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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Khellendros February 2nd 2015, 11:17 pm

"I think I would very much like to meet your brother, μrsine." Turning to the indicated engineers, "and thank you, Laȅɍ and StƩsselaah, for her, I'll assume, temporary accomodations. I like the name of it, very fitting." Rejoining the other two on the balcony and hearing mention of the food, Khell was in a more appropriate mood to eat. "Food sounds awesome, lead on."

Upon reaching the mess hall Khell would notice the markings on the tables, but figured they'd be a subject to bring up over the meal instead of instantly gawking and questioning like some random tourist.

"Ok so, we try to emulate humans but we...have limited exposure to them because of our little problem. So... what we call something might seem strange, but I can...sorta help translate. For example a Hamburger is called milk-meat patty. Ham and cheeses is called pork-slice-milk-slice. It's very strange I know but...yeah. We can make just about anything but...I'll just translate when we get in there."

"That's one thing I'd like to discuss at some point, if you can supply a lingual database, Malys can learn your language almost instantly and make life overall a little easier. For now, I'll take a cheeseburger with jalapenos and a slice of Monterey jack with some red onion, and a chocolate milkshake." He smiles a bit before Malys chimes in, "He's a bit of a little kid at heart." an audibly feminine chuckle escaping from the machine as Khell's face turns to false outrage. "Oh come on! If I can't act like a kid at times, then I'll just get old and cranky quicker. Have to balance the books somehow."

When they sit down, Khell will quietly eat through about half his burger before asking any questions. "So I can avoid making an ass out of myself later on, what do your people call themselves?" Once he has that answer, "What is the overall history of your people and why were we brought here exactly? It seems your sibling was quite capable of killing us, but he chose capture instead so there must be a reason or two I'd wager."

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by The Doctor February 3rd 2015, 12:23 am

"Alright. Wait a Milkshake is the ice cream and the milk right? Yeah okay." μrsine sad, being sure that he was getting everything ordered correctly. He began spouting out what probably seemed like a bunch of gibberish, the closest thing that it could possibly have sounded like was a mix between Spanish and Japanese. A couple hand motions like they were Italian and then the chef nodded and disappeared. "Alright. They'll bring it out when it's ready." μrsines sighed as he wandered past them and sitting at the table, still looking about as the others joined him. He assured Malys that the seats were designed to hold heavy people. The seats themselves seemed to be lounge chairs of sorts. They has an egg like curvature that gave the vibe that one was supposed to lean back into the plush memory foam cushioning. The chair had side covers that protruded from the sides to act as arm rests which actually curled around a little . μrsine  nestled into the back and actually managed to lift up his feet and placing them on the slight curves as his knees hovered, bent slightly as he looked at his nails.

  "Oh yeah, the closest translation would be "The cursed ones". We've actually just taken to the term of "Blessed" or "Cursed". Say either and we'll assume you're talking to us, unless you're showing possession." μrsine  explained before looking to Colin and smiling a little before contemplating the second part to that question. Then he looked to Malys and smiled a little bit bigger. "I dunno. I know he thought that Colin over here was a Master. I mean he might be, but not the one Tsxero thought. You, I tried to save from my brother  by pulling you into the ground...but you decided it'd be cool if you just threw me across the room instead." μrsine said with a smirk towards Colin first and then a raised voice, but amused smile at Khell, as he was obviously pretending to be upset.

  "Ultimately I dunno. You'll have to ask him when we bring him outta Cryo." μrsine added quickly before shrugging and repositioning himself in the chair. He perked up when he noticed a particular individual enter the mess-hall. It was a hunter. It was the Huntsmaster's second. The one that would take his place when the old man kicked the bucket. "Ho! Eos datan!" μrsine called in a soft voice. He was addressing the Huntsman's second of course. He then looked to the other guys as he scratched his belly, currently realizing that he may or may not have accidentally been in a rather...awkward position with himself back in this position. Of course he'd never hear the end of it if Tsxero caught wind of it. He got yelled at for never wearing a shirt, let alone accidentally sitting the wrong way.

  "Guys, this is the Huntsmaster's second. A.K.A his apprentice. He takes over when the old man croaks. He's part of the Hunter's class of society. Eos, introduce yourself!" μrsine insisted with a friendly smile. Introducing someone else was to deprive them the opportunity for them to present themselves in their society, and it was ultimately a sign that they somehow dishonored themselves or the people. "Help me answer some of their questions, Eos." He said with a smirk.

A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by The Bolt February 3rd 2015, 1:07 am

It was almost strange, hearing Mursine talk in what sounded like a foreign language, Colin only able to blink and watch while it happened. He could only pick out parts of it, and what he did felt like gibberish to him, so he sort of gave up half way through the whole trying to follow him thing. When the ordering was done, they could get to the sitting down, Khell seeming to question about what the proper term for their race would be, as they did not like being called what they looked like. The title sounded interesting enough, yet it made him question why they had called themselves cursed, beyond the fact that maybe they did not like their monstrous appearances as....the weird xenomorph-esque creatures? Well either way he would just nod upon hearing the proper term, pleased to be able to avoid sounding like some kind of racist. Not that Colin ever considered himself one to begin with, but then again misinterpretations could lead to many problems.

The chairs though, they were pretty cool in a strange way, even if their appearance resembled an egg more than anything. Leaning back, the strange memory foam material embraced his body, and he couldn't help feeling comfortable within them, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he sort of just relaxed. It felt almost to comfortable for a standard mess hall, though the discussion continued as the male said something about this guys brother having assumed that he was a master, whatever that meant. ”A master? I don't even know what a master is, unless we're talking slaves or something like that.” He honestly didn't know, considering as far as he knew, he was just a human. Whether he got that question answered was unknown, as Mursine called out to someone, saying something and directing that attention at a strange individual. They looked slightly older than him, in a muscle shirt and a pair of worn jeans.

