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Parable Empty Parable

Post by Parable November 29th 2015, 1:23 am

"Have you ever watched a stuttering movie, or a video in slow motion? By the time you see anything, that might have give you any kind of emotion, you've already analyzed the thing to death; you've killed the feeling it could have given you. Even if you go back and watch the movie again in full speed, it won't be the same; you missed out on what everyone else took for granted."

Basic Biography

Real Name:  Brian Silverline
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Hero
Title: Parable
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Human, Meta
Hair: Black
Eyes: Pale Blue
Height: 6'1
Weight: 160 lbs
Blood type: O

The Looks

Brian Silverline is dark haired and light-eyed; his short, buzzed hair approaches a charcoal hue and his eyes mimic the color and sharpness of clear ice. As a young man, Brian is tall and solidly toned--a derivative of a very explosive training regime; although he does lack the development of a full grown man. Overall though, there is very little fat to be found on the vigilante's boxer's build and he is in noticeably good shape.

In the guise of Parable, Brian dons a white suit and flowing white cape. The body of the costume is reinforced with black, boiled leather on the shoulders, joints, and torso. To protect his hands, the hero equips himself with padded black gloves, that help  to absorb the force of  any blows he might throw, if a situation does come to it.

To store anything he might need to, Parable keeps a brown, leather utility belt around his waist.

The uniform is completed with black boots and a cowl. In order to protect his identity, Parable's uniform has a full black sheet sewed into the cowl, that covers Brian's entire visage. Affixed to the sheet are snow white and very  stylized, mesh eyes.

The Legacy


Brian is a very nuanced person. Thanks to the powers he was born with, he has never been able to really connect with anyone. Yes, he has been able to enjoy people. That said, having the world slowed down to a fourth of what normal people experience, can really kill the idea of living in the moment.

The only one who can think as fast as Parable, is himself.

The only one who can really make him feel anything, without him over-analyzing the cause of his emotion to death, before the situation has even started, is himself.

Brian is  a very loving person; yet, his feelings of love pass too quickly--when compared to everyone else's--for him to really express them. This lack of ability to connect with others on their own terms, has really led to the young man feeling distant and disconnected with the entire outside world.

To live in a slowed down world is Parable's baseline experience; he has learned to adapt and express joy, but everything still feels so off for him.

The only emotions he can really feel and experience fully are those that come from his own internal monologue.  So he thinks a whole lot. In fact, Brian has lived the internal life of someone four times his age, with his slowed perception and all. He's had time to become patient and really get to know himself. So far, he's discovered one, very important thing: Being a hero makes him feel  good.

Being a hero makes him feel like he's doing something right.

Being a hero makes him feel something.

So he became a hero.

He became Parable.


Born into a low-class family, parable was raised on two things: religion and hope. Religion promised the hope, and the hope promised a better future if one worked hard.

Maybe Brian would have had to work, if he hadn't been born the way he was. With super speed and a vastly slowed perception, the young man definitely had an 'edge'. After all, all the subjects in school come easy, when you can go over something in your head many times faster than all your friends. To put it plainly, school has always been an un-challenging chore to the man behind Parable's black and white cowl.

So, straight A's without much trouble; sounds fun right? Fine, you have great grades without trying, that's one thing you don't have to focus on.

Alright, why don't we do something fun, like sports? Oh wait, you move faster than everyone you know, with what's a walking 'pace' to you, and that ball isn't going to fall from the air anytime soon. Oh well, might as well grab a sport or two to look good on college; still boring though.

But hey, you have straight A's and sports are easy? Let's slack off and watch some tv, or play some video games! But... it's like watching paint dry on a wall, because the pictures are moving so slowly. Video games are out too, your controller just won't make the tv do what you want, no matter how many times you click the button. Maybe you should click it faster, after all, you're pretty fast? Damn, there goes that button.

Maybe a board game would be better?

I'm afraid not. The other person playing you is no better than the video game, that won't respond to your move.

Well I guess you could sit and think. At least, your own brain can keep up with you.

Hey, you can read!  Going to be hard to keep up with your demand for books though.

But there has to be something else to life, right? Brian Silverline asked himself the same question.

You see; life isn't too great when you have nothing to do but read, write, think, and work out. Okay, maybe some people would enjoy that. The fact remains that everyone craves a little human contact. That's hard to have when no one can keep up with your speed of thought, or your speed of emotional reply; Brian has always known this better than anyone.

As an accomplished boxer and shoo-in for valedictorian, by his sophomore year, Brian had an epiphany. He had been given a power, that allowed him to not really worry about his own life, or accomplishing what he needed to, to be comfortable. That said, he had always wanted more; he wanted to talk to people and make them happy. He couldn't do that as Brian, the guy who couldn't even feel things at the right speed, but maybe he could help them in a different way. What were the chances of someone hurting him, with his type of powers? Couldn't he stop bad things from happening with what he had? Maybe he could even inspire people, be someone to look up to?

It was with these thoughts and a little sewing, that Parable was born.

The Powers and Weaknesses

(All characters can be as powerful as they want, as long as they are balanced with proper weaknesses.)

