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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Khellendros February 22nd 2015, 2:56 am

"It really would have been much easier to show my father some of your shiny technology and you would have had him hooked right away." She chuckles a little at that. "He can't resist the opportunity to get his hands on new tech. As for my body, it was designed for combat and that was one of many possibilities that accompanied it's construction. As long as my memory core remains intact my father can just build a new one, although, I really wish he would find someone to try and help him make a more... friendly looking body for me, one that I could actually wander amongst normal people with..." A wistful tone creeps into her voice at the admission. "So, this armour, you said it was made by a Master yet you fought against them, why would you fight against the ones you seem to hold in such high regard?"

Interesting procedure and methods... I can't really use it in my work though, it requires you to be stationary or at least not in a hostile scenario, maybe I could modify that strange gel I woke up in somehow... When μrsine mentions the lack of escape attempts, Khell can't help but quirk an eyebrow at the inquiry. "To be honest, I see no reason to escape as of yet and my more... inquisitive nature is definitely holding me here, you have a lot of technology that piques my interest and I always enjoy learning about new cultures. Malys is no different than me on that one. I was also wondering why your people would associate with a group of megalomaniacs since you seem to hold humans in such high regard as they clearly have no qualms about murdering helpless bystanders?" Thinking on the part about kicking him in the nuts, Khell didn't feel any sort of anger towards the individual on the table. "As for harming your brother once he wakes up, I don't hold grudges, they're an enormous waste of time so don't worry, your brother is perfectly safe from any sort of retribution on my part. We fought, he won, end of story." He walks closer to the operating table to get a better look at Tsxero. "He fought well, I would hate to see him die if his intentions were all in the interest of saving his people, a noble sentiment is something I can relate to."

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Silus February 24th 2015, 1:36 am

Hɇtallos listened as he sipped at his carmine soup. So apparently this creature would persist with questions. That was well enough, as Hɇtallos could imagine her as a curious type. Though there were many points that she brought up in her little monologue. She had brought up that Khellendros was likely interested in their technology. This was slightly alarming to Hɇtallos as he continued to contemplate what the man would do with their technologies. He didn't want the technology of his people turning into a weapon, especially if it had anything to do with being used against humans. Khellendros seemed like a nice enough fellow. If he were truly a Knight, like the "Black Knight" title suggested he would be a safe person to trust. Unfortunately the General did not trust easily. Though her comment on wishing she had a more easily received form caught his ear.

  "I see..." He said, making a harsh rumble and grumble in his throat with the attempts to clear it. "If it...would please you we do have a few things that may contribute to your design. Though I will not deny that I still do not trust you, nor this Black Knight. I do like the two of you, rest assured. But Like and trust are two separate things I'm sure you understand." He confessed. There had been no need to hide or be suspicious, he was honest and fourth-coming, as a Knight of his people should be. Of course he then continued on to respond a little more to her previous comment about the armor.

  "They created us. But we had disagreements. They had a system of polotics, a pantheon of faith that they so easily discarded. They created us, gave us life yet turned around the next moment and began killing us. Women, children, elders. We even began to start our own government at one point but they quickly stopped that by killing off our leaders. Just so that we wouldn't be able to be independent from them. They were not a "good" people. They were called "The Master Race" simply because all other species feared them and their intellectual prowess. All I know is what the stories say. Our people learned of humanity while the Master's observed them. We began to love humanity...their cultures, their many different faith systems. The Masters saw that as a threat to their dominion over us. So we followed humanity's example. We rebelled. We began strong, we were beyond their ability to handle one on one. For every one of the trillion of us that fell we were able to take three of them with us. Unfortunately we were not "designed" to be smarter than they were. Eventually their brainpower shifted to making ways to stop us. The three to one ration stopped to two to one. Then one to one... and it eventually backslid to the point that for every one of them that died...we lost ten." Hɇtallos said with a sigh and a shrug, his gaze on his own reflection within his soup void of all emotion. "Our mother was...very old. The second oldest of us, the oldest being the Huntsmaster, her father. She was actually alive to watch her father fight the Master's over one thousand years ago.... eventually the fighting subsided and the "Masters" proved they were a "loving and generous people" when they took every last one of our people and put them in pods. Then they knocked them all out and underwent an extreme genetic rewrite, adding in a function which allowed us to look as if we were human. They said it was their final gift as benevolent gods to us. They made us able to blend in with the race out people loved so much. They sent us to Earth with the tree...The Dream. They said to plant it immediately after landing. We did, thankful that they let us live, let alone come to live with the humans... but we found out a little too late what truly happened.  We soon found that in moments of pain, we lost the ability to retain our human forms. We transformed into what we....well what we truly are.  We soon found that, well as I'm sure you know, Oxygen is actually quite poisonous to us. Now we have a naturally advanced regeneration factor, that in space or in our normal habitat would allow us to instantly recover form bullet wounds. On Earth...the oxygen actually negates the healing factor due to it's poisonous nature. Our lungs get a burning sensation, and it feels like our blood catches fire. That burning feeling is actually the oxygen killing off every cell it comes in contact with... we still live because our body heals rabidly enough to compensate. Unfortunately that's ALL it can any excess damages we take while on earth aren't going to heal as they would without the presence of oxygen.... I'm sorry I'm ranting. Uh.... well essentially We rebelled because....that's what children do. Humans rebel against their parents and their Gods. Our masters rebelled against their Gods.... and we rebelled against our Masters... We didn't like being so...suppressed. But our Mother's armor is...unique. She had a vision...she said that there was someone of the future. "A Master who knew us, who knew you by name and by heart before you were born. A Master who was not a Master, but one of us." was what she said. This Master told her that she would need armor... Masters were coming to Earth to kill her. He instructed her on how to make her armor through her dream. When she woke she shared her dream to all of us. She shared what the man told her. She shared what the Master shared with her...and she made the suit. Low an behold, three years later, fourteen Master's appeared on Earth. My mother...with that armor. She killed all fourteen and didn't even suffer a scratch, the armor was inoperable, but she was fine. Before the last Master died he made a threat, One that still haunts Tsxero to this day... so he wants our mother's armor fixed. He wants it as a symbol to inspire our people, and to wear for protection as he fights, lives and dies for us. Hɇtallos concluded as he quickly picked up the bowl and tilted his head back. The crimson liquid rushing through his mouth and down his throat as he essentially chugged the now warm liquid. A trickle poured out the side of his mouth and ran down his cheek, but he'd quickly finish his soup and wipe it away.