It seemed Mursine had caught his attention, as they seemed to be approaching them, offering a seemingly friendly wave of the hand. ”Ho!” He said with a subdued smirk, considering Colin and Khell with a singular raised brow. Colin would have expected some reaction, but then guy seemed to be giving an almost contained one for the most part. Something was said about him being the huntsmasters second, which meant he was some kind of hunter or whatever. Something about him taking over when the old one died, the guy bridging the distance within less than a minute, or maybe it was a minute. Colin hadn't been counting, so he did not really know. He had seemed to want the guy to introduce himself, and so he would.”Name's Nɇaroviin.” He said with a small wave of the hand, though Colin was unsure if he was trying to greet him like a human did or that was his own way of doing so.

”Need some help answering questions? Well...I got time.” He said, pretending to think about it for a moment, before sitting down, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table. ”Okay, what sort of questions need answering?”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Khellendros February 10th 2015, 6:52 pm

”A master? I don't even know what a master is, unless we're talking slaves or something like that.”

Khell listened to the answers to his questions intently, when it came to the part about him throwing μrsine across the room, he couldn't help but wince a bit at the comment regardless of the joke that it was clearly meant to be. "In my defence, I didn't know who you were or why you were there at the time, so it was a reasonable response in that situation. Though I do apologize for that now."

Looking over to Colin, Khell was wondering about his fellow captive "You're being awfully quiet through all of this Colin. Are you not curious about our hosts? And I am going to have some questions for you later as well. I am more than curious as to the providence of your armour and it's design." "Cromwell, you know better than to pry into other people's secrets." putting his hands into the air in apology, "But if you'd rather not discuss it, I will back off."

"Ho! Eos datan!"

When μrsine calls out what Khell could only assume was a greeting of some kind, he turns in his seat to look upon the newcomer, the huntmaster's second, who then introduces himself as Nɇaroviin and then offers to answer more questions.

"A pleasure to meet you Nɇaroviin, I am Cromwell." "And I am Malys" "You might just regret opening the floor to more questions, she and I are... Let's say highly inquisitive individuals." He takes a quick moment to gather his thoughts before Malys opens with, "So, is datan a standard greeting among the blessed ones, and is eos an honorific or a term of familiarity between individuals?" Poking at one of the symbols she noticed earlier on the tables. "I am also curious as to the meaning of these symbols." When the answers are provided, "Huntmaster is obviously a title of importance, what kind of society do you operate under, is there different classes in your society or is it more like Karl Marx's version of communism where everyone has a purpose and contributes to the whole? I guess it's more a question of whether or not a given rank holds any sway over how you are treated in your society or if it's a matter of what you accomplish?" He was both impressed and curious about what he had seen so far, especially how everyone seemed to mesh together so well without any apparent conflict, which raised one final question to the top of his mind. "I was also wondering, what is the significance of that tree in the courtyard outside? I noticed a rather calming feeling when we passed by it."

Khellendros, The Black Knight
Khellendros' EXP

Malystrix, The Iron Dragon
Malystrix's EXP
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : [21:03:51] Odien : Well, the origins of All Fools Day are unknown, the theories dubious at best.

[21:04:06] Khellendros : a joke at worst?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Age : 34
Job : Quality Analyst, boring but stable
Humor : Schroedinger's Cat, it is everywhere yet nowhere
Registration date : 2014-12-21

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by The Doctor February 12th 2015, 12:21 am

"Eh, sorta like slavery. I dunno. I like the suit off better. He's a lot friendlier, and not anywhere near as scary looking." μrsine offered the reply to Colin before looking to Cromwell and replied to his comments to Colin. Malys rebuked Cromwell a bit,  talking about how he should know better than wanting to pry into the secrets of Colin's exosuit. "I gotta lotta questions for you guys too, 'specially you." μrsine said to Colin, though it was rather serious in opposition to his regular interactions thus far. He turned back to Malys and Cromwell when they began to inquire about his language and what the words mean. μrsine smiled and let out a little hum as he began to think of the proper "translation" for such words. He looked to Nɇaroviin and cocked his head to the side slightly before reaching out and putting a hand on the hunter's shoulder.

 "Eos means brother, but brother is used to all males of our race. We are taken from out parentsd, unless you're the leaders children, and you are raised collectively by the leaders. In this sense we are all brothers, raised together. Eos is a brother who did not come from the same biological parents, but is still raised and tutored with you. A biological brother would be Vos. Datan means "Introductions" or rather it prompts someone to come and introduce themselves. These symbols on the table are actually crests to show what table belongs to which age group. I just sorta.... sat here on instinct." μrsine before beaming a smile at Nɇaroviin and cocking his head at Cromwell. Nɇaroviin was fully able to answer the question given, though he would be interrupted slightly when the six foot hulk of a man came out and set their plates before them. One of the minor benefits to being technologically advanced species. Fast food that's not terrible for you. That aside though, μrsine figured it would be better to let Nɇaroviin have a moment in the spotlight and answer the question regarding communism and the like. The question did, after all, start with a question about the Huntsmaster.

  Of course then there was a pretty interesting question it looked as if the humans had noticed. They seemed to have noticed the tree and it's pacifying properties. "She is beautiful. The closest translation we have for your language is called "The Dream". It's a very beautiful tree, and the waters that flow from it rich with minerals. Occasionally it will provide fruit called Xeebury. Bury, not berry. It's because the little fruits will literally bury themselves into the ground and vanish. Anyway, The Dream perhaps the most sacred place around here. Even more so than the pantheon room. It's got this thing that keeps people from getting older, keeps them from getting violent." μrsine said to them, looking to the older Blessed One to see if he had missed anything.

A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by The Bolt February 12th 2015, 7:59 pm

Was Mursine talking about him when speaking about looking less scary or was he referring to the guy that dressed up like some kind of knight? Either way, it was nice to know  he wasn't as scary now as he was before, granted no one ever thought Colin was scary when he stepped out of the armor. Considering that he lost around six inches out of the suit, it would have been right really. Granted, he was not the most intimidating of human beings, and in fact Colin felt as if he was on the short size when it came to...what people expected from a guy. The end of the statement about Mursine did make him curious, and from what he could tell about his friends face changing, perhaps part of them was curious about the statement as well. ”I'll make sure to answer all of your questions.” He said with smirk, so long as they were not any kind of strange questions.

