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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by creator September 7th 2014, 9:23 pm

Karah was walking down the street in her normal school attire. Her red hair swung behind her as she strutted through the crowds of people. Her eyes scanned the area as she looked for her objective. She had just gotten out of school when she got the message from Roseria that a target of hers was roaming the chicago streets. She wasn't suppose to engage, but she was suppose to watch him for a few hours. She walked to a coffee shop and grabbed a chocolate milk shake.

When she turned to leave the store a man was leaned against the window looking at her intently. She froze in her place and cringed with disgust. A slight yelp escaped out of her mouth as she slowly went to the door. She exited and went the exact opposite of the man and vanished in the crowd again.

"Eew." She said quielty as she looked over her shoulder.

After receiving her milk shake she went towards her target area to watch her target. She sat across the street from a library and played on her phone as she scanned the area. So far there was no sign of the man she was supposed to watch. She looked up one last time behind a set of dark green shades and watched as a middle aged man ran out of the book store with a large back of thick books. One dropped onto the ground and karah noticed the crest that stood atop the throne of Roseria.

"Target found." She said as she got up.

She continued to walk on the other side of the street for a good ways as she stared at the man. His rush was very weird as if he knew something she didn't. Karah looked around, but at the moment didn't see anything. She crossed the street and continued her treck as she kept up with the man's long strides to his destination.




Karah (Renegade)
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by Dustin Waugh September 7th 2014, 9:41 pm

It was my day off it seemed like it was nothing but work that he did. People becoming more bossy the higher he went in his workplace. They all demanded to be listened to, but he cared not to put them into their place. He was a good guy and did not kill people just off the tip of his finger.

He took his time on his walk going into a small splace to get a drink. It was a small Dr. Pepper that he gladly enjoyed while he had it. He looked around as he set eyes on a misterious woman. "Hmm something is fishy about her. It just seems like I should do something when I see her." He thought as he gazed and wondered. He took a sip of his drink and she disappeared into the crowd. I guess there is no problem, except now he was getting eyes by five other people.

Bzzzt, Bzzzt.... His phone went off in his pocket and he pulled it out...
Dustin, long time so we can meet up some day. What I'm telling you right now is there is an anonimous increase of people searching your hero name. Your bount on the black market just multiplied by a hundred. Where ever you are is not safe.
-J Red Billing

Reading this he got out of his seat and darted down the road it was not good he had to figure out what was with the sudden increase, besides him taking out the big bosses all over town. He felt a few strange pressences and decided to loos them. Quicking his haste he now started going in an unnatural speed that most people could not keep up with. He slid and turned down an alley.

"Perfect a dead end." He jumped on the walls climbing to the roof in his haste. He turned and loked down to see if anyone would turn down the alley in the hope to see him wating. He wanted to see if the increase was true and if people were now after him.

(((OCC: You pick 1 so you get to deal with Dustin. -Sandwich)))
Dustin Waugh
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by creator September 7th 2014, 10:31 pm

As she continued to follow the guy something hit karah bluntly. She fell to the floor and watched her target dissappear. She looked up to see something run into an alley a few meters away. She got up and punched her palm as she headed towards the roof less hallway.

Her eyes met a wall for a few minutes as she tried to think of what happened. She took a deep breath and walked to the wall holding her head in her hand. "Bull shit." She whispered as she began her search all over again. She jumped and scaled the building so she could look at a higher view.

Just as she reached the top she was face to face with a guy. He was staring hard st her and it made karah uncomfortable. For a few minutes karah was confused as to why this man was up here...or even how he got up here. The only way to get to the roof was for someone to scale it like she did, that's when she came to the decision that this guy was the one that hit her earlier.




Karah (Renegade)
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by Dustin Waugh September 9th 2014, 3:55 am

As the new person arrived in the alley it appeared to be a woman. In any other giving situation a woman stalking you is a good thing. "What a craptastic day it is." He replied to his thoughts as if someone else was talking to him. She scaled the building at the same speed he did. Well maybe a little slower or faster he was not judging to see how well she was.

As she looked over at him it seemed like she had a wierd you touched my boob look on her face as if he took her in a back alley... Not giving the situation of where they were currently. So you are the one who has been following me all this time. Care to exsplain why my bounty hit the roof not even 5 minutes ago or will I have to take the answer by force.

He was not in a simple answer mood. He kinda did not like people watching him twenty four seven to pick a good time to assult him.

He would not be able to sleep with the rucus.

He glanced over as he peered the building seeing objects like trash and clutter and looking at the roof at the sun spot burns on it. It was mere seconds he completed these actions and he readied to fight if she was not willing to give a reasonable answer to atleast why she showed up in the alley when she did, or why his bounty raised... "This will be a long day", he thinks to himself.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by creator September 9th 2014, 7:44 am

Karah looked baffled at what the man was saying. "I don't even know you. " She called back. She began to get really irritated at this man's constant demands. "I came into the alley way to find whoever knocked me on the ground....was it you?"




