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Riding Power Lines

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Riding Power Lines Empty Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 1st 2014, 12:44 pm

"Come off it Wifi... you can't ride no power lines!" says Tim

"You wanna bet Timmy boy?!?" says Wifi

"Hell yeah I wanna bet, $50 dollars you can't ride from here down the street." Tim says in a mocking tone

"Your on Mr. T, but if I can... I want double... $100 bucks up front here right when I get back." Wifi says

"Go ahead... be my guest... after you... and other clichés you can come up with." Tim says in retort.

Wifi goes in an alley way looks around for a minute or two and then finds a metal trash can lid, he smirks and then runs out of the alley way, throws down the garbage lid and jumps on it. All of a sudden he starts skidding around the street, but then he starts to lift off the ground. He jumps on the nearest building, the side of it then he rides the trash can lid up the wall, flips off and onto the power line. He starts sailing down power lines onto the next street and then turns around and yells back. "Oh by the way Timmy ole' pal ole' buddy, I stole your wallet while you weren't looking, I'm gonna give the money back to the people that you stole it from! Ha ha!!"

"You little piece of! Come back here now!" Tim screams in anger.

"Sayonara amigo!" Wifi yells back.

Wifi races down the power lines on his make shift skate board and then once he is safely away he jumps down off of the garbage can lid and it goes sailing into the nearest alley way.

"Have no fear! For I am here!" Wifi shouts out to the nearby homeless people.

"Don't worry sirs and madams! I have returned to... well uh... return your money that has been stolen from you by the evil Lord Timmy! don't worry my fellow compatriots, we have won today and we shall win tomorrow! And hopefully the next day after that."

"Shut th'at h'ole in yer head boy!" an elderly homeless man yells out to Wifi.

"My deepest apologies oh old one. I will not disturb you from you shallow sleep again sir... but you might have a problem falling back asleep because there are what looks like two male rats having sex next to your bed... I... I don't really have a joke for that."  

"Just... shut... up!!!!" The old man yells again.

Wifi walks over to several homeless men and women and gives them each $50 from the wallet.

"Now I know it's not enough... but I hope it helps."

Wifi then takes out the remainder $5 and 12 cents and tosses the wallet down a sewer pipe. He then grabs a trash can lid and jumps on the nearest power line and skates away down the street.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Binary August 1st 2014, 6:38 pm

Shade had been watching Wifi for some time. Not in a creepy way but more because there was little else for him to do. Being what he was meant hiding, always and attaching himself to one person or another for long periods of time for some sense of comfort. It was the only way he could ever really gain a human connection. There was no way he could reveal himself to people. Physically of course it was possible but he was far too scared to do it. The first time he'd done so since his escape he had scared a poor woman nearly half to death. Hell, he still scared himself if he looked in the mirror. And so he hid, for the time being in the shadow of the fledgling hero.

He had to admit he found his gallivanting heroics enticing. The way he stood up to the thief earlier and then returned the people's money to them on the street, it made Shade long to be a hero. He wasn't exactly sure if Wifi knew what he was doing but the intention was definitely there. Shade could never do what he did. He was too afraid, too nervous to even talk to nice people, how could he stand against a supervillain. And if he did there was one entity always on his mind...The Agency. If he ever showed his face to others, ever drew any attention to himself he knew they'd come. They were always watching, eyes peering through even the darkness to find him. There was no escaping them. All he could do was run, run and run and run for the rest of his life so they could never again dig their claws into him.The thought frightened him more than anything and confirmed his decision to not reveal himself to the new hero. For now he was content to rest in his shadow, red eyes fixed on the boy as he rode the power lines like some kind of electric surfer.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2013-07-09

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 1st 2014, 6:55 pm

Wifi jumped off the power lines and onto the street. He watched as the trash can lid sailed into a nearby dumpster.

"Ha! isn't that how you travel between dimensions? Nah..."

Wifi walked into the convince store that he had stopped at and grabbed two candy bars. A snickers and a Baby Ruth. He paid the clerk at the counter, for two candy bars it took almost all of his money, but hey... what can you do when your hungry?
He walked out of the store and sat down on the curb. He opened up the Baby Ruth and started munching on it when out of the corner of his eye he saw something move, perhaps a cat? Or something else? he decided to let the mystery go as he ate the second bite of his Baby Ruth.
He had nearly finished half of the candy bar when he again saw something move out of the corner of his eye. "What could it be" he pondered to himself.
All of a sudden a pigeon came flying out of the alley way where he had seen the disturbance. But nothing was chasing it? It must have been spooked by something, probably a cat, but then why wouldn't the cat chase the bird?
He closed the candy bar wrapper around the candy bar and stuck the Snickers in his back pocket. He casually walked over to the alley and peered down the long hall. He saw a glimpse of something move but could not make out what it was. He thought he heard a faint breath but couldn't be for sure.
All of a sudden his instincts took over and he unwrapped the Baby Ruth and broke off a piece. He then stuck out the candy bar waiting for something, anything to grab it. He wasn't afraid. The electrical currents around him were not giving him any indication of danger, just the feeling of being lonely.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Geo August 1st 2014, 11:44 pm

Geo had been walking through the city when he saw some sort of commotion going on. He decided to investigate, and found that a man was fuming at a boy who was riding off on the wires because his wallet had been taken. Now, far from it for Geo to walk in and be the hero, but he was curious as to where the thief might go. He ran off in the direction of the boy, and came to an area where a group of the homeless were huddle up by fires.

