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Spinning Tops and Shiny Things....

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Spinning Tops and Shiny Things.... Empty Spinning Tops and Shiny Things....

Post by Hanna August 27th 2014, 10:30 pm

The detective was bored; it had been three weeks since her last case! Three! Persephone was bored out of her skull; yeah she was needed in New Orleans… again. But there was no way on Hell, Heaven, or Earth you would be able to haul her back there. There was too much death and distraction… not to mention Cain Vulsor and the werewolves. Not an experience she was eager to repeat….

The woman walking the street to sit at a café table earned several odd looks and she supposed she deserved them. A tattoo covered female with unnaturally green eyes, riding a motorcycle most likely didn’t appear very often in Illinois and wherever Persephone was, trouble soon typically followed. A tentative looking waitress made her way over to Persephone, most likely to tell her to order or get out. To try and guess what she was would say. The woman looked over her sunglasses at her, the waitress stopped on her spot, looking petrified. The detective let out a long, drawn out sigh and pulled her cell phone out, skimming through texts.

“Pie, doesn’t matter the flavor, surprise me.” Then Persephone went back to her cell phone. Generally she wasn't a scary person; in fact she was quite kind and fun but not very cuddly. Last person who touched her bare skin wound up being ninja thrown and on his backside. Now, that had been fun. Percy wondered vaguely if there was a gym nearby, she could burn off some steam about now.

My Peoples:

Spinning Tops and Shiny Things.... Tumblr10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Spinning Tops and Shiny Things.... Empty Re: Spinning Tops and Shiny Things....

Post by Silus August 28th 2014, 1:58 am

Silus was in his sixteen year old form as he walked into the little establishment with the blonde girl just laughing at what was brought up only moments prior. Unfortunately Silus' eyes were a faint glowing indigo, so he wore sunglasses to cover them up. It also helped with the few fans he accumulated playing Anthem, the sweet rhythmic weapon was a crowd-pleaser in the hands of the older form, and his voice was top-notch too. Silus took down his shades when they walked in Milla ran over to a bench and sat down, glancing around a moment, his eyes subtly flashing as he took in the perception of every soul, alive and dead within the room. Milla was giggling still as Silus shook his head. "What? It's not funny that thing was HUGE!" Silus said with a hushed tone, though the woman in the booth behind them was probably able to hear them.

"He was SOOO strong though. So he just like...follows you everywhere? How does that feel? I mean...he's an angel...a literal angel!" Milla was asking as Silus put his hand up and tried to shush her a little his eyes darting around as the waitress came up. She was eyeing the woman in the booth behind them, which made Silus suspicious a little, but he'd ignore it for now. He didn't need a menu but that was because he remembered this place when he was younger. He was only six months old but he'd eaten here before. This is where he discovered his secret sweet-treat. "I'll have a slice of Peanut butter silk pie, and whatever miss Milla wants." Silus said. Milla perked up but looked very timid. Silus just smiled and nodded, urging her on. "Oh uhm...I'll have ahhh... uhm. A grilled cheese please." Milla decided to order as Silus smiled. The waitress took that and their drink orders and vanished for the time being. "It must be so cool. The way he beat up that Underworld Enforcer was...really cool." Milla said. She had no idea what was going on, she was still relatively new to the world but she knew some concepts she had made it her goal to know all the slang of people her age, just to fit in. Silus went to reply when his phone went off, he pulled it up and let out a heavy sigh.

"Duty calls?" She asked him. Silus nodded and let out a disappointed sigh before standing up and placing a twenty on the table for Milla. "Yeah. It was nice to meet you though. Take care!" Silus said leaving in a bit of a hurry. Millennianna sighed as she watched the male leave. "Thank you..." She sighed. She began to play with the necklace as she began to have small memories of home, the Fae Soul cracking little by little to reveal a familiar face. It familiar, like she knew that boy before...or from somewhere else. Milla groaned as she leaned back, he mana flow around her altering ever so slightly as she covered her face with her hat.

Spinning Tops and Shiny Things.... Lucife10
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 932
Registration date : 2013-11-05

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Spinning Tops and Shiny Things.... Empty Re: Spinning Tops and Shiny Things....

Post by Hanna September 3rd 2014, 7:46 pm

Percy could tell that the little female didn’t trust her, but that didn’t bother the Medium as she pulled off her black leather gloves. She shouldn’t be touching anyone, besides it was hot. With that, she shrugged off her jacket, exposing both of her tattoo sleeves.

“Thank you,” Persephone said, removing her sunglasses and placing them on the table when her pie came. “Ooh, pumpkin.”

Tucking into her pumpkin pie with melty ice cream, Percy felt her dead senses go off and she glanced around. Nothing. Ok, that was bizarre. She went to take a bite.
Percy jumped and spun around to see several masked thieves barge in.

“Hades help them. They are ruining my pie eating time,” Persephone growled and stood, rounding to face them. Death rolled off them. The detective put her hands on her hips and stated, “you and what army?”

