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The Guard and The Spy (Vexus)

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The Guard and The Spy (Vexus) Empty The Guard and The Spy (Vexus)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich October 2nd 2015, 9:19 pm

After everything that happened he would find himself in another group. Coronel in a hero group was unheard of. The last group he was in was a dark villainous group who wore the name well, Shade. Not deepening down into old information, but again Coronel starts every morning the same. Since he has no need for sleep he just sits up and does activities that past the time as quick as possible. Walking around a multi meta and human operation was a big help, and checking that the staff was doing their job made his time go by faster. Although it seemed no one remembered his face which sucked. He like to grab attention, but since he was being paid he would rest for the time and keep killing to those outside and to a minimum.

He grew bored and his shift ended. He needed out and to grasp the city again.

New York; was a marvelous place and recently went through a major war fought by meta humans that destroyed most of New York City leaving it in shambles for the humans to repair. Many corporations help funded the operation, but he would guess where he worked probably helped out near the top.

Leaping into the air he caught himself and boosted towards the sky spinning and flipping as if he was trapped in a cage. Although not lashing out and killing someone was a cage of its own, but it would also test his restraint. He kept his mind on other things such as food taste and sites he never seen before and no it was time for him to explore New York. He kept his search in New York City since he did not feel like wondering too far. He went around seeing memorials still in tact and looked at some of the old blown away buildings. It was a marvelous site to see, but some people were disgusted and he understood why.

But now he was getting bored and he felt as if he should pick up something else... Catching his nose he could smell a nice pastry shop. Surprising the smell actually traveled so far, but he always had a keen nose for food. The one thing he did not drop when his ability took over was his craving for good food, and some of Earth's choices were delicious. Finally making his was to the door he stepped inside seeing it busy as ever. Workers from construction companies had it packed but he seen places to sit outside. He ordered a few sweets and a couple danishes that would fill his time of curiosity. he made his way outside and sat next to a few people on a concrete rail meant to hold plants, but a lot of people used them for seats.

Though he was having a good day he felt as if something could make it better but he tried not to guess on it.... Because maybe his guess was just what he was suppressing...

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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The Guard and The Spy (Vexus) Empty Re: The Guard and The Spy (Vexus)

Post by Elena Vexus October 10th 2015, 12:01 am

Work, work, work. That was all this new little organization wanted from her. Not that she was honestly too upset about it. It was quite fun going on missions again like she had years ago. Rise was an incredibly promising group, and Elena knew that both her and the leading members could benefit heavily by her membership. They had already expanded their reach far beyond what she may have been able to do on her own, which in itself was impressive and also hard for her to admit. A previous coworker of hers was the leader which allowed her an easier entrance into their ranks. However now she was posed with the task of again entering the ranks of a neighboring organization.
Ultra. Very little was known of this new group, which is why Vexus had her eyes targeted on them. For the purposes of not only Rise but her own benefit as well she planned on learning just a little bit more about this organization. To her luck, one of the members was an old acquaintance known as Coronel. This was really taking her back. She had not seen or had any contact with this individual since at The Purge on the meta humans. And as luck would have it, he was last spotted in NYC. Being near the area, she managed to recover teleport coordinates to one of her old bases. Once there, Elena eventually managed to dig through the ruins at her base had been left under the rest of the rubble of the older parts of the city.

Before beginning her search, she called her General to the scene. He did not say a word and only stood as Elena place her hands together and closed her eyes as if she was praying. Her entire began to vibrate, the vibrations soon began to increase until it appeared like Vexus was splitting in half. It took some time, but the process of creating her clone had completed. She gave a smirk and looked at her General. Since all three of them had a linked thought process th already knew what was happening. The real Elena dorned an illusionary disguise giving her long flowing teal hair, a much more scandalous outfit, and a younger appearance.
" Until further notice you will refer to this form as 'Kassandra',understood?"
The two of them nodded their heads and Vexus went on her way, leaving the clone and the General to themselves.
If her data was right, this new group consisted more so of heroes than anything else. Which seemed out of place from how she knew Coronel. They either must be paying him incredibly well, or a new super drug has been invented. Either way, she figured the best way to lure out a hero, or psychopath, was to create some commotion. Interestingly enough, that was not entirely difficult when you're a heavily known villain with a seven foot robot walking around. Announcing her presence not only to this city, but the world, could prove to be quite monumental. To most people, Elena Vexus had passed some time ago. However no one felt it strange that he body was never found, there were little to no witnesses, and an exact cause of death was never finalized. It seemed the word was just hoping to wish hard enough for something until it came true.

