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Caleb Cromwell

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Caleb Cromwell Empty Caleb Cromwell

Post by Troglodyte October 7th 2015, 2:43 am


Basic Biography

Real Name: Caleb Cromwell
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: The Tinkerer
Title: Totally The Tenfold Technologically Talented Troubleshooter
Alignment: somewhere between chaotic and true neutral
Age: 16
Gender: male
Race: human
Hair: dull brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'11
Weight: 155
Blood type:

The Looks

Caleb is rather tall for his age, reaching the sky at just under six feet. He has narrow, sloping shoulders, along with typically teenage limbs that somehow look slightly too long for his body along with a sort of awkward ganglyness. He tend to walk around stooped, and has a tendency to flail his arms around when he gets excited.  He usually wears jeans, a T-shirt and a particularly beige jacket.

He has a long face thin with a prominent nose, prominent overbite and a receding chin, making his teeth occasionally peek out between his lips in a rodent-like fashion.. He has hair that lies somewhere between "Unruly Mop" and "Atrocious mullet"-length. His eyes are somewhat large and his eyebrows are definately a bit on the thick side. In short, his facial features are a mix of attractive and less attractive features, mixed together in a strange mix, creating an interesting, if not particularly  handsome face, but there is also a chance that he might grow into it.. Also, the poor guy's got pretty bad acne.

The Legacy

Aaah, the teenage years, usually remembered by fond nostalgia by those who are to old to not remember the less appealing aspects of it. If they need to be reminded, they need only ask Caleb, as he would happily tell them that it is a state he would just rather get over with. Being trapped somewhere between child and adult, Caleb (of course) see himself as far more mature than he actually is. The fact that he's far too clever for his own good means he is far more convinced of his own maturity than the run-off-the-mill teenager.

Another issue of the average teenagers are the opposite genders. Caleb is not as bad as some of his compatriots, and can usually manage to hold a conversation with a girl without too much awkwardness, though the level of the females attractiveness influences the amount of stammering, blushing and general awkwardness that he will exhibit. In some cases he will desperately try to impress them with poorly thought-out boasts and actions

Caleb is of the cynical variety, usually dismissing optimism as "being a naive sucker" and has a tendency to get snarky and sulky whenever he feels someone treats him badly, ignores him, questions his decisions or happens to be nearby whenever he suffers a setback of some variety. He can also be somewhat jealous, and has a need to be liked and useful to those he considers friend. However, he is not a total bastard, and can be surprisingly caring and supportive in times of need. He can also be a goodnatured, rather fun guy to be around when things go his way.

Despite his inexperience in the heroic/villainian community he is good at keeping his head cool during tough situations.However, when he loses his cool, he tends to take rash decisions or act spectacularly


Yes, Caleb has a history, but due to his youth it is not a particurlarly long one. He was born a little more than sixteen years ago to a pair of happy, if exhausted parents. Like most children he was, at the time, covered in goo, red and screaming. Nobody had any idea that this child was born with great power and destined for an (initially at least) mediocre career in superheroing.

The years grew by, and Caleb grew older, and it was soon evident to everyone around him that this was no ordinary boy. He seemed not only to instantly grasp concepts that should be way beyond a five-year old, but also regularly outperformed regular adults. His parents were convinced he was a genius, but soon they realized that his ability went beyond the human altogether, when he started to calulated what the weather would most likely be the next year. Little did they know our hero was a metahuman with smarts-powers.

It seemed however that Calebs Impossibly Impressive Intellect had one major drawback. Despite doing his best to "tone it down" he had still been pushed ahead a few grades, and had trouble when trying to make friends with his older peers. It did not help that, even amongst his own age-group Caleb was considered something of a loser.

