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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Empty Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

Post by Omen April 10th 2012, 2:42 pm

An angry grimace crossed Omen's face as he looked at the severed head which lay on the floor in front of him. Blood and ash decorated the ground within the highly disturbing scene. A depressed and frustrated sigh escaped his mouth while examining the point at which the head had been cut off from. The type of tool that had been used to slice off his head had appeared consistant with the other victims. It wasn't a copycat killer, the same guy that killed the others had struck again. It was the same thing every time; he would remove the heads of his victims before burning the bodies. Whoever the perpetrator was, he hadn't left a trail at any of his other crime scenes and after searching through this one, it was clear he hadn't this time either. The police had been stumped trying to find this guy, he hadn't exaclty made it easy for them to get any kind of clues as to who he was. Then again, if they had been able to make any headway into their investigation they wouldn't have asked for Omen's help in the first place. He was actually suprised when he was asked to help, usually he went on his own initiative, but the fact they called him in proved just how much trouble they were having catching this killer.

However, Omen wasn't going to let him get away this time. While there was no physical evidence to help find this psychotic, Omen didn't need any. Tapping into his powers he watched as a man appeared from nothingness before him. It wasn't hard to see that it was the victim, his face was almost identical to the severed head, minus the horrified expression and blood marring it. When questioned, the dead man had revealed he had been attacked and killed by a man acting like some sort of vampire and he also looked like he was using the shadows as a weapon. Now this piece of information had him worrying slightly. Vampires tended to range significantly from breed to breed, but they were, in general at least, powerful and dangerous enemies to make. The thought that one of them was now hunting in the streets of New York was a scary thought indeed. Also, it seemed like he had the ability to create constructs if what his latest, or hopefully latest, victim said was true. Before, Omen had believed the killer to be just that, a simple killer. No matter how deranged he thought him to be, he wasn't expecting to be going against a monster.

Following in the invisible path left for him by the spirit, Omen started to walk down the streets of New York city to the killer's home. He was led to the front of an alley which was noticably darker than most of the other alleys in the city. The visage of the man stopped at the entrance to the aley and turned back to Omen before disappearing. Looking down into the alley all he could see was pure blackness, that wasn't good. If he were going to be attacked in here, based on the shadow based powers he'd been told about, he would be at a serious disadvantage. However, Omen steeled his resolve. He may not have many advantages in this situation, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. Pulling out his revolver he flipped it open and checked on the bullets he had loaded, seven necro rounds, kill shots. He wasn't about to take any chances with this guy. Stepping on through the alley he was quickly lost into the darkness that flooded it's every corner. His steps were slow and careful, his eyes staring blankly into the shadows. So he couldn't see where they guy's home was, he wasn't going to let that stop him. He went closer to one of the sides of the alley and placed his hand against the wall. If he couldn't see the door, why not feel it out? Walking along the wall he could feel rough surface of the brick against his hand, that is until about halfway down through the black alley he felt a much smoother material, a door. Two options came to mind at this point. One, he could kick the door down and rush into the apartment, hoping that he was home. Two, he could quietly pick the lock on the door and sneak inside to catch him off guard and if he wasn't there, set a trap. Deciding to hope that he could use the element of suprise to his advantage, Omen bent down to one knee, pulled out a small piece of wire from his coat and unlocked the door. Getting back to his feet, Omen readied his weapon and skulked inside the 'vampire's' home.

Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Spider_man_noir_by_robgee789-d3lh53k

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Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2011-12-06

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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Empty Re: Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

Post by CainVulsore April 10th 2012, 4:56 pm

It had been about an hour sense Cain and Vladimir had returned from their nightly hunting of bag ‘o bloods and the rare super bag o’ bloods. They had returned to the shadow alley as they had come to call it and were both enjoying their own favorite sections of the apartments. Cain’s of course was his own private room; a place filled stolen money, and goods. Right in the middle was a giant blood red king sized bed and screaming noises, though can’t be heard from outside the room, emitted from it. These noises were coming from one of Cain’s favorite ‘victims’ who had developed a case of Stockholm syndrome and would always come crawling back to him no matter how much he sexually and emotionally abused her. Sure this wasn’t his normal type of thing but if she wanted it he wasn’t complaining. That is of course until he was alerted of a presence walking into the alley.

