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Payday Friday (Panzer)

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Payday Friday (Panzer) Empty Payday Friday (Panzer)

Post by Citronman March 2nd 2016, 12:25 pm

The security guard had no chance. Quivering on the floor, the poor man held his broken arm, in awe of the iron giant standing In front of him. Smelt closed his fist, crushing the pistol as though it was made of paper. Smelt let the gun's pieces fall to the ground, and searing letters appeared on his chest: "STAY DOWN OR ELSE" Smelt turned away from the injured man, and walked toward's the bank vault. He walked throught the coutner as if it wasn't there, shattering the wood, splinters flying everywhere. He grabbed the vault's door with both hands, and started pulling.

Between the sound of bending metal, the panicked shouts of the patrons, and the blaring alarm of the bank, the noise was unbearable to human hears. Smelt tore down the door and looked inside: The vault was full of this week's deposit. "This is beneath me." he tought. Smelt went in, while the customers left the building.

Last edited by Citronman on March 2nd 2016, 1:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2016-03-01

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Payday Friday (Panzer) Empty Re: Payday Friday (Panzer)

Post by SuperTrey March 2nd 2016, 1:25 pm

Panzer was more than ready to go. He was wearing his usual outfit for robbery, and a grin on his face. This was going to be his buy stuff money.  His bills were paid, and he owed nothing to anybody. Today was coming up Panzer. As he moved toward one of New York’s many banks, he took note of the fleeing crowds and assumed the worse. Speeding up to a fast jog, he spotted the officer on the ground, and knew what was going on. Someone was stealing his thing.

Jogging through the entrance, he noted the total lack of people, and yelled to the man at the vault, who’s shape he couldn’t make out “HEY! FUCKFACE! THIS IS MY TURF! YOU WANT THAT CASH, YOU’LL HAVE TO GO THROUGH ME!!”

Last edited by SuperTrey on March 17th 2016, 11:49 pm; edited 2 times in total

Status :

Quote : "Alright!!!! Nobody mo- Yo, is that Burger King?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : Somewhere, Over The Rainbow
Job : CEO of Terrible Person Inc.
Humor : Guys please, I'm trying my best
Registration date : 2016-02-18

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Payday Friday (Panzer) Empty Re: Payday Friday (Panzer)

Post by Citronman March 2nd 2016, 1:48 pm

Smelt went out of the vault, and dropped the gold bars he had in his hands. He looked at the man and thought nothing of him. He would crush him as he crushed others before. Smelt tried to came up with a witty retort, but decided against it. This intruder wasn't worth his time. He looked down at his right. The vault door was still laying on the floor. He reached for it, and lifted it over his head, although with some difficulty. A single word came to existence on Smelt's face, written in heat, as he was looking at Panzer.


Smelt threw the three-tons door at the would-be robber, and it soared through the air at an amazing speed.

My Characters:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2016-03-01

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Payday Friday (Panzer) Empty Re: Payday Friday (Panzer)

Post by SuperTrey March 2nd 2016, 5:56 pm

Panzer took note of the large door being lifted and quickly said, “And by Me, I mean Mi my Asian friend down the block. Please let me go get him.” With that, the strong man, tossed the bank vault door at him. Panzer threw up his hands in pure reflex. The bank vault landed in his strong arms, and he gripped it tightly, bending the metal. The vault was nothing to him. Tossing it forward slightly, he would catch it be by its outer rim, and start doing a discuss spin. He then tossed it back at an even faster rate, aiming for the middle of the man.

“This is gonna be a long day,” he muttered to himself wishing he could go home and lay down. But the promise of a PS2 was ringing in his ear.

Status :

Quote : "Alright!!!! Nobody mo- Yo, is that Burger King?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : Somewhere, Over The Rainbow
Job : CEO of Terrible Person Inc.
Humor : Guys please, I'm trying my best
Registration date : 2016-02-18

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Payday Friday (Panzer) Empty Re: Payday Friday (Panzer)

Post by Citronman March 2nd 2016, 9:38 pm

Although the "Me" joked missed, the makeshift discus didn't: it hit Smelt directly in the torso, sending him flying into the vault. The metal man collided with the stacks of money, and a cloud of dollar bills rose in the air, and fell down gently like a multitude of snowflakes. Smelt pushed away the remains of the vault door, freeing himself of the large obstacle, then looked up. The bills were spinning in the air, like an eerie dance, clashing with the violent chaos in the bank. Smelt looked down: a large dent crossed all of his upper body. He stood up, still shaken by the massive impact of the projectile. He tried to strategize about his opponent.

"He's stronger than me. That wont do. I need a weapon."

He raised his right hand up, and it turned a bright red. His fist melt and transformed, liquefied by the heat. It took the shape of a trident; three identical spurs, and cooled back down at room temperature. Smelt braced himself, and sprung out of the vault, running toward Panzer. He stayed low, and stabbed at his foe's knee, thinking it was as good a weak point as any.

My Characters:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2016-03-01

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Payday Friday (Panzer) Empty Re: Payday Friday (Panzer)

Post by SuperTrey March 3rd 2016, 6:27 pm

Staying low during a fight was difficult when your opponent was almost an entire foot shorter than yourself. Panzer was at face level with the man who he had come to realize was made completely of metal. Metal eyes, metal skin, and what Panzer could only assume to be metal teeth. And said metal man was currently about to stab him in the legs so perhaps he should quit looking, and start hitting. One good thing about this metal man, was that he was very slow. Slower than Panzer even. Using his surprising surplus of speed to his advantage, he quickly ran around the man’s thrust, and headed toward the main vault that Smelt had just exited out of.

Not one for banter, he said nothing as he quickly took the sack out of his hoodie, and began to fill it with paper bills, before stuffing it away, and turning. Now that he had what he came for, he could focus on the big guy. Looking over, he spotted the loose bars of gold, and grinned. Picking one up, he would lob it at the big man, as fast as seasoned pitcher tossed a baseball, aiming for the man’s face. He continued this process up to six times, or as many as he could depending on the resistance of the metallic menace.

Status :

Quote : "Alright!!!! Nobody mo- Yo, is that Burger King?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : Somewhere, Over The Rainbow
Job : CEO of Terrible Person Inc.
Humor : Guys please, I'm trying my best
Registration date : 2016-02-18

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Payday Friday (Panzer) Empty Re: Payday Friday (Panzer)

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