"So, this is where he goes with the money he steals...a modern day Robin Hood, if I've ever seen one."

After following the boy even further, ending up going to a convenience store, where the boy got food with his share of the money. If that wasn't interesting enough...that was sarcasm, by the way...he seemed to notice something in the alleyway. Geo stayed on the side, watching, but he got closer and closer as the boy offered food to whatever was in the darkness. In a stupid blunder, Geo's telepathy got out of control, and a wave of apprehensive feeling was sent to Wifi and the thing in the shadows without him knowing.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 3rd 2014, 1:43 am

Wifi dropped the candy bar immediately and turned around to see a young man standing before him.

"Who the hell are you?!" Wifi asks immediately with a stern voice.

Wifi then waits patently for the young man to respond to the question all the while looking for a good electrical current to ride out on to escape if things turn sour.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Geo August 3rd 2014, 1:47 am

Geo raised his hands in surrender, well...more of a truce symbol, as he tried to speak with a soft voice. His hands were away from his many pockets, eliminating the chance of him pulling out a weapon.

"Hello. I am Geo Maison. I'm a young professor, and...a meta human, like you. Please, don't go. I can hear your thoughts..."

Geo waited for an answer, hopefully the other meta would allow him to get closer to him. He wanted to find out just what Wifi's power could do...and maybe even form a friendship.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 3rd 2014, 1:57 am

Wifi lowered his guard but only a little bit.

"I'm Wifi... you can read my mind? Are you... like a magician? or wizard? or something like that?" Wifi asks sincerely but with a hint of sarcasm.

I hope this guy is pulling the worlds biggest bluff right now... cause from where I'm standing he looks like another homeless person.

Wifi then backs up just a bit so he can be within arms length of the nearest electrical box.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Geo August 3rd 2014, 2:01 am

"This isn't a I really look like a homeless person to you?"

Geo looked down at his clothes and frowned. They weren't designer or anything, but they were comfortable and stylish...

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 3rd 2014, 2:06 am

"Okay.... Lucky guesses, I suppose. What number am I thinking of right now?" Wifi asks

Okay... the letter D... he'll totally mess up and I'll be done with this guy and I can go on with the rest of my day.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Geo August 3rd 2014, 2:09 am

Geo raised an eyebrow, but he smirked a little as he noticed the boy trying to trick him. It was a silly tactic, yet it would be effective against someone who couldn't really read minds. He crossed his arms and tilted his head, then said in a cocky tone of voice...

"You're thinking of the letter D. I didn't know you hadn't passed kindergarten." Geo chuckled a little bit, then made a gesture to show that he was just joking.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 3rd 2014, 2:17 am

"okay... ha ha funny guy... who are you anyway? And I don't mean your name name... I mean your real name. I'm Wifi. I can move through electric currents and download from or to another computer into my own mind. I can move around in my physical form on electrical currents, even through the air, or I can become intangible and move around inside electrical currents. What are your powers? And not just reading minds... that's a parlor trick, and if I really wanted to test you, the test would have been... well testy."

Wifi moves even closer to the electrical box and starts leaning on it, getting ready to move through the currents to get away from this weird conversation.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Geo August 3rd 2014, 2:21 am

Geo moved a hand through his hair, thinking for a bit on how to answer this man...

"If you mean a superhero alias...I have none. I'm not a typical hero. I can...well, use my mind to do incredible things." As if on command, the objects around Geo began to levitate into the air. Even the large dumpsters and a couple of cars were lifted. Geo smirked before letting them all drop.

"That's not all I'm capable of. I'm just full of surprises."

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 3rd 2014, 2:30 am

"You have no alias? I don't think we should talk a lot anymore... even if you are a meta human, but I value my secret identity... But, I haven't met a lot of meta humans so... I think I could give you a shot. Your telekinetic? that's interesting. I could some help, I heard about this small time street gang up the ways a bit, they were planning on robbing a nearby store and if we could stop them in time then we could share the glory?! Whadda' say?" Wifi says with a smirk on his lips.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Geo August 3rd 2014, 2:33 am

"Oh, sorry. I just...don't know what to call myself. If you can think of one, that'd be great... Anyways, I'm not really interested in glory, but if it's what you want to do, I'd be happy to help. Besides, it's the right thing to do anyways. Let's go." Geo started levitating a bit, showing that he had his own method of transportation.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

Post by Galaxy August 3rd 2014, 2:40 am

"Nice... but I think my way is much cooler." Wifi retorts to Geo.

Wifi grabs a trash can lid and tosses it on the ground. He then jumps on it and starts to levitate. He then jumps onto the powers lines on the street and starts riding them. Wifi looks back to Geo and yells "Come on slow poke, these baddies aint gonna not rob some people, lets go!"

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2014-07-24

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Riding Power Lines Empty Re: Riding Power Lines

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