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For whom the bell tolls [Echelon]

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For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] Empty For whom the bell tolls [Echelon]

Post by Atlas September 28th 2015, 10:40 pm

The light flicked erratically as the female staggered backwards on feet that failed them. Their fear was a pungent scent that filled the room, a room that had served them as a study for years, something that that had served as their studio for years. A metahuman known for painting strange prophetic images, something that not many would have known about. A secret that kept to themselves perhaps in fear as what many would think and perhaps even what their family thought. One sound however flowed through the room like a dirge that drove him nearly mad as Clockwork encroached upon the person throwing a pot of paint in his direction.  

An invisible hand batted that away as it clattered along the floor and spilled deep red along. This appeared to increase their fear as eyes fell upon his face masked within shadow, revealed only by the brilliant light of a lamp settled upon one of his desks. "Running won't do you any good." He muttered with an almost dark tone that chilled their blood to ice almost. One of their hands raised as a force threw them to the ground with exceptional strength, drawing a strangled gasp as the lamp burning within the corner would flutter. "Unfortunately, your life was over the moment I took sight of you."  

One foot pressed down against the flustered woman's chest, exerting pressure that would cause them to gasp. Holding one hand up, the index fingers extended outwards as his telekinetic grasp reached out in the form of an invisible saw. Like a siren her scream echoed outwards as both flesh and bones were pulled apart. All it took was a minute at the very most for the top of their head to be removed, as the blood began to pool around them. Crackling flames could be heard, guttering and sputtering as he walked over to the now exposed brain. Softly he prodded into it with his index finger, focusing his hearing upon his environment should anyone come to check upon the scream.

From there, well examining was the main thing.
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For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] Empty Re: For whom the bell tolls [Echelon]

Post by Echelon September 29th 2015, 3:52 pm

Charles had just gotten done finishing a bottle of scotch he had bought at the bar he was spending his past three hours at. The issue with this scenario is that no matter how much he drank, he couldn't get drunk. So he was just doing it for a placebo effect. The taste of the strong drink made him feel alive. Currently Ultra was rising on a fairly steep slope upwards, successfully recruiting so far. So pretty much, he was celebrating and carrying out his daily ritual of drinking his alcoholic beverages. Charles had decided it was time to go and promptly reached for his jacket and began to move on from this bar.

Once outside he began his travel back to his hotel that was several blocks down the street. As he exited, the dark night looked fairly menacing for the usual person to walk out alone. But of course, Charles isn't most people. As he made his way down the sidewalk, he could see very little amount of people, only the occasional car or truck pass by. Strolling along, a scream was heard from the upper heights of a apartment building next to Charles. To Charles, it sounded like a scream of horror. And due to that, it made Charles proceed to investigate where the sound came from, and it appeared to be one of the fifth floors apartments where an open window could be seen.

Looking side to side, Charles made sure no was watching and promptly floated up to the open window and looked inside, looking inside he was only able to see part of a man standing over a woman that appeared to be dead. Charles then sighed and spoke out, "You looking for trouble? Cause you certainly found it."

For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] M3K8QEI

Status :

Quote : "Sometimes I like to hang out with people who aren't that bright, you know, just to see how the other half lives."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : USA, New York
Job : CEO of Manders Incorporated
Registration date : 2015-09-26

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For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] Empty Re: For whom the bell tolls [Echelon]

Post by Atlas September 29th 2015, 4:25 pm

The blood itself clung distinctly around his index finger as he could feel his own body within the grips of a slight transformation. Sucking on the finger, he considered the now dead person at his feet with a silent bemusement. "Quite the amusing gift you have." He noted with a smirk slowly standing from there sitting position while letting his eyes scan around the room. Adjusting the glasses with a slight push upwards he walked over to a small display which held a lot of paints, many colors before a blank easel. Picking up one of the beaten paintbrushes, a sudden feeling ran over him as his pupils appeared to glaze over. A frenzy ran over him, images flashing over his eyes as he began to frantically paint along the blank canvas.

All of it took a few minutes, but by the end of it he came back to himself to see a painting fleshed out before him. There was a man, bathed within fire and wings spread outwards behind them. Jonathan blinked a couple of times while examining the picture with a silent interest. That was when someone spoke out, an unknown person causing him to whip around to look them over. A small smirk formed upon his lips. "It appears that you're looking for trouble." Clockwork noted with a deadpan tone, before looking down to the now dead woman. "Unless you're some manner of hero meaning to punish me or something along those lines."
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For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] Empty Re: For whom the bell tolls [Echelon]

Post by Echelon September 29th 2015, 4:37 pm

As the man said his statement, Charles smirked and climbed through the window. Stepping into the room he'd stand across from them and look down at the dead woman, he'd then put his hand out and cause the body to float in the air and rotate so that Charles could see their face, he'd then sigh and look at Clockwork, moving the body aside, laying it on the floor slowly, all being done by his telekinesis. He'd then speak, "Unfortunate that you had to do that, of course, I have to give you a compromise before we start getting ahead of ourselves, I have two simple options for you."