The two of them walked into a not so busy area of the city. It was more tranquil, open park like area. There were still quite a few people, enough to probably cause a little bit of trouble. All she needed was a little action.
"Hello by slanders! I'm just going to stir the pot of your daily lives a little. Nothing to overly concern yourself with. "
Her general then lowered the hood of his cloak and the gasps from the people in the area could be heard. Elena gave a smirk, placed her hands together in a special position. Immediately after she began to spew fire all over the trees, making a conscious effort to not hit or harm any of the citizens in the area. As for her bodyguard, he drew one of the new blades he had been given. The bright white blade of light sliced through chairs, water fountains, trees, anything but people or animals. Of course, everyone was running about very crazy screaming and yelling about what was happening. Some were even taking videos. She did not drop her name just yet, no one here would probably know or care. More than likely they were just concerned with leaving.
More of the area was set a blaze, eventually the two of them had turned the entire center into a bonfire. Her bodyguard was just swinging away at different objects in order to throw them in the fire. If someone had not called the authorities by now, then surly her smoke signals should strike a point of interest for someone. Hopefully her mission could be completely smoothly and in a timely fashion. All the while Kassandra sat having a tea at a local coffee shop. Their shared vision and thoughts were allowing her to monitor the progress of the situation so that she can enter the clash at the most opportune moment. All shall prove to be quite interesting as Vexus does not send herself out on missions unless the task could end up being quite pressing. Only time will tell.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Guard and The Spy (Vexus) Empty Re: The Guard and The Spy (Vexus)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich October 10th 2015, 11:33 pm

It was early in the day still with no excitement and the thought waning down on his shoulders like a ton of bricks. Still not wanting think about murder, he would pass the time by going through a list of music he had listened to. He choose the old Scottish instrument sound in the late 1200's when they fought England for their independence. What they didn't know was Coronel had killed most of the England generals, but he didn't do it out of his kindness.

Again he was thinking about murder and started to now think of the numerous lives he took being hired by countries to fight their wars for them. Soon! A call went off in the back ground and a guy shot up from his seating to inspect the area.

Dude no way you're bull shitting me. There is no way the are meta attacking NYC again.
]Yeah there is bro, just look towards the park you should see what I'm talking about.
The park! But that's over 40 something blocks.

The two were exchanging words over the phone, but thanks to them being so close he could almost make out what they both were saying perfectly. He stood up dropping his food. His eyes were dazzled to see a plymouth of smoke barreling over sky scrapers. It seemed like Coronel was in town one guy would say. It almost made Coronel blush... If he had blood. He looked over at the guy and smirked, but he would not see. Coronel took off in the direction blowing down everyone with the powerful gust coming off his ability. Everyone was in awe as they seen him race for the scene.

As he neared the place he could see hundreds of people fleeing and police and fire department hanging back waiting for the scene to clear of meta. Smart people; never fight a battle you will just die in. As he flew over some looked and pointed Coronel out, but not by name. Was everyone forgetting about his terror for the last 1000 years?

He shook off the idea as he landed on a roof top. He moved his hand to his side as the concrete started to dissolve and reshape forming a metal mega phone. It was time to introduce himself. Hello, I am Coronel Liffy. you will die either way this goes, but lets have some fun. Both of you fight me or die trying. Yep he was bored and now the lust to kill was over powering him. He flew down as he swung at the fire. It started to pick up from its current spot until it came to life on its own. It wrapped in the sky and swirled through the vacant streets. It would hover in the air until it took the shape of a dragon.

As a fake roar was being made by passing air through a hole made by telekinesis. The dragon lunged for the two in the attempt to obliterate them in one go. The dragon was fast and fierce and it moved to its targets, but what was weird is Coronel heard nothing except the flames. Not to mention it felt like he had some relation to the girl he was attacking. But it might of been a weird feeling he received and maybe afterlife/reincarnation.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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The Guard and The Spy (Vexus) Empty Re: The Guard and The Spy (Vexus)