Then came one of the answers to Cromwell's questions, though he had for the moment inadvertently ignored. ”I don't know too much about the armor, except how to make it function.” Vanguard admitted with a shrug, though Nɇaroviin seemed to wait for Mursine to finish his explanation before he did his own. Well, he had learned how they referred to one another, which was an interesting enough concept when he thought about it. They referred to one another as brothers, even if they were not biological brothers, pretty cool if Colin thought about it. The mention of the crests did cause him to look down at them, considering for a moment what age group these represented, not that he felt he would learn much from knowing.

He seemed to start on the mention of the title and whatever it meant, but the large man would drop their food before, Colin considering it and feeling the hungry rumble within his gut once again. He would consider the food for a moment, before picking it up and taking a bite out of it, and it tasted far better than he was expecting. Not that he knew what he was expecting to begin with, so that may have just been a bad assumption. Clearing his throat, this  Nɇaroviin guy seemed to prepare himself to speak, maybe as if not to seem like he had ignored Khell entirely. ”Hmmm...not really. We're all pretty equal around here, just sorta depends on the situation really. If someone is sick or hurt, then a doctor will have more influence over that than a hunter. But, when it comes to hunting and farming, you'll find hunters have more say about that. The closest thing we have to a higher rank is The Kaxkain.”  

Okay, this was starting to make more sense to Colin. So it seemed he was done with his explanation, Mursine would explain the tree, and also why he felt so...calm around it. He seemed to look to the older male, almost as if silently asking if he had everything, and the male seemed to make a sort of expression as if saying they did. ”So, what is The Kaxkain? Are they some sort of leader?” Colin would ask, trying to properly pronounce the word.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Khellendros February 13th 2015, 12:11 am

Khell couldn't help but light up when the food made it's appearance after the explanation about how their society handled the upbringing of their children. Pretty good way of bringing up the kids, probably makes for a much more tight-nit family setting. Feels like I haven't eaten this good in a while... Too much time spent in the workshop probably. Should probably start listening to Malys more when she tells me to slow down... He started tearing into his food while Nɇaroviin gave the answer about societal roles and the responsibilities therein before making mention of something called a Kaxkain. Interesting, I wonder what that is about? This question was raised by Colin so Khell figured he'd wait on the answer for that instead of adding his inquiry to that. Once Colin has his answer, Khell will bring about a question from his observance of the training sessions from earlier, "So, do all of your people take military training or is it optional and what age do they start? And how big of a part does technology play into your regimen?"

Malys sits quietly and listens to all the answers being given, locking them away in her memory for later reference, especially about The Dream "I didn't notice anything when we went by that tree... being a machine can suck sometimes... I miss out on all the interesting things..." She ponders upon the meaning of such a miracle of botany while the questions Colin and Khell ask get answered before putting any of her new questions forward. She muses about the rearing system that they put their children through, "Are there any exceptions to how you raise your children, are there any cases where children are exempted from being raised by your leaders? And what of the females of your species? Do they receive any special training or treatment among your society?" After that line of questions get their answers, she inquires about The Dream. "The Dream, you proclaim it sacred... Do the blessed ones have a belief system of any kind? If so, does it center around the tree or does it pertain to these Masters that you have mentioned before?"  Thinking about the one who had bested her being in a cryo-stasis for injuries inflicted by the people around the table, she couldn't help but wonder in how bad a way Tsxero was after having fought the three of them. "What kind of condition is Tsxero in exactly? Is there an estimation of when he will wake? He may have been the one to destroy my body, but he did rescue my core from the clutches of that... person, the one from the hospital. I feel that I should thank him or at least visit him if he's in poor condition for the duration of our stay here... And maybe learn what it is he needed us for..."

Khellendros, The Black Knight
Khellendros' EXP

Malystrix, The Iron Dragon
Malystrix's EXP
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : [21:03:51] Odien : Well, the origins of All Fools Day are unknown, the theories dubious at best.

[21:04:06] Khellendros : a joke at worst?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Age : 34
Job : Quality Analyst, boring but stable
Humor : Schroedinger's Cat, it is everywhere yet nowhere
Registration date : 2014-12-21

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by The Doctor February 14th 2015, 2:08 am

μrsine would let his Eos answer the question regarding the military, since that was something suited best for him. μrsine on the other hand found himself more inclined to reply about the technology of things. The question in and of itself was worded strangely though, he had to admit. He hadn't been sure the nature of the question, but he quickly shrugged and replied as best as possible. "We have plenty of tech. We're working on the sentry drones there. We got medical stuff too. You guys can look over some of our stuff later." μrsine replied before he motioned to the food with his hand. "Later. You gotta eat." He said he looked to Colin and smiled.

   "Kaxkain is the leader of the group. It's an inherited title but it's also an earned one. Basically you earn it by birth. You keep it by action. If you can't keep it, then it's up to the people to take them down. Kaxkain has no real dominion other than to impart wisdom and to make the decisions that the people are conflicted with. He's basically the wisdom of our people. His primary job is to instruct the younger generations and place them in the other classes their talents are best served." μrsine said before he found Malys talking about not being able to feel the tree. μrsine forced his eyes shut and smiled. He found himself contemplating the nature of The Dream. He actually rationalized something, though he actually found that he needed to keep Malys away from it. " runs off of electrical impulses. We need to keep machines away from it. Machines that get too close have actually developed advanced sentience and developed emotions and stuff. So you should actually probably stay away, unless you want to like...become a human or whatever." μrsine added in before looking to his Eos. His Eos could likely answer that next question. Because it was fairly good for him, which was nice.

