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Alexander "Mason" Anikitas

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Alexander "Mason" Anikitas Empty Alexander "Mason" Anikitas

Post by Alexander Mason September 23rd 2014, 11:58 pm

Alexander "Mason" Anikitos
The Archangel

Basic Biography

Real Name: Alexander Anikitos
Moniker: Alexander Mason
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: The Archangel
Title: Lord, Archduke, Archangel
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 22 Earth years.
770 Aionian Years
Appears 25
Gender: Male
Race: Angelic Aionian
Hair: An unusual teal hair that reaches just down to his eyes. His hair has a distinction to it in that when light shines on it in different ways, it may become either more blue or more green. Alexander has yet to find a hair dye to hide his hair color and explains it as a mutation to people that question it.
Eyes: The same color as his hair. They also become more or less blue/green when struck by the light.
Height: 5'11
Weight: 190 lbs
Blood type: AB+ (Incompatible when transfused to humans)

The Looks


The Legacy

Noble and proud. Those would be the first things that come to mind when examining the demeanor of Alexander. Following closely would be his politeness coupled with genuine kindness. Very rarely does he take things directed at him personally, and even more rarely does he become angry at these words. Yet, Alexander does have limits just like every person in this universe. He may only take so much before he explodes into a rage and return the favor. Yet, he will not become boisterous and yell at whoever has wronged him. Alexander prefers to use his skills in combat to punish the perpetrator. Always by his own hand. That is how he deals with people he doesn’t like.

Yet, he is not one who is quick to resort to violence. While he remains level-headed, he prefers to solve things with politics. Killing is not one of the things that Alexander enjoys doing, yet like many jobs that are considered ugly, disgusting, or distasteful, it must be done. Killing and dying are two things that are unavoidable in his world. Although he would hate to admit it, he has become accustomed to killing. These days he won’t hesitate before taking the life of another living being. Perhaps he may think things over before deciding whether or not to kill that person, but once his mind is made up he will not deter himself from finishing the deed.

Alexander may not be of royal blood, yet he is a nobleman as well as a soldier. Violence is not his only way of life, and has a guilty pleasure of participating in politics. He loves the games of wit involved and having to use words as weapons to secure your standing with others. The end goal of securing standard isn’t what attracts him to the game of politics, but the very game itself. He may be kind but he does enjoy destroying an opponent with words. He feels that they are lucky they weren’t fighting with weapons instead. At the end of the day, that person will still be able to feel the wind and sun on his face.

Alexander is also a bit of a flirt, always enjoying talking with women as a past time. Yet, he is never distracted from his work by indulging in talking with women. He has been known to have relations with many women, taking them to his bed at the end of the night at a party. This might be one of Alexander's main flaws, as he lives a life of debauchery. Alcohol and women are one of his only debilitating hobbies, but he can never find himself to put them down.

Above all, Alexander cannot stand to be used. While he doesn’t prefer to mention his title as an excuse for not having the same things happen to him as others, being used is one of those exceptions to policy. Alexander is one of the highest lords of his home realm, and he will not be a puppet in anyone’s game. Titles aside, Alexander feels he is too gifted to be a puppet even without his standing, especially now that it doesn’t matter what title he held in the past while here in this realm. Perhaps this makes him a hypocrite, as he will resort to using others as mere pawns to pursue his own ends and what he perceives as justice. Yet, despite his willingness to use pawns, he would not be able to bring himself to send somebody to their death. He is unable to discard people so freely as if they were trash.


Alexander Anikitos, the archduke of Aionia. While cursed (blessed in his eyes) with commoner blood, he was still able to forge his way to the title of archduke. This was no mere feat in itself, and was even more impressive that it was achieved by one not of royal lineage. This was as far as he could reach, yet he still wanted more. His life was only about a third of the way finished if he wasn’t killed prematurely. There was no way that he could have climbed as high as he could go. That was when the revolution happened. But, perhaps this is too recent a point in time to start at.

Alexander Anikitos was born 770 years ago, according to Aionian time. Yet, seeing as how the time flows faster in that realm, it may be safe to say instead that he was born 22 years ago instead. In 21 and a half of those years, Alexander forged himself into a legend. While only born to commoner parents that were simple people who paid their taxes and brought food home, Alexander still earned for greatness. He earned to be one of those heroes in the stories he read so often. He didn’t want to grow up and be a fisherman or a baker, but a general. One who commanded the might of an army and who he himself could defeat one himself. So, he started working on his dream.

Every day was devoted to becoming a soldier and being the strongest he could be. Time was not ever wasted, always reading books about things that he could learn and hardly things that were just meant to be enjoyed. Friends were hardly a worry as well. Training and learning were all he knew. Many times did he become the subject of bullying, but many times did he crush the skulls of those who would look down on him. His first kill was when he was 8 years old. But such was the way of Aionia. It was a realm that knew war and combat all too well. Many died in that realm to help produce single warriors and leaders that would lead the way for others. That was only natural. And Alexander was not an exception. No, he was not. Countless died to forge him into the archduke that he was known to be.

While only 16(.5 years old on Earth), Alexander joined the army. It was the only place he knew to ensure he could become stronger and face combat daily. And that was what he found. He found himself becoming stronger with each enemy he slaughtered. He found himself in the midst of combat nearly each day for weeks or months at a time. Many of his comrades died quickly, and those who didn’t die quickly eventually did later on. Friends would only make you weak, a mistake that Alexander didn’t make. Attachment to others wasn’t necessary to better himself. So he did the only thing he knew how. He studied, and he fought.