   "Again...sorry for ranting."


  "Well you and me both, Cromwell. I want to know why he's working with them too. It doesn't make any sense." μrsine said, adding to the fact that no one really knows WHY Tsxero was working with them. "Oh he'll still have his genitals. Probably. I'm contemplating removing them while we're working on him. Just to prove the point I'm angry with him." μrsine added with a glance at Colin who had wanted to kick Tsxero in the balls, and hadn't thought of leaving.

  The  next thing μrsine did was walk over towards the Iris orb again as the two other doctors brought over large needles, ones with needles about two foot in length. "Okay, Inject the, N-S.O.X in the secondary locations." He said. He stepped back towards Khell and Colin. He made a little motion for them to back up a little before standing a little in front of them and turning around. Instantly a holographic "wall" appeared with a computerized generation of Tsxero's physical form, spare the blood and gore. μrsine put his hands up and began to move them, as he began to move them, the wall began to shift things around, showing a response to the stimuli that was μrsine's gaze. "Nu metal is pretty tight. I'm assuming control of the swarms." μrsine essentially annunciated the last aprt about him assuming control. In that moment the holographic wall began to show little green dots appearing on the areas where Tsxero recieved his injections (even though the wall appeared to cut off their view of the injections). Live video feed began to play from within cryogenically frozen blood, as μrsine began to shift his hadns the cameras began to move.

  "So these things... they're called N-S.O.X. This is how we do 90% of major surgery. Especially surgery this heavy. More importantly though, How about family? You guys got any family? You seem like the type that has an annoying big brother...or a little brother. You got Malys and Alex." μrsine said, starting to Colin with the brother comment and then to Khell when it came to Malys and Alex.

A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Lucife10
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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by The Bolt February 24th 2015, 11:55 pm

Colin smirked upon hearing something about him still having genitals, which was good considering that he really did want to knee him there. ”Keep em, there needs to be something to kick.” Colin noted with a smirk, rolling his eyes slowly while looking around the room slowly now that the gory portion was over. Not that he would likely do so in the end, as that Tsxero guy was likely scary even in his human form, at least compared to the squishy little Colin.  Mursine would go about his operation, doing whatever it was he did involving the Iris orb. Honestly, he was just trying to take in all of the strange technology that was around him and that within itself was a difficult thing. A strange wall formed with what seemed like some kind of generation of the subjects form, Mursine doing whatever it was that he was doing, probably fixing some stuff with...a swarm.

From what he could tell, Nɇaroviin could barely follow along with anything happening, aside from a small nod of the head, arms still crossed over his chest as he remained for the most part quiet. Mursine seemed to enjoy his taste in music, which was  a sort of relief to him, or at least a small one anyway, now that he could get past his earlier queasiness. What every they were injecting would do most of the hard work, likely some form of nanobots that could repair damage that large clumsy human hands could not. An elegant piece of tech if he was right, but then again that was just an assumption upon his part more than anything else. A question had been asked about families, and likely he would be expected to answer something like that. Colin paused for a moment, blinking to look at his hands before looking back to the blond blessed one.

”You're half right about the annoying Big Brother thing, though two would be more correct. You could say i'm the... baby of the family.” He noted with a shrug, hoping he didn't make it obvious that he was leaving something out.
The Bolt
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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Khellendros March 6th 2015, 10:22 am

Malys listened intently to the long answer given by her company, especially the part about the possibilities presented by the technology in granting her new form. Most interesting. Reasons to be on their good side then, although I'm pretty sure once he hears this part of the story, father will probably cooperate without hesitation. "I'm always up for a good ramble. I appreciate your honesty though, we've dealt with far too many people that tried to hide their opinions or intentions towards us in our line of work. Khellendros is only ever interested in another's technology if it is beneficial in some way as a treatment, he only trusts technology he understands fully when designing weapons as well as taking pride in his designs being completely his. He is probably absorbing as much as he can in your medical lab as we speak. He'll never turn someone else's technology into a weapon though, that doesn't sit well with him when others do it so he'll never do it to you I assure you. As for the oxygen being poisonous, he may have a solution in the wings somewhere, I've never been one to pay too much attention to how he treats ailments or injuries since I've never had a body suited to the obviously intricate work involved. I'll ask if he knows anything in that area." She looks to the man across from her before deciding to ask something not in line with the conversation so far. "I must know, it seems to be either my over observance playing tricks on me but... Why so much interest in this Colin child? Do you believe him to be a descendant of these masters, or is there something more sinister about him that we should be made aware of?'


Khell watches intently as the "swarms" do their work until μrsine chimes in with the question about families. He tilts his head slightly as Colin gives his answer about being the baby of the family no mention of parents though... maybe the answer to questions about his armour lay there? Try that line later. When thinking about how μrsine refered to Malys and Alex as his family, he couldn't help but smile a little. "To be honest those two are like the siblings I never had, but so much more than that, they're more like my children in a way. Malys and Alex's sentience are a complete accident on my part, Malys was instantaneous and Alex... Well, he doesn't seem to think I know about him, so I'm playing a little game to see how long it takes him to come clean on that. As for parentage and the like, most of the Faust family is living quietly in Canada at present... Well, as quietly as some of them can anyways." He smiles while quickly thinking up a question of his own in regards to the familial system that is in place here. "Aside from your brothers, how much of your direct bloodline do you interact with on a regular basis? Do you..." I have no idea how to put this... And what am I doing anyways? I don't do these sort of questions often... "I suppose there's no such thing as a formal family get-together or the like, is there?"

(It's finally here and complete, sorry it took so long)

Khellendros, The Black Knight
Khellendros' EXP

Malystrix, The Iron Dragon
Malystrix's EXP
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[21:04:06] Khellendros : a joke at worst?