However, as Caleb grew older they did realize that he would get in trouble if he displayed his abilities openly. After all, not only did the public dislike anyone that might be "super" in anyway at the time, but any government intelligence agency would be quite keen on either forcibly recruiting or preemptively killing the boy who could potentially crack any encryption they could come up with in his mind. However, one fateful day, when Caleb was in his early teens, he had an argument wih his big sister, and in a fit of young-man anger he stormed out and headed to his fathers workplace, the local pharmacy. There, his father made him wait in one of the back-rooms where he stumbled upon a few notes about the actual contents of one of the happy-pills with enough side-effects to force the patient into eating three more types of drugs just to counter them.

However, our Courageous, Clever Companion Cleverly Created a new version of the old drug, wich would have the same effects, but without many of the side-effects. Most of Irving's colleagues laughed, but Irving was too aware of his sons abilities to laugh it off, thus he took the formula, and two years later he submitted it as his own. and even though (Caleb had no problems with this at the time, and is still rather okay with it he still likes to remind his father about it whenever they fight.)

A company soon bought the patent, and thus the family could suddenly afford to move out of their squalid aparthement and into a reasonably sized house, though nothing flashy. Calebs sister finally afforded to marry her boyfriend and this left Caleb with pretty much free reign over the basement, and was finally given enough 'elbow-room' to spread his metaphorical wings and fly.

And one fateful day, after watching a news-bulletin about a the brave heroes that fought to save New York he immediately realized something: That is where he wanted to be. He wanted to be a hero! And so our hero decided to try his hand at it.

The Powers and Weaknesses

(All characters can be as powerful as they want, as long as they are balanced with proper weaknesses.)

Power 1:Superhuman intelligence
Caleb is gifted intellect far surpassing that of even the most intelligent human. He has an absolute memory and a highly accelerated   thought-process, capable of learning things far faster than anyone that falls in the "normally gifted" category

Power 2:Superhuman logical ability
Yeah, Caleb's really good at math. "Big whoop, that's already covered in the super-intelligence" you say., but his ability for all things logical goes far beyond anything of "regular" superintelligence. Basically this ability makes him a living super-calculater, meaning if something can be worked out logically, Caleb can do it instantaneously. His logical abilities are so potent he can even perform "Virtual reality tests" inside his own mindl. Indeed, when it comes to logic, the sky's the limit

Power 3:Extraordinary motor-skills.
While his muscles are no stronger, or his joints anymore flexible than the average person, Caleb is still superhumanly well coordinated and has ridiculous motor-skills. This means that not only is he capable of beating any guitar-hero game at any difficulty at the first try whilst barely even looking, but also that he can pretty much balance a trove on plates on his head whil still practicing juggling with knives. This combined with his enhanced perception makes him able to do extremely fiddly work extremely quickly.

This ability gives him a big advantage and great potential with aiming and throwing-weapons, but does in no way make him an instant expert.

Power 4:Extreme Perception.
While his hearing or sight is no better than any other ear, the brain that interprets the impulses is far better and several times faster. For example, our hero could potentially follow a specific conversation in a sea of voices, or instantly find Waldo in his friends in the "Where's Waldo"-books. He could also potentially identify not only that a gun is firing in an alley during new years eves firework display, but he would also be able to identify the kind of gun, or he would instantly notice something "out of place" in a location he had previously visited.

Power 5 Instant comprehension.
A combination of his superhuman intelligence, our hero can pretty much figure out how and why something works almost instantly. For example, if he saw a forcefield-generator, he would be capable of understanding the principles behind it.


Weakness 1: Only human
He breaks and bleeds as easily as anyone.

Weakness 2: Young and naive.
For all his cynicism Caleb is inexperienced, and a combination of intellectual arrogancy and his desire to please makes him far more likely to be manipulated than he aught to be, in part because he thinks he is clever to fall to trickery.

Weakness 3: All in the mind.
Despite being ridiculously coordinated and perceptive, it's his brain that is superior, whilst his senses are pretty average. Thus he can't hear sounds that are above or below the human level of hearing, nor can he see further or sharper than anyone else.

