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Isaac Bell

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Isaac Bell Empty Isaac Bell

Post by MissingAxis September 28th 2018, 4:44 pm

Isaac Bell

The Modern Zombie

The Bio

Real Name: Isaac Bell
Renegade Name: N/A
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human, Eurasian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark brown
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 175lbs

The Looks

The Personality

Until a few years ago, Isaac was a sarcastic, cynical man among colleagues and friends. Now, it seems he’s just cynical. Though he retains his manners, he doesn’t put any true emphasis on them. When he does speak, it’s with a cold, uncaring tone. Recently, he’s withdrawn from what remains of his family and friends, and his employer has stopped pulling him aside to check in.

The Story

Isaac’s early life was fairly undramatic, more so in reality than on paper. His father left only a few years after he was born, and his mother remarried quickly. He moved frequently, following his mother as she married, divorced, and remarried. Throughout his childhood up to adolescence, he has lived in British Columbia, London, France, Mexico, and Alaska.

Eventually, he found his way into a mid-size drafting firm in Massachusetts, operating as a consultant for the firm’s customers. Shortly before the events of New York City, Isaac began suffering from insomnia. Soon after that, he stopped finding joy in anything. He dutifully continued his work, and irresponsibly avoided seeking help.

Sometime after the attack on NYC, Isaac met a man named Jason while taking a midnight stroll. The man offered a potential solution, and some terms.

Enter Rasmus.

The Priority

1. Endurance
2. Reaction
3. Agility
4. Strength

The Powers

[No Powers Yet Acquired]

The Weaknesses

Anhedonia - Isaac is largely incapable of feeling pleasure.

Insomnia - Isaac rarely sleeps more than a few hours, if he sleeps at all on a given day.

The Items


Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

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Number of posts : 105
Registration date : 2017-01-31

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Isaac Bell Empty Re: Isaac Bell

Post by Kubi Tsuru September 29th 2018, 1:25 am

Everything looks good to me!

Approved until stated otherwise!

Kubi Tsuru aka Titan
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Kubi Tsuru
Kubi Tsuru
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Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Power isn't the ability to hurt people, but rather the ability to resist temptation."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Location : Everywhere, pretty much
Age : 44
Job : Fire Hunter
Humor : All kinds and constantly
Registration date : 2016-06-10

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