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A delicate proceedure (Invite Only)

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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Empty A delicate proceedure (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane October 5th 2014, 7:20 pm

The assassin's body was prone on the ground, desperately crawling in an attempt to get away from Hurricane. The aerokinetic mastermind walked behind him slowly in pursuit, knowing he was doomed to death. He had not lasted a mere 30 seconds in combat with Hurricane before he was brought down. It wasn't his fault though, being born human. He wasn't strong enough. In desperation the assassin threw his arm back and released a wrist-attached flamethrower at Hurricane. The flames were about to engulf him but Hurricane used his ability to snuff the oxygen from the air, instantly extinguishing the flame. Extending his arm outright, he created a whirlwind which raised the assassin into the air. Then Jack proceeded to remove the oxygen from his lungs. The assassin's feet twitched as he tried to breathe, but to no avail. He suffocated to death. Hurricane released his grasp and let him collapse to the ground.

It was obvious that these assassins knew where he was, and kept on coming for him. Was it Dominus agents? Or perhaps the outstanding bounty on his head was causing them to continue coming after him. When he was younger, Jack would use his powers to do his own dirty work. Now he saw the foolishness of his arrogant ways. He was a target now. Though they never succeeded in killing Hurricane, they were preventing him from pursuing his research. There was only one assassin who came close to beating him. He showed skill and intellect, and now Hurricane was able to call on him for tasks if needed. He had finally devised a way to stop these assassination attempts Now would be that time to contact 16.

Jack made his way to the communication station of the building. It required a large tower to get a strong connection to reach the outside world. He entered data into the relay device to try and reach a message to 16.

"Good afternoon 16, this is Hurricane. I request that you meet with me as soon as possible. I have a task for you of the utmost importance. However, I require speaking the details of which in person. The security perimeter will be alerted to your arrival and will not pursue you. Please meet with me as soon as possible."

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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2010-12-02

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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Empty Re: A delicate proceedure (Invite Only)

Post by 16 October 5th 2014, 8:54 pm

It's been quite sometime since he himself has actually been contacted, His special cell phone shown him the message. It wasn't directly his number, it was a grapevine phone; Used by the underground society to throw off any trackers. They cost a soul or three for it. Letting it play on speaker phone he heard the message loud and clear, though admitted it took him off guard for a moment, unable to put name on the voice shook him. His curious brain began to formulate a brainstorm of who it could be, which in turn ended up asking himself who didn't he kill which took him not long before remembering a cliffhanger. He didn't expect it to finish it's masterpiece but never to late for anything. 16 waited twenty four hours before he decided if he still wanted to go and find out exactly what is expected. Next day he was getting dressed and packing his clothing, he was going on a possibly murderous adventure with a man he could barely remember. Bringing a bag with clothing and a couple of toys, he retracted the location, and he was off. While running he took the streets instead of playing around Europe like a child with super powers, his feeling was different; Less hostile like his danger senses isn't even trying to warn him that this could be a trap.

At about half of his top speed, he sorer faster then anyone could notice, in minutes he was running onto of the ocean. Nothing dwelling on his mind but purpose, he alone as usual trailed the waters until he came across the shore of the beautiful island he remembered running through. The memories kicked in, about how he got in - The fight - The salvation. Taking in the specific kind of air, the African American assassin was greeted by a group of robots, and signaled in the right direction where his destination should lead him too. Zapping out of sight, he reappeared in the entrance field in front of that would be considered the front door of the castle. Lean soft fabric black top and bottom with combat boots on present. The door made some very loud noises before emitting colors, and in a fancy but slow way opened up to Sixteen. Black hood concealing his face; without turning back he made his way inside the palace to meet his appointer.

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Empty Re: A delicate proceedure (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane October 5th 2014, 9:07 pm

"Sir, your guest for the day has arrived safely on the island." A robotic voice rang on the intercom. Jack remembered him well, the speed of which the man could run meant he would be arriving at his fortress shortly. He made his way down the building towards the entrance. Though, last time he entered through a window. Hurricane was hoping he felt more comfortable this time meeting him. After all, they shouldn't be trying to kill each other. No, Hurricane needed 16 for a vital mission. One that his other metahuman allies could not complete. They were known to be associated with Hurricane, whereas 16 was not. Their affiliation was simply off the record.

The front doors opened, allowing 16 to enter the structure. Hurricane's presence was there to greet him. "Welcome back friend, it has been some time. I hope all things are well for you? I've been wanting to meet with you again for some time but have not had the time. Forgive my silence, I have been very busy in my research. I'm afraid this solitude allows me to lose track of time very quickly." He exchanged glances with 16 with a casual grin. He hoped that the mercenary was still that. He had said before that money wasn't his only interest but that he continually tested himself. Hurricane hoped the mission would allow him to achieve all his goals. But more importantly, that it achieved Hurricane's goal.