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by The Doctor March 12th 2015, 11:13 pm

Malystrix was indeed one of the more pleasant machines Hɇtallos had ever met. Honestly, given different circumstances he'd have loved the chance to test her metal. No that wasn't a typo, unfortunately that time was not now. Hɇtallos smiled as he contemplated the nature of what he had been informed about this Black Knight, Khellendros. He was not the kind to turn other's technology into a weapon? Oh he was certain Malys believed that, as he was certain Khellendros himself believed that. But if that were true then man would never have known war, the electric chair or any means for combat beyond bare hands, sticks and stones. All that humanity touched was a weapon, it was almost so unusual that it was a racial gift of sorts. Perhaps Khellendros would one day have the honor of proving him wrong. Perhaps one day Khellendros would be as predictable as the rest of them. If and when that time came, either way.... it would be Hɇtallos that judged him. A task he did not relish the thought of.

"Hm? Oh... no there's nothing you need to be made aware of." Hɇtallos said, drawing himself from his thoughts before running his hand through his hair. "No I do not believe he is a descendant of the Masters...the Masters....they frowned upon humanity. Though I suppose nothing is impossible. We've never even seen the face of one of the Master Race. They never let us look upon them...they hid behind armor. Armor a little more advanced than this "Colin's" armor. My suspicions of him are not at any standard. That suit was not something human built. I only know one individual who can craft technology like what they've seen on it... and if he's involved then we very well may have just signed a death warrant for our entire species by harming the kid." Hɇtallos said with a sigh before rubbing his eyes and looking about. More and more people began to flood in. It was apparently time for the younger generations to eat their meals. Hɇtallos rose and let out a rather weary sigh.

"Well...there will be a judgement soon...if you care to come, feel free." Hɇtallos said as he left his tray and took his sword and started on his way out the door. He would be going to the outdoors area, and stood at a slight distance away from the tree as he said a couple words in his native tongue, a couple of teenaged knights obediantly listening and running off before vanishing and returning with an almond shaped pod. Once the young squires had placed it down, the entire grass beneath them turned black and the almond shape broke into four parts, each one a leg and a glowing back sphere atop a small cylidrical construct in the center of the legs. The next thing brought out was a rectangular wooden box with carvings all over it. The box was stood upright and the chains clattered and made a bit of a fit as the unusual lock pad dangled there.


"Well actually...everyone you see in this 98 or however many of us there are.... we are, at furthest, second cousins. That is the most distant blood relationship we have. Of course that's the longest it'll be for a while. By time the breeding cycles close over again we'll literally all be cousins...then it'll cycle out so that some of us are second cousins." μrsine said with a little shrug. Of course humans had this thing about mating with cousins because it was weird or whatever...perhaps that needed explained a little. "Humans don't let the cousins thing slip because inbreeding causes genetic defects. That's because genetic defects are mostly recessive traits, right? Right, well, human cousins and shit all have the same recessive traits, and if you do the pennant square with both parents having the same recessive traits, you have a substantially greater risk of defect. We Blessed ones are all of the same blood, all of the same genes. We also have much less chance for mutation and recessive nature because the way we were created. So inbreeding for us is...not such a big deal. Still socially awkward to rail your sister but hey..." μrsine stated, his explanation over as he stepped back and snapped his fingers. At that moment the mini devices had entire left Tsxero's body and found their way back to the needle that had inserted them.

"Now here's the coup de gras... you're about to see the last little gift of our race... Iris, we need oxygen masks for them." μrsine said as he walked back and crossed his arms with a smile. Tsxero was still very mutilated his wounds were grevious and honestly no human being alive could survive the heavy wounds that lay there. The two other docters came and provided little compact oxygen masks for their human guest. After that μrsine looked to the one doctor and smiled. The words "Do it" were all he needed to say and in a moment the oxygen was turned off without warning. μrsine smiled as the walking blood-bag of tattered flesh beganb to twitch and jerk. The jaw trembled and the wrist quaked with anticipation. Tsxero's tongue wiggled out as he made a loud screeching sound before somehow he miraculously had the strength to sit himself up. A large hand brought across his stomach he looked as his morbidly brutilized face fixared on Khellendros and Colin. The hulking 10 foot monster dropped down to the ground as he finally stopped thawing and blood splashed to the floor. Tsxero took one unsteady step forward, then another more stable step, then a thirs that was a gimp, a fourth that was a little less of a hobble, and by the fifth step Tsxero was upright, fine and entirely unscathed. What once looked like the resault of a cat trying to have sex with a blender was now restored to it's former glory, entirely untouched and unharmed.

"Oxygen is actually poisonous to our species. We have a natural regeneration that is unreal, we can all bounce back from any fatality in a minute. Unfortunately because Oxygen is so posionous to us it requires our constant regeneration to work on our lungs so we don't die..." μrsine explained before the oxygen in the area was restored and the doctors reached out for the O2 masks, unphased by the little growls Tsxero made in Khellendros and Colin's direction.

A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 The_do10
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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by The Bolt March 13th 2015, 12:00 am

Khellendros seemed to be the one with all of the questions, not that Colin should have been too surprised by that, but then again he knew nothing about the guy. From what he had gathered, he was a curious sort, meaning and with all of this information to learn, he would likely be full of questions. That aside, it seemed that Mursine  was explaining how they were all related at the furthest second cousins, which only brought up images that he would have rather not have within his head, but there there were. Truthfully, he could have done without that for the rest of his life, but then again that was how his poor little brain worked, it hated him immensely. The blessed one that had followed them seemed to be mulling something over to himself, but then again he always seemed to have something on his mind, at least when the surgery started. Perhaps that was a way that he could fight the boredom, or something else, yet Colin could not quite tell at this point.

”Now that is something I did not want to know.” Colin noted with an awkward chuckle, scratching the back of his head and sort of averting his eyes to the floor. Of course he was aware of similar instances happening in society, but then again those people were ostracized for it, but here it seemed almost like a commonplace thing rather than a taboo. It made one wonder what was taboo within their society, aside from murder, which seemed like something most civilized people shied away from.

With a snap, the mini machines would move from Tsxero to the needle that Mursine had been holding, and it seemed that the surgery was almost complete, which for some reason called for oxygen masks. Were they going to do something with the air? Despite the work that had been done upon the blessed one, he was for the most part still mangled, perhaps beyond any form of health care, but then again that would change within a few moments. Two scientists would bring them masks, and Colin barely had any time to place his on before Mursine said something about do it, followed by the oxygen being drawn from the room, and leaving them well....oxygenless. Luckily he had his mask, even though he had to scramble in the last few seconds to put it on. It was when the oxygen was removed that something changed within Tsxero, his body beginning to twitch and if his eyes were working correctly, his body was beginning to repair itself.

