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Riding Power Lines

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 3rd 2014, 2:40 am

"Nice... but I think my way is much cooler." Wifi retorts to Geo.

Wifi grabs a trash can lid and tosses it on the ground. He then jumps on it and starts to levitate. He then jumps onto the powers lines on the street and starts riding them. Wifi looks back to Geo and yells "Come on slow poke, these baddies aint gonna not rob some people, lets go!"


Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Geo August 3rd 2014, 2:54 am

Geo kept himself level with Wifi as they went across the city, going to a supposed bank robbery. He was a bit cautious of how this boy knew that this was going to happen...did he have strange connections somewhere? Oh well, it didn't matter. They had to help the civilians.

"I find a problem with your mode of transportation. You need a power line, while I can fly about freely."

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 3rd 2014, 3:01 am

"HAHAHAHA!!! Actually electrical currents are everywhere, in the air all around you, sending signals to something from something... like wifi... hence the name... Wifi. This is just the coolest way I can get around."

All of a sudden Wifi flips off of his make shift skate board and starts flying in the air, like he is riding a surf board. He skates on all of the buildings and up above the buildings he then flips onto the power lines again, this time without a garbage can lid and he rides them for a while.

"Can you do that my friend? Also... I can see it on your face but, I'm pretty cozy with this neighborhood. Someone in the gang hears about a job they are going to pull. they ask around, the word comes and goes and I hear about it and I know the dates and the times and the who's and who's not's... Although not all of the info is reliable but I'd say 85% of the time it is. Do I seem hyper to you? I feel like I'm talking pretty quickly... sometimes the electricity flows through my body at such a high frequency and starts to rile up my cells in my body..."

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Geo August 3rd 2014, 3:08 am

Interesting...this meta human was definitely strange. Either his powers were dictating the way he acted...or his genetic code was determining that for him. That was a good thought. He made a mental note to research that later. In the meantime, Geo chuckled and responded with a lighthearted tone, but his flight sped up a bit.

"I guess not. Come on, we should hurry. Let's see if you can keep up with this speed." He tapped the earpiece in his left ear, and his brain was hit with a frequency that upped his brain activity. Suddenly his flight became faster (+2 Spd), and he sped ahead of Wifi at his current pace. They were more or less around the same speed now. They would get to the bank in a matter of seconds now.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 3rd 2014, 3:17 am

"Haha yeah!" Wifi screamed over the loud wind in his ears.

He slid the goggles down over his eyes, which he usually wears up on his forehead. They tinted his vision but as is was daylight he could always use sunglasses. Wifi jumped into the air and sped off using the electrical currents around him to stay near Geo.

"Bank is a hard left mate! you think you can make it?"

Wifi then turns hard to his left and down the street. He had to run onto a building to stop him from crashing but it still looked cool, at least to him. He then flipped off the building and used his flight capabilities to safely levitate to the ground in front of the bank.

"Over here ace! looks like the robbery is happening as we speak!"

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Geo August 3rd 2014, 12:03 pm

Geo easily altered his course, slowing only for a second before swerving and landing next to Wifi. He then started to run to the bank's doors, stopping next to them and concentrating.

"I can hear their thoughts. They're not least, not all of them. There's one that's different from the rest...I hope you've got a plan."

Grid for the metahuman:
Intelligence: 3
Occult: 0
Strength: 8
Speed: 7
Durability: 8
Ability: 7 (Earth Manipulation)
Fighting Skills: 5

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 3rd 2014, 12:10 pm

"Me... I usually just wing things like this... although I've never tried to stop a bank robbery before, so I guess there's a first time for everything. But if you look on the bright side, this could be my ticket into the big leagues!"

Wifi just chuckled a bit but then refocused, as he knew this was a serious situation.

"So... who we up against? how many men? And what's this meta human like? easy take-down or does he have some experience?"

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Geo August 3rd 2014, 12:14 pm

Geo reached into his jacket and pulled out a pair of sunglasses. Upon turning them on, the words "Cool Nerd" in bold green appeared on the lenses. When he turned to the door, he saw straight through it and into the bank, where the robbery was taking place.

"There are about five men. One of them is...larger than the rest. I'm guessing he's the metahuman. I assume he has some experience, from the scars all over his body."

