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Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only]

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Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only] Empty Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only]

Post by Entei October 19th 2014, 10:05 pm

"No no no, just..." Michael Krieger let out a loud sigh as another huffy executive left the room in a fit. It had been his first week at his job, and he still had no idea how to handle big business. Leaning back in the chair of his officer, he took a look out at the rebuilt skyline of New York City, or at least, what HAD been rebuilt. Though there had been some outstanding progress on it, it was still quite unfinished. Even when it was rebuilt, it would never be the same, the companies who had all 'volunteered' to help rebuild all would have left some mark on this new city's skyline. The memories, the sounds, the smells, this city would be a whole new creature when it was finally opened back up to the general public. But, that wasn't always such a bad thing. Although the despair of the citys destruction would hang for a while, the American people were a strong group, and they would push on. Create new memories, some good, some bad, but all their own. When he looked out at the skyline, a small smile appeared on his lips as he could vaguely make out the forms of meta humans flying about, probably on patrol, or chasing down a bad guy. It made his mind wander to his own group of meta human companions, the Guardians. And one in particular.

Pulling out his phone, Entei sent a a quick text message to Jeisen, before clicking the lock and setting is back into the drawer on his desk. The messaged read 'Hey, left one of your markers inside New York. Come to this address after you port in. And use regular means, I don't need you scaring my secretary.' With the message sent, Michael crossed the floor of his officer and opened up the clear glass door that led to the waiting room outside. A young, blonde woman turned to greet him with a smile, a small British accent evident in her voice.

"How can I help you, Mr. Krieger." The young woman asked, turning her chair to full face him. She was cute, which was something Michael had tried to avoid, what with the jealous alien girlfriend that lived with him stopping by often, and very bright. To top it all off, she met Michael's one requirement: Before she worked for him, she was a orphan meta human. Being one himself before he landed his first job, he wanted to give back anyway he could, and he felt that a high paying secretary job was just the way to do that.

"Ah, yes, Lily." He started, giving the girl a small smile. "I have a friend coming up, his name is Jeisen. Please let him in right away."

"Of course Mr. Krieger." She replied in earnest. "How will I know him when he comes up?"

"Oh you'll know." Michael said with a small laugh, confusing the girl. As he turned to walk away, he continued, "And if you don't, Nolan will sure as fuck let you know."
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Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only] Empty Re: Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only]

Post by Jeisen October 20th 2014, 5:19 pm

Electricty bounced across the room as music blasted in the small room. Metallic objects were floating causally as lightning jumped between them every now and then. Jeisen was floating upside down as he hung underneath a large motorcycle, welder in hand. He was working on the frame for the bike when he heard a small buzzing. With a flick, Jeisen turned off the welder and let it float away as he kicked over to where his phone was floating. He had a text message. And from entei of all people. Jeisen hadnt seen the guy since the portal in a hooker joint ordeal.

And he was in New York? Why the hell was he there. And how the hell did he have a secretary? Was that a thing now? Jeisen thought hookers had pimps no secretaries.

Nolan floated over, having forwarded the message to Jeisen's personal phone.

Nolan: "Ya know... if he has a secretary... He has you beat. You dont have anything cause your broke. Least you aren't a hooker.. I think. You aren't a hooker right? Right??"

Jeisen just blinked a bit at Nolan at the seemingly random comment. Nolan got some of the weirdest thoughts somedays. Jeisen shook his head silently as he activated his suit.

Nolan:"Heyyyy.... answer meeee. You aren't right??"

Within a few seconds, Jeisen had the rest of his suit on then just grabbed Nolan. No point in talking to an annoying litle ball.

With a flash, Jeisen landed on the roof of a New york High rise. A beautful sight. Jeisen would have to stay here a couple days before heading back to london. Jeisen paused though... Did he leave the stove on?

A few minutes later a taller, brown haired man walked into the front door of the skyscraper. He walked over to the front desk.

"I'm here to see a friend... I believe he goes by Michael Kriegar."

The rather unassuming man got directions to the office on the 49th level where he stepped out of the elevator and in front of secretary. The unassuming man squinted at the secretary

"So he thinks having you makes him better then me eh??"

The man blinked at her then shook his head

"Nevermind... I'm No.. Jeisen. Here to see Michael."

The man began heading to the doors where he was directed too. After stepping in, The man closed the doors behind him. He stared at Entei uncomfortably, just blinking at him. With a small pop, Jeisen was sitting in one of the chairs in front of entei's desk, fully armored and feet up on the desk. He had been cloaked this entire time he was in the building. The man behind him fizzled out like a mirage to reveal nolan hovering and controlling a small metal ball. Nolan glared at Michael before hovering off into the corners, muttering smothing about hooker secretaries.

Jeisen: "Hey there mate, long time no see. When did you get this fancy place?"
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Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only] Empty Re: Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only]

Post by Entei October 20th 2014, 6:00 pm

"So he things having you  makes him better than me eh??"