As soon as the fool walked into His alley way Cain could ‘feel’ his presence through the shadows that surrounded him. Of course he could have molded them to have the man walk aimlessly in circles for hours on end until he starved to death or dehydrated to death; but of course there would be no fun it that. So instead he allowed for the man to carry on his way up and into his ‘humble’ abode. Once inside the fun would truly start to begin, he was already waiting for him with shadow whips, spikes, and anything else his sadistic mind could think up. As soon as the man took two steps forwards he would quite possibly trip over a shadow whip and fall face first into a mound of shadow spikes, that was the plan at least.

With a smirk he thought of something, something so vile he wasn’t even sure it was his own idea. Sure, he was vile and evil at times but he was never this evil; okay that’s a flat out lie but still it was a nice one. He chuckled and stood up putting on his cloths and opening the door at the top of the apartment slowly, he used the shadows to carry the girl up and out over the railings and dropped her. She fell three stories down to the first floor right in front of the masked man dying on the spot. To make things even ‘better’ he had the shadows in front of her spell out ‘come and get me mask man.’ The shadow whip and spikes were still in front of him, before the girl, so if he rushed forward to try and save her he too might meet his end tonight in the house of darkness.

Cain Vulsore
Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Empty Re: Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

Post by Omen April 10th 2012, 6:01 pm

Eyes widened in shock at the gruesome sight which lay before them, out of all the things Omen had expected, this had been a suprise to say the least. What. The. Fuck? That was all that had gone through his head the moment the woman fell silently, yet brutally down to the ground. Her corpse lay unceremoniously sprawled out on the floor. A pool of blood was building up from underneath her and her face was blank, expressionless. She didn't even scream or panic whenever she was being dropped. The kind of mental state she must have been in Omen didn't even want to know. His eyes travelled to the message spelled out from the shadows in front of her. The monster was mocking him, goading him into a fight. It was a game to themm. The element of surprise was not an option, now Omen doubted it was ever an option in the first place. Whoever the killer was, they knew he was here and was toying with him. So he wants to play? Fine, but he's not leaving this building alive. While his thoughts were confident, he knew it wouldn't be an easy task. He was right earlier to assume him powerful, yet he still underestimated him. The guy probably knew he was here before he even got inside. Another examination of the body ahead of him and he knew immediately that if he were to try and help her he would be skewered by the shadows. Oddly, he felt relief she had died upon impact now, because even if she had survived, there would be little chance he could aid her at all unless he killed the shadow user first.

His steps were careful and calculated as he walked around the woman's corpse and towards the staircase. If he wasn't motivated enough before, he was now. Some would have been demoralised by the display at the door, but for Omen all he did was insult and challenge him. Usually, he was never one for going straight to the violent approach, but this thing didn't deserve to talk it out, he deserved a bullet in the head. Glad he had loaded his gun with the appropriate ammunition, Omen walked up the stairs. He wasn't even going to try and run, he needed to be fully aware of what was going around around him and he wasn't about to run into a trap like the one at the door. It appeared that the 'vampire' could in fact create objects from the shadows, but their limitations had yet to be seen, so he had to anticipate any and all possibilities. His gun rested comfortably within his right hand, ready to fire upon anything the psycho sent at him. So, for now, Omen was forced to play the freak's game. He would go through this house of horrors and he WOULD reach the killer and he WOULD unload each and every one of his rounds into his skull.

Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Spider_man_noir_by_robgee789-d3lh53k

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2011-12-06

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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Empty Re: Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

Post by CainVulsore April 10th 2012, 9:07 pm

Cain rose an eyebrow as the man did nothing, it did not even seem to faze him and to add onto that he some way in hell was able to simply walk right around the shadow whip in front of his foot and then around the shadow spikes. He simply crossed his arms and scoffed as the man walked up the stairs, did he not realize whose house he had wandered into? Even the toughest of heroes would not dare venture into the home of the Lord of Shadows and think they would get out of it alive? He laughed at the thought and cracked his knuckles standing out over the balcony from his third floor shaking his head as he snapped his fingers. The floors underneath the vigilante began to move and slowly started to rise up and wrap around his feet.

“You honestly think that you could just waltz right into my house and do whatever you please? This is my domain; you have no hope of defeating me here mortal.” He spoke out loud as his hands rose into the air so did the shadows at the feet of the man. He was not here to play games, this fool had trespassed on his property and he would meet a death that he truly deserved for something as stupid as that. He smirked and then stood his ground watching from his ‘post’ with a slight chuckle as he raised a phone to his ear and spoke three words silently so that the vigilante could not hear him. Those three words would summon Vladimir Judastree Alucard, but the real vampire would stay hidden as he knew when to come in and when not to. Next he dropped the phone and sent a shadow whip flying out at the fools head, strong enough to cut clean through titanium steel and diamonds together.

Cain Vulsore
Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Empty Re: Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

Post by Omen April 11th 2012, 7:18 am

The sound of laughter entered Omen's ears, it being the only sound that had broken the silence which filled the building. His eyes wandered upwards towards the upper floors. There he first saw the very man he had been hunting. He was just standing there, looking down from his balcony at him. Omen scowled hatefully, not that it could be seen, and was about to take a shot at him until he noticed something. The floor was moving in on him. He leapt up over to the wall just before it had managed to get a grip onto his legs. He clung steadily onto a wall mounted lighting fixture with one hand, both of his feet planted firmly against the wall. His attention was switched back to his target quickly, his gun poised and ready to put the unholy freak out of everyone's misery. Another interruption however took his chance away, this time in the form of some kind of dark tendril flying straight for him, or more specifically, his head. His eyes widended in shock, he wasn't willing to die today, not here and not now. He shifted his entire body to the side swifty from his position against the wall, narrowly avoiding the blow that would have most certainly killed him. The shadow had instead found itself impaled deeply into the wall just next to Omen's position, if he had been hit by that, he didn't even want to imagine.

As if enough hadn't gone in his favor, the decorative lighting fixture he had been using for support was starting to break. Kind of easy to assume why, that particular piece of decoration was never meant to handle any real weight, much less the weight of a full grown man. He swore under his breath as he fired off two hastily fired rounds at the villain as he used his legs to spring him off of the wall and back onto solid ground, but not the same spot that had earlier tried to trap him. Starting off into a run, Omen continued to make his way closer and closer to his target. He was still unwavering in his hunt for the crazed lowlife, he wasn't about to be scared off anytime soon. Running up the next flight of stairs, Omen had reached the next floor, just one more and he would be at the top.

Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Spider_man_noir_by_robgee789-d3lh53k

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2011-12-06

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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Empty Re: Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

Post by CainVulsore April 11th 2012, 10:19 pm

Cain watched in frustration as the man seemingly was able to escape the shadows that would have certainly held him exactly where he wanted him. Then when he jumped to the wall he was able to once again narrowly avert an attack that would have meant certain death for the intruder. The chandelier he had decided to use for support was falling and Cain helped that a little bit by letting the shadows drop in and then catch it before it could hit the floor. Though of course the masked vigilante had already made it onto the stairs and was racing for him, then unleashed two hastily fired shots from his gun. The Lord of Shadows was having none of this, that much was sure; a wall of shadows erupted from the ground in front of himself and took the two bullets.

Remember the chandelier from earlier being held by a shadow? Yes, well that chandelier was then thrown as hard as it possibly could at the man’s back, and right after it was thrown four walls of shadows on either side of the intruder sprouted up to keep him locked in. Once they formed a one to cover the top quickly formed as well and Cain laughed menacingly hoping he had trapped the fool. “You won’t escape here alive intruder I tell you this now, remember my name for it will be the last you ever hear. Tonight you fall to the hands of Cain Vulsore, the Lord of Shadows.” He spoke as spikes erupted from every side of the shadow built walls.