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 3rd 2014, 12:27 pm

"Alright... 5 guys, including one big Meta human guy. Luckily for us... or I suppose me, banks are filled with running electrical wires and what not, I should be able to slip in unnoticed through one of the electrical wires. I just have to get around the back of the building and there should be an electrical box or cable back there. You on the other hand... I would suggest that you go through the front doors, and if any of them have weapons try and take them away before they shoot. The meta human on the other hand... we'll lets take him last. Sound good... alright break!"

Wifi runs around the building and goes to the back. He soon finds the best source of electricity to travel through. He slips his goggles onto his eyes and heads into the electrical currents. As he is surfing through the jumbles of electricity he finds the exit into the bank and takes it. He ends up behind the counters, and away from the eyes of the robbers. His guess is that there are 2 guys in the vault and 3 guys watching the bank.

Now... Geo, if you can read my mind. I am going to lock the two guys in the vault so they can't get out. As the doors are closing I want you to bust into the bank and start with your thingy.

Wifi crawls up to the vault door control panel. Touches it and wills it to start closing. As the doors start to close Wifi jumps back behind the desk so he can be ready.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Geo August 3rd 2014, 12:36 pm

Geo adjusted his collar, keeping his sunglasses on and reaching into his jacket yet again. He pulled out two black gloves, one with a small fire decal, and one with a lightning bolt decal. After pulling them on and nodding to Wifi, he waited for his queue. Geo was trying to put a confident face on, as he had read before that intimidation was a key part of combat. He heard Wifi's thought message, and when the doors closed, he walked through the front door.

The robbers were looking to the vault to see what had happened, but when Geo walked in, they immediately looked to him. He smirked, and while they were distracted, his sunglasses scanned all of their weapons and bodies, looking for any sort of weapon. Geo lifted a finger and twitched it, snatching all of the guns from the robbers' hands and making them float in the air next to him.

"You're all under arrest."

The metahuman had no weapons, however, and pushed off of the wall he was leaning on, leaving behind a noticeable dent. He was about three times larger than the average human, and about twice as tall. His muscles were shown through his sleeveless jean vest. The ground began to rumble as he cracked his neck, and he tauntingly said...

"I suggest you leave, before there's a natural disaster..."

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 3rd 2014, 12:46 pm

"Yeehaw!!!!" Wifi screamed as he jumped from behind the counter.

Watching Geo take all of the weapons from those baddies was pretty awesome. To see a skilled guy like him working with a simple guy like Wifi was pretty invigorating... for Wifi at least. Wifi immediately rushed towards the three baddies. He jumped into the air and found a good electrical current to ride. He traveled along the current for a second trying to get everyone's attention. And when he had a good amount of attention from the guys he leaped into action. Now Wifi is not a strong man by any means but if he wanted to he could pack a punch. Except with this guy would made a dent in a wall just by leaning on it. Wifi came down hard on the other 2 cronies standing helplessly to the side with no guns or anyway of hurting Geo. Wifi punched the one that was close to him square in the face. Not knocking him out mind you but he made the guy stumble. The second guy, Wifi tackled into a computer, which, when he did it he tackled the guy, into, into the computer. Using his powers to transport himself and the baddie into the computer program. Wifi then leaped out of the computer and into life once again, looking to see what Geo was doing.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Geo August 3rd 2014, 12:55 pm

Geo and the metahuman (let's call him...The Rock, for now) both turned to see Wifi jump over the counter and run towards the unarmed robbers. They began to run around frantically, without their weapons they were useless. The Rock angrily turned to Wifi, about to run over and punch him in the face, when Geo turned the guns on him. The Rock slowly turned with the biggest, stupidest grin you've ever seen on his face.

"Go on and do it. Those guns ain't doin' nothing fer ya."

Geo furrowed his brow, but he pulled the trigger on all the guns anyways. The Rock held him his arms to protect his face as all the bullets bounced off of his body harmlessly. When all the guns were empty, Geo let them drop as the dust cleared, revealing an unharmed Rock. He cracked his neck twice, then lifted his foot up into the air.

"My turn." When it hit the ground, the entire bank began to shake, and a large crack appeared to split it down the middle. Geo started to levitate, picking up the civilians that were inside and hovering them near him.

"Wifi! You alright?! I need you to get these civilians out of here! I'll distract this guy!"

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 3rd 2014, 1:03 pm

"Holy crap!!" Wifi screamed as the crack in the ground opened up wider and wider. Wifi barley heard Geo tell him to get the civilians out of here, but he understood the gist. Besides... what good would Wifi do against a Rock like that?