Entei let out a sigh as the voice rang in his ears. He didn't need Lily to tell him, though her voice came in confused through the phone speaker that sat on his desk, he would know that voice anywhere. But, something was off about the body. Mainly, that it had no scent. Or rather, it had no human scent, it smelled of grease, and oil, and cheap metal. Entei chuckled as he saw the invisibility field drop, and the armored form of Jeisen appear in the chair in front of his desk.

"Ah, nice to see you. Make yourself at home." Entei said sarcastically, gesturing to the feet that were no propped against his desk. "Nice to see you dress up to walk into one of the largest companies in the world." Shaking his head, and letting out a small sigh, Entei stood from his desk, re buttoning the jacket of his suit as he stood. He hated this fancy dress wear, but, it was required, and the money he was getting made it all the better. "To answer your question, your portal to hell worked, and it helped me find out something rather interesting. My half sister is Rochelle Felicity DiMartino - Takeiro, and yes, that one. As in one of the wealthiest people on the face of the earth. Apparently, half demon as well. Who would've thought?" Crossing the room, Entei opened a small mini fridge that resided in the corner of his office, and pulled out a soda. "Anything to drink? Soda, alcohol, motor oil? You're a weird fuck, I don't know what you're into."
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Quote : Entei
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Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only] Empty Re: Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only]

Post by Jeisen October 25th 2014, 5:53 pm

"I'm good thanks. I try not to drink on the job ya know? Besides, I already checked out your fridge. You need better tastes my friend in beverages... and security. Not even one scanner... but I guess security is a little redundant with you here."

Jeisen leaned back in his chair looking around the office as nolan floated around scanning random items. This was an unusal thing for Jeisen. Usuaully he had to break in to one of these places to try and liberate some tech schemetics he needed. Now he was being invited into it.

"So your sister works here then? Guessing same father but different mother? Looks like your pops sure gets around. Speaking of which, how was your trip? Looks like it took a little bit longer on your end then ours did. I wasn't quite sure if our times lined up right or not. How many years did you end up spending there? Or did you even? I don't know if you just age like that normally or not to be honest."
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Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only] Empty Re: Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only]

Post by Entei October 25th 2014, 10:16 pm

Shrugging, Entei removed a bottle of root beer from the fridge for himself, twisting open the lid, and taking a long swig as Jeisen spoke. He had forgotten how fast this particular meta had talked, and he almost had trouble keeping up with his barrage of questions. Blinking twice when he had finished talking, Entei paused for a second, before shaking his head with a sigh, and replying.

"Yep, I forgot that you talked really fast." Plopping back in his office chair, Michael tapped a few keys on his keyboard, locking down his computer from Nolan's prying eyes. Jeisen may have been a great hacker, but the company he worked for had better. "Also, you're not on the job, but, that's neither here nor there, I suppose." Kicking his feet onto his desk, and leaning back, he stared at the ceiling as he talked, trying to think of the best way to answer the multitude of questions. "Chelle doesn't work here, per say. She owns the entire company, and all of our branches, so she mainly works from her home office. And yes, same father, as for my trip well..."

A wicked, devilish grin grew onto Entei's face, as the room suddenly, and without warning, filled completely with his blue fire. There was however, no heat to these flames, so Jeisen was completely safe, but the speed at which his power moved was incredible.

"And that was with my sword sealed, and look, no demon features." Entei said with a smile. "I spent three years in hell, but, only a week passed in this realm. It odd experience to say the least. You should have seen Uzma's face when she saw me.."
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Quote : Entei
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Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only] Empty Re: Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only]

Post by Jeisen October 25th 2014, 10:28 pm

Nolan zoomed right up to Entei's face as he burst into flames. The little robot shined bright lights in his eyes as he was scanning

Nolan: "Oh fascinating it seems. Same energy we sent from your hooker joint to hell, but with a little more potency behind it. It looks like you actually have aged as well. Slightly taller. Shame your boobs haven't come in, thatd make your hooker job easier."

Jeisen laughed a metallic laugh through his voice filter at the hooker comments. He wasn't quite sure why Nolan was so fixcated on the entei being a hooker thing, but he wasn't about to change it. Too funny

Jeisen: "Makes sense to me. Speaking of space girl... Did you kiss her? I think you would kiss her after getting back"

Nolan: "Nooo.... hookers don't kiss. Thats like... against the prositute code."

Jeisen: "That is true, guess uzma would have to pay extra for that."

Nolan: "Ahh all comes down to money"

Jeisen: "Course."

Both looked back over at entei.

Jeisen:"Soooo.... for real though, you kissed her right? I thought you two were about to make out back like a week ago."

He was refering to the meeting that gathered all of them together for the guardians.
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Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only] Empty Re: Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only]

Post by Entei October 25th 2014, 10:37 pm

Entei just kinda blinked at Jeisen, giving him an awkward glare. With a sigh, he dropped his feat, and leaned his elbow on his desk, resting his head in his palm.