Power 1:
Meta-Human Speed
Brian Silverline is a born metahuman and speedster. Brian's base speed and perception is four times that of your average human. Meaning, without effort or concentration, he can move at speeds of approximately one-hundred-and-four mph. This is Brian's natural speed; he is not a regular human who can speed himself up, rather he's a superhuman who has to slow himself down greatly to reach normal, human speeds.

Brian's entire perception and inner world runs four-times-slower than the average human's. Two minutes is like eight to the young man, a year of thought like four. Every footstep is slow. Every breath drawn out. Every word a warped recording.

When pushed, the hero can hit speeds of mach three at sea-level. Accelerating to such speeds slows his world greatly and taxes not only his constitution and endurance, but his very mind's stability. Brian does have powers, but at the end of the day he is still human; and the human mind was never 'meant' to process so much information at once, at such great speeds.

Power 2:
Parable possesses the power of flight. Combined with his speed, the hero can be nearly anywhere, at nearly any time he needs to be.

Power 3
Adapted Body
Parable's body is unaffected by the damaging effects of superhuman movement speed. This power can only be strained when it is asked to push past protecting Brian from his baseline speed, by too great an extent.

Power 4:
Martial Prowess
Parable's alter ego Brian Silverline is an undefeated golden glove boxer, set to possibly go pro. While his undefeated status is almost entirely due to his slower perception and speed, he is still quite skilled in the sweet science. Thanks to this skill, he can punch surprisingly hard for his strength level, and with much less energy expenditure than your average person would use. He is also obviously knowledgeable on where to hit and how to hit; i.e, weak spots and the various types of punches and feints.


Weakness 1:
Slowed Perception
Brian's world is severely slowed down. He has trouble connecting with anyone. To an extent he views himself as superior to others, but not better; he would argue this is not arrogance, but a very painful truth. He has learned to be patient in dealing with outside individuals, as he has bore the burden of his slowed perception for his entire life; however, patience does not mean that his emotions and joy in a conversation does not pass too quickly for average humans to pick up on it. And while Brian tries to remain benevolent, direct outside contact drains him very quickly; the lad can easily be seen as somewhat detached, if still someone trying to be a kind soul.

This failure to connect can lead him to experience bouts of an isolated feeling; although he has learned to deal with this over the years.

Weakness 2:
Perception Overload
If Brian's perception was to ever catch up to the level of a normal human, his mind could likely not take it. Words and sounds would seem to be coming in at supersonic speeds, and the average person would seem to him to be as fast as he is to them. His mind is simply not used to it. He'd likely have to relearn how to quickly understand language, even control his powers. Without a slowed perception, the young man could lose all sense of what a normal human's speed is; this could result in a complete inability to appear as anything but a metahuman with very schizophrenic power use.

To expand on this, Brian is not in any way used to people moving as fast as he does. If a speedster who does not have slowed perception matches him in speed, he'd likely have trouble adapting to someone who appears 'normal' to him. In a sense, even though he could match their speed, punches and attacks would come much more quickly than his brain is used to processing from someone else.

Weakness 3:
Exercise Resistance
It's not just Brian's mind that's slowed down; it's his body. His body reacts the same way as everyone else's to strain, but he has to do things much faster to get results. For example, if he could only do one pushup, he'd have to do it with great, superhuman speed to get any benefit. This  isn't just about staying in shape; to appear normal, the young man has to do everything very slowly, essentially leaving his body with little physical exertion. If Brian is unable to exercise with his adapted regime, his muscles would quickly wither into  weakness.

Weakness 4
Speed Strain
Brian's body is naturally adapted to handle his speed. That said, exceeding his baseline speed too greatly can severely strain and even damage--perhaps permanently, in some case--his physical shell.

Weakness 5
Boxing Habits
If someone is actually able to keep up with Parable, then his greatest martial skill can also be his greatest martial weakness. Parable is used to boxing; he is a good fighter, but even still, kicks and grappling can really mess with his sense of range and defense. He's also just not conditioned to take or combat anything but punches.

RP Mechanics

RP Mechanic(s):

Charged Body:
Parable gives off an energy signature that is of a very unique character. Every muscle in his body seems to be filled with an inhuman and somewhat untapped charge.


Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
Reaction: 4
Agility: 3
Endurance: 2
Strength: 1

Last edited by Parable on November 29th 2015, 6:20 am; edited 12 times in total

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Quote : "The law needs to mean something, decency needs to mean something!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 19
Registration date : 2015-11-28

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Parable Empty Re: Parable

Post by Red November 29th 2015, 1:57 am

Looks good to me, reminds me of an idea I once had. Only problem is the Max starter speed here at SHRP is Mach 3, which can be increased with advancements. Lower that and you should be good.


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Parable Empty Re: Parable

Post by Parable November 29th 2015, 2:05 am

Red wrote:Looks good to me, reminds me of an idea I once had. Only problem is the Max starter speed here at SHRP is Mach 3, which can be increased with advancements. Lower that and you should be good.

Done. Thanks for such a quick review.

Status :

Quote : "The law needs to mean something, decency needs to mean something!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 19
Registration date : 2015-11-28

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Parable Empty Re: Parable

Post by Red November 29th 2015, 1:21 pm

No problem.

Approved until stated otherwise.


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Parable Empty Re: Parable

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