Within a matter of moments, the mangled body had become something else entirely. He was not sure what had happened, but suddenly the guy had some kind of crazy healing factor out of nowhere, deus ex machina some would call it but there were no machines, nor gods coming out of them; so it couldn't be. Luckily, here came Mursine explaining where the regeneration came from, otherwise he would have had no idea what was happening. Now that was out of the way, he found himself the subject of little growls radiating from Tsxero, and Colin began to wonder if he were going to attack him. If that were the case then.....well.... he was kinda screwed. He was more scared of the were alien at the moment than anything else, which was why he sort of unconsciously took a few steps back to keep some space between him and them; even if it did him no good.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Khellendros March 16th 2015, 1:45 am

Malys follows Hɇtallos outside to where a strange object is brought before him, I wonder what that is, before splitting to reveal it's nature as a construct of some sort. She simply eyes it warily as an intricately carved case bearing a strange sort of lock is brought forth at his behest, she can only watch the proceedings while logging away the strange words Hɇtallos has been issuing commands with for later reference. "I don't mean to be rude, but what precisely are we doing at the moment?"


Khellendros took the proffered mask before the removal of the oxygen from the room commenced and watched as the mangled body before them began to take on new life. Most fascinating... As Tsxero rose, he noted Colin's reaction and took a slight step to the side to cover the younger more fragile youth in the event of something going wrong. "You know Tsxero, one could take all that growling as something sinister to the foreigners in the room. We are here in no way to harm you or your brethren." He could only hope that his words would draw any hostility towards him and away from the other if things were to turn to violence.

Khellendros, The Black Knight
Khellendros' EXP

Malystrix, The Iron Dragon
Malystrix's EXP
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : [21:03:51] Odien : Well, the origins of All Fools Day are unknown, the theories dubious at best.

[21:04:06] Khellendros : a joke at worst?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Age : 34
Job : Quality Analyst, boring but stable
Humor : Schroedinger's Cat, it is everywhere yet nowhere
Registration date : 2014-12-21

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by The Doctor March 16th 2015, 11:13 pm

"We're preparing for judgement" Hɇtallos said to Malys as he crossed his arms and smiled contemplating that which the future held. In a moment there was a knight that appeared, his footsteps had been as silent as the dead. He announced that the "Kaxkain" had awoken, he proclaimed it was a miracle of sorts, but Hɇtallos seemed to pay no heed to that. He sent for Tsxero and said to "Bring the Kaxkain to me. Judgement is at hand and he has crimes to answer for." The young squire seemed to look with a look of great disapproval, though he'd not question the highest "authrotiy" he knew within the Knights of the Dream.


   The Oxygen now returned to the area and Tsxero let out a little growl again at Khellendros before he began to condense in size. The best way one could compare it was like molting, the chitin blistered and the hair shed, though the hair seemed to turn immediately to dust, the chitin shattered and cracked but seemed to condense and get sucked INTO the skin as the creature revealed itself to be none other than the human that Khellendros met before. The human grunted as it tried to stand upright and looked to μrsine with a scowl before looking to Khellendros and then the human Colin. "Y-you brought them here! Are you out of your mind!?" Tsxero shouted, so much so that the vibration in his cvoice left a ringing in the ears. So he was legitamately pissed beyond the point of belief. μrsine was used to this, and it showed as he didn't even flinch or react to such a yell.

  "Get dressed, They'll probably want-oh hey look. Someone to finish what I was gonna say." μrsine joked as he saw a little blessed one drop in through a vent and flourishing some aerial acrobatics as it twisted in mid air and landed on it's feet. It let out a series of gurgles, shattering and trills before nodding. Tsxero's eyes narrowed as he looked from the squire to μrsine and shook his head with a hard expression turning worried and panicked. Despite this, nothing else about him seemed panicked. His movements were as confidant and collected as they always had been. He silently followed a doctor to a set of clothing as a curtin was shut and he was allowed to dress. μrsine looked to Colin and Khell before sighing and then realizing that they were probably lost.

  "Well now comes the best part. The part where Tsxero is put on trial. You guys will get a chance at your revenge after all." μrsine said as he resolved to pull them back to the area of the "main event" so to speak. "Well this is the main event for the evening...after this you guys can pretty much break away and do whatever you want. Hey, Iris, send a message to the research and development and tell them to release the suits." μrsine said, though he was quickly countered with an issue. "If I am to release them against the Kaxkain's commands-"Return what belongs to them. They'll need it if my fate is to turn to the darker side of ambition." Tsxero replied as he stepped forward. He was wearing black jeans and a white Tee-shirt.  "Now let's go..." Tsxero sighed as he stepped onto the platform. The grav-lock engaged to keep the crew from falling off, and the entire ground rose again as it slid back on the railing, returning them to the rest of the facility.

   Tsxero was painfully quiet as he was "escorted" by μrsine, Cromwell and Colin though μrsine did manage to chirp that "Tsxero, don't you think you owe them some all?" μrsine asked, almost as if in total disbelief that his Kaxkain hadn't already offered an explanation, or offered to partake in a Q&A with the people he had wronged. "An explanation would make it seem as if I were justifying what I've done... There is no justification for it. I am guilty, but now it must yet be seen if the people will trust my reasoning or if they've lost confidence in me. Either way...
explaining it won't help anyone. If they cared they'd ask."
Tsxero said as they emerged from the lab and into the "courtyard" area where at least one hundred people were gathered. In the center was the pod like device, and the box with the chain, and there were three people arguing with the Knight from earlier (Hɇtallos). As Tsxero led them all to the center Hɇtallos stopped them.

  "Now we will see justice." Hɇtallos called out in that moment all the commotion silenced and the three older looking individuals turned their gaze upon Cromwell, μrsine, Malystrix, Colin and Tsxero. The next thing that would be seen would be both suits of armor and their prospective equipment brought out, both still deactivated but fully assembled and unharmed. "Khellendros, Colin and Malystrix. I beseech you to share a first hand account of my brother's crimes to the congregation of the people. In return we will allow you to have your items back as proof you are not here to harm us."

