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Carnyveils app: Feydemon

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Carnyveils app: Feydemon Empty Carnyveils app: Feydemon

Post by Carnyveil July 2nd 2015, 11:43 pm

"Guess what?! Righ-Wrong spell!"

Basic Biography

Real Name:  Jager Luffman
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Feydemon
Title: Master of Chaos
Alignment: CN
Age: 15
Gender: male
Race: Human/fey
Hair: Very light blonde
Eyes: Bright blue
Height: 5"1
Weight: 120
Blood type: A+

The Looks: He Has curly light blonde hair, its so light that has a white tint to it. He has a old style backpack with pots, food, ect (basically a backpack full of medivial level camping supplies.) He has a old robe that is a mix of red a green. It has a symbol of a nymph on the chest with images of demons going along the sides in red. the rest is in green with stiched in pictures of birds and leaves. He has a rounded face with bright blue eyes and freckles. He looks thin and kinda frail. He has tattered sandals made of wood and cloth. They look old. He has a what looks a burn mark shaped into a devilsh thing on his left eye. On his right is a dyrad but it looks like its drawn from dryed tears.

Either include pictures in Spoilers, a smaller picture/s for the profile, or a very detailed description of your characters physical appearance and costume.

The Legacy

Personality: He is kind, generous, and brave, but hes a hot head whos reckless and tends to do stuff that he thinks is right. Though he is incredibly stubborn and when he gets an idea. He tends to do his idea. hes incredible shy, especially to the other sex.

History: A longtime ago a child was born. His father was a mighty warlord who crushed all in his way. While his mother was the prettiest princess in all of the lands. Eventually the warlord despite being told by his wife conquered the world. The gods punished the man for his love of war by cursing his son with the mark of the demon. Which would lead his son to be a destroyer of all. Though the fey felt pity for there sister and blessed her baby with the mark of the fey. So that he would give peace to the world. Never before were these to marks combined and in so doing  created a wormhole which sent him to the future (about the 1500 century). He was found in a forest by a ranger crying (note that he is about 1 when this happens). He brings him over to his wife who happens to be the kings servant. He is then raised by the ranger and his wife unknowing of his true birth parents. He spent 10  years in the castle working as a servant until he discovered that he could use strange forces, thought it came at a terrible price. He accidently lit the kitchen on fire when he figured out that he could move flame. Though he tryed the flames turned black and kept growing. He was then branded a witch and was chased out of town by his own folk. Jager in his depression only had his magic left to keep him going and so became an adventurer. He traveled the world until around 15 when he created another hole transporting him to the current time.

The Powers and Weaknesses

(All characters can be as powerful as they want, as long as they are balanced with proper weaknesses.)


Power 1: Force bolt: he can fire a bolt of pure magic out of his hands. When it hits it causes tremendous force to the thing it hit and knocks it back while doing damage.

Power 2: Fey heritage: is heritage makes him unusally attractive to the other sex . It also grants him to the ability to heal light wounds with his fey powers.

power 3: Demon wings: he can sprout leathery wings that allow him to fly.

power 4: Fey mark: His fey mark gives him short boosts of power now and then in the form of certain spells-or by clearing his mind and calming him


Weakness 1: Teenage hormones: He kinda shuts down when near hot chicks or when he sees alot of skin or cleavage.

Weakness 2: Demon mark: This mark does the same but can change his spell turns super charged and the blast radius centers on him when it goes off.

Weakness 3: Weak: He isn't good when it comes to muscle and can be easily over powered.

Weakness 4: Reckless: He becomes reckless when angry and can be lead by his hot headed ness to do much more terrible things...maybe its the demon mark.
RP Mechanics

RP Mechanic(s): his demon eye glows red when useing damaging spells but his fey eye glows green when he uses healing spells


Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
Agility 3
Endurance 1
Reaction 2
Strength 4

Last edited by Carnyveil on July 3rd 2015, 1:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Carnyveils app: Feydemon Empty Re: Carnyveils app: Feydemon

Post by Carnyveil July 2nd 2015, 11:53 pm

gave two more weaknesses

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Carnyveils app: Feydemon Empty Re: Carnyveils app: Feydemon

Post by Carnyveil July 3rd 2015, 6:56 am

Changed his chaos power to mark powers do to forcie telling me that my original power was banned.

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Carnyveils app: Feydemon Empty Re: Carnyveils app: Feydemon

Post by Arcana July 3rd 2015, 2:19 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

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Registration date : 2011-02-08

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