"Perhaps you are parched from the journey here. Is there anything my help can get you?"

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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."

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Registration date : 2010-12-02

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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Empty Re: A delicate proceedure (Invite Only)

Post by 16 October 5th 2014, 9:31 pm

His body had a smooth run in with his temperature of the building as the door closed, removing them ever so slightly from the earthen structure that lays around the castle. Sixteen's Danger senses weren't tingling, no set ups or traps detected. His host appeared as happy as old best friends from college who this one time at a frat part- Sixteen won't get into that.

Moving on, he could smell many kinds of energy through the air, even feel a small amount of electricity around his bones, this was a laboratory with all sorts of wonders inside it. The masked dark skinned assassin moved his neck to show his head facing his host and giving a nod, also a small smirk is seen. He was given a warm welcoming back speech with some nice warm hospitality a evil scientist can do. Sixteen took in just the small part he was standing in, to be a very useful place. His head started spinning thinking of the crazy gadgets that is roaming around this palace. He saw robots moving around minding their own busniess getting to work, it was most amusing even with Lotus taste. His eyes shifted back over to Mr. Wind man who seemed to be asking did he need anything.

Sixteen wanted busniess, but he wasn't sure if they had just about anything so he gave him the simple "Something to drink would be nice, sweet if you can" request in a smoother tone, when you are trying to kill someone their is no need to smooth talk; but since there obvious dangers smooth talking would be a best choice, to show each other their is no violence on our minds. "I assume you didn't call for a double trouble guy talk day .... whatcha got spinning inside that head of yours Doc" Making the first move to figure out himself what exactly was going on.

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Empty Re: A delicate proceedure (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane October 5th 2014, 10:15 pm

Sharp and to the point, he liked it. He never confused 16 with the sort that lack intelligence of course. It was obvious that Hurricane only requested him here for a task. Jack gave a nod at one of his droid bodyguards as he went off in search for something sweet.

"I see you are as perceptive as ever." Hurricane was about to move to a more secluded area, but why would they? His mission briefing was short and nobody notable was nearby to hear their conversation or his intentions. He stopped in his tracks as he delivered the information as needed. "I need a man of your trade skills. See, there is something in my way and I need you to dispose of someone for me in order for my problem to dissolve. Of course though, there are further details. The death must be made in public broad daylight. And there may be presence of ones who wish to capture you for such an act. I can provide you with anything you need, you need but ask."

His bodyguard robotic droid returned, offering 16 a freshly brewed sweet tea, made from herbals harvested on the island that naturally boosted stamina and awareness. It was naturally sweet, needing no sugar added.

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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 126
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Empty Re: A delicate proceedure (Invite Only)

Post by 16 October 5th 2014, 11:04 pm


SIxteen with all black in his signature domo masked suit of injustice, had been standing in position for a sad but brutal fight with no just anyone, but the cops. Police officers judged him from what he was wearing instead of his confession tried to question him into arrest; Before they tried to get physical. They said his appearance looked to dark and suspious to be a hero, this was suggested when Sixteen went out of his way to save a city by dealing with a specific gang and taking them down. That night the police the four of them made movements to grab Sixteen, a squad of cars blocking all exits. First came close, Sixteen performed one of those flexible side kicks causing him to step back and groun in pain causing Sixteen to have that split second reaction to roll off his back and along doing it snatching the taser on his belt and zaping the first one within range in viewing distance. Aiming and connecting on his chest causing him to really squeak, then with a push of a palm he flew to a close car, next turning around another came with the use of the melee weapon most kept in the family. Dodging the first swing and kicking his leg then his stomach with a side kick allowed him to disarm his opponent. His opponent came towards him once more before catching three to the chest followed by a final jab to the stomach in seconds he wasn't ready to count. falling over as they all did the snipers came into place, the beauty of his power is activated.

[Flashback ended]

His attention shot over to the epic robot that brought some sweet tea, his eyes looking at the water not sensing any specific danger. His senses can even pick out poisons. Taking a sip of a sweet tea from a deserted island almost felt like vacation, assassnations and mercenary jobs are like odd jobs times one hundred in their eyes. eyes shifting over to the host in speak of a mission of public murder. Then a strong request in asking for valued stuff. This was perfect, a person he could throw a request in and see if he can whip something up. This is great! But Sixteen is way to cool to show how grateful he truly can be.

"Alright sounds fair. I'd like you to do a full scan on my body ... I'll allow you to fully scan my meta gene and blueprint ... then use that blue print to build weapons and items based on my blue print. I am the perfect defense player, I need some offensive toys."