  "We do have a pantheon, but It's a LOT to cover. It centers around our Master's pantheon. The tree is more of a promise." μrsine added in before he sort of shrugged it off. He enjoyed their pantheon, but he also knew that humans tended to get defensive about things like this. Finally Tsxero was brought up into the conversation and μrsine sighed with a bit of a downcast thought clouding over him. "I'm scheduled to preform surgery here soon. We ended up needing to put him in Cryo he's in that bad of shape. That way we can thaw him as we work on him, hopefully save him..." He sighed before he was startled by a loud slamming down on the table next to them. A large sword had been set on the table and a rather angry knight stood there.

"You'd better save him. He has to answer for a few things." Hɇtallos said with a rather stern look on his face. μrsine let out an audible groan as he rolled his eyes and turned to look at Nero. "Eos, Vos. Humans and Machine. Brigadier General, Hɇtallos." He said as he nodded to their guests. His sleek grey-silver armor had a rather strange lustrous glow to it, and his blue cloak draped over his left arm.

A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Atlas February 14th 2015, 5:11 am

Nɇaroviin considered the question Khell had asked him, resting his chin on his palm and only pausing really for only a moment. ”The military training is mandatory, everyone has to do it. We start a year after birth, though the knights get greater training than normal.” He noted, biting into whatever it is that he got from the kitchen thing, biting into it and chewing it thoroughly before swallowing. Khell seemed to be very curious about everything around them, not that Colin wasn't, but it was sort of an almost overwhelming feeling, considering that he was dealing with a sense. They didn't seem to take well being called aliens, but that was sort of how he saw them. Either way, he didn't care, so Colin would continue to eat the food that had been given to him. Next came the answer to his question, about what the Kaxkain was, a leader of sorts but not something so simple as that.

”Nope, no exceptions on how the children are raised. We have a female position much like the Kaxkain, called the µraidai,  they're sort of like a spiritual leader. Other than that, no real special training or treatment.” Nɇaroviin added in, catching onto the next question directed towards him before returning to devouring his food, doing so like before in an almost deliberate fashion. So many interesting things he could learn from and about these people, but before he could ask anything else someone else would make themselves known. An unknown in strange silver looking armor, Colin turning to them with a single raised brow, considering them with a deep curiosity. He could admit, these people were interesting, but then again one of them had also murdered a lot of people, so that was not something he could just easily forget. Their loved ones would not forget, and so he would not either.

He had said something about saving him in regards to Tsxero, though it seemed he had to answer about more than just what Colin had against him. Nɇaroviin nodded his head in response to the newcomer, Colin offering a small waving gesture, unsure of how to really respond to them at the moment. This was an interesting development if nothing else.
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Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2015-01-29

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Khellendros February 15th 2015, 12:53 am

Khell and Malys listened to the answers to each other's questions intently and were beginning to line up a few more while Khell ate before a sudden loud noise interrupted their thoughts and his meal. Where the bloody hell did he come from? I didn't even hear him walk near and he's wearing armour... Noted and filed for later, might be stealth tech to keep an eye out for. When the knight (irony abounds to Khell on that one) introduced himself as vos to μrsine, Khell quickly makes the verbal connection from what was told to them earlier. "Ah, so you're μrsine and Tsxero's final sibling? Hello Hɇtallos, I'm Cromwell, I go by Khellendros when I am in my armour, that'd be the black suit that apparently should not go anywhere near your sacred tree or I might have a second sentient and autonomous AI on my hands." He laughs a little and points to Malys, "I already have my hands full with this one." Malys affects her most indignant tone, "Hey!" "Oh you know I don't mean anything by it, I just don't want to lose your brother to happenstance is all. Or my armour to be harmed further than that mach 3 impact managed before being brought here." "Speaking of Alexander, when will we be deemed a non-danger and our possessions returned to us?" "And do you have any clue as to what your brother wanted with us? What is it he has to answer for?"

Khellendros, The Black Knight
Khellendros' EXP

Malystrix, The Iron Dragon
Malystrix's EXP
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : [21:03:51] Odien : Well, the origins of All Fools Day are unknown, the theories dubious at best.

[21:04:06] Khellendros : a joke at worst?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Age : 34
Job : Quality Analyst, boring but stable
Humor : Schroedinger's Cat, it is everywhere yet nowhere
Registration date : 2014-12-21

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by The Doctor February 15th 2015, 11:45 pm

"Final living bother yup..." μrsine chirped with a bittersweet smile to Malys and Cromwell. Hɇtallos eyebrows furrowed and he looked to the younger male and his head tilted a moment.

  "I thought the translation was "Brother"?" Hɇtallos asked, genuinely curious as μrsine just kept smiling, eyes trained on Malys.

  "No I'm pretty sure for you it's bother." μrsine said with a little nod, his lips curling in with irritation as his head dropped and dangled shaking slightly as his older brother actually continued on as if he were not interrupted by the young man... well the younger man. Cromwell had said a mouthful to be sure, but not something that Hɇtallos minded. He actually enjoyed listening to others talk while he himself just listened and received orders or inquiries. Cromwell was much more friendly than he had anticipated and far less...hostile. Of course he didn't exactly know what to make of the one that was the "mistaken master" as he hadn't said anything as far as an introduction.

  "Well, so you are "Cromwell"... that is a very interesting name, though I must say I rather enjoy the ring of "Khell-en-dross" right?" Hɇtallos asked, looking for affirmation that his pronunciation had been correct. He did not wish to call a man something he was not, that was shameful for both the idiot saying it wrong and the one being called the wrong name. "Unfortunately it's outside of my authority to give you back your armor, though if you have a blade... it's within my authority as a knight to return that. Otherwise I'm afraid only Tsxero has the authority to deem you docile enough to walk about armed." He explained to both Khellendros and Colin, looking to Malystrix regretful before recalling that she was beyond repair from Tsxero's assault and her own die hard blaze of glory move at the end.

  "Actually I should go get started now...anyone who wanna watch surgery can come." μrsine stated as he stood up and looked down to see whom had finished eating and who hadn't. Wow, humans eat slow. Throw your face into it people, let's go he was almost a hundred already!