Karah (Renegade)
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by Dustin Waugh September 9th 2014, 1:43 pm

"So this girl just decides to scale a building looking for someone who knocked her out. Is she stupid?" Dustin could not help but think this over and over in his head. He looked at her with a blank face and sighed, well I'm not the one who hit you; and thats the crappiest story I ever heard. I'm pretty sure if you were knocked out you would be out way to long to find your culprit. So your story is a big bluff.

He raised his arm and a black energy spewed from the rooftop from under his feet. It made it seem like he was taking the energy out of the building. Even though it was controlled by Dustin it seemed like they had their own minds wrapping and moving like snakes. If your story is true I dont believe it, but you give me no proof so I must expell you from my sight in order to keep hidden. He flicked his rist and the energy sprang to a multitude of directions then all shooting for the girls chest. It would be enough to send her flying far enough away so he would not be bothered by her.

He turned around and took off running hopping roofs trying to get a distance closer to the people who will regret making his life shit every other day.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by creator September 9th 2014, 6:42 pm

Karah looked shocked at the blatant rudeness of the guy. He then proceeded to attack her. Karah let go of the ledge she was on and pulled out a sword with a turquoise ribbon waving in the air. It lit up and extended 10 meters hitting the weird black tendrils as she fell. She hit the ground then shoved it into the ground. "Hydra 37 meters." She said, and the sword extended high into the air.

She landed a couple roofs father than the one she was on before. She found the guy instantly and began to chase him. She was baffled at this man who had the audacity to try and strike her.




Karah (Renegade)
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by Dustin Waugh September 10th 2014, 11:13 pm

He looked back and rolled his eyes as she was no threat at all. Looking forward he felt no fear and strided one jump after another. Though someone with his phisical would not be thought to make such jumps since the buildings were spaced far apart and he was not that fast as other meta humans, nor was he as strong. He did however know how to walk on his slips of energy that hardened underneath his feet to allow him a temporary place to step.

It was nice with this little creativity he can come up with it was easy to see things differently. With relief he looked back and seen the girl gaining. How she climbed up the building and kept up was beyond him. He took another jump and made a front flip into a back flip sliding to a halt and facing his stalker. Well since I dont know if or if not that you are a bad person or good; and you are constantly presuing me I will have to take further action.I gave you a slight nudge to get you away from me but this time it will be different. He held his hand parallel to the ground and a gigantic form of dark energy formed behind him.

It was distorted and did not have shape and it seemed to also have a life of its own but it all changed when he swung out his arm. The black form turned to the shape of a crashing tsunami. It engulfed surrounding buildings and left heavy damage on the roof. With no way of being able to see his with the gigantic wall of darkness he strided to go straight up. He flipped his rist in the general direction and his power shot him up probably 70 to 100 feet in the air. He could still not see her do to the angle, but he wated up above just incase.

He looked down at his stabability and decided to make it a disc shape that was easyier to stand on. standing on random points on his feet made it off balencing. He held his hand in the air and formed a small black ball. Though it could destroy the street underneth him if dropped he decided to hold it and juggle it around.
Dustin Waugh
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by creator September 11th 2014, 7:52 pm

A sword appeared in Karah's other hand as she rushed towards the man. He decided it would be a good idea to strike at Karah. She stopped and ran to the side as she flipped in order to dodge the incoming attacks. Her hands barley touched the ground as she flipped and spun in order to dodge the attack.

She lunged to a nearby A/c unit and slammed her sword wrapped in a turquise ribbon onto the unit and it shinned a bright blue for a second. Hydra 50 meters. She called and it surged forward aiming to skewer the man whose been trying to hit her.




Karah (Renegade)
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by Dustin Waugh September 14th 2014, 6:52 pm

As the object flew to impale him he would not let this happen. He stopped juggling the ball and turned it into a shield. He gripped the dark colorless shield and held it in place as the objects clashed together.

You know if this is all you have, there is no way to win.

The shield disappeared as he gripped his hands and in his left hand a bow made by his power. His right the arrow that he would shoot. He knotched back the bow and set his target. He released and the arrow flew throught the air. It was a few seconds later when it split into 10 smaller forms and kept it's direction.

The bow now formed to a dual wield blade. two black swords filled both hands as he left himself to fall to the ground. As soon as he was at roof level he used his psuedo flight and started dashing for her. The arrows would be his distraction while he got in close.He would set his sights to deliver a final blow. He could sense it was not her who was targeting him, but she left no option then to remove her from the path he was on.
Dustin Waugh
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by creator September 14th 2014, 7:29 pm

When karah noticed the attack was futile she retracted her weapon as another formed in her free hand. A brown ribbon flowed out and Karah went on the defensive. She could tell by the simpleness of the attack that it was a diversion.