With that, Echelon would turn and open a drawer of one of the desks he'd find a box of cereal bars. Afterwards he pulled the box out and closed the drawer. Looking back at Clockwork he continued his train of thought, "First option, you do what's smart and take the offer of me allowing you to work for me, to work for Ultra.", he left a small pause and opened the box of cereal bars, removing one he opened the wrapper and began to eat the cereal bar. Mid chewing he'd pause and speak once again,
"Option two, you do something I don't like, I'm gonna jump. And when I land it's gonna hurt."

Last edited by Echelon on September 29th 2015, 9:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] M3K8QEI

Status :

Quote : "Sometimes I like to hang out with people who aren't that bright, you know, just to see how the other half lives."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : USA, New York
Job : CEO of Manders Incorporated
Registration date : 2015-09-26

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For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] Empty Re: For whom the bell tolls [Echelon]

Post by Atlas September 29th 2015, 4:53 pm

Christopher considered the male with a single raised, taking in their words silently while nodding. His nose crinkled slightly as the smell of scotch hit him hard, which suggested that they had been drinking. Just smell it was enough to put the taste upon his tongue, something that reminded him why he disliked alcohol so much. "A compromise? Well how generous of you." He noted with an amused smirk as the person appeared to examine the body he had gained their power from. They dug through one of the drawers and pulling out a breakfast bar, likely showing that this person was more disjointed than initially assumed.

He could tell they were confident within themselves, that they could beat him down should they need to. "Very well, I'll bite." He noted with a raised brow while resting against one of the cluttered tables. His eyes scanned over the male, considering everything from their posture as his mind would do the thing that it always did while looking a person over. They screamed danger, and that was something he did not want to mess with. "Tell me about this Ultra that you're talking about."

Last edited by Clockwork on September 29th 2015, 8:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] Empty Re: For whom the bell tolls [Echelon]

Post by Echelon September 29th 2015, 5:07 pm

After finishing the cereal bar he had taken to eat, he placed the rest of the box into the drawer and pushed off the desk and stood up straight. He'd then pace to one side of the room and sit onto a chair that was nearby. He'd look back at Clockwork and speak, "All you need to know for now is it's a organization that is very powerful, and if you take this offer, and you do what we assign to you, we'll grant you to have any thing you want either done, or given to you. Money could be an example."

Continuing he'd say, "We're a group that works forwards to the survival of humanity, doing whatever needs to be done politically and or, military wise. Which would be where you fit in, you'd be tasked to hunt meta's, as it would seem you'd do that quite well. We've been tracking you for awhile, and honestly, we never quite knew who you were until I finally met you face to face, considering you meet the profile of the person we were searching for, so either you join us, or I have to stop you, now."

For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] M3K8QEI

Status :

Quote : "Sometimes I like to hang out with people who aren't that bright, you know, just to see how the other half lives."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : USA, New York
Job : CEO of Manders Incorporated
Registration date : 2015-09-26

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For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] Empty Re: For whom the bell tolls [Echelon]

Post by Atlas September 29th 2015, 7:31 pm

Christopher played around with one of the many paint brushes, flicking it between his fingers as he looked between it and the male that had interrupted him. An amused smirk continued to play along his lips while they spoke, though they had managed to catch his interest well enough. In the end, gaining something was his goal really and if he could gain something from this person then he would do so. That strange sound emanated from them, something faint but he could hear it. Perhaps he was similar to the one he killed in some fashion, but then again just attacking them would have been not so smart if he knew nothing about them.

"A group that seeks to forward humanity. Well, now that's an interesting goal." He noted with  a low hum, crossing his arms over his chest while continuing to examine the male before him. The fact that he had been followed for a while now suggested that he was a little sloppier than he had intended to be but then again things happened. Not as if he could control everything entirely. "Very well, you have my interest. We will probably need things over in a place that isn't so bloody." He noted pointing to the corpse.