  "Vos, Eyatha! Let them finish eating first, please." Hɇtallos said, the younger male sitting back in his awkward position in the chair as he seemed to pout a little. His glare on his brother was indeed one of disdain and dislike, much like how a troubled younger sibling looks to an older one who gets all the attention...though the look wasn't for that reason. Hɇtallos looked back to Khell almost immediately. "I have no idea what he wanted you for, though if I had to assume it would be our mother's armor needing repaired. As far as what he has to answer for... I pray you stick around to find out." He said before looking to Colin and smiling before lowering his head a little. "Especially you. I didn't have the pleasure but I'm sure I'll speak with you later.  Until then, if you all need anything please feel free to ask about or inquire on anything you wish to long as you mind the little ones. They will ask more questions than you probably." He said to Colin before stepping back and chuckling to the general group. With that he excused himself and went for his own food.

   "Okay so, if you're not done eating feel free to bring with, but I'm going to fix my brother so you guys can ream his ass for being a jerk." μrsine said as he pushed up. "If you guys wanna learn how I fixed you both up I gotta use the same procedures to fix him up, so great time for questions then." He said with a smile before heading off on his own. Apparently he couldn't wait to leave the mess hall, or do this surgery.

  Anyone who bothered to follow μrsine would have found themselves on probably the darkest and second most secured underground structure they had ever seen in their life. The place had metal upon metal plating, upon a strange electro-reactive fiber wire with an endo frame and kinetic energy conduits. The place looked like it was a nuclear shelter of some kind, without the rad roaches or the Liam Neeson father. The room they finally went to, however was a strange sterling silver finish on the walls, contrasting to most surgical rooms. There, in the center of the floor was a bulb of sorts. A sphere of blue energy imbedded into the floor.  μrsine walked around and as he did the sphere began to pulsate and rise. He took a few steps backwards and the sphere descended, mostly him just showing off for the humans. After a few moments there was a voice.

  "μrsine, please stop abusing my detection sensory." The voice came throughout the entire room and while it sounded like a series of computerizes words it was far more than just a standard V.I. μrsine sniggered before running around. The sphere rose to his eye level and he began to stare into it. A couple of little blips and beeps later the sphere had become the color of μrsine's eyes with a black pupil like center, as if it were now a holographic projection of his eye. Within the black was a picture of μrsine making a dumb face for the camera... to think this kid was a doctor... "The diagnostics are not good. Applying grav-lock and rotating the room." The voice said as suddenly all feet would suddenly be locked to the ground, unable to move as the room itself rotated. As it rotated it descended downwards a standard flight before revealing a small hallway and a track that the entire floor would glide across.

  "Guys, this is Iris. She's-" μrsine began but the voice interjected. "I am an artificial intelligence. The result of μrsine X taking his smartphone too close to The Dream." The voice sounded rather annoyed as the black of the eye fixated on the guests.  Yeah... so she helps the doctors with medical stuff now... Iris did they get that brain tissue sample? Did they also prep the gel?" μrsine asked, but the A.I seemed to ignore him. Attention Observers: If you are uncomfortable I would suggest you tell me now so that I may have a chair delivered for you-It really shouldn't take us-because once this extensive process takes place-Iris it's gonna take like thirty minutes-I cannot allocate any resources to fetch you a desired object. It could be hours before-Guys it won't take an hour let alone-I can deliver any desired accessory to make your experience observing more enjoyable. I also request you place any food orders-Oh for the love of Kax woman! They JUST ate and are watching surgery, not on their honeymoon!!!!" μrsine scoffed, the A.I seemed to silence a moment. μrsine looking to the eye, the large holographic eye looking at him. Just floating there.

 "The moon is not made of honey." She said, μrsine let out an exasperated groan as the floor reached the end of the track and a metallic cube floated before them. "Don't you sass me child!" Iris added with the tone of the most sassy African American woman you'd probably ever heard. A wall closed, cutting off the hallway from the now much larger room with the floating diamond-like cube. The chairs, if requested would appear as three other individuals in all white stepped forth. These were apparently the other medical professionals. The first wheeled over a car of extensive medical tools that looked more like medieval torture devices with a horrific sci-fi twist on them.

  "Okay, form the table." μrsine said and in that instant the large diamond-looking materiel broke into four pieces, two pieced remained as slabs that went the length of eleven feet. The other two slabs actually seemed to turn into glass-like shards as they broke apart and reconstructed themselves from the floor up to the table, forming several supporting limbs for the two slabs. Once the diamonds had been moved there was a rather gut-wrenching sight to behold.... Tsxero. Or what was left of him anyway. There were strings and strands of sinew and flesh worn from his abdomen and his one shoulder. It looked like someone had torn bloody celery and packed it full of hotdog with tubes of intestines dangling. His tail was the only thing left from the waist down and it was heavily battered. His "waist down" area was then revealed into the mix as they moved the gravitationally suspended cryo frozen torso out of the way and laid it down on the table.

  "If I talk and do this it's talk...about anything." μrsine said with a smile looking at Colin and Cromwell. He walked over, still not wearing a shirt as a small hissing noise began to blow his hair about a little. He shivered and shook himself off as Iris stated "Decontamination completed". He quickly used his bare hands as he reached down and began to align the spine where it had been fractured. The thing was literally shattered apart, it was like trying to piece together a light bulb you ran over with your car, six times. "Okay, get some bone samples and introduce them to the stem cells, then I want you to mix it with that uh...that bonding agent that reacts to UV light. The stuff human dentists use. We'll bond the spine like that, and then spinal chord can get some stem cells too. Then I need some "Beasts" working up in his intestines, Sɇlex fold them up and put them in place. DexƩlan Start working on the arm. I'm going to puncture through and start working on the brain damage, then I'll move to restitching his stomach and his other damaged organs." μrsine ordered as he released the spine, his hands still clean as the blood and cuts were still cryologically (made up word ftw) preserved. One doctor began to head out with a small fragment of bone, the other started to align the arm and the third began scooping up intestines and folding them over.