Cain Vulsore
Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Empty Re: Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

Post by Omen April 12th 2012, 12:00 pm

A sudden sharp pain struck Omen's back, sending him stumbling forward slightly. Thankfully though, he was able to regain balance before falling over. Things then turned a far darker turn when shadows had emerged from the ground around him and boxed him in. Trying to break through the walls wasn't worth the risk, he knew that if he failed or was too slow in his attempt that the box would be his coffin within seconds. Looking up, hope was quickly shattered when a roof was formed to stop him from escaping that way either. The shadows had covered every exit point, but one which had luckily been overlooked. Thinking quickly, Omen turned his revolver to the ground and unleashed each of his remaining five rounds into the wooden boards. The powerful bullets blasted through the flooring brutally, causing a small collapse within itself and creating a hole in the floor which Omen fell through, barely escaping the spikes which made the box into an iron maiden. He landed onto the previous floor crouched over onto one knee, some debris crashing down around him. A quick glance to his shoulder revealed a bloody slice had been made, evidently he didn't escape the box unscathed, but being alive was a boon. With no time to stay and tend wounds, Omen flipped open his revolver and reloaded each chamber, once again all Necro shots. So this guy was called Cain Vulsore...crap. Omen had heard of this guy, he was a freakin' butcher. A powerhouse supervillain. Things just got worse and worse today didn't they.

A pained groan later and he was ready to continue his less than effective assault. The smart thing to do would be to make a break for it, he came in here completely unprepared and was in the middle of the hornets nest as it were, though there was no chance in hell was he just going to leave without giving it his all. Going over to the balcony, Omen once again took a shot at the lunatic, only this time he fired three well aimed, precise bullets right for his head and upper body. He didn't expect to kill the man with them this time, the main reason for this direct approach was that he wanted to see how much damage he was actually doing to his defense and how fast he could react. Last time he hadn't been paying attention, this time he was trying to see how well he was actually going to be able to fair against the fiend.

Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Spider_man_noir_by_robgee789-d3lh53k

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2011-12-06

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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Empty Re: Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

Post by CainVulsore April 12th 2012, 5:28 pm

Cain crossed his arms and waited for the screaming and agony from the box, shadow wall still in front of him but heard only bullets being shot from a revolver. He raised an eyebrow in confusion and had the walls ‘melt’ back into the shadows and noticed the hole in the ground with confusion and then realized what was going on. He cursed under his breath and moved the wall to stay in front of him as the bullets hit the wall burrowing into it but one never went through. He shook his head with distain and laughed a menacing laugh that could be heard throughout the apartment building, but of course there was no one else but himself, omen, and the dead girl to hear him.

He smirked and sent the wall flying out at the man and then a whip from behind; he was not going to let him win. Sure the guy was obviously an amazing shot and could react faster than most people possibly could but he seemed to be only human. Cain was able to tell that by the wound on his arm, even if it wasn’t as bad as he hoped it still proved he had fast reactions. For no human, and fairly few super humans, could move fast enough to dodge his shadows. Yet, here he saw one who was able to do it as if it was simply nothing to him. So, he knew he had to be more resource full when it came to fighting this man. To start that off he also sent two spiked walls flying out at him from the sides to hopefully impale him if the first wall and whip didn’t do what they were supposed to.