  "I already cleared them-!" Tsxero snapped as he stepped forward, but Hɇtallos  moved forward and grabbed Tsxero's collar, standing him upright. "And I revoked the clearance. I don't trust them, for all I know these are more of your psychotic friends. If we hear the truest recount from them then we shall know where their loyalties lie. Now shut up...and wait for swift judgement." Hɇtallos hissed, speaking quietly to Tsxero though it wasn't impossible for the others to hear if they tried really hard. Next he shoved, pushing Tsxero while releasing the collar and sending Tsxero stumblingback a little, had the youngest of the trio not steadied him, he'd likely have fallen.

A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by The Bolt March 17th 2015, 3:28 am

At least he was being glared at by the strange creature for long, as it would take on another form, one less threatening at least. A human one to be exact, still taller than him, yet Colin did not feel as if it were going to devour him when it got the chance. His response of surprise was an interesting one, acting as if he were furious or something like that about them being here. Part of him wanted to snap at him, yet Colin did not and only stood there, realizing now that the blessed one that had come in with them was no longer...well with them. When had the guy left anyway?  Regardless, something told him that things were about to get interesting, hopefully it would be in a good way. Things seemed to take a turn as one of them would drop down from one of the vent, releasing a strange sequence of sounds that obviously these blessed ones understood, but to Colin they made no sense whatsoever.

Was it time to begin kicking the guy in the balls or did that come later? Either way, he was really hoping to get to that soon, because man did this guy give a bad first impression. Luckily, Mursine was here to bring them up to speed, and sadly there was no testicle kicking. There may be, but he would have to hope about that really. ””Well...this is getting interesting. Colin noted crossing his arms over his chest, wondering what sort of punishment was going to be thrown at this Tsxero guy. He was going to get his suit back, which was always good, as for why the guy who had the whole child armor ordered it though was unknown.

Being escorted to some type of courtyard along with Tsxero, and Cromwell, he began to wonder how this trial would go. In the center were three people arguing, one of them he recognized from earlier, and something told Colin this was going to get messy. Silence was brought across the courtyard as he could see his armor being brought into view, yet seeing it so far out of reach only made him feel more vulnerable. Apparently he was supposed to be giving an account of this guys crimes, an interesting twist to be sure but what they were expecting was a better question. Was this trial necessary or was it a formality before they meted out this “justice”? Regardless, they were here for some reason, so there was that needing to be settled.

Still, if they wanted an account, they would get one. It didn't seem as if this knight was too happy with Tsxero, but then again he wasn't either, if this was the only way he could get his stuff, then so be it. ”Alot of crimes there.” Colin started simply, feeling as if so many eyes were upon him. ”There's the whole wanton destruction thing, the murder of innocent people and using children as body armor.  I was there trying to stop him and whoever else was doing this from destroying the city. From what I can tell, he would have killed the children if he was pushed to that.” All he was going off of was his perspective, so for all Colin knew he was wrong, still he was only saying what needed to be said.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Khellendros March 25th 2015, 12:40 pm

I wouldn't mind an explanation... But it can wait for now. Khellendros followed the others in relative silence, mulling over what had happened thus far, while making their way back to the courtyard where the large gathering was taking place. There has got to be most of this colony here. Darker side of ambition... This could be bad. He spotted Malys standing near Hɇtallos and headed over to her. "We'll compare notes about information later. What's going on here?" Malys only turned her head slightly at the question. "You'll see. Apparently we're going to witness their judicial system." Hɇtallos called for silence and the three foreigners in the room to give testimony against the one responsible for their circumstances. "I wasn't really present for most of his transgressions aside from the police station fiasco, most of the killing going on there looked to be the work of the gang members more than him, including the collapse of said building-" "With me in it." "Yes dear, with you in it, I was after that bastard energy manipulator with the bomb following that incident so I have no clue what he was doing between then and when we crossed paths at the hospital. Disposed of said bomb after hucking that fool like a ragdoll down the hallway and chased him into radiology where I saw an officer get his arm basically disolved off for shooting your aforementioned psycho and then went to help him only to get my head smashed into concrete. But..." Walking over to Tsxero's side and gently placing his hand on the other's shoulder.  "If he brought us here under the assumption that either of us could help with a problem your people have, I'll look past that. It was a good fight and he bested me, no hard feelings. As for what happened following that, I'd have to defer to Alex and Malys for those details considering my condition prior to waking here."

"Well it was pretty much the same for me. Except when they took Cromwell, I went a little overboard thinking that he'd been killed and tried to decimate the both of them - Tsxero and the other man that is... I am dreadfully sorry for that, although it does require immense strength to penetrate my armour and am wondering how it was achieved." Looking to Tsxero. "But if Cromwell is willing to side with you then I shall as well, I am most curious as to what drove you to capture us as oppose to destroying us when we interceded in the conflict though."

Cromwell nods to Malys and makes a small gesture towards Colin. She takes the very few steps to stand near Colin as Cromwell leans in slightly to whisper to Tsxero "What precisely did you mean about the darker side of ambition? Should we be ready for an... altercation?"

Khellendros, The Black Knight
Khellendros' EXP

Malystrix, The Iron Dragon
Malystrix's EXP
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : [21:03:51] Odien : Well, the origins of All Fools Day are unknown, the theories dubious at best.

[21:04:06] Khellendros : a joke at worst?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Age : 34
Job : Quality Analyst, boring but stable
Humor : Schroedinger's Cat, it is everywhere yet nowhere
Registration date : 2014-12-21

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by The Doctor April 1st 2015, 5:00 pm

A lot had transpired. Tsxero looked to Colin, though surprisingly enough there wasn't any animosity in his eyes. Probably because Tsxero understood what was happening, he also understood that thishuman hadevery right to be mad. Fortunately, Tsxero wasn't the type to seek vengence for someone answering a question honestly. Of course then he brought in perspective. That changed things in a bit of a heartbeat. Whispers and murmurs of disbelief cycled through the people as Hɇtallos smiled and shook his head, though the smile seemed to be of both disgust and disbelief.