   μrsine then cracked open the cranial cavity by piercing the chitin with a cork-screw like device with a vial attached to the other end of it. After a moment of screwing, μrsine's instrument caught and began to fill with a strange clear-ish liquid. He quickly unscrewed the device and proceeded to take what looked to be a meat tenderizer and began to smash Tsxero's chitin in the newly exposed weak-spot. The chitin eventually cracked off and revealed the bone of Tsxero's skull. "So I do got a question of my own real quick... can't wait or I'll forget.  Favorite kind of music. Go!"  He said enthusiastically as he continued to rip open his brother's cranium.

A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Atlas February 16th 2015, 4:24 am

Khellendros seemed to dive into another long line of questioning, something Colin had grown to expect from the male but they seemed like the more inquisitive of the two of them. He still found himself trying to get over the shock of meeting an alien race. Nɇaroviin however seemed amused by Mursines reaction to Hɇtallos' appearance, smirking and raising a single brow, despite the younger male seeming far from amused by....anything really. Cromwell could not have his armor back quite yet, but not like he would need it now, unless he would need it now. One thing that could be surmised was that this Hɇtallos was pretty friendly, or at least not someone that Colin would have to worry about too much, at least they seemed nice enough anyway. The food he had been slowly eating was more than half done without him realizing it, which came with socializing while eating.

They would have went elsewhere, but Mursine seemed to have forgotten they were still eating, something about the energy or youth or something. ”I'll keep that in mind.” Colin noted with a weak smile, finishing off the hamburger he had been slowly snacking on, another interesting individual within this colony. Finished eating or not, Mursine seemed ready to go, which was fine with Nɇaroviin it would seem, as he picked up the rest of his own food and standing up. Not that he had much left really, just enough for another mouthful or so. To avoid Mursine getting to far ahead, Colin would have to pick up the speed a little, while the hunter seemed to have no problem at all. Where this young blessed one would lead them was something he was wondering, but the elder one seemed to be just following along with them, hands buried into his pockets and food all gone.

The room they arrived in looked strange, forbidding almost in the coloration and a few other details. Another unknown within a place full of it to be sure, but then again it also jabbed at that curious portion of his mind. He wanted to know what the purpose of this room was, how it performed the medical procedures and all of that stuff. It reminded him of something out of  Fallout game, minus the dad or ultimate crushing atmosphere of The Wasteland above, since there was no wasteland. A distinguishing feature was what looked like an orb embedded within the floor, peering upwards with an almost ominous glow. This foreboding feeling was only exacerbated upon it altering, changing to rise from the floor. Had he not been acclimated to such strange things beforehand, Colin would have probably freaked out somewhat. Truth be told, it reminded him of something that his father had crafted before, with different aesthetic principles.

The sphere had risen a few feet before descending again, almost as if showing off. There was some flinching when he heard a voice flow through the room, a feeling of nakedness hitting him upon realizing that he was without his suit and any means of assessing the sound. Dark brown eyes would snap to the sphere rising once again, leveling itself with Mursines eyes as if staring intensely at him. As soon as this grav-lock was initiated, his feet felt as if they were being held against the floor as the room spun. It helped keep him from falling down anyway, which was not something that Colin could complained about, apart from the small amount of motion sickness that set in. One would question why he didn't get this sickness while moving in the suit and there was some explanation in it, but screw that; the asshole writing this doesn't know jackshit about science, so no use in bsing it.

An introduction would take place after the spinning, Mursine stating her name to be Iris or something along those lines, a beautiful name to be sure, but the idea they were once a smart phone was something he found almost amusing. Someone that helped with the medical things, if he could believe Mursine beyond his flattering words. One thing to be appreciated was the AI asking if they wanted a seat. ”Yeah..a chair would be fine.” Colin said hopefully loud enough for the intelligence to hear, feeling his stomach roiling against the spinning he had been doing, softly running a hand along it as if that would help some.

”I'm fine.” Nɇaroviin would add in with a single upheld hand, looking to Colin almost curiously. Perhaps he was wondering why he was massaging his stomach, that Colin could not really guess. Either way, these people were a very curious one. A chair would appear for Colin, he sat down in it and just let himself relax, considering this would take a long while. Once everything was in place, a realization that his lunch might not stay in place would hit him as he saw the sight of the very thing he had been fighting before. The black creature, except they were quite literally rent in two, internal organs visible and for the most part...oh god. No one should have been able to survive that, he should have been for all purposes dead, but he was not. The sight was terrifying to say the least, and already he could feel the taste of bile welling up in the back of his throat.

”This was not a good idea so close after eating.” He thought to himself, realizing that he may end up hurling in the middle of surgery. A squishy sound that accompanied the intestines being put back in place only added to the disgust, and reminded him of one very important fact, why he never bothered with killing, aside from morality. Colin was mortified and physically sickened by the sight of blood, which was now revealed by the slight paleness that worked its way across his cheek. Then came the sound of an exoskeleton cracking, and if he knew anything about this things ability to become human, then it was likely that...his mind did the rest. His stomach turned, and the male was forced to place a hand over his mouth, at least managing to play it off as him not about to hurl. Music question was not helping him at all. ”You have got to be kidding me.” He groaned, unable to really hide the sickened sound within his voice, though Mursines question did seem to amuse Nɇaroviin atleast.
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 294
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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Khellendros February 20th 2015, 6:15 am

"That would be an accurate pronouncement of the name, yes." listening to the explanation about why his armour was not being returned, he couldn't help but chuckle a little when it was said he'd be able to get Wrath back. "I'm fine without Wrath on hand for the moment, it's more dangerous to hand me that than the armour by far, besides, carrying a sword made with depleted uranium in a colony full of kids that are enamoured of knights and their accoutrments is a bad plan. I'm comfortable enough with Malys here, I was just wondering about the other member of my family. He seems to be well enough for now." μrsine suddenly rose up announcing that he was going to head off to perform Tsxero's surgery and anyone wishing to sit in on it should follow now before being chided by his brother. After the light berating, Hɇtallos turned back to answer another of his earlier questions, "I have no idea what he wanted you for, though if I had to assume it would be our mother's armor needing repaired. As far as what he has to answer for... I pray you stick around to find out." at the mention of armour that needed repairs, Khell quirked an eyebrow before quickly sharing a glance between Malys and himself. Getting up to follow μrsine, Khell and Malys hung back briefly, "Did you want to see the surgery, or see about this... mother's armour?" "I'll take the surgery, see what you can glean from the knight about the armour. He looked at you rather strangely for some reason..." "It could be my current circumstances and how I came to be in them, I'll find out what I can about the obvious strain between him and his brothers." Khell smiles at that assertion. "Sounds like a plan. Oh and Malys, don't do anything I wouldn't, ok?" "I'd roll my eyes if I had ones that did that." "That's my girl. See you when we get out."

