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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) - Page 2 Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by creator September 14th 2014, 9:30 pm

Karah crossed her weapons and blocked the blunt force from the attack, but she was pushed back almost instantaneously and she crashed into the wall. Karah sat there for a few minutes as her mind went blank. She was totally out classed, but the guy wasn't really, fighting. Karah was being beaten by meta human abilities.

She sat up and looked at the guy as he looked for her. She could be done with him right now and just leave, after all she would have to deal the cops in a few minutes. But she couldn't accept that. She pushed off of the wall leaving the crater personless. She walked a few meters, but out of nowhere she vanished into the wind.

Using her blinding speed she reached the guy in mere seconds and her blades reeved to life ready to attack at any point in time. She put her hands on the ground and caused a large amount of pressure to wrap around her foot. She kicked her foot towards the guys gut and released all of the pressure causing a quick burst of energy to knock the guy back.

She flew back a bit then swung her misty white sword causing a large line to appear between her and the guy in front of her. Just like that the white line vanished and there was a large wooshing sound as the wind was cut in half by an invisible pressence that reached 50 meters in front of Karah.

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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) - Page 2 Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by Dustin Waugh September 15th 2014, 1:59 am

As she had risen from her encrouchment of ruble she darted off towards Dustin trying her best to hit him. She landed the first hit which cut his face, but he hardened a mass of dark energy to stop her kicks and then moved it as an absolute defense guarding his front from her next attack.

I'm sorry to have to do this, but you are giving no choices. I tried getting you away from me, but it seems like you love to stalk me.

The tendrils rapped around his body of the colors black and cyan. They all swarmed him in the order to become his weapons as he was needing. They amassed themselves in their own little compressed balls and started to rapidly spin around Dustin. When he was ready to use them he would give a simple thought and it would do what he comanded. Having it like this he would drop his arms and use thought to react to everything.

He fromed 2 of them into shields 4 into swords and left the rest to fire small beams, or have them change when he soul comanded.

Starting his assult he gave a smirk as three aligned up and shot outbeams ripping apart at the very roof they stood apon. He weaved his hands and the swords charged in simotaniously trying to implae, and if it had no effect they would start spining in the air trying to at least cut her down.

He knows that he attacked her first, but it was a soft enough push to move a baby out of the way and he did not see the truble in that, but now it was time to permanentlly evict her. None of hois attacks would be held back it was death for either one of them. And it was bad because he choose her.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) - Page 2 Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by creator September 15th 2014, 2:21 am

Karah was done with this guy, now that she realized she was fighting against she was set on beating his ass. Since it was metahuman abilities she was fighting she knew she could win. The guy formed a swarm of weapons around him and began his assault. Karah looked a pond the blades and guns and laughed.

She looked at them and her inner blacksmith erupted. She was a weapon creator she studied how to create all sorts of things, she just never had time to make anything but her swords. Karah gave a sadistic smile as she stared at all the beautiful weapons he created, she would have to make some form of them when she was done here. The guns shot beams of energy in her direction which she dodged with ease. The beams broke through the roof and chunks of it fell apart including the chunk that they stood on.

Karah jumped into the air and twisted her body to dodge the two swords as they attempted to impale her. This was just like when she had to fight the witches back at home. She used her ability to kick herself towards the ground she landed and ran for the guy. She was done holding back.

It was all or nothing and apparently this guy chose all. Karah still wouldn't kill him, but she was Damm sure gonna get close to it. She the singing of a sword. When she turned around the two swords were spinning towards her. She jumped to the side and pulled her swords up to redirect the other two weapons. Th email second the blades hit hers she twisted her blades and redirected the blades of darkness into the air. When they flew however the slit her hand.

He brown sword lit up and pulsed as she lunged forward. She pulled that one back as she swung the snow white sword. Once he blocked her attack it was over.

She made sure to keep an eye on the three guns while she moved in close, but she figured his mind didn't move fast enough to read her movements, otherwise It would've been over earlier when he was dishing out those frenzied attacks.




Karah (Renegade)
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) - Page 2 Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by Dustin Waugh September 16th 2014, 3:42 am

She had made her way through his small arsenal pretty fast if he could say so. He held all four shield in front of him and in an instant her blade had fazed through. He reaceted, but in due too late as he lifted of the ground and his leg was severed by the blade.

As he held himself in the air he noticed he still had his ligament and was happy about it, but wondered the properties of the sword. Was it internal damage that was giving him such a high pain or was it nerve. Since there was no bruising he decided on nerve.

That could kill someone if your not too caustious. One strike at someone's heart and the brain atomatically tells it to shut down

He kept gliding in the air until he was about 20-30 meters from the closest roof. He was right above he and decided to do something stupid. He took both of his powers and amassed them into a small war hammer. It was pretty damn heavy and was hard for him to control since it was eating away at his stamina and it required both energy abilities to be used.

I call it Thor's hammer, be warry not to catch it unless your super fucking strong.

With a wave of both hands the hammer dropped as it picked up a high mentality of speed. It was about 350 to 400+ tons. And the longer it dropped the bigger in size it got by the time it got to her it would be the size of a litteral bus. It was hard keeping raw energy compressed. All he knew is if it hit her, she and the enrgy stock pile would go through the building. If not the hammer would go through the building probably more.

(((I used your sword that makes people believe they been cut when it is actually nerve damage)))
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) - Page 2 Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by creator September 20th 2014, 3:21 pm

Karah looked at the hammer as it dropped and increased in size as it got bigger. "Shit" karah said as she jumped onto the side of the building before scaling it back onto ground level. As she landed she could hear the buliding instatnly crack beneath the weight of the hammer. Karah ran at her max speed and began to jump onto the next building to avoid the after shock. She got to the middle when a wave of force broke the building she was one

She flew into the falling tower and began to slide across the ground towards the other side of the building. She looked around and saw a nearby desk. Karah stabbed her white sword into the floor and jumped off of it holding onto the ribbon so she could retrieve it later.

When she landed on the desk she jumped towards the hole she made when she was falling. The window next to it shattered as karah jumpe out. Karah then ran the side of the falling end of the building and rolled onto the floor and into the public eye.

She looked up and breathed extremly heavy. She was really going to smack the hell out of this boy, whoever he was.




Karah (Renegade)
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) - Page 2 Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by Dustin Waugh September 21st 2014, 1:33 am

It seemed ;like the girl was done and if she was he was out of there to chase the people who were leading hi, on. He turned away feeling bad about the building but had no time to sit in a presinc and wait for wjhat cops have to say. He took off stepping on his masses of enegy fleeing the scene.

In about 5 minutes of travle he would be at the harbor and he can quickly rap everything up for tonight and go home and still hit up a couple hours of well deserved sleep time. And the next time he meet up with the girl he would have to appoligize since he was not looking to fight her and was rushing trying to get away from her. She should have never prolong the thing that much. He explained himself to her a couple times it was her fault she did not go away.

With the harbor in sight Dustin continues and draws for his energy leaving the harbor factories in ruins and finally destroying the black market that tagged him. Now he would love to see another price on his head. He finished off tieing up his loose ends that being a rope around 20 and more beaten people. He looked around as sirens got closer and it was his time to exit. He walked of down the side walk as he pulled out his phone and started listening to music.

(((Dustin EXITS)))
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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