"Unbelievable..." Hɇtallos scoffed, then looking to Khellendros and Malystrix. Apparently Khell didn't see the whole two or three people Tsxero killed. Which was good, considering that the first testomonial made him seem like some kind of savage beast. Tsxero smirked when Malystrix stated that she were in the collapsed building. Tsxero recalled that as Weaver's handiwork. Khell then placed a hand on his shoulder durring the second half of the testimonial. Tsxero's shoulder tensed and he seemed to twitch, but with a little cognitive thought he was able to override the savage reflex and relaxed a little. His guard wasn't totally dropped but nowhere near it's optimal. Malystrix took things form there while Khellendros asked Tsxero a question.

"My brother finds me unfit to rule simply because of a past error. Now he sees me affiliated with thtis gang and immediately assues I've gone off the deep end. He would see me executed and himself named the Kaxkain." Tsxero replied very, very quietly before the congregated "elders" began to whisper and murmur. Hɇtallos seemed to be arguing but with a roll of his eyes and a little growl of annoyance he turned to look at Collin and then to Tsxero. "Kaxkain. Define your guilt as you see it before us so that we may hear your defense." Hɇtallos commanded. Tsxero stepped forward slowly, taking his own sweet time in order to irritate the living hell out of his younger sibling.

"I am guilty of endangering human children, I am guilty of the murder of an "innocent" only in self-defense and I am guilty of assisting in the destruction of human property. My guilt has been deterined in all factors, but I ask that you know that...the children were never truly in danger." Tsxero stated. This began to cause an uproar, the murmers were now full blown talking and speech as the adults began to question what was happening, what happened and what was going on.

"I see..." Hɇtallos said looking to Collin, as if looking for affirmation, or a rebutle of some kind. "That suit looks of Master's work. That being said if it were a Master it would NEVER endanger the life of a child, of any species. If it were a human it would spare the children because I know that if it were a "psychopath" then it would not have opposed me to begin with! The methane gas was a deturrent to prevent them from even trying to strike out at me, because the risk and consequece far out-weighed the benefits. I knew their sensors would detect it. If I truly intended to hurt the children would I have returned to clamp off the gas pipes? No. I am guilty of murdering in self-defense. I am guitly of assisting in destruction. But as I see it...the children were never in danger of me."

"Very well, you who wears the mark of the-" Hɇtallos began, but the second he did that a stray tail swatted him on the back of the head. "What-? NO! No, no no! He has the mark! Any crime is death!" He started to argue but then the three elders stepped forward and the leader of the huntsmaster glowered at him before stepping forward.

"Kaxkain. We hear your reason and we accept this. However, Hɇtallos is right. So long as you bear the branding upon you...all crimes are punishable by death. Though I do believe we did state that you were an exception, as none have done more or sacrificed more for our people. We decree that your brand is Null and Void." The Huntsmaster said, speaking for the other three individuals it would seem. Tsxero felt a wave of relief in knowing his brother could no longer simply charge him with jay walking and it be punishable by death. "However... your crimes must be paid for. You will face the leader of the Knights of the Dream in combat. As you are wounded you may seek the asisstance of one you have wronged. If you are victorious then your charges are paid. If you are defeated...well....then your charges are paid in blood... see to it." the Huntsmaster said before walking away. The murmurs were great, Knights were in an uproar, as they blindly followed their "leader", though all others seemed to be happy with the prostpect of Tsxero remaining alive...for now.

"I need Nɇaroviin. μrsine, bring him." Tsxero said, completely lost and confused. The little one did as his eldest brother asked, and soon they would arrive, but first, Tsxero engaged all parties. "You don't have to like me, but like it or not I'm the ONLY reason all three of you are still alive after the events of Springfield. You want to know why I was there? I needed help. I'm helping them because I need help in return. I helped you to find a potential way out of my species condition. Turns out that's not going as well as I hoped and now I'm afraid I need to ask you to help me." Tsxero said with a sigh. Well it WAS true. Any other psychopath would have killed them, and at least right now he seemed more human than what one would expect. "I have no right to ask you for help...I know... but I didn't have to save any of you. I could have given you to the psychopaths. I could have ouright killed you. I'm not asking you to trust anything other than the facts. There are only four to six lives on my hands from Springfield and that was out of necessity. The three of you were spared and protected. I think I'm a better option to deal with than the rest of the gang...I'm only doing what I absolutely HAVE to to give my people their best chance. I'm even going out of my way to right what I can as I go. So...will one or both of you please stand for me?" Tsxero asked, rather sudden but ultimately needed. He wouldn't be able to last against his brother, not alone at any rate.

"If you don't want to stand and fight Ill bring you to your possessions you had...then I can get you out of the colony. Unfortunately I'm just hoping Tsxero wins." The little guy said with a sigh and a shrug.

A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Atlas April 1st 2015, 6:30 pm

Once he gave his testimony, all Colin could do was stand back and let things proceed as they would, hands buried into his pockets while he waited for whatever to happen. Part of him wondered if there would be a sort of execution. Not that he wanted anyone to die, no, Colin was not that spiteful, mostly because none of the children had been harmed. Something told him that this brother of his was out for blood, yet he could not go assuming things until he was proven right or wrong. Regardless, next was that armored guy testifying with the mecha dragon, which meant things would likely get interesting. They seemed to have more of an interaction with the blessed one, while he had met him and got knocked out rather quickly. Waiting was key now, so all he would do was wait, arms crossed while this trial went on, expecting the dreaded verdict any second now.

With each revelation, it seemed that the people were more stirred up by it, though it only lead him to have more questions than answers in the end. The guilty would get a chance to defend themselves, which made this not seem so one sided as he had assumed, though all he could think of was how ready the judge seemed to swing the axe. Upon having their chance, it seemed that he indeed confess to the crimes that were thrown at him, much to the uproar of the people watching. What they were trying to do, he didn't know but things escalated towards one proper conclusion, one that he had been expecting since the start of this post. Eyes would fall upon Colin, seemingly expecting something from him, yet he wasn't sure what that was. So he only nodded, a motion of affirmation that what he had said was true, or as true as he was aware of at any rate.