Weakness 4: Unbloodied and untried.
Since he is new to the super-buisness our hero has yet to pass any of the serious "thresholds" in the buisness. For example he has never been in a situation where he could have killed a man before,nor has he been seriously injured or placed in a life-and-death situation before, and thus he does not know his own "breaking points"

Weakness 5:You are Illogical.

His train of logic-thought can be broken up by Illogical things. Whilst he could easily calculate a hundred-didgit long flabbonacci-sequence (made up and highly advanced) or de-crypt any computer-made decryption easily, he wouldn't be able to logic forth the passwords of phil simmons home-computer because Ol' Philly used the dogs name for a password. Nor can he predict the actions of any free-willed person with this power

RP Mechanics

RP Mechanic(s):
Caleb has a few mundane skills that aren't "super"
First of all, he is good at scrounging. Unlike most gearhead-heroes he doesn't have a secret lab, or acces to the top of the line stuff, thus he has learned to improvise, jury-rig and scrounge at the local junkyard.

When they made me I broke the mold.

Caleb's unique genetics makes him immune to attempts to manipulate or copy his power.

Because I say so Nyah.


Power Armour

His super-suit is basically a black shirt and cargo-pants and a pair of gloves worn under his suit of armour. The armour is made of steel, but painted a purplish gray for the sake of coolness. It consists of a breastplate, strapped-on plates for the thighs a pair of greaves on his legs. He wears greaves on his forearms too, but that is mostly so that he can fit his tech on them. On his left arm he has a modified laptop wich he uses to controll his eyebots, go on google and to set coordinates for his gps amongst other things. It is the "nerve center of his mechanical armour. on his right arm he wears a gauntlet that has several weapons built into it like for example a shock-probe and The zapper (basically a re-built taser) All in all it has a very Larpish, home-made quality to it.

On top of it  all he has the helmet, wich is basically built to look like Boba fetts helmet from starwars (Though Cable will vehemently deny this if asked) It is painted in the same purplish gray colour as the rest of the armour and contains three important things: First and foremost there is ngiht-vision and binocular-technology built in to the visor, second: there is a voice-masking system built into it, wich makes whoever wears the helmet sound like a robotic badass. third: it contains a filter for getting rid of harmful gasses (Though it's not completely reliable.) But the most importan thing about the helmet is that it protects our hero's little noggin from a violent world.

There is a (metal and plastic) backpack connected to the suit, wich contains most of the really high-tech things such as the anti-grav-device that lets him fly, a modified radio for listening in on other conversations and in an emergency call for help, most of the components for the left-top and so on and so forth

The suit has an anti anti-grav flight-system for flight. It is probably the most high-tech thing in the whole suit. It lets him fly through the air at roughly the same speed as a racecar. Even when he is not flying by himself, this device makes the armour feel a bit lighter, allowing the hero to run and move relatively unrestrained.

Power:2 Tropical Laser-beams
In his left gauntlet our hero has built in a weapon of his own design: A device that shoots concussive blasts ranging in power from just enough to  knock someone off their feet, to obliterating normal doors.

*However, if he sacrifices an "Energy point" he can increase the strength of this blast to knock down a brick wall. Alternatively he can sacrifice an energy-point to unleasha  pulse around him,  potentially knocking down anyone within 40 feet, though this pulse only has the strength of his "regular" blasts

Power:3 Megafoam
Underneath his left-top Caleb what looks like a small tube combined with a small square. This actually contains a pump-mechanism for a specially designed expanding, sticky foam contained in capsules. Whenever Caleb decides to fire a capsule, it will break in the air, and the foam will start expanding to roughly fifty times the site of the pebbles.. Initially it is ridiculously sticky and rubbery, but in a few seconds it dries out and becomes almost cement-like for roughly fifteen minutes before disintegrating

Weakness:1 This is heavy!
Normally a thin teenage-boy would not be capable of carry this much, but thanks to his anti-grav-device he can. However, if it would be destroyed somehow, our Terrific Teenager would belimited to slowly trudging or shuffling around until he takes his armour off

Weakness 2 EMP
The armour has not been proofed against EMPs and thus most of its systems can be completely disabled by one.