This had not been what they had been expecting. All the muzzles of the guns focused on her. Several words were exchanged and one of the men reached forward to grab her bare skinned arm. Uh, no. Percy moved forward and slammed her elbow into the closest man’s stomach, knocking the wind out of effectively. She tossed him to the side and moved onto the next wannabe thief, nailing him in the groin and sending him careening into Milly’s table.

“Sorry!” Percy called over her shoulder before rounding to face the third and fourth one. During this entire conflict, Percy had been touching others with her bare hands. Their memories and thoughts hurt, the fear, the regret, and everything else they had gone through. Finally, she was done and she wiped blood off her face, not hers of course. The fight had been over in a matter of seconds and the café was dead silent. Four, very unconscious males, where lying on the floor with impressive bruising.

“You alright?” The detective asked Milly before pulling her badge out and flashing it at the people. That helped the crowd calm down a bit and nervous whispers started filling the place. After putting her gloves back on, Percy pulled out some zip ties and carefully restrained all the perpetrators. Then she shot off a text.

“This paperwork is going to be hellacious…” She muttered, sitting back to her ice cream soggy pie.

My Peoples:

Spinning Tops and Shiny Things.... Tumblr10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Spinning Tops and Shiny Things.... Empty Re: Spinning Tops and Shiny Things....

Post by Zodiac September 3rd 2014, 8:46 pm

Milla was stunned to say the least. She was left wondering what happened. Though in all honesty she was just blinded by Percy's badassery. She took one look at the guys who were attempting to rob the place, then suddenly there was a "you and what army?" then there was a kick to the groin and bah-blahm there was a guy on her table and all in her food. She gasped as her food was smushed-ed and she was left with no food. Milla was sad, but then she heard the woman yell sorry, and she was instantly okay, as if she were literally a child and those were the magic words. But man could this lady kick some butt! Milla kinda wanted an autograph after it all went down, but the lady continued to ask if she were alright. Milla just smiled and nodded with a typical "yeah" simply enjoy her pie in peace and complain about paperwork or something like that. Milla found this woman perplexing, strong and strange. He sort of wondered if Alpha would want to meet her, but she didn't know, thus sadly she dismissed the thought.

Making a smile as she had managed to grab ahold and save the Peanut butter silk pie, and she was quick to request a "to-go" container for the thing before smiling and walking up to the woman. "Uhm...excuse me. Hi. I uh, was you do that often? You just took care of them like...really quick." Milla asked with a little chuckle as she tried to start conversation to some degree, hoping she wouldn't just be pushed off as if she were a trouble. "I-I was just sort of wondering because of uhm... I've never met anyone so brave one human." She said, she had no indication whatsoever that Percy was anything more than human, which is why she were so surprised that what she believed to be human had been so brave and courageous.

Spinning Tops and Shiny Things.... Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Spinning Tops and Shiny Things.... Empty Re: Spinning Tops and Shiny Things....

Post by Hanna September 4th 2014, 6:10 pm

The detective looked up as a teenage girl approached her, "Uhm...excuse me. Hi. I uh, was you do that often? You just took care of them like...really quick."

Persephone stifled a snort of laughter, “I do actually. It’s my job, although I’m actually off the clock right now. I travel a lot for work. Might as well pay someone to be dumb and stupid before someone who is actually dumb and stupid gets hurt.” She flashed an easy smile before adjusting her glove and eating a spoonful of pie. However, at the human remark, Persephone’s eyes flicked to her face. Percy was mostly human and not a lot of people knew that. Up until she ninja flipped a vampire and got shot in the gut, the shooter had his nose broken and a bent bullet given back to him.

“So you deal with a lot of people who aren’t human,” Statement, not a question. She began to look at the teenager a little more carefully, her unnaturally green eyes halted on the pendent. Interesting. “That’s odd considering you look to be a teen.”

There was a reason Persephone was a detective, as a child she had been obsessed with Sherlock Holmes and had won the title of Sherlock for her observation skills. Persephone lowered her eyes to her pie mush just as the windows lit up with blue and red flashing lights.
“The fuzz is here, took them long enough. That guy totally killed your sandwich didn’t he?” Upon hearing her response, Percy smacked a twenty down on the table and stood up to go talk to the police chief. A dude with a walrus mustache and balding, but freakishly fit. He seemed furious about the entire situation, normal. A vein standing out on his forehead.

“TRUSTING civilian’s safety to a CRIMINAL!” He sprayed spit everywhere and Persephone’s jaw was set, she wanted to deck the man.

“Fine,” She said in a cold tone, clearly she wouldn’t feel guilty if she gutted the man here and now and strung him up by his intestines. “I will leave you to the paperwork. Excuse this CRIMINAL who covered your (insert colorful swearword here) backside, to finish her pie.”

With that Percy sat down in her chair, angrily shoveling pie into her face.

My Peoples:

Spinning Tops and Shiny Things.... Tumblr10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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