He had said they weren't in any danger, but that was a huge assumption. If Colin were a psychopath, that meant nothing, as he could have been one of those assholes that just loved to fuck with people. He could've blown the kids up for shits and giggles, as he was sure there were people out there that would do just that. However, it seemed that this guy with the H name was set upon the death penalty, but someone else spoke out against it, much to Tsxero's favor actually. Something about him having sacrificed much for them, but what that something was he could not quite tell. Where it came down to was some manner of combat, that could have ended in the guy dying anyway, or perhaps just earning a second chance at life. The question he found himself asking was if he would have to kill his brother to get that.

Luckily, considering his wounded condition the guy could have some help, so this wasn't just a glorified execution. Someone was called for, that one guy he remembered from the mess hall, and Mursine was off to collect said guy. Soon enough he arrived looking much the same as he had before, arms crossed over his chest and looking to Tsxero curiously, as if wondering why he wanted him there of all people. From Colin could gather of what tsxero was saying, it sounded like he were saying they owed him for saving them. While it was true, he really hated being guilt tripped like that, especially when this guy had no long ago been murdering people. ”So it's help you, and you might not die? Or don't and you do die? You know....I really hate you right now.” Colin noted with a frown, feeling as if this guy was just messing with him now. That much he was certain of, the hate anyway. ”but it seems I don't have a choice, can't just let you get killed can I?” Well, now it seemed like he had gotten himself into a rather interesting fight. Whether this was for his people or not, he couldn't tell, but he would find out soon enough.

”Well does that mean I need to help you out still....or does the angry little guy have it all covered?” Nɇaroviin chimed in, gaining a small glare from Colin who then just looked to the ground.

”okay, if i'm going to do anything, I need my suit. ”
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 294
Registration date : 2015-01-29

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Khellendros April 2nd 2015, 2:16 am

Ok, so everything wasn't quite going to hell in a hand-basket, Hɇtallos wanted Tsxero to go down in flames but the elders of the collective didn't seem to want any of it after Tsxero presented his own case with some smooth ethical debate. This was something Khell and Malys could work with. Well, at least they're stopping him from being killed outright. But then they said that punishment still needed to be meted out. Seems that things were to be settled with a trial by combat versus Hɇtallos. There's the kicker we were looking for, shit just never gets easier does it? "I have no right to ask you for help...I know... but I didn't have to save any of you. I could have given you to the psychopaths. I could have ouright killed you. I'm not asking you to trust anything other than the facts. There are only four to six lives on my hands from Springfield and that was out of necessity. The three of you were spared and protected. I think I'm a better option to deal with than the rest of the gang...I'm only doing what I absolutely HAVE to to give my people their best chance. I'm even going out of my way to right what I can as I go. So...will one or both of you please stand for me?"

Khell and Malys can only glance at each other at this oddly worded request. "What should we do?" "What would you like to do? You don't necessarily owe him anything, it would have probably taken that mental case a good decade to crack your firewalls and countermeasures... But, he did help avoid me having to go look for you and probably causing a LOT of property damage in the process." Malys quirks her head to the side a little at the oddity of the statement. "Meaning..." "I leave it entirely up to you my dear, I am inclined to help the one who bested me in combat, and seeing as he did the most damage to you, I shall defer to your judgement. Either way I shall require my things." Turning to the pile of armour and weapons that had been brought into the courtyard. "ALEX! Fire up Stormbringer and begin pre-combat diagnostics! Prepare for war!" Upon hearing the master of the armour's command, the suit comes to life as power surges through it and the accents ignite with purple light. "By your command, sir." Cromwell walks right over to it as it opens up and puts both his hands into the gauntlets which then close around them. The suit almost looks to have a life of it's own as it literally crawls onto and then seals around him, turning him from the physically imposing but friendly Cromwell into the intimidating persona of the Black Knight, Khellendros. "Damn, you never know how much more comfortable it is inside this thing until you've spent enough time out of it. Been bored Alex?" "Not in the least sir, our hosts have been most courteous and accommodating." "That's been my assessment too. Ready to get rolling?""I do not roll, I run, jump and take hits" "Killjoy"

Malys was perplexed by her father's words, they reminded her of research she'd done when he'd first used the title of the black knight as a means of introducing himself to his opponents and allies, something about announcing yourself proudly and conducting oneself with honour. I really do not get the whole knight thing yet... But I might be starting to understand it a little. Turning to Tsxero as Cromwell walks over and starts shouting at Alex, "We'll take up your cause as our own. Any aid we can render is yours in this fight. As for what you needed us for in the first place, we would both like to discuss that once things are settled here."

Upon hearing Malys' decision, Khellendros grabs up Wrath an Aegis, linking both into the suit's power supply through contact with the gauntlets, igniting the roaring dragon emblem on the shield in royal purple with gold teeth and lurid red eyes. "Say the word and we'll get the party started." Quickly clicking the external audio off, "Alex, put on Good Luck as soon as we're all lined up and ready to roll." "Not ostentatious or egotistical at all... Very well sir" "I hear the eye roll in there, don't you be giving me crap over it."

Khellendros, The Black Knight
Khellendros' EXP

Malystrix, The Iron Dragon
Malystrix's EXP
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : [21:03:51] Odien : Well, the origins of All Fools Day are unknown, the theories dubious at best.

[21:04:06] Khellendros : a joke at worst?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Age : 34
Job : Quality Analyst, boring but stable
Humor : Schroedinger's Cat, it is everywhere yet nowhere
Registration date : 2014-12-21

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Asmodeus April 3rd 2015, 2:10 am

Tsxero was rather shocked that these three were willing to help him. He actually wasn't sure quite what he himself were meant to do. Hɇtallos was irritated, this had been the first time in history that the three beings that accounted for the person's sins stood for the sinner. The victims standing in unison and lending aid to the one who victimized them. "I see... Release the man's suit to him. I will deal with the four of them myself." Hɇtallos announced before pulling his sword, scabbard and all, and knelt to the ground. Eyes closed he held the blade up, the cross of the hilt aligned perfectly with his closed eyes. It was apparent he treated his sword with reverence as he seemed to meditate for a moment.

   Vanguard was in suit most likely, and all others were ready. Tsxero himself transformed in a rather controlled manner, despite his monstrous exterior he let out a little purr as his tail weaved in and out, as if an entrancing snake dancing to the music. "Regardless the outcome... I am in your debt. In this life...or the next." Tsxero said before his younger brother spoke up. "Best of luck to you all. As tradition, the first move is yours."