Wifi grabbed as many civilians as he could and ran out of the banks doors, because he can't travel with so many people. When Wifi was clear of the building with the civilians he looks back at the bank and saw that it was actually about to implode from the pressure that guy in there was giving off. Even without a good power to attack with Wifi still rushed into the building to see if there was anyone else in there he needed to save and if not, then we had to level the playing field. However the guy that Wifi had punched but not knocked him out grabbed Wifi from behind, trapping him arms around his waist. The criminal made his way to the fissure in the ground about the throw Wifi over board.

"A little help?!" Wifi screamed loudly to Geo, hoping to get his attention.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Geo August 3rd 2014, 1:30 pm

Geo tried to hold the two people he still had yet to help escape near him as The Rock started sending chunks of earth his way. He held his arms up in a futile attempt to defend himself and the civilians, but surprisingly, they weren't hurt! When Geo looked up, he saw that the earthen projectiles were breaking before they hit the three, as if they had some sort of barrier around them.

The Rock decided to take the fight right to Geo, though, and ran towards them, swinging a powerful fist. The attack hit the barrier, and Geo felt it shatter, the force pushing him and the two people he'd been protecting out the door. The Rock jumped out right after him as the people who had been standing nearby ran for their lives. Geo found himself standing in front of a hulking beast while the building behind him was slowly collapsing in on itself. He hoped that Wifi would be able to help himself out...

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Binary August 3rd 2014, 1:54 pm

Fear coursed through Shade like hot blood through veins as he gazed at the horrifying scene before him. His companion, or more accurately his current haunt, and a man named Geo had decided to not only befriend each other but to team up to take down a bank robbery. Shade was just a little more than uneasy about the prospect. Two meta-humans using their abilities to stop what he had assumed were only people committing a robbery, surely The Agency would get involved and then none of them would be safe. The trembling Shade debating leaving them as soon as the decision was made. He'd just move through Wifi's shadow and on to another person and that would be that. No harm, no pain, no notice of his existence and hopefully no run ins with his dreaded captors. But something made him stay. Maybe he'd become attached to Wifi and his boisterous and naive personality, or maybe, maybe he thought he'd have to protect them when things got bad. That was the more likely of the two. Shade may be a coward alone, but when in came to others Shade was as brave as any other.

So as the scene unfolded before him, Shade's protective nature kicked in. He knew that these two were in way over their heads, especially against the hulking Rock. The beast reminded him more of a monster than a man, his massive physique threatening to crush the very air that surrounded him. The addition of a third meta-human to the mix was all Shade needed to make the call to get out of dodge, but this time he'd be taking the two would-be-heroes with him.

First was Wifi, trapped in the bank as it collapsed around him. One of the bad men working with the rock had him lifted over his shoulder threatening to throw him into a cavernous abyss running through the center of the structure. Just the thought of being trapped down there chilled Shade to the core. His heart would be racing if he still had one. Emerging from the shadow his dark and foreboding form loomed over the goon, his glowing eyes piercing to the man' soul. He would drop Wifi out of fear, running and screaming at the sight. The opening gave Shade a chance to catch Wifi, opening jagged mouth to consume Wifi, swallowing him into the dark shadow space between worlds. And with one compatriot safe he slunk into the shadows and went for Geo.

He was in an even more perilous position. The intimidating Rock bearing down on Geo's mere human frame. His shadow provided the perfect patch of darkness for Shade to emerge from. First his eyes would appear, large and glowing on the pavement above Geo. Then his teeth, razor rows, one set above and one set below the downed hero. Emerging from the darkness they would clamp down around the prone Geo and swallow him into the blackness just as the Rock came crashing down where he had just been. With both of them now safely inside of his shadows Shade then moved, his fellow heroes along with him into an abandoned building about to block from the bank robbery. They would emerge unharmed into the dust and cobweb ridden apartment building as Shade quickly receded back into his own darkness, hiding from their gaze.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2013-07-09

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Riding Power Lines - Page 2 Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 3rd 2014, 2:04 pm

"What the?!" Wifi said in confusion as just a moment ago he was about to be thrown into an abyss, and now he was sitting calmly in an old warehouse? None of this made sense anymore, but he still had a baddie to take care of.

"Okay... this day has gone from crazy to insane in a matter of seconds... someone mind telling me what happened? Was this teleportation thingy you Geo? cause it sure as hell wasn't me..."

Wifi scratched the back of his head in confusion. Looking around the room for any clues as to who or what had helped them escape.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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