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Empty Re: A delicate proceedure (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane October 6th 2014, 1:06 am

Hurricane's eyes glanced at the man scanning him visually briefly from the head down. Of course, it wasn't meant to analyze him for weapons. It was more intriguing that he didn't need any more information. From what he could recall about the assassin, speed and physical combat were his forte. Rather than using firearms and such, he got confrontational. He didn't need to scan his DNA to deduce what needed upgrades for this man, though he would run the information through some databases to try and come up with something.

"Of course. You should be prepared for anything. Just keep in mind the target I'm having you kill won't be that difficult. It's the repercussions of killing someone that might trigger an unwanted pursuer. I would suggest a simple sniper rifle but I believe you're more capable with martial arts." He replied, putting his forearm in front of him. He had a holographic keypad illuminate from it as he typed at an incredible rate. Of course, he was no speedster like 16. But he knew his technology enough to navigate through the system blindfolded.

Robotic beings pushed several carts into the room, each housing different variations of ranged and melee weaponry. Ammunition crates housed several types of rounds ranging from explosive, acidic and cyro freezing abilities. There was almost any counter for metahuman powers through technology. But the most difficult part would be preparation for opponents. Carrying multiple weapons and ammunition meant weighing down the user. Hurricane would let 16 choose his assortment of weaponry. Though, the task itself wasn't requiring heavy ordinance.

Click Here for Hurricane's Profile Information
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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 126
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Empty Re: A delicate proceedure (Invite Only)

Post by 16 October 11th 2014, 1:45 am

Dealing with the devil seemed safer these days, nowadays your planning mass slaughter with people who seemed to be trying to be the hero of the world. Crazy right? Guess not for the hurricane. Sixteen had a split second to actually wonder if this guys had enough alone time to make even himself want to try to make friends, then again he had his endless robots.

Being this far from the world made him wonder, what exactly goes through his head. The second of thought drifted away, back to reality of his request and aspects of his own mortality. Picking up the forearm in front of him, presented by the man that can probably create hurricanes himself; but this caused him to blink. Truth is, he had abandoned technology, or at least ordinary technology - one of the reasons he was hear was because he felt this guy could probably help him with some alien technology equipment. His facial expression shown a more curious look, as he handed it back with a slight nod.

"A bit has changed my friend, I don't really use technology anymore ... I'm more interested in alien, magical, and anything similar. I've been busy, but I'm sure you have a room full of that kind of stuff laying around you never use right? Your more of a gadget type, I'm curious what other stuff you have ... Things that aren't your style" he spoke in a confident but hopeful manner. He was almost sure the guy would have some kind of technology or scrolls and or things he found and kept for keeping; It could be the dawn of a new type of equipment and weaponry for Sixteen, in which he could only hope.

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
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Number of posts : 170
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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Empty Re: A delicate proceedure (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane October 20th 2014, 9:15 pm

A sudden interest in magic arts and the unknown? Honestly, it threw Hurricane off. It didn't seem like the man he knew before who could probably get the job done with his bare hands, let alone needing such frivolous things. He wasn't tasked with killing anyone that would put up a fight, he wondered why it required so much to simply get him on board with the mission and complete it. Without showing any of the impatience that was beginning to take root, he responded accordingly.

"I have no such things, or interest in such. Your powers make you more than sufficient to carry out any assassination I have set up, and I plan to pay you sufficient funds to purchase these 'magic' items off the black market as you see fit. I have planned out the execution of my plan and I assure you that with your powers you could complete it with a paperclip if need be. There are several assassins I could hire, but I chose you for your skills as an assassin and your unnatural metahuman speed capabilities. Kill the target, and then make yourself scarce because there will no doubt be ones wanting to capture you." His eyes were fixed intently on 16's, but there was no malice or irritation shown even if his words were poorly chosen. He wasn't lying about his choice of assassins. He could find some ex-military sniper that can take out his target from hundreds of yards away with a silenced rifle so that nobody would know the wiser. But this had to be more personal. It had to be done in such an obvious way that they would be blinded to the reasoning.

"Is this something I can ask of you?" He inquired not more than a few seconds after he gave a brief orientation on the assassin's mission. Brief because as of yet he hadn't needed anything as regards information. His intentions as of yet have been merely of obtaining material possessions. Hurricane could tell that from this point forward, unless 16 makes some serious adjustments he would be nothing more than an instrument that he would use. 'Things' can be stolen, destroyed. But an ideology lasts as long as the man that holds it does. Nobody can take his ambition away.

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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."