Tsxero's first move was lowering himself to the ground and scurrying around at a rather impressive speed. True enough he was not as fast as he's been seen doing before. Tsxero moved to flank the knight that seemed knelt in calm reflection. Hɇtallos seemed to not acknowledge Tsxero's move. he would wait until the last possible second, he would even wait to see if either of them attacked before anything happened. Before anyone or anything touched him he suddenly vanished. Into thin air he was simply gone. If anyone else went to attack their attack was likely to hit Tsxero, as Tsxero had pounced and was now in the location Hɇtallos had been just moments ago.

   The battle has begun.
Post Mate
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 145
Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by The Bolt April 3rd 2015, 2:57 am

Now, he had gotten himself into another fight and something told Colin that this fight would get pretty messy. ”Well good luck to you with the whole fighting thing.” Nɇaroviin noted with a casual wave, before returning to wherever he was, likely choosing to look over it from a safer distance. Not that he could blame him, as he was anticipating a bloody fight, especially with the guy and his deadly glaring. He would follow Khellendros as far as getting his gear was concerned, picking out the Vanguard suit which was powered down somehow. Perhaps they had figured out how to turn it off, but turning it on would not be too much of an issue. Kneeling over the suit which was now in pristine condition, he pressed a finger against a certain section of it, as lines would come to life with a low glow.

Seams formed along the armor, as it would split and begin to hover, piecing itself over the human that it had been fitted for. Having his suit back on him, well that felt really good if Colin could say so himself. The sound of the systems firing up, and a dull warmth flowing through the material touching his skin, yeah that was something he could never get enough of. Alongside that, the power that came with the suit was....addictive when using nicer terms. ”Begin a systems diagnostics.” he spoke, and so the suit obeyed, showing him a scan of the suit, which seemed to be having no problems, everything was perfect as it was. Fingers would clench, the sound of the joints creaking was imperceptible, but those with superhuman hearing could hear it. Next came the hum of the core as the synchronization process begin, the thing that truly allowed him to access the power of The Vanguard suit.

On the upper right corner of the HUD was a number that read off 45%, signaling his synchronization rate as was. It was enough to easily deal with most metahumans, but he was not sure if this Hɇtallos was like any metahuman. Bastard probably wanted to kill him along with that tsxero guy, and so he would give him hell before then. All systems were running smoothly, which meant they could get to the actually fighting. Taking a calming breath, his suit would begin a rapid scan of his foe, taking in their stance and anything else about them. They would be wielding a blade, a rather impressive looking blade to be sure and likely to cause some damage if it did hit. Yet, they did not take any sort of stance, as if they were not taking them seriously at all. Still, he would have to do something, especially since that Tsxero guy was already in motion.

The sound of Khell's music reached him, but he had to keep focused, granted trying to shut it out would have only left him in more danger. With a thought, the suit was in motion in a burst of speed, likely not escaping the view of any of the superhumans around him, but it was nothing to scoff at. His plan was something more long ranged, as up close he knew he would have made himself prey to that sword. Sure, there were ways to avoid it but he wasn't sure if any of them would work, especially when he had no idea what the guy could do. First, he needed to remember he was fighting for the sake of this Tsxero guy, not against him. The guns would pop out of the wrists of his suit, and with a swift motion they were up and he was firing upon the kneeling knight, only to find out there was no one there. Well, there was someone, but not the one he was aiming for.

”Dammit.” Colin growled, realizing his mistake and how he couldn't quite call the shots back now.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Khellendros April 3rd 2015, 3:52 am

Hearing that he was believed to be owed a debt, Khell cracks a smile from behind his helmet, "Debts can only be paid in this life, I have no intention of collecting in the next. If it exists that is." watching Hɇtallos kneel to the ground set off warning bells in Khellendros' mind. What are you playing at? Planting Wrath point down in the ground before him, he focuses solely on his intended opponent. "Malys, flank to the opposite side of Tsxero, cover him and make sure our gesture isn't wasted by him being turned into a carpet stain please? You're our damage Synch in this fight." "OK." Malys strides in the opposite direction of Tsxero in an attempt to meet him where Hɇtallos is kneeling, with what haste she is capable of given her current body. Khellendros simply watches as the other three carry out their initial attacks. Watch carefully, you've seen similar openings before somewhere... But what will he do? His silent question was answered when Hɇtallos suddenly vanished from his position on the patch of dirt he occupied. Well... he didn't move but the best guess would be he isn't there anymore. He watched casually as Tsxero dashed into the place his brother had occupied effectively confirming his guess before seeing Vanguard launch a barrage into the fray. "Malys! Block those shots! Alex, was there any sort of energy signature prior to his little parlour trick?" "None whatsoever." Fascinating! Finally an opponent worth fighting! He silently watches the field, ears and eyes open to every detail and patiently waiting for Hɇtallos' next move. The chess game has begun, the only pieces left in play are the two kings, a black knight, a rook and a bishop. Your move Hɇtallos.

Malys was moving as fast as her temporary body would allow her to close the distance to Hɇtallos before Tsxero got to him. She wasn't quite prepared for when Hɇtallos suddenly vanished from the spot, "What just happened? I didn't detect anything at all!" Her thought was interrupted when she registered the energy discharge from Colin and Khellendros' shouted command to defend Tsxero. She did the only thing she could at this point and just moved into the way of the projectiles, they struck with a fair bit of force but her armoured body held up to the assault well enough. "If I felt pain I suppose the proper response would have been ouch?" She slowly turns to Tsxero, keeping a wary eye out for the wayward knight, "Just what is your brother capable of exactly as a Knight of the Dream?"

Khellendros, The Black Knight
Khellendros' EXP

Malystrix, The Iron Dragon
Malystrix's EXP
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : [21:03:51] Odien : Well, the origins of All Fools Day are unknown, the theories dubious at best.

[21:04:06] Khellendros : a joke at worst?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Age : 34
Job : Quality Analyst, boring but stable
Humor : Schroedinger's Cat, it is everywhere yet nowhere
Registration date : 2014-12-21

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 3 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

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