Post by Elena Vexus October 12th 2015, 1:08 am

It was kind of ironic, lighting up this park. If memory served correctly, the two of them also happened to have their previous showdown in a park. Assuming she would run into Coronel, it was possible that this slight attack on the city would attract bigger fish. That kind of situation would prove to be troublesome. Her mission wasn't to cause that kind commotion anyways.
"Ayee, hopefully this doesn't take too much longer. If the city's authorities show up before our target then that may complicate things... Hm, I sure hope we don't have to filter through a handful of random--"
Her sentence was cut off by the sound of a megaphone. Seems like someone had showed up, and to their luck, it was just the guy they were looking for. Coronel. Vexus gave a smirk as she turned around to face the man on the roof and her General drew one more of his laser swords. Lucky he was getting straight to the point by manipulating the fire in the area. Interesting. Maybe a fire manipulation? Or perhaps a form of telekinesis? The fire warped into the form of a dragon and let out a roar, tousling her hair a bit. She combed it down with her fingers as the blast of fire raged towards her. Elena placed her hands in a certain position and her body expanded as it filled with water. It then released in a powerful, wide spread wave from her mouth. Colliding with the fire created a large cloud of steam, Vexus then concentrated the steam of water to a slicing beam. She directed it towards Coronel on top of the roof.
While the steam was still in the air, her General made a dash towards the roof. If Coronel managed to evade the slicing water then her bodyguard would hopefully him catch off guard. She was not trying to kill the man, but if she didn't not move with her full force then there might be suspicions on her intentions. The new blades of the General's swords could cut through nearly anything. He had been instructed to avoid vitals, though severing a limb or two would be sufficient.

After the bodyguard's encounter he would land some distance away from Elena.
"So, Coronel. How are you? It's been a while." she said with a seductive wink.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Guard and The Spy (Vexus) Empty Re: The Guard and The Spy (Vexus)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich October 12th 2015, 1:19 pm

As the immense dragon collided with the water it blew hot steam a cross the entire park. It was like morning with fog rolling over it. He looked around when he seen a water blade slicing threw the steam cutting a path to him in seconds. It was an easy dodge and he simply levitated upward over the steam unknowing that he would have actually dodge two attacks instead of the water blade.

He didn't know where the voice came from that just asked him how he was doing but he felt inclined to respond. Well I'm doing great none the least... So how many years has it been since we did this?

He filmed the ground with his ability finding three trees that he could use. Grabbing them up he started to change them into one long metal blade that appeared to come off a fan. As it started spinning the mist stayed idle until the metal really picked up some speed. The mist started to blow into the air and soon faded away since it was being rapidly cooled by the air from the fan.

He could now see where the girl was but had lost track of the guy, but he was not worried. With the blade increasing in speed he would sling it over head then at Vexus for his next attack. It was enhanced by his ability in two ways. It was sharper and it spun faster. And as it came close to the ground you could see the telekinetic force cutting through the trees like wet paper.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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The Guard and The Spy (Vexus) Empty Re: The Guard and The Spy (Vexus)

Post by Elena Vexus October 19th 2015, 1:52 am

He was able to easily avoid her water based attack, no surprise there. She watched intently as Elena was sure he was preparing some new kind of attack behind the steam. The clone readied with another attack herself. The target replied with asking how many years its been since they had encountered each other. She gave a smirk, something about his tone signified that he was just speaking to keep the casual conversation going.
A gust of wind then cut through the diminishing mist revealing trees that had been condensed and sharpened to a blade's point. Elena was slightly impressed with the level of precision in his abilities, it was not always easy to sharpen dull objects in such a fashion. The blade was then launched towards Vexus as she threw her hands together in a specific formation. Electricity surged around her body before all transferring to her right arm. Elena cursed under her breath as charging the attack took a split second too long. She attempted to jump off to the right in order to dodge, but was not fast enough. The blade buried itself in the ground sending Vexus' left arm spiraling off onto the ground. Without a second thought about it, Elena let off a devastating burst of lighting from the fingertips of her right arm. The attack sped forward towards Coronel with enough power to probably put the man down. However such an attack did come with sacrifices.

Her General then emerged again, both bright white blades glowing,  coming in on Coronel's left. If he had the reaction time to counter the lightning, then her Bodyguard's swords would cut through this body like a hot knife through butter. Avoid the attack would prove more probable, though the most likely escape was too the right. If he decided on that route Elena's General would throw his laser-like sword in order to strike him down. The weapon was attached to a durable wire that he would retract back to his body despite the attack being successful or not.
Elena would watch from the ground once her attack ceased. Her right arm was now damaged and burnt as she casually held it behind her back to slight conceal how her own attack had caused her arm. The electricity had destroyed the nerves allowing minimal to no control of it at the moment. Right now her Bodyguard was to keep him occupied until her left arm regenerated and her right arm healed up, not to mention the internal damage her last water attack had caused her. Until everything fixed itself, she was basically just a sitting fuck. It was becoming increasingly difficult being limited to only a few abilities despite the original body being so powerful. The real Elena Vexus, or rather Kassandra, may have to step in sooner than expected.