When surviving for years in the army in Aionia, one receives promotion quickly. At this time he was only Alexander. He wasn’t feared nor thought to be invincible. He was just lucky enough to survive.Yet, somehow that luck never ran out. That’s when people started to think it wasn’t luck. Maybe he was a demon of the battlefield to survive and succeed some of the operations he was called upon to do. Many times did he find himself the only one left after the battle was over. No allies, no enemies. Just him. A loneliness that didn’t have a cure. One that didn’t need one.

He didn't care much that he was alone. He was surviving, slowly becoming the legend that he wanted to be as a child. As he continued on his path, the glory would keep coming to him. Tales of his skill in battle and ability to succeed in impossible situations gained him higher positions. As he was given command of other men, so did the invitations to formal meetings began. Alexander was prepared for this. Politics was of one of the many things he studied. And thus he planted his seed to embed himself into the heirarchy.

His ability to make friends in high places coupled with his combat prowress led Alexander to become a baron. A title that held noble meaning yet was given to one not of royal blood. In doing so, Alexander created a new line of nobility. Any and all children birthed from him would be considered higher than anyone not of noble blood. It was a concept that counfounded him, yet he would not argue against the system that held the power to make him the hero he wished to be. During the time of his newfound position, Alexander fathered many bastards who would never be able to be his actual sons or daughters. They were kept in secret and he avoided contact with them, hoping they could become men and women happy with how their lives went. All he did was focus on himself.

Time never stopped, and neither did Alexander's progress. After about 400 years of fighting and politics, Alexander had elevated as high as he could. The position of archduke was his. It wasn't only the highest position he could obtain, but was the highest position not born a prince could obtain. He answered to nobody save the king and his family. Yet, Alexander still didn't feel like the hero he wanted to be for so long. Saving people was not an every day occurence. He didn't feel good with the things he did. All there was to do was kill, command others to kill, and attend those increasingly dreadful parties. The only thing he did succeed in was becoming a legend. People would talk of his days for thousands of years, even if the lower nobles still talked in the shadows saying distasteful things of his lineage.

That's when a true opportunity knocked on his door. A revolution, and a silent one at that. Many silent attacks carried out in the night on the highest ranking nobles and generals. One of which was targeted at Alexander. One of which did not leave the room belonging to Alexander alive. But, while Alexander survived, his fellow generals and nobles were not so lucky. He was now the most powerful man in all of his country. He could easily seize control and become king if he wanted. However, that was not what he wanted. While it would make things easier to fulfill his earliest goals, the life of a king wasn't for him. That spot was for somebody else to fill. This may easily have been the most selfish choice Alexander has made in his life. To give up the spot of the throne to continue to try and be a righteous hero. A knight. One that fights for what he believes is right with his own two hands. Every battle does not have to be with fists, yet he did not want to take the other war. He was a fighter. That was what led him to the warp gate at a ripe young age of 770. He would leave this realm while the masses believed him dead. Perhaps he would return, but for now he was off on an adventure. Being a hero in another realm was still acceptable to him, and so he made off on a random journey, leading him to our planet.

His adaptation to this new life with modern technology and different culture didn't take very long. He was able to abandon his old ways and begin to make anew in this strange world. Alexander was able to fit in quickly, save for his strangely colored hair. Yet, stranger things happen in this world all the time, so nobody paid more mind to it than they should have. Alexander adopted a new temporary name for his life on Earth, and started a new job as a businessman. A businessman with a very violent past and perhaps an equally violent future.

The Powers

The Noble Archduke: (Personal Stat Boosting 8)
Upon entering the current realm, the natural powers of Alexander were suppressed to a human level. Alexander has become able to break these limits over time, focusing his power on an aspect of himself to raise it to his past level, or close to it. He may only raise one stat to level eight using this power, and may only reallocate his boosted stats every three turns.

Wisdom of the Archduke: (OCC 8)
The large amounts of experience and knowledge that Alexander has come to obtain over his many years has led him to become an immensely capable person, in terms of mental strength. The information known to him about the occult and imformation that is considered natural in his home realm is also extremely potent. Throughout his years as an Archduke and a warrior in his home realm, Alexander has come to obtain many powerful items that only add to his arsenal of power.

Skills of the Warlord: (FS 5) (OCC 8)
Alexander is a battle hardened warrior and an accomplished general, being skilled at both combat and the tactics and strategy that are coupled with it. He is a born leader, able to convince and motivate others through his charisma. In addition to this, Alexander is able to effectively command many fighters to make a single fighting force that performs fluidly.

Skills of the Warrior: (FS 5)
While Alexander is a seasoned leader, he is not one to be taken lightly while engaged in combat himself. His instincts and reflexes have been sharpened over the years. He is also very intuitive with all kinds of weaponry, able to quickly learn how to use new weapons even in the heat of battle. Alexander is a master of many kinds of melee weaponry, his newly acquired firearms, unconventional weapons, and his own body. His agility is also a feat to behold, yet it may not be as impressive as many of the speed based metahumans of this world. He is still able to perform some acrobatic maneuvers to aid in his escape.

Alexander has made short work of learning many of the spoken and unspoken languages that are used in this world. He is able to speak, read, and write most major languages and the mother languages like Aramaic and Latin.

Computer Savvy
Alexander has been able to learn to use computers, albeit not as adeptly as he would like to. These are still a foreign concept to him and require some more practice. However, he can update his status and tweet.

Intelligence: (3)
Occult: 8
Strength: 3
Speed: 3
Durability: 3
Ability: 8
Fighting Skills: 5
Wealth: 1

Alexander Mason
Alexander Mason

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Alexander "Mason" Anikitas Empty Re: Alexander "Mason" Anikitas

Post by Odien September 27th 2014, 12:12 am


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Location : [17:31:53] @ Forceaus : Not killing the innocent is part of being a hero to begin with
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