie that- hey! How did she lose the fight? Blondie clearly said it was her weakness, and if someone is weak to an element they always lose! That's just Pokemon logic there!

Oh wait. There's more of them. Hanna always forgot Venus could make friends somehow. How did she make friends though? She's clearly terrible. But, her friends did not seem so great either. Except maybe Bubblegum. No clue why she hung around Venus, but it did not matter because- Oh, Venus is talking. Hanna missed most of it, but towards the end, she started to nod her head in agreeance with Venus just like she did in her last ad campaign for a scentless perfume called "No Scents. All dollars." Apart from defeating the purpose of perfume, it also caused internal rashing.

"Well, I do understand all the things you just said. And, some of those are good points, but I believe we should-"

"Did you zone out during a villain monologue?"
Abby ported her head towards Hanna. "Directed at you?"

"No! I was listening." Hanna looked back to Venus and gave a manufactured growl. "Those are some evil plans you have there! I can't believe a person would come up with those. Oh, I forgot, you aren't a person; you're a monster!"

"Please don't ruin this- oh my god, was that a line from your TV show?"
Sara lowered her head before peering over to Hanna.

"I hope Bliss is doing well, because there is no way Seagirl is going to do anything except ruin this even more."
Abby looked to the landmines, then tried to look to Sara.

"Those two are not important to this!"
Hanna looked back to Venus. "Untie me, and I'll gag both of them. Fair deal?"

The Bliss Bus ran into something. Hard. water began pouring into the chamber, making the cold water frigid. And, making the annoyed Bliss irate. "Why is cold water such a pain in the ice?" If she had gotten to sealing the hole and not complaining, she could have prevented the water from freezing her feet. She choose to keep cold feet, a melded hatch, and a sour attitude. At least she found something, and with her knowledge, she kept on trucking around the rock. Eventually, she got her reaction speed to deal with the hole, then complain.

Finally a knock came on the hatch of her submarine. Bliss never thought of how to surface, so found herself doing quick math to figure out buoyancy. The tunnel leading up eventually opened to the face of Tori, waving down to Bliss. "Welcome to the lost Temple of Whatever!"

"Great! Did you find the thing so we can go?" Bliss shivered in her little compartment.

"Nope. We probably need Seagirl."

"Nobody needs Seagirl." Bliss began to climb out of the submarine. "That's not a quip so don't laugh as though the two of us have a playful relationship. Seagirl is a net loss in every situation."

"Oh, she's not that bad." Tori reached down to help Bliss out. "It's not like she's going to just ruin any chance we have of accomplishing this mission by destroying everything in her path."

"You don't know that." Bliss set her foot on the much warmer volcanic rock. "Saying Seagirl would not do that because a functioning person would not do that is a false equivalency."  


Mitsy's Boutique


Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Empty Re: Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP)

Post by Venus November 29th 2017, 6:13 pm

The Divas began making their way towards the large stone structure underneath the waves. Blondie wrapped her hairtacles around Seagirl's arms and legs, well aware of how slippery she can be while she's underwater. The group made extra sure to avoid long pieces of seaweed so they could avoid any unwanted Seagirl meddling. Venus gazed in awe at her surroundings. The temple was giving off a bright light from a crystal at the top of a spire which illuminated the otherwise black abyss, and she could see it all. Mazes of coral sprawled across the ocean floor and she if squinted she could see dark shapes of wild life, avoiding the light of the temple.

As the group approached, they noticed the Bliss Bus shanked into the side of the building. Venus gave the group a confused look before she swam closer to the temple, her heeled flippers kicking in the water. It didnt take them long to locate the entrance as it too was outlined with emissive crystals. The group all swam on the spot, in awe, before they decided to venture into the temple. As they went through the massive arch way, Bombshell turned her wrist mounted flashlight on, allowing the group to see where they were going. The passageway went upwards and the water stopped. They were now swimming in a pool of water admist a large chamber. Each of them climbed out of the pool. Venus' high heel hit the concrete and she took off her breathing helmet, shaking her head side to side to allow her hair to flow. "Show time, girls." As she took a step forward, crystals on the wall lit up, as if they were reacting to her movement.

The chamber was the length of a football field and about half the width. It was built out of wet, grey stone and tiny streams of water were flowing in from the roof from where the temple had become unstable and began to buckle under the weight of the ocean. Along the edges of the roof, clear tubes flowed with magma acting like some form of underwater central heating. With every step The Diva's took more crystals lit up, illuminating more and more of the large stone corridor. At the very end they saw it, atop a massive staircase. A luminous seagreen orb floated about 5 feet off the ground. It was rotating and casting blue light over the rear half of the chamber.

"Wow...." Blondie's hair fell limp, causing her to drop Seagirl to the floor.
"Рыбу меня' Bombshell lowered her harpoon gun 'Оно прекрасно".
Bubblegum didn't even look up from her phone.

Their awestricken state was quickly dissolved when Venus heard a familiar voice.
"Saying Seagirl would not do that because a functioning person would not do that is a false equivalency."  
"Yeah you're right, she sucks." Venus looked at the pair, held her hand up and folded her fingers up and down. "Hiya." Blondie's hair quickly regained it's prehensile nature and lifted into the air, threatening. Bombshell pointed her gun at the pair. Clique split into three more copies of herself. Bubblegum kept tex- "Bubblegum!" Bubblegum looked up. "Oh right!" She stanced, causing emissive  orange orbs to form around her hands. Venus put her hands on her hips and gently blew to the side, the pink dust forming into a heart shape. God she and her friends could be so cool sometimes.

"You and your little um...' she looked at Tori unassumingly, cringing her face alittle 'girlfriend here, can't stop us. We're gonna destroy the orb and in turn destroy Seagirl. I still don't get why you want to stop us so badly." Venus lowered hands from her sides and slowly balled them into fists. "So are we gonna do this the easy way, or the hard way?" Venus looked straight at Bliss. Blondie looked at Tori. Tori looked at Bombshell. Bubblegum looked at her phon- "BUBBLEGUM!" "Okay okay I'm sorry!" Bubblegum looked at Bliss.

The tension was more palpable than the moisture in the air.

Bombshell shot first.


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Seagirl and Venus in the quest for the Orb of Atlantis (DOuble XP) Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
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Quote : "We're a lot alike you and I, except I'm rich and you're kind of a loser."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : Bad Bitch
Humor : Seagirl's career
Registration date : 2013-04-21

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