"Oh darling you don't remember me? I had on the most gorgeous red sequin dress, crimson hair, and heels to die for... And my body... Ooh my how I miss that body..." she said with a wink, hoping that slight description of her serious form might spark some memories. Give him a little bit of an idea exactly who he was dealing with.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Guard and The Spy (Vexus) Empty Re: The Guard and The Spy (Vexus)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich October 24th 2015, 10:33 pm

As the mist dispersed the blade he had thrown had made contact but barely. He was rather far from the clone and could not tell what exactly had happened. But a bright light caught him off guard. It was fast and the instant it was shot off he was not prepared . He was able to dodge it, but it had grazed him pretty hard knocking him in line for the other guys attack. (Moving conversation before his attack.) As she described her self Coronel's ability and his own conscious tightened up. He was fully immersed in seeing his woman's look now. He could only guess who he was facing and if he was right he would have been over pissed. Without moving his eyes widened up to the thought he was fighting Elena again.

As the general came down with his sword, he managed to cut Coronel straight in half leaving only two parts of himself floating in the air. He was still fixed on Elena not caring about anything else. He Could not care about anything but to kill her, but to completely erase her. His Body started stitching itself back together as his left side held up its arm. A small fire ball appeared and then started growing at a very high speed.

He was not like the actual pyrokineticist but he could control the flames and he would control Elena's fate here and now. The ball looked look like a mini sun and would continue to grow. How big? Soon it was as big as a shopping cart, then a car, now a school bus. It jumped size again and was about the size of a small passenger jet. He was giving everything to her in the form of his own hatred. Both soul and power agreed and snapped to. The body was done fixing itself and the ball of fire was done. He pulled back and pitched it like a ball sending the fire ball straight at her. DIE Damn it! Hitting a nerve just by explaining who she was. Congrats!

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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The Guard and The Spy (Vexus) Empty Re: The Guard and The Spy (Vexus)

Post by Elena Vexus November 2nd 2015, 12:29 am

A smirk came across Elena's face as she saw her General come through. With these new and improved swords he cut clean through Coronel. He then retreated back to Elena's side. Vexus raised and eyebrow and her Bodyguard took a small step back when they saw his body simply stitch itself back together. She could see in his eyes that he knew now who he was dealing with, and apparently it did not sit very well. The two of them watched as he began to charge up an attack. It was no surprise that he was going a little crazy, their last encounter did not end in his favor. Vexus did not mind the few extra moments, she used the time to allow her injuries to heal. It seemed like this one was going to be quite the large attack so she waved her bodyguard off so that he would not be damaged in the blast. At least things were getting interesting. She was at least a little glad to see that he had at least improved over the years since they had last seen each other.
The ball of fire in his hand began to grow in size. Her General was now a safe distance away, but still ready to join in if need be. The attack seemed to have reached its 'critical mass' at about the size of a large plane. Vexus gave a casual smile, she did not appear worried or frightened at the attack. However if this conflict continued at this level then they would most defiantly need to relocate. Even Elena didn't not want to deal with the issues of destroying even a little but of the city. Coronel launched his attack down towards Vexus while screaming profanities. She could see that his body had finished repairing itself, coincidentally most of Elena's external injuries had healed themselves over as well. The large ball of fire roared towards Vexus. It collided with her and ran through the ground exploding into a fiery blast.

A moment after the attack hit, the fire was split open like the Red Sea. Vexus was in the middle of it, the fire warping around her body. She had activated her ability that dramatically increases her physical abilities. The moment of activation of this power does create a shockwave that was enough to push the flames away from her. The aura sustained around her body kept the flames at a safe distance. She had still of corse been severely burned by the attack. A lot of her hair had been singed away, her face looked like Harvey Dent's, her clothes were a bit charred yet still functional, and her arms were blackened in most parts. It hurt like hell, but it was all healing over in a timely fashion.

"My, my.. Aren't we feisty?" she said tearing off a large chunk of flesh that had been handing from her face only for the area to be quickly healed up.