She spun in a circle cutting down three arrows, then jumped and twisted her body level with the horizon to dodge another three. She landed and fell into a deep squat as she dodged two then jumped into a back flip dodging the Last one. The sword with the brown ribbon pulsed then lit up.

She trusted it forward as the man tried to rush her, if she was lucky he would use that shield again and try to bum rush her. If he did he would be skewered by her sword as it phased through it.

*If you are stabbed by this weapon there will be no blood. As this weapon passes through you it damages your nerves so it'll feel like you've been impaled.*




Karah (Renegade)
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by Dustin Waugh September 14th 2014, 8:00 pm

She went through an evasive movement as she dodge the arrows by the groups of them together. Well it only allowed him to get closer and then she threw out her sword heades right for Dustin. He would not allow a direct assult upon him if he could dodge it. His foot slid on the air and he pushed in a diagonal motion flipping into an aligator roll as his other foot caught the side of a buiding letting him force off of it's side.

He neared in and started his assult of sword swings. She could easily tug the ribbon to make the sword come back, but he did not feel to give her the time.

The swords changed to different forms. It would go to katanas to a claymore and a sphere to a mace seeing what was best to use as he was attacking that did not give her a chance to dodage. It looked amazing as black strands seemed to follow along their path ans in the small area they fought in.

All you have to do is say you give up and I will let you go. He still tried his efforts in talking aswell to see if she could buy in to what he was saying so he could go to the black market and end things on his other end.
Dustin Waugh
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by creator September 14th 2014, 8:54 pm

"You freakin started it!" Karah yelled as she jumped out of reach of his first swing. She lunged to the side and grabbed Hydra for added defense. "Dual weild." She said to her self as she stanced herself quickly. The onslaught of attacks came quickly as this guy relentlesly tried to cut her down, or crush her , with what ever weapon he could create.

Karah spun around on her hand and parried on of the attacks he made, but it was short lived when the weapon changed again. She was begging to get aggrivated, but she couldn't really show this guy anything yet since her stronger swords were at home, she didn't think something like this woud happen today of all days.

She swung her weapons at great speeds and rolled and flipped to sides as she tried to attack this guy. Suddenly a mace appeared and hit her in her stomach causing her to fly across the roof and roll on the ground. She coughed violently as water pushed itself out of her stomach. She looked at the guy and took a deep breath.

"I'm done with this."
She said with a dark whisper. Hydra shattered and was replaced by another sword with a misty white ribbon swinging from the end of it. Without hesitation Karah Pushed off with all her speed and began to swing and kick her legs around violently like an unstable twister. She just moved with the momentum changing direction when she could.




Karah (Renegade)
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by Dustin Waugh September 14th 2014, 9:09 pm

You took an attack from me and got up so easily?" I actually hit her pretty damn hard? Well wont let that happen again." He thought as he came up with a way to keep her alive, but beat her down with out actually killing her.

All the scattered enrgy gathered infront of him making a wall.

Please give up so you dont die? It would mean alot to me if i dont have to cut down someone who is just in the way.

His eyes filled with a bright blue color and his hands blackened as the wall disapeared and he opened his mouth. The abilities ran to his hand as he gave a small shout and both mixed as a massive wide and long ranged sprung from his hands. It took on no shape, but that of what highbeams of a car look like.

Soon he could hear his own power roal and he knew it would attrack onlookers.

He took off the other way going to move this to another area if she was still ready to fight. He dashed over roof tops and like he predicted the cops and firefighters were in motion as well as a news helicopter. As long as they were just out of that area and away from prying eyes it should be ok, but he did want the fight to end even if it was getting interesting.

He slid to a hault as he turned to see if the girl was following or even alright after that. It was two deadly abilities in one and not many people just shrug off one. He only hoped for her to shrug that one off at the very least.
Dustin Waugh
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You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other) Empty Re: You made me lose my target?! (The perfect sandwich and one other)

Post by creator September 14th 2014, 9:30 pm

Karah crossed her weapons and blocked the blunt force from the attack, but she was pushed back almost instantaneously and she crashed into the wall. Karah sat there for a few minutes as her mind went blank. She was totally out classed, but the guy wasn't really, fighting. Karah was being beaten by meta human abilities.

She sat up and looked at the guy as he looked for her. She could be done with him right now and just leave, after all she would have to deal the cops in a few minutes. But she couldn't accept that. She pushed off of the wall leaving the crater personless. She walked a few meters, but out of nowhere she vanished into the wind.

Using her blinding speed she reached the guy in mere seconds and her blades reeved to life ready to attack at any point in time. She put her hands on the ground and caused a large amount of pressure to wrap around her foot. She kicked her foot towards the guys gut and released all of the pressure causing a quick burst of energy to knock the guy back.

She flew back a bit then swung her misty white sword causing a large line to appear between her and the guy in front of her. Just like that the white line vanished and there was a large wooshing sound as the wind was cut in half by an invisible pressence that reached 50 meters in front of Karah.




Karah (Renegade)
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