Weakness:3 Stickyfoam is sticky.
Just because Caleb invented the sticky-foam doesn't mean that he is imune to it. If he accidentally gets sticky-foam on himself he might just end up as trapped as anyone else. Not to mention that anyone with superstrength or similar could pretty easily break out.

RP Mechanic(s) for the suit:

Computer aka "the lef-top"

On first notice the steel greave on Calebs left arm just look clunky and oversized, but if you look open you can see that it's actually designed to "open up" revealing it to be very small laptop. This is from where Caleb controlls many of his suits secondary functions, such as the radio, the gps and the various settings for his helmet (including the voice-modulator.) But it is also a high-end computer, and our hero could theoretically play games on it, or check his facebook. Some of you may say "Wait, how can he fit an entire computer on his arm?" and you would be right, because he cannot.  most of it is actually located in hisbackpack.

On his left shoulder there sits an odd, rather small pipe. And even though it might be dismissed as a quirky fashion-choice it is actually a primitive grenade-launcher. not for regular grenades, mind you, but for Calebs Gas-grenades. There are three sorts of grenades and he generally carries three of each

First of all, there are teargas-grenades. The teargas is homemadea nd might not measure up with the variety used bythe police, but it's usually enough

Secondly, there are smoke-grenades. These do little but spew smoke and smell rather strange. It is mostly use for hiding or confusing your enemies.

Last and probably least are the flashbans. They do little except emmit a sharp light wich will hopefully temporarily blind Calebs enemies.

Shock-gauntlet Basically a taser re-modeled into a shocking gauntlet that fits on calebs right hand. It's good for adding a bit of mmph to even the weakest punch.

Having an on-board radio is very useful. He can listen in on police-band and call for help when needed- He has also modified his suit to send out disturbances, making those around him unable to communicate via phones, radios or similar. He can't do anything about land-lines, though

Protection: The armour protects our hero, but it does not make him invulnerable. It stands up to kicks and blow of ordinary people, and the metal parts can even handle gunshots for the most part. however, there are quite a few gaps and unprotected areas, and he will still be battered and bruised beneath the armour if he gets hit by bullets. He might even break ribs if hit in the chest.

The armour is run by a car-battery located in his backpack. This backpack contains eight "powerpoints" wich allows him to overclock some of his devices to increase their outputs. Apart from this, the battery contains adequate power to sustain him for the better part of a day

flying eye-bots

Small, tennis-ball sized robots that act as spies and occasionally weapons for our hero. They are basically light metal spheres with a series of lenses on the end,  they also have a pair of "bumps" on the sides to take in audio.

Power 1: Flight
The little bots move by way of an anti-grav, repulsor-drift letting them fly seemingly unable through the air

Power 2: Tropical Laser-beams
For such a small robot, they pack quite the punch with their suprisingly high-powered, concussive laser-beams that can blow a hole through most normal armour at max setting. Usually they are set to deliver knock-out, but non-lethal punches.

"Weakness 1" Tiny!
Being the size of a tennisball somewhat limits the physical damage you can do

Weakness 2 Limbless
If they are prevented from flying, they are likely going to be as helpless as a clam on dry land.

Weakness 3 EMP.
They have no protection against electromagnetic pulses

Weakness 4 Dumb
Most of their programming (brains if you will) are not located in their bodies, but rather in the arm-top Calebw ears, (wich is incidentally where they send the information) If the connection is broken, they are hardwired to abort and return to an earlier designated place for pick-up.

Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
Agility    3
Endurance 2
Reaction  1
Strength   4
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Caleb Cromwell Empty Re: Caleb Cromwell

Post by Alpha October 10th 2015, 2:55 am

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