Vexus took a stance and then launched herself from the burning ground, causing the earth beneath her to spiderweb from her takeoff. She rocketed towards Coronel and once in range she folded her hands together, raised them above her head and then with amazing force brought them down aiming to strike Coronel right in the temple. The power of her fists would be more than enough to send him propelling through the ground, creating a trench with his body. If her attack connected, she would gently land, exhale, and take off in another blinding burst of speed towards Coronel. Whether her first attack landed or not, she would then aim to grab him by the leg and whip him towards what trees that were still standing in this open park space. His body would fly fast enough to even skip across the ground. After the couple of attacks, she would stand firm taking deep controlled breaths.
Hitting Coronel with so much force had actually broken most of her fingers, not to mention all the muscles in her legs that she had damaged after moving at such extreme speeds. Hopefully it would take him a minute to stand as she could use the extra seconds to allow her body to heal the damage she had done to it. Her body continued to radiate power as she decided to remain in her heightened state for the time being. As long as she was not moving at such speeds or attacking her body would be able to keep everything in check. Meanwhile, the real Vexus disguised as Kassandra grew all the more closer...

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Guard and The Spy (Vexus) Empty Re: The Guard and The Spy (Vexus)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich November 2nd 2015, 1:59 am

As the ball of flames roared and struck the ground it seemed to work until it blew apart. What was that she is wearing? Some cloak or is it a body aura and it seemed powerful. He clenched his fist and took ready another attack. She look battered and he figured it was his attack, but she was shrugging it off like he was himself. "Damn this women. All ways pushing on ever nerve I have. Why is she so damn complicated to destroy?" He questioned himself in a very spite manner as if he was making jokes about himself. He felt weak even though he was more than capable of killing her. As she jumped he became surprised that she cracked the ground and knew she would be over to him in seconds, but he had no time to react. He swung his hand up trying to use his ability as a shield but was no where close.

As her clenched fist smashed against his head it snapped his vertebrae and lodged his head in the hole space of both his shoulders.

This was a new on and the force was not done. As the momentum picked up he quickly fell to the ground but he was more than ready to brace his fall. He landed on the concrete parking lot and destroyed most of just trying to stop himself. As he spun around she came ready for another attack. He braced and took the hit with his shield sort of in play. He was hit into the air and through a tree before stopping above the lake.

He forced his head out of his body and fixed the attachments on spot then proceeded to fight. He scooped up a giant pile of ground and compressed it down to a fine hard rock. Soon his neck would be fixed but he would have to continue being unsure of where Elena's general was. As the nicely sized rock floated in air it started busting out and splitting apart separating into hundreds of pieces. With his arms were spread wide; he held every rock in formation that he put together to pelt every inch of park in front of him. He swung his arms closed as the pieces gained speed and shot through the air like bullets.

The first tree was hit leaving a skeleton in the aftermath. It seemed like a shot gun lead shells had cleared right through the tree. The rocks descended as the struck the ground causing a giant cloud of smoke to be made. They continued as they all went for the clone.

He put his arms down since there was less to control. He took of running through the smoke and grabbed a metal pipe in the ground. Probably a walking sign by its weight. As he neared her energy he enhanced the pole swinging the pipe at her waist with enough force to shatter himself.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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The Guard and The Spy (Vexus) Empty Re: The Guard and The Spy (Vexus)

Post by Elena Vexus November 2nd 2015, 9:16 pm

Vexus was a little surprised at her own strength. Being able to force someone's skull down into their body was quite an interesting feat. However that person overcoming such a blow may prove to be a little more impressive. He was faring well so far, but it was not too much that the clone wouldn't be able to handle. Vexus stood waiting to see how Coronel would retaliate, though the more time he took to prepare then the more time her body had to heal itself. At this point most of the muscle damage and smaller broken bits in her hands have all been repaired.
Elena looked on as the man brought together some of the ground and split it off. A simple enough display of telekinesis, how he used it to attack though would be what interested her. The pellets of earth shot forward like bullets, some of them striking the ground and kicking up a dust cloud which gave Coronel a little bit of a hiding spot. Vexus ignored her own safety allowing most of the bullets to strike her body. She threw her hands together in a powerful clap that created enough of a shockwave to blow the dust away. Though the rock bullets did manage to damage a couple of her major organs, not to mention the clap heavily damaging her hands and wrists. However now she could clearly see Coronel coming straight for her with what looked liked a street sign.