"Ya'know, the metal your robot is made of probably isn't all that durable. Seeing as I can get my flames hot enough to incinerate titanium. Not melt mind you, incinerate, you think he would watch what he says..." As Entei spoke, his tail snaked out and headed towards the small robot who decided to get into his face. "As for Uzma, I'm not going to give you details, but we live together and share a bed decide what we have or have not done."

Tapping a few more keys on his keyboard, a small holographic display appeared from within a small reticle that was hidden in the glass of Entei's desk. It displayed a suite inside an undisclosed building of New York. It was much, much larger than the current base the Guardians used, and seemed to include a small garage full of vehicles for them to use. "I brought you here to discuss this, though. Thanks to a gracious donation from my sister, possibly my niece and brother as well, I've been able to procure the guardians a new safe house and meeting center. Instead of that small, cramped hotel room, we can have this luxury penthouse apartment sweet. With enough rooms for all of us, and even future members down the road, to have our own sleeping quarters, a full kitchen, etc etc."
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Quote : Entei
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Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only] Empty Re: Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only]

Post by Jeisen October 26th 2014, 8:22 am

Nolan squinted at Entei from his optic. Well when squint, Nolan slightly tilted forward and focused the lense on his optic. He began floating away suspiciously as both Entei and Jeisen could hear him clearly say

Nolan: "I take back my hooker comments, your just a whoreeeeeeee"

Jeisen ignored his floatin claptrap of a robot as he looked forward on the designs that Entei was showing him. This was some good stuff. With a Baer this size Jeisen could actually begin to store more of his gear here and really have a workshop for once. Jeisen may be one if the best when it came to building things but he could not do so much with low grade equipment.

Jeisen: "what we need is a set of converter relays with coupling matrixs. Using ten of them with a massive enough energy source I could theoretically jump us to almost any hot stop with a few miles of the set destination. Course that would light our safe house up like a night sky on almost any scans. Need to build some dampeners into the walls along with some heby duty lead lining. Best get off the grid while we are at it. I'll see if I still have those parts to jury rig a nuclear fusion cell. That would be plenty of energy for a base of that size"

Jeisen just let his mouth talk as his mid wandered a thousand different directions like always. Hard to stay focused when so many thoughts were in his head like this
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Registration date : 2014-01-26

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Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only] Empty Re: Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only]

Post by Entei October 26th 2014, 8:49 am

Entei grunted threateningly at the robot, before letting out another annoyed sigh. It seemed he would never get a respite from the jokes, and the small floating chatterbox was very lucky that he belonged to Jeisen, and not some other dweeb. Michael did his best to listen to Jeisen's techno rabble, but, it was far beyond something he could understand, or even pretend to do so. Just nodding silently, and doing his best not to look as stupid as he really was, he let Jeisen finish his speech before continuing.  One might wonder how someone like Michael could be in charge of any part of this massive of a global powerhouse such as the company he worked for. But, the way he figured it, if Bush could run an entire country...

"Yea...right..sure." Entei responded, tapping a key on his keyboard, and unlocking the hologram. Placing his hand on the small, see through image, he spun his hand around, causing the sensors in the reticle to pick up his movements, and rotate the picture accordingly. "I'm not gonna pretend to understand any of what you said, but, make any adjustments you want here, and I'll have the techs do what they can. We have some actual money behind us, let's not jury rig anything, especially anything with the word fusion in it."

Leaning back in his chair, Michael unbuttoned the jacket of his suit and tie, letting the fabric fall lazily behind him. Looking up to Jeisen, who was probably enthusiastically playing with the new toy, he let out a yawn. "So, what's been new since I was gone? I've been too busy to keep up with Guardian stuff. What with my family, Uzma, being in Hell, and now this business, it takes quite a lot out of my social life. How have you and...that thing been?"
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Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only] Empty Re: Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only]

Post by Jeisen October 30th 2014, 3:40 pm

Jeisen paused as he got a personal question. Nolan hovered near a window, staring outside.

Jeisen: "We have been... well"

Nolan: "Change is difficult for us."

Jeisen was refering to being a hero and working with others. The fact that Entei could get in contact with Jeisen was a little more then ground breaking for Jeisen. All he had done was give the man a simple way to reach him, but no else in the world had ever had such a way. For a loner such as Jeisen it was a little more then ground breaking. The hero stuff its self was also ground breaking in its own way. Going from a loner theif to a hero that activly looked to help out others was disconerting for Jeisen. Some nights he would stay up in his place wondering just how the hell he managed to stay put in one place for long. Most nights he was even home, but he always returned to his dinky little flat on the outskirts of london.

Jeisen just waved the rest of the questio0n off though. No way he could really answer that in a timly manner.

Jeisen: "I've been doing well really. How are you adjusting to human life after your trip?"
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Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only] Empty Re: Catching up. [Jeisen, invite only]

Post by Entei January 11th 2015, 6:31 pm

"Hmm.." Entei said, pondering on that for a moment. "Well, life is...interesting, in this realm, after spending so long in a place where I was literally a prince.."

Entei and Jeisen chatted for a while after that, Entei ignoring a major work load, and blowing off the rest of the day.

[End thread]

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