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Book 01 Chapter 01 - A Second Chance At Life

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Book 01 Chapter 01 - A Second Chance At Life  Empty Book 01 Chapter 01 - A Second Chance At Life

Post by Vik June 5th 2015, 9:46 pm

Vik laid down in his bed as he began to ponder at the thought of being able to move his legs again but how would he go about it.... The next door neighbor of his is a doctor, yet would he accept my ten grand in cash to preform such an operation? If he didn't accept it, the leverage I have is the fact that I captured his daughter today. Would he try to kill me or would he do the surgery on me? A man would do anything for their child, so I believe a man in his current status and position wouldn't risk prison time for his career to be gone just like that. Following through with this plan is a must, his daughter already has seen my face today, so just backing out of this plan could cost me. It's time I set the motion to action. Lets do this.

Vik rose upright and climbed onto his wheelchair once more and rolled his way down into the kitchen, where he grabbed a bite of left over pizza from last night and started to chew it down and swallow it as he rolled over to a near window and looked down at the doctor who just parked his car and was already heading up the stairs from his job. Vik knew the timing perfectly as he stalked his prey before doing the action. Vik knew that his daughter wouldn't arrive home just yet from school and that it would take about an hour or so until she does. Vik just rested in his chair as he saw the doctor open up the front entrance to the apartment door and finished his pizza as he went over to the kitchen and washed his hands as he then pulled out a gallon of water from the fridge and poured it into his cup and drank it like a sailor. Vik was ready for the dream to come to pass and this was the moment he has been waiting for. Vik rolled his wheelchair over to the closed door closet and just looked at it and having flashback of his youth years of not being in a wheelchair and doing his crimes in secretly like a ghost. A tear left his eyes as he climbed out of the chair and to the closet door as he opened the door and stared into the closet entrance.

The dusty old metal shoe type box laid there in the closet door.  Vik sat right next to the metal box as he opened it and saw the uniform he once used to go on heist before his accident of losing both legs from ever moving again. Vik closed his eyes as tears dropped from his cheeks to the wooden floors. Vik wanted a new beginning once again at life and with ten grand by his side, he took his leather bag by his side and placed it fully on his back as he climbed back onto the wheelchair and left the box on the floor as he exited out of the apartment and traveled to his next door neighbor who was a doctor.  Vik knocked on the door and the doctor answered within a few seconds.

Doctor: Ah, Vik, how's it going? What can I help you with?

Vik: Hey Doc, I was wondering if you would be able to repair my legs  and get them back to normal. I will pay you ten grand for it.

Doctor: The money you offer isn't enough, and the procedure wouldn't be possible at my apartment.

Vik: If you had the right tools, you would be able to do this for me?

Doctor: Well yes, but I would still need the money as well.

Vik: Your daughter, Elizabeth was it?

Doctor: Yes, why?

Vik dialed a number and handed it over to the doctor and the doctor listened to his daughter screaming in the phone as a man on the other  line told her to shut up. The doctor dropped the phone and then dropped to his knees.

Vik: I promise you will get her back, I just want my life back.... You will get the girl and the money I offered to you, if you do the procedure today. No cops have to get involved, just you and me.

The doctor cooperated and both went over to the hospital and the operation was happening the very same day. The hours of work were long and within six hours of perfection and no screw ups, Vik rose to his feet once again and had a grin on his face. "Excellent, Now we will go back to the apartment and you will get your daughter back. The phone called was made and they both went back to the apartment with Vik being in his wheelchair and stopping right in front of the doctor's apartment.  

Doctor: Where's my daughter....

Vik: Inside.

The doctor opened up the door to see his daughter laying on the floor and covered in her own pool of blood. The doctor started to shake and the moment the doctor turned around, he was shot in the face by the homeless man with a 9mm silencer in his hand. Vik smirked and looked at the homeless man.

Vik: You did good... However, I decided to keep the money to myself, rather than give it to you.

Vik stood tall with his suit on as the homeless man pointed the gun to Vik's head and within a fraction of a second, the gun turning into ashes. Vik quickly pushed the man back and twirled his body around to send a strong side kick to the man's stomach. The man flew back a bit as  Vik then manipulated smoke surrounding the man with ease and choking him within the smoke, and causing him to die of suffocation after. Vik then dragged both bodies into the doctor's apartment and locked the door behind them, as the smoke caused the alarm to sound off. Vik sat back down in his wheelchair as  a neighbor a few doors down saw Vik and walked over to him.

Neighbor: You need help Vik getting out of the building?

Vik: Why thank you Jerry, You are always so kind to assist an elderly man.

Neighbor: No problem. How's your day so far?

Vik: I consider this day, a second chance at life.

Vik thought in his mind that he wouldn't be called Vik no more, he would go by his old title, "The Ghost Killer"

Book 01 Chapter 01 - A Second Chance At Life  21b7ke9

Book 01 Chapter 01 - A Second Chance At Life  Sv3q4o

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Quote : Think Before You Make A Move

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2015-06-04

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