He swung at her mid section, though with her heightened senses she was able to counter. As the metal pole came at her from her right, she place her hand on it and keeping the momentum going brought up her left leg to deliver a powerful kick to Coronel's jaw. With the movement of her left leg, she was able to avoid the attack in a graceful flip. The kick would hopefully connect and once again send Coronel spiraling across the battle field. If her attack was successful, she would launch herself from her landing position at such a speed to move in front of the flying Coronel. Whether or not she had launched herself in front of him, her next attack would be piercing punch right to the man's abdominal area. In the event that her punch hits the man, Elena would let out a grunt as she push forward with an impressive might in order to blast her opponent backwards.

Hopefully this second stream of attacks would buy her a little bit of time. Right as she finished, she fell to one knee as she coughed up some blood. Vexus was only down for a moment, but even as she stood tall she still heavily felt the effects of using this ability to the extent that she was. The clone was made for combat, no doubt, but she may be pushing the limits of the temporary body. The regeneration had slowed down, as the surface wounds had been healed over but the internal damage was taking a little bit longer than normal to repair itself. This clone clearly would not be able to put down this man permanently, but hopefully overwhelm him to a point where he would not see that no matter how much effort he put forth it would be all for naught. Elena Vexus was clearly the superior warrior, and if this man was having so much trouble with only the clone then he would stand no chance against the real body.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Guard and The Spy (Vexus) Empty Re: The Guard and The Spy (Vexus)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich November 2nd 2015, 10:39 pm

As his attempt to crush or cut her in half with the pole failed. She took the initiative to use his attack against him. Like any great warrior come prepared or just be better and dodging and using a over powered kick was better. He knew this was going to happen and he was prepared. After so much combat, being that close they always strike the face. As her kick ripped through the air he was placing his own barrier to stop or withstand the damage. It was not always full proof but this one counter was better timed since he was on the attacking end. She connected the kick but it would still push him back. The only other thing to do was anchor himself down, and he could pick up a building an anchor would be the best way to go.

His feet slammed into the ground as he slid to a quick halt and she again was ready to dash off at him for another attack. Not this time; he opened his clenched fist to what seemed like a vibrant ball of compressed energy. You could see his ability thanks to how the light would hit the compressed air. As he held it in hand he could feel a weight to it, but it would not be constant as he swung his entire arm in Elena's direction unleashing a giant wall of mass and matter.

It tore at the ground and through concrete behind her and at her. It ripped trees out of the ground like pulling a toothpick out of a hamburger. The debris went as far as to be ripped apart and into shreds by the force of the moving energy and soon it would also be Elena's problem to deal with in mere seconds.

He did not hold back a second and he would hopefully catch her by surprises, but now he needed to focus. He fully restitched his head back into place but now his legs were broken and running would seem silly. He did not know where the other man was so he began placing a thick barrier around his form and began restitching the body pieces back into place.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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The Guard and The Spy (Vexus) Empty Re: The Guard and The Spy (Vexus)

Post by Elena Vexus November 10th 2015, 11:05 pm

Too slow. The clone was fading. She had managed to land a single kick, and that had not provided the results she wanted. Coronel had not been effectually phased by the attack as she had intended. He also was able to keep up, allowing him to get in a serious counter attack. The powerful energy based move hit Vexus head on. It sent her flying back, she tried to grab the ground to get herself back on balance but it only caused her to roll. She extended her arm and gripped the ground and brought herself to a halt. Elena brought herself to her feet slowly, though it did not last for long. She quickly fell back to her knees and coughed up blood. The clone was very damaged. The regeneration was slowing down, it wouldn't be able to fix all the previous damage in addition to the most recent injuries she had sustained before his next attack.
From a short distance, the real Elena Vexus cursed under her breath. Things were clearly not going as plan. Her clone was being overwhelmed, she had underestimated how much improvement this individual had seen since she had last encountered him. That was no matter though, as Elena did have a Plan B. Which would be going into effect a little sooner than expected. She began to move at a very rapid pace in order to reach their battlefield.