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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Empty Re: A delicate proceedure (Invite Only)

Post by 16 October 21st 2014, 1:27 pm

"Done wasting time. Information please."- Only words coming out of 16's mouth, he for a split instant killed the feeling he had. Complete and total change of behavior, he just wasted his time with his enterance but he was already here, so time and money is of the essence.Almost like he got confterable, hurricane gave him the indication of what kind of man he was, so 16 went back to being how he was before. Cold. Sixteen stopped everything specific, his attention went from the outside of the space between the two men - back to game time. No more words were spoken, his face turned back to his 'client' as the term friend was a mistake. Oh well. It wasn't his problem that he thought Sixteen would be sitting under a rock waiting for his call while he vanished from life. Anyways, at this point his hands went behind his back, reverting to a more strict position. Back to work, he was ready to get the mission over with. Collect his pay, and call it a day.

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Empty Re: A delicate proceedure (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane October 21st 2014, 6:46 pm

A smirk that lasted half a second formed on his face at 16's ability to pick up on his lack of patience. It seemed to have rubbed off it's effect on 16 due to his gruff response. He wondered how much further the two of them would associate. For now, he would tell him the most important details that only he needed to know. The rest might be revealed later, pending his need for allies, he figured.

"I'm going to be turning myself in for a trial to be exonerated from my crimes against the government and 'humanity'." he emphasized with sarcasm. "I need you to be waiting outside the courtroom where the media and such would be having its focus. Once their attention is on me, your mission will be to assassinate me. The results of the trial aren't even important. Your pay will be forwarded 50% as soon as you accept, and my assistant, Rush, will be wiring the other half to you after your mission is complete. There will be no resistance on my behalf.

Most importantly, you cannot reveal that I paid you to do so, or that we are aligned in any fashion."

Rush was a speed based metahuman similar to 16, but was a known affiliate of his. If captured, pieces of the puzzle might be put together. 16 and Hurricane's connection was obsolete. He eagerly awaited response.

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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."

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Number of posts : 126
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Empty Re: A delicate proceedure (Invite Only)

Post by 16 October 21st 2014, 10:06 pm

Sixteen understood these positions, these kinds of acts of illusions worked perfectly in front of the press. God, humans will believe anything now adays. What Sixteen felt about the mission was unimportant; All he needed to know was that he was obviously needed for this job and it will be done. His body position did not change one bit, he now wondered about the first time he tried to kill him and failed due to a few reasons, so killing him a second time seem pretty accurate; Besides this time he was almost sure he could achieve more progress then he did before. Blinking, his eyes narrowed under his hood as he really didn't have much to say. "Long as you are not a suicide bomber, in front of the press ... take out the police to make it look more convincing. Take you out in front of the media and vanish? ... did I miss something?" Like the author of the assassin said in the post, he has done this kind of thing plenty of times; Obviously he had plans for his "Death" -

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
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Number of posts : 170
Registration date : 2013-09-17

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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Empty Re: A delicate proceedure (Invite Only)

Post by Hurricane October 21st 2014, 10:50 pm

"No, that will be all. It will be a fairly simple game to take out the target. Thank you for your compliance in accepting the mission. I'll have funds transferred immediately and begin the preparations needed." He said, beginning to walk away. He would of course, hire the best attorneys he could find and attempt to force his way to exonerate himself still. His death didn't confirm anything for him down the road. Making a few phone calls, he arranged what was necessary to not get shot on sight when approaching the United States. Soon, he would be escorted in through the system without ever putting on a prison jumpsuit. It would hopefully work as he planned. Having his agents buy out or make threats on the judge and jury, they would see what 'blind justice' was all about.

Forward in Time to the Trial

A news reporter is giving live feed outside of the courtroom about the wanted fugitive who has attacked several military and civilian targets. Families of those who were effected were outside of the structure, with signs wanting to see the worst outcome for the metahuman responsible. Turning himself in for an attempt to get a reduced sentence, the trial continued for hours before there was a verdict determined. The jury has found the trial to have 'insufficient evidence' of his actions, and thus he was given the verdict of being acquitted of all charges and able to walk free.

Walking outside with several flash photography blasting in his face, Hurricane walked down the steps of the courtroom towards a car waiting out front for him. Several people shoved microphones in his face looking to get some word on what went on in the courtroom to make the trial go in his favor but he said nothing. The court security helped pave a way for him to move freely towards the vehicle. Several of the protesters outside were booing and throwing things his way. His face was lifeless, blank of expression. It seemed as if he were completely zoned out, unaffected by his surroundings. Soon would come his would-be assassin to finish the final step of the plan. Of course, he had backup in case his ally decided not to show up. But he still expected him at any time to fulfill his portion of the agreement.

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A delicate proceedure (Invite  Only) Hurricanesigfinal2_zpsb7282616
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."

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