Cain Vulsore
Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Empty Re: Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

Post by Omen April 15th 2012, 2:10 pm

As Omen expected, his attack proved ineffective against the man's apparently impervious defense. While his bullets seemed to damage the wall of shadows to a degree, they weren't enough to break it. One thought would be to catch him off guard, a man with that kind of defense could mean he wasn't superhumanly durable. However, here, in his home, the option of catching him off guard or flanking him in any way wasn't present. Cain's laughter had burst out and filled the building, a sound that some would have sent a chill down most mens' spines, but Mason was not most men. The retaliatory attack sent back at him wasn't a surprise, nor was it very hard to counter, or at least that's what he thought. The wall hurtling towards him was nimbly dodged by a quick roll out of the way, but the spiked shadow behind it he didn't account for. The black whip like projectile had stuck his leg, leaving a fairly deep slice into it's side. Choking back the pain, he regained a stable stance and was about to take off another few shots to cover his next run, but the incoming spiked walls from his sides seemed to kill that plan even before it started. Mentally cursing, Omen burst forward and vaulted over the balcony to escape the inclosing shadows.

Landing down to the ground floor and relative safety, Omen looked up to the depressing sight of the woman's corpse only a few feet away. Alright, so he was back where he started...and the door was right there, it didn't mean he was ready to give up just yet. If nothing else, he was out to prove his stubbornness. He was not going to be scared off. Raising his gun wielding hand again, he took aim and blasted off at the balcony the man was stilled perched from. Even though he could barely see him, due to the fact angle he was at made only see the top of his head and the ground beneath him, he fired at the ground below Cain. He was certain that the power his rounds carried were more than enough to pierce the cheap materials the building was made of and would be able to reach him.

Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Spider_man_noir_by_robgee789-d3lh53k

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2011-12-06

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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Empty Re: Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

Post by CainVulsore April 15th 2012, 6:58 pm

Cain smirked at the obvious scucss of his shadow whip that being the only one he knew would hit home. Of course it didn't go perfectly as planned but sense when did anything he ever plan go exactly the way it should have? The bullets fired at him were simply laughed at as he had a shadow hand fly out to meet them catching them in it's palm then throwing them right back at the man who shot them. The spiked walls sent the intruder jumping back and landing right where he started in front of the close door. The door whic Vladimir Judasstree Alucard recided behind secretly, waiting for the man to make a break for it. Cain thought he would run for it then and there but it seemed he was just as stubborn as Cain himself was. "You will die here intruder, I will show no mercy as your blood trickles down my throte." He promised for he made no threats he did not keep, this man had yet to begin to feel the torture Cain would bring upon him. The second set of bullets hit the floor and Csin was sent crashing down upon the ground on the second floor but did not go through those because of the shadows. Cursing under his breath he whipped off his pants and sent five shadow whips in all directions flying out at the man. He had enough if him and was going to end this here and now.

Cain Vulsore
Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Empty Re: Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

Post by Omen April 16th 2012, 7:05 pm

Evading the next attack that Cain had sent his way was more than a little straining on Omen's physical limitations. The five tendrils of shadow had assaulted him with deadly force from all around; dodging them would be no easy feat, but this was the sort of thing that built character...and left scars, but he wanted to try and focus on the character building thing. He swerved out of the first few shadow whips' way, but was then sliced across the chest. He winced in pain and while it wasn't serious, it had caused him to lose his concentration momentarily and was hit once again by another of the vampiric wannabe's shadows. This time however, the damage he sustaind wasn't something he could shrug off. His left arm had been cut deeply and it was starting to bleed pretty excessively. He had no time to nurse his wounds though, as the final shadow construct was heading directly for him, if he didn't react fast it would have pierced his chest. His gun still at the ready, Omen had blasted his last remaining round right at the offending projectile, the powerful Necro round tearing through the shadow, disapating it and saving his life. He exhaled heavily, and pulled his left arm closer into himself, putting what little pressure he could on the wound to try and keep the bloodloss to a minimum. His teeth clenched and his eyes looked back to Cain. The closest he had come to actually damaging him was when he broke the ground out from beneath him and that tactic wasn't going to be very affective a second time.

"Sorry Mr. Vulsore, but I have absolutely no intention of dieing today...or being lunch." As he spoke to Cain for the first time he once more flipped open his revelover and, while at an impaired speed due to having an injured arm, reloaded each chamber and flicked it closed again. With his one good arm he fired off a single round at Cain and ran to the exit. While he was stubborn, he refused to just stand there fighting a useless fight as he died of bloodloss.

Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Spider_man_noir_by_robgee789-d3lh53k

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2011-12-06

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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Empty Re: Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

Post by CainVulsore April 16th 2012, 7:59 pm

Cain smirked and laughed menacingly as he watched the fool barely making through his attacks alive. It seemed be was persistent but the intruder would go down in the end that much was certain, for none made it out of here alive on Cains watch. When the man started to speak he groaned and zoned him out rolling his eyes and throwing up yet another shadow wall knowing some bullets were more than likely coming again, and of course whada know bullets hit the wall. Six of them lodged into different sections of his practically inpenatrable wall of shadows.Cain allowed him to run for the exit, even allowed him to throw open the door in hopes of escaping but that was as far as the intruder would make it. For he was met. H Vladimir Judastee Alucard starring him in the face. The Vampire had his arms crossed obviously not happy and damn hungry by the look on his face. "Plan on going somewhere?" Be whispered before sending a bone shattering punch out at his face with all of his strength. Cain the ever persistent maniac laughed evily and costed his arms watching the scene unfold before him, there was. I way this man could defeat Draculas reincarnation.

((sorry its short))

Cain Vulsore
Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Empty Re: Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

Post by Omen April 17th 2012, 5:14 pm

"Oh what fresh hell is this...?" Omen muttered depressingly. Where he hoped to find an escape, he only found himself faced with an angry looking vampire. Unlike Cain, this guy really did seem to fit the bill of a vampire. So he came here expecting one vampire and instead got one psychopath who thought he was a vampire and wielded the shadows as a weapon...and a real vampire, who could probably rip off his head with his bare hands. Fanfrickentastic. He gulped softly when the monster whispered menacingly to him. While Omen knew the guy had no intention on letting him leave, he had no intention of letting this vampire stop him. He reacted quickly to the sudden attack, even in his injured state he was more than fast enough to react and counter. Shifting his body to the side, he sidestepped the punch narrowly; this new enemy seemed fast enough, probably equally his own speed, but Omen still beat him in skill. His gun at the ready, he took a shot at close range, aiming for his torso, and rushed back to make some distance between himself and the new foe.

The situation wasn't a good one, a vampire blocking his only way out and a powerful superhuman ready to launch an assault of black constructs at a moments notice, not to mention the still bleeding cuts that had been dealt earlier. He knew that shooting at Cain any more would be basically wasting bullets, so that left the unnamed one at the door. There was no way he would be able to last a fight against both of them for any real time at all, he was struggling to fight Cain by himself, so there was only one real way to make it out alive. Using his partially loaded revolver, he fired off the rest of his bullets at the doorway, aiming for the vampire. His intention however was not to kill, his shots were aimed to wound the vampire's lower body, namely the legs. He then charged for the door again, either the vampire would have moved to avoid the gunfire, or may have been injured enough to bypass.

Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Spider_man_noir_by_robgee789-d3lh53k

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Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Empty Re: Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only)

Post by CainVulsore April 19th 2012, 2:31 pm

Vlad snarled as the punch missed and then the man shot a bullet into his chest. Having no time to react he grunted and slid backwards a bit from th force of the blow. He now had a small hole right in the center of his chest that was slowly dripping out blood ever so slowly. He snarled though and stood his ground then slammed his food down as hard as he could sending a small fissure out at the intruder hopping to trow him off his feet or stumble him. Though the bullets that came next were not something he saw coming. Luckily for him this time they weren't the blasted bullets that could harm him so they simply hit his knee caps and bruised a bit but fell to the ground. He moved to dodge what he could and watched as the man ran past him, he reached for him but was unsecsesful in the attempt because of his wounds. Cain of course simply watched the scene unwind before him as he knew the man wasnt ever going to bother them again.
(( topic over unless you want an exit post))

Cain Vulsore
Catching the Bloody Bandit (Cain Only) Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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Registration date : 2011-08-21

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