After Khell and the others leave, Malys turns back to the mess hall to see where Hɇtallos had gotten to. She glances carefully at the sword the knight had placed upon the table I wish I had my sensor suite... would make analyzing that easy. Oh well, Khell will probably bring it up later anyways. she takes a place at the table and waits patiently for the knight to return with his food. If he asks why she stayed behind, it's really rather quite simple. "I was wondering if you might explain that odd expression that crossed your visage earlier as well as the significance of this Mother's Armour to your people that your brother would resort to capturing random people in order to repair it, even if he thought they were these Masters"

Khell quickly catches up to the group and follows along to the medical facility, any questions about Malys staying behind would be met with him telling them that they thought it best if they didn't test the range of the Dream's odd properties surrounding technology. Once they are in the chamber, Khell finally finds out to his surprise that he isn't the only one who accidentally creates sentient AIs that talk back to their creators. μrsine attempted to introduce Iris before being cut off, the ensuing conversation caused Khell to forcefully control his impulse to begin laughing, it was the funniest thing he had witnessed in a while. Once they were done sassing each other, he felt it was time to introduce himself to this new acquaintance. "A pleasure to meet you Iris, I am Cromwell." Turning to μrsine. "Seems I'm not the only one here with a mouthy AI eh? Malys would have had a field day if she'd tagged along. I will be fine standing." He walks over to the wall where Colin takes a seat on a chair before noting the younger man's behaviour when the more sickening sounds start permeating the room. "Are you ok? You look a little queasy." "So I do got a question of my own real quick... can't wait or I'll forget.  Favorite kind of music. Go!" "You have got to be kidding me." "I'll take that as a no then..." Turning around to the surgery, Khell observes the carnage of the one who brought them here. Can't say that's the worst I've ever seen, at least he's still alive and able to be fixed, that's more than I can say for a lot of the people I've worked with or gone up against. "I generally listen to all kinds of music, but rock and roll is my go to for workshop type music. This feels like a workshop setting to me." He settles in and watches the proceedings intently "So, I take it by the call about our danger to your colony lying with him regardless of his condition means he must be your Kaxkain or at least very close to it in rank so to speak?"

Khellendros, The Black Knight
Khellendros' EXP

Malystrix, The Iron Dragon
Malystrix's EXP
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : [21:03:51] Odien : Well, the origins of All Fools Day are unknown, the theories dubious at best.

[21:04:06] Khellendros : a joke at worst?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Age : 34
Job : Quality Analyst, boring but stable
Humor : Schroedinger's Cat, it is everywhere yet nowhere
Registration date : 2014-12-21

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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Silus February 21st 2015, 4:54 pm

After having gotten his own food he managed to find himself with a lingering guest. His mind began to process and think about why this mechanical A.I would remain back. The obvious reason being that it wanted information. What better way to gather information other than to leave someone behind? Hɇtallos wasn't a fool by any stretch of the imagination, though he was rather intigued as to what information this machine had hoped to gather from him. He would need to watch his words closely. He didn't want to give out too much information. He also didn't really want to destroy something just because it was inqusitive. Though a nice reminder that curiosity killed the feline might not hurt much. Of course once he sat down he found himself targeted by a series of questions, ones that he actually didn't need to monitor his reaction too much.

     "I'm not entirely sure what you mean to be truthful. I imagine you're talking about my regret that we couldn't salvage the entirety of your mobile platform. It was too large and there were too many members of the Ultra Gang. We risked revealing our helping you.We salvaged a lot, but somehow not enough." He said before taking a sourdough dinner-roll and dunking it into the bloody crimson-red steaming bowl of soup. Withdrawing the roll a little to took a bite from it before placing the remainder of the roll down and looking to Malys with a careful gaze.

   "It's our mother's armor. It's the most technologically advanced armor we have. It's been in our family since we fought the Master Race. It was created by a Master who shared our mother's ideals of freedom. As far as kidnapping people I an only imagine that Tsxero assumed that capturing a master and technologically advanced knight would allow him the resources to fix the armor, bartering their freedom in exchange."  He finished before taking the spoon up and taking a sip form the steaming crimson liquid.


   Iris had a chair brought out for Colin, though Khell stated he'd rather stand. With that established the surgery went on, and it didn't take much for μrsine to notice how sickened and queezy that this made Colin. Don't get him wrong, μrsine liked these humans and all, but if it came to one human losing his lunch in opposition to the Kaxkain dying, he'd have the human lose lunch AND dinner. They needed their leader.... mostly because without Tsxero μrsine or Hɇtallos would become the Kaxkain. The one was very young and honestly didn't want the title, and the other one would have to give up his position as the figurehead of the knights in order to do so. That and in μrsine's opinion Hɇtallos would be a god awful Kaxkain.

"Yes really. The type of music a human listens too says a lot about their personality. Unless you mean the casual conversation as this brutal procedure takes place. In that case that answer is still "Yeah" because talking actually helps calm my nerves. Just bear through this next few minutes. After I can get in here to the cranial tissue I'll be able to make things a little less gruesome." μrsine said as he grunted. He finally had access with a powerful blow and he listened to Khell as he answered the question. Rock and Roll huh? Sweetness. "Rock and Roll? Damn, you mah man!" μrsine said with a chuckle. His own personal taste varied a lot too, but he had to agree with Khell, he loved him some rock and roll. He couldn't help but feel slightly off kilter because Colin didn't answer, but then again no "teen" liked being ignored, especially not by their peers. With access to the brain he quickly wrapped up the work needed done in there before the doctor came back with the bone-bonding agent synthesis product.