Last edited by Clockwork on September 29th 2015, 8:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] Empty Re: For whom the bell tolls [Echelon]

Post by Echelon September 29th 2015, 7:38 pm

Nods and smirks, he then looks around and says, "Alright, I know the perfect place.", afterwards he turned and waved a hand, creating a portal infront of himself. He then turned to Clockwork, gazing at them he noticed their demeanor and analyzed them for a moment before allowing them through he then said, "After you."

With that, he waited for Clockwork to enter, once they were through, they'd notice a modern and high tech looking office that is fairly large. Obviously being Charles's. And right before entering Charles would say, "By the way, you can call me Echelon."

For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] M3K8QEI

Status :

Quote : "Sometimes I like to hang out with people who aren't that bright, you know, just to see how the other half lives."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : USA, New York
Job : CEO of Manders Incorporated
Registration date : 2015-09-26

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For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] Empty Re: For whom the bell tolls [Echelon]

Post by Atlas September 29th 2015, 8:13 pm

A portal appeared before him, cementing the fact that they were some manner of metahuman. Likely they could do more than create portals, but that was something that just caught his interest in the end. Examining the portal within the air, he slowly walked through it until he stepped out on the other side. His hands which were now free of blood slipped into his pocket, nostrils taking in the almost sterile scent of the area around him. It appeared he had happened upon a rich individual, someone that had money to throw around anyway. "Echelon? I'll have to keep that in mind." He muttered to himself with a small nod, taking in his surroundings still with a small amount of hesitance.

"What could this organization of yours offer to me? I'm sure with someone as...well supplied as you could offer much. Though in the end, I'm only really interested in money, those metahumans you offered and one other thing. It might require a little legal action, but I wonder if you could do that." It was partially a test and partially getting something he wanted, but in the end mostly the former.
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Registration date : 2015-01-29

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For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] Empty Re: For whom the bell tolls [Echelon]

Post by Echelon September 29th 2015, 8:26 pm

Walking into the portal, the portal would then close behind him as he stepped in after Clockwork. He would then proceed to walk to his offices window and pressed a button on the wall behind his office chair that moved the blast windows that were made out of extremely strong metals made into a single composite, to then close. The windows would then be revealed and a view would also be revealed of the city New York being revealed below under the large Ultra building.

Afterwards Charles would then point to a chair that was placed infront of his desk. Afterwards Charles sat in his chair and pulled a drawer open and then removed a piece of paper from it, placing it on the desk, keeping it in front of him he then responded,
"Being paid is a standard, and the favor I am offering you can be anything, either it be getting someone out of jail, or finding someone that you are looking for, and the meta's on the other hand, you're free to do as you wish if they're classified as a Meta X, which means they are to be killed, not brought in."

For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] M3K8QEI

Status :

Quote : "Sometimes I like to hang out with people who aren't that bright, you know, just to see how the other half lives."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : USA, New York
Job : CEO of Manders Incorporated
Registration date : 2015-09-26

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For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] Empty Re: For whom the bell tolls [Echelon]

Post by Atlas September 29th 2015, 8:46 pm

With a sound the windows shutters would open, revealing the view beyond them. Something about the thing he saw was different than what he was sued to, perhaps it was where they had ended up on the other side of the portal. A hand would direct itself towards a chair before the mans desk, Clockwork sitting down in it with legs crossed while considering Echelon. It sounded like they would be able to give him exactly what he wanted, but Christopher would keep their excitement to a minimum. Instead all he did was nod slowly.  

"All of these terms sound...agreeable. However, the favor I require is a simple one. It would be a girl, the age of fifteen and my daughter as it would be." Christopher explained reclining within the chair. "When her mother died seven years ago, her aunt had been able to take custody of her. If you can bring her into my custody, you'll find my compliance...set." He explained with a certain seriousness. "Does that sound agreeable?"
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For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] Empty Re: For whom the bell tolls [Echelon]

Post by Echelon September 29th 2015, 9:07 pm

Charles would then tap a certain location on his desk that seemed to be a finger scanner and a hologram popped up in the form of a monitor. Then he began to look over different files and lawyers/judges Charles had within' his reach and promptly nodded, "That can be done, if you want this all official and properly done, the two of you would have to live here, in the Ultra building. Trust me, the living quarters are not only brand new and nice, but large, including the usual kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, etc."

Charles would then push a contract forward and closed the hologram that acted as a computer monitor. The contract would detail what the group is about and have several questions on the sheet of paper. With a section to write different basic personal information, such as full name, birth date, signature, etc.

For whom the bell tolls [Echelon] M3K8QEI

Status :

Quote : "Sometimes I like to hang out with people who aren't that bright, you know, just to see how the other half lives."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : USA, New York
Job : CEO of Manders Incorporated
Registration date : 2015-09-26

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