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Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark)

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Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark) Empty Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark)

Post by shamanman December 15th 2014, 9:11 pm

Joshua stalked the streets of a suburban neighborhood in one of the cookie cutter towns of the Midwest. Upon his head he was adorned with a hat not a baseball cap or the like, but a simple brown fedora that matched his trenchcoat his colour. He had left most of his gear at home only taking the standard revolver, wand, and spring shoes with him. In his pocket was a dark red hankerchef that  he used to wipe his brow.

After a couple hours of nothing he sat down in a diner. The diner was covered in a checker like colour that made one feel as if they were transported to the 1950s. Looking up to the short old waitress he asked for a simple grilled cheese and ginger ale. She nodded at him before he added that he wanted no tomatoes on it, but a side of ketchup. The waitress gave him a weird look, but quickly left to gather other orders.

sitting there Joshua pondered why he had gone to the desolate town in the first place. It was in the middle of nowhere and boring, but he had been called by a distressed wife who had heard about Joshua's services. Apparently people were going missing, and some were turning up eaten alive.

The waitress handed him his food while he stared out the window. He tried not to think of the pictures while he choked down the food. As he looked out the window at the passing people he spotted something very peculiar. A man in a grey suit with a fedora not unlike his own, but the man had the head of a white chihuahua properly proportioned to fit the body. The Chihuahua seemed to know that he noticed, and was staring at the perplexed detective.

Getting up Joshua quickly walked out the door. He started heading back to the hotel to conduct some more research on the phenomena, but was tailed by the creature he spotted earlier. Step by step Joshua's feet splashed in puddles as he tried to distance himself from the creature. It seemed to match his speed perfectly no matter what. After he started to sprint he realized he was at the door of his motel room. Opening the door Joshua bolted in locking the door behind him. He breathed heavily for a few minutes before checking the window. To his horror the dog headed man was standing just inches away from the mirror just staring at him.

Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark) PoliticalAnimal

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 90
Registration date : 2014-09-15

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Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark) Empty Re: Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark)

Post by Humanity December 16th 2014, 7:46 pm

Sarah wasn't entirely sure what she was doing here. She had to blame Jeisen and Nolan on this one. She said specifically that she didn't trust that damn teleporting thing, and now here she was! In the middle of Whoknowswhere, USA. At least she was more familiar with the United states than she was the United Kingdom. She was quick to identify her location, and immediately attempted to get in touch with Jeisen via Cellphone. Of course he cellphone was a regular cellphone and didn't exactly survive her sudden falling on it. With a growl she threw the phone into a trash bin that adorned the sidewalk as she moved on to bigger and better things in life. Like a place to stay was a good start.

   Sarah was never one for anything overly luxurious, however she did in fact care about cleanliness and basic hygienic appeal. It was why she picked this place. it was a nice little hotel of sorts. She stepped in and got her room, it was not far by which was nice in virtually every way. That was of course until she reached it and in the room right next to her's there was a person standing outside the door. Wait was that a person? Holy shit that's a chihuahua man. Sarah just looked at it a moment and then shrugged. She had met Black Ops, a person who could become anyone, a pervy Norwegian sentient robot, and she also managed to meet a Transformer. So a dude with a chihuahua head? No big deal. She was wondering why he was standing out here though.

    "Hey, are you okay? Did you lock yourself out?" She asked as kindly and politely as possible to the (what she assumed to be) metahuman


Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark) Empty Re: Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark)

Post by shamanman December 17th 2014, 11:03 pm

The man with a dog's head stood there for a moment before slowly turning his head. It seemed to be there, but not there at all as he phased in and out of existence. He began to lumber toward Sarah with a serial killers march. The expression on his face was solemn as he licked his lips. As he walked to her he began to phase out again. This time disappearing completely as if he wasn't even there. Leaving only a lone fedora in his wake.

Joshua stood there mortified as the creature gave him the death stare. When the beast turned to the woman Joshua's view was blocked resulting in him not seeing the woman. He let out a sigh of relief as the dog headed man began to walk away, patting his neck with his neon green hankerchef.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 90
Registration date : 2014-09-15

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Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark) Empty Re: Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark)

Post by Humanity December 29th 2014, 11:34 am

Well this was...odd. She wasn't quite sure she liked what that look on that dog was, but he soon vanished. It was strange, but to be honest she didn't much care any more. She had literally just survived being attacked by Megatron who was sent after her by the men in black. Dog people that vanished just seemed to add to this insanity. Sarah just rolled her eyes and turned to go to her own room. She placed the key-card in and quickly slid it out, opening the door and propping it open with her backpack as she began to shuffle through it.


Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark) Empty Re: Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark)

Post by shamanman December 30th 2014, 1:55 am

Joshua backed into the corner of the room in fear of the thing returning, with friends, but instead he heard rustling coming from the room over. Just to make sure he poked a hole in the old drywall with a bit of bone he sprouted from his finger. It turned out to be a woman instead of a horrifying creature. The woman was blonde and extremely good looking so he decided to keep on staring hoping she would change her clothes.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 90
Registration date : 2014-09-15

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Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark) Empty Re: Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark)

Post by Humanity January 7th 2015, 9:38 pm

Sarah settled into her room and closed the door. She quickly sat on the bed and pulled out her cell phone, texting away to someone on the mobile device. With a frustrated growl she plopped back against the bed and threw a pillow over her face before screaming into it with rage. What in the Hell was going on here? Why couldn't she get reception on her cell? She just bought it, it was up to date....despite being a crappy little thing. She should have asked Jeisen or Nolan to look at it before she left for this continent. Oh well... she was stuck with this.

Removing the pillow she tossed it aside before sighing and recomposing herself. Perhaps she should get something to eat... she wasn't hungry. Then again she never was.


Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark) Empty Re: Dog.... people? (Guilty Spark)

Post by shamanman January 7th 2015, 11:53 pm

"Why isn't she getting undressed?" Joshua muttered to himself. He left the drill to do some meditation. It wasn't very Long after that he felt something. It was as if two worlds were colliding with one. Joshua opened his eyes to see his room, except it wasn't his room. There was something off about it. It seemed as though he was in whatever universe's version of the room he was previously inhabiting.

There was a loud crash on the door, and two more of the dog people came through it. More like burst. The one that was on top of the male was leaning on what looked like a female. They were licking each other ferociously. They paused for a moment to look at Joshua. Their lips retracted into a snarl. Before anything else happened time stopped, and the room began to pulsate in multiple colours.

Joshua was thrown into an abyss of time within the new universe. He watched as instead of humans canines became the dominate species, then they became bipedal. Their wars and history almost mirrored the ones in the universe Joshua was a part of. He watched as headlines grew over disappearing dogs. It was then discovered that those dogs when to another universe.

They brought back a prize for living within the other universe without detection. A pair of humans. These humans were of different gender so they were prime targets of study. Over the next few hundred years as it seemed there was a surge of research into the field of travelling to Joshua's universe, and over time they brought more humans back for experiments. These experiments were quite brutal often producing such messes that would give villains nightmares.

This all seemed to last both an eternity and a second as Joshua broke the trance. He opened his eyes to feel a surge of kinetic energy knocking things around his hotel room. For some reason he couldn't shake what he saw. Perhaps he was shown it for a reason. He had to find out why.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 90
Registration date : 2014-09-15

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