  Kneading it like dough he quickly began to apply it to both areas of the severed spine. Then with a little assistance the two parts were brought together and carefully molded to make the dough like putty perfectly like the spine. "So what we've done here is we've made a substance that is both a fusion of his own bones and his own stem-cells from within the bone marrow and we've fused it with a bonding agent that solidifies when introduced to Ultraviolet light. Because of the body's natural healing propertied the bone will actually heal itself INTO the bonding agent and use the bone portion of it to molecularly remove the bonding agent as it heals itself. Of course it will happen slow enough that it won't have any negative effect." μrsine said as he walked over to a sink and pushed the pedal on the floor which triggered the sink to turn on. He quickly ran his hands under the water and withdrew a towel. He walked over to the Iris sphere and placed his hands on it.

    "The gore has completed. Now it is the internal work. Prepare for the injection of the N-S.O.X" Iris said as the one doctor worked to apply a large "wand" of concentrated ultraviolet light to the spine, while there other doctor finished rolling up the intestines and putting them in their appropriate place.

 "You're not wrong, he's the Kaxkain. But I still don't know what music YOU like, and I gotta ask, why haven't you guys done anything like try to escape or become irate. I mean you guys obviously know no ones gonna kill you if you try, so why stick around? Or do you just wanna kick my big bro in the balls like Hɇtallos does?" He asked, genuinely curious about Colin's musical choice and why they hadn't run off yet.

A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Lucife10
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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by The Bolt February 21st 2015, 10:24 pm

Truthfully, he felt rather embarrassed for being as sick as he was, considering that heroes one way or another would see disgusting sights. In a sense he felt weaker, but that was more of a comparison thing, since it did not seem like everyone else was about to hork their guts up because of a simple surgery...even if it were not simple. Luckily, he had some idea how to gain control of that weak stomach of his, aside from releasing the contents all over the floor, as the aliens would likely not like something so gross. Cromwell showed some concern for his condition, though his immediate response was enough to reveal that he was feeling queasy. All he did not was looking to the floor, which was a more pristine and inviting sight than the thing happening upon the table. Next, imagining something else, anything else really and soon his uneasiness would subside, enough that he could keep his food down for now.

Hopefully this fix would stay for a while, otherwise he had a feeling that he would be dealing with a lot more than curious stares. Not that he hadn't noticed what seemed like more attention being shown to him than the others, but then again that was just perhaps him overthinking things. The fact that Mursine was asking them about their favorite music during something like now was a jarring fact, but then again that may have just been how the blessed one worked. That Nɇaroviin friend of his didn't seem too surprised by the question, not that he answered the question, either because he had done so before or it was not for him. Either way, it seemed he had gotten out of answering the strange question, as the slightly younger male would dive into the procedure he was doing to keep his sibling alive. If anything, he could fully understand that, even if he would have been far more freaked out than Mursine about this.

Maybe that was the difference between them but then again he could not hope to understand the males train of thought. Despite him not looking up to see what was happening, he could garner a mental image enough with what the male had said, likely fixing the creature being split into two parts. If that weere the case, then at least they got the most dangerous part of the surgery done, so much damage and he wasn't sure where it had come from. Unless he had attacked the male when he was knocked out, then the knight must have caused all of this damage, making Khellendros seem even more dangerous. Upon hearing that the gore was done, Colin looked up to see if that was truly the case,, though it didn't take any conscious effort for him to not look directly at the patient.

The conversation had sadly looped back to what kind of music he liked, which caught Colin off-guard for a few seconds. If he truly wanted to know, then there would have been no harm in supplying that information. ”I'm a fan of Nu Metal.” he answered finally, once he was sure he would not throw anything up. Next question however was sort of an interesting one, considering that he had not really thought about leaving. ”To be honest, I really do want to kick him in the balls. Not sure if he'll have any to kick with all that damage, but....the phrase stands.” Colin paused and massaged his eyelids. ”I'm also not sure how far I could get without that suit of mine, and....I  didn't really think of it until now honestly.” He added the last part with a shrug.
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A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind) - Page 2 Empty Re: A not-so-alien abduction (Closed: Khellendros, Vanguard, Were-alien kind)

Post by Khellendros February 22nd 2015, 2:56 am

"It really would have been much easier to show my father some of your shiny technology and you would have had him hooked right away." She chuckles a little at that. "He can't resist the opportunity to get his hands on new tech. As for my body, it was designed for combat and that was one of many possibilities that accompanied it's construction. As long as my memory core remains intact my father can just build a new one, although, I really wish he would find someone to try and help him make a more... friendly looking body for me, one that I could actually wander amongst normal people with..." A wistful tone creeps into her voice at the admission. "So, this armour, you said it was made by a Master yet you fought against them, why would you fight against the ones you seem to hold in such high regard?"

Interesting procedure and methods... I can't really use it in my work though, it requires you to be stationary or at least not in a hostile scenario, maybe I could modify that strange gel I woke up in somehow... When μrsine mentions the lack of escape attempts, Khell can't help but quirk an eyebrow at the inquiry. "To be honest, I see no reason to escape as of yet and my more... inquisitive nature is definitely holding me here, you have a lot of technology that piques my interest and I always enjoy learning about new cultures. Malys is no different than me on that one. I was also wondering why your people would associate with a group of megalomaniacs since you seem to hold humans in such high regard as they clearly have no qualms about murdering helpless bystanders?" Thinking on the part about kicking him in the nuts, Khell didn't feel any sort of anger towards the individual on the table. "As for harming your brother once he wakes up, I don't hold grudges, they're an enormous waste of time so don't worry, your brother is perfectly safe from any sort of retribution on my part. We fought, he won, end of story." He walks closer to the operating table to get a better look at Tsxero. "He fought well, I would hate to see him die if his intentions were all in the interest of saving his people, a noble sentiment is something I can relate to."

Khellendros, The Black Knight
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