"Well then... Seems like you have gotten a little better..." Said the beaten and bloody Elena Vexus. She was out of breath and hunched over. She looked defeated. Unfortunately there would be little to no use left in this clone. However, a few moments after she finished her statement what seemed like a meteor fell from the sky and landed right in front of Vexus. The object began to slowly 'melt' away, leaving a pool of sand around the small crater it had made. This strange rock contained another Elena Vexus. The real Elena Vexus. She stood a top of the pool of what was now a silver sand like substance. She glanced back at her clone and then glared dead on at Coronel, her Celestial Eye glowing with power.
"I am sure I need not say what happens next."
The Technomatter beneath Vexus' feet shot forward attacking his barrier at full force. The steams and tendrils of the strange silver sand battered and bashed at the shield. From afar, Vexus gave a stubborn look before extending her hand forward. More of her element rushed towards the barrier and covered it completely. It then began to apply an immense amount of pressure, like a Boa constricting is prey.

Vexus had hopefully put him in quite the bind. If he lowered his barrier, the Technomatter would bind him faster then he may be able to react. However, that was not her aim. While the Technomatter shrouded his barrier, it would also shroud his vision. Since there was a pool of Technomatter at her feet, it would have not been very detectable that the material was also burrowing underground as it attacked Coronel above simultaneously. In the short moments that his vision was obscured, the damaged clone would sink into the Technomatter and be quickly moved through the tunnel. The end of which was right underneath Coronel's feet.
Vexus gave a smirk and from below him a pillar of Technomatter would burst up right in front of his face. From this plume of silver sand two hands came forth to latch onto Coronel's shoulders. The matter draped over the Vexus clone like water as it continued to fill up the enclosed area. She had activated her physical boost before diving into the Technomatter, so as she tightened her grip on his shoulders her fingers would exert enough pressure to break the skin so that she truly had him in his clutches.

A snap of the fingers rang from the true Vexus standing outside of the chaos, and inside the clone's face grew twisted like the Joker's. Though this was only for a slight instant because Elena had detonated her clone at point blank with Coronel. Even if he had decided to lower his barrier in an attempt to escape, her dome of Technomatter would still remain to keep them trapped. Not to mention the Matter was all around their feet as well to easily keep them in place. The explosion was powerful enough to blow away Elena's Technomatter as the blast carried upwards in a spiraling pillar of fire. Vexus crossed her arms, as now she thought if she had completely dismantled this member of the group it might prove difficult to get herself into heir ranks. She brought her right hand up to her mouth as she chuckled slightly. It was of no major concern, but it would be interesting to figure out another way to infiltrate this little group of somewhat heroes.

(OCC: If you would like, this can be the point where Coronel loses memory, or we can do that at a later point if you wish to keep the combat going a little longer.)

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Guard and The Spy (Vexus) Empty Re: The Guard and The Spy (Vexus)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich November 11th 2015, 11:41 pm

His attempts had succeeded and he was able to give a full blown hit allowing him to render her useless, but she went out to easily. Even he did not use much power to knock her down. Her regeneration had halted to a sliver from its fast pace before. It was off and just in time to meet all his suspicions was the real one.

She came riding in a giant fire ball that shined like a brand new silver ring. And once landed it blew apart the ground leaving a heaping pile of silver techno matter on the ground. He looked around and seen more fire on the ground causing more damage. It spread out to many near by buildings and his wide range sense told him plenty were dying a horrible death. But it was not in his care. They were lesser life forms and he not needed to worry nor care for there well being. He even truly did not care for the progress of this company he was in. He did not care enough to even remember it's name.

As his barrier was still up the original had sent her attack more than ready for Coronel it seemed. She was smarter with her attacks having gripped his shield with the silver substance. Seems that was the reason the meteor was silver because she was also protecting herself from high speed burn. Plus she was trying to be flashy and she did so annoyingly. It was now the time for him to take a turn in beating the hell out of her and fully recovered meant he was prepared for a couple more rounds until he got sick of it. He gripped his fist and expanded making the barrier itself expand making plenty of openings.

The techno matter was scattered and he was ready to fly off when his shoulders were grabbed!!! "What the?" He questioned as the silver substance held his weight down. It was all or nothing with the clone in place. He cut his own arms off and flew out before getting caught in the blast. And thanks to that he was masked in the cloud of smoke. He started from scratch to regrow his appendages and he acted fast, but in the mean time he would just use thought to fight.

As he floated up in the air; he took a hunch that she had not moved just yet and decided to up root the ground and use it against her. Concrete, metal and dirt all started moving and in no time assaulted her in the attempt to attack her from all sides. He laid out a film to help map out the area again and could see her still in the spot, but how would she react to the incoming barrage. He also shot down a tremendous wave to destroy her and the location she stood at.